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Essenilər (ivr. אִסִּיִים, İsiyim; yun. εσσήνοι) — e.ə. II əsrin əvvəlində Fələstində formalaşmış yəhudi dini təriqəti.
Essenilər barədə məlumata İosif Flavi, Filon İsgəndəriyyəli və Böyük Plininin qeydlərində rast gəlinir. Essenilərin (e.ə. 167–164) qabaqkı hasidilərin davamı olması ehtimalı var. Essenilərlər özünü yəhudi cəmiyyətindən tam təcrid etməyib təbliğatla məşğul olan mötədil qola və "dünyəvi həyat"dan tamamilə uzaqlaşıb Ölü dənizin şimal-qərb sahillərində, məskunlaşan radikal qola ayrılırdılar. Radikal essenilər çox vaxt Qumran icması ilə eyniləşdirilir. E.ə. 70 ildə romalılar tərəfindən dağıdıldıqdan sonra essenilər tarix səhnəsindən silinmiş, ehtimal ki, aralarında erkən yəhudi xristianlarının da olduğu digər yəhudi qrupları arasında assimilyasiyaya məruz qalmışlar. Essenilər və sadukeylərdən fərqli olaraq, məbədə getmirdilər. Onlar asketik həyat tərzi keçirir, ailə qurmurdular. Musanın qanunlarına (xüsusilə Əhdi-ətiqdəki Levililər kitabına) və təmizlik ritualına (dəstəmaz, yalnız icmada hazırlanan "təmiz" qida) ciddi riayət edir, şabata xüsusi diqqət yetirirdilər. Qurban kəsməyi, silah hazırlamağı, ticarətlə məşğul olmağı, ət yeməyi haram hesab edirdilər. İcmaya yeni üzv üçillik ağır sınaqlardan sonra qəbul olunur, qovulmuş üzv aclıqdan ölümə məhkum edilirdi. Özlərini "işıq oğulları" hesab edən essenilər axirətin yaxın olduğuna, tezliklə işığın qələbəsi ilə başa çatacaq işıq-zülmət müharibəsinin başlanacağına inanırdılar.
- Essenilər // Azərbaycan Milli Ensiklopediyası (25 cilddə). 8-ci cild: Enollar – Fedin. Bakı: "Azərbaycan Milli Ensiklopediyası" Elmi Mərkəzi. 2018. 598 səh.
Əlavə ədəbiyyat
- Alexander, David; Alexander, Pat. The Lion handbook to the Bible. Tring: . 1983. ISBN .
- Baldwin, James. The fire next time. New York City: Modern Library. 1995 [1963]. ISBN .
- Bauer, Walter; Kraft, Robert A. Orthodoxy and heresy in earliest Christianity. Mifflintown, Pennsylvania: Sigler Press. 1996 [1971]. ISBN .
- Bennett, Chris; Osburn, Lynn; Osburn, Judy. Green gold the tree of life: marijuana in magic & religion. Frazier Park, California: Access Unlimited. 1995. ISBN .
- Bergmeier, Roland. Die Essener-Berichte des Flavius Josephus: Quellenstudien zu den Essenertexten im Werk des judischen Historiographen. Kampen, Germany: Kok Pharos Publishing House. 1993. ISBN .
- Bultmann, Rudolf. Significance of the Historical Jesus for the Theology of Paul // Faith and understanding. Minneapolis: . 1987. ISBN .
- Burns, Joshua Ezra. "Essene Sectarianism and Social Differentiation in Judaea After 70 C.E". . 99 (3). 2006: 247–74. doi:10.1017/S0017816006001246.
- Durant, Will. Caesar and Christ. MJF Books. 1993. ISBN .
- Eisenman, Robert H. James, the brother of Jesus: the key to unlocking the secrets of early Christianity and the Dead Sea Scrolls. New York City: . 1997. ISBN .
- Ewing, Upton Clary. The prophet of the Dead Sea Scrolls: the Essenes and the Early Christians, one and the same holy people: their seven devout practices. Tree of Life Publications. 1994 [1963]. ISBN . OCLC 30358890.
- Ewing, Upton Clary. The Essene Christ. New York City: Philosophical Library. 1961. OCLC 384703.
- Legge, Francis. Forerunners and rivals of Christianity, from 330 B.C. to 330 A.D.. : University Books. 1964. LCCN 64024125. OCLC 381558.
- Golb, Norman. Who wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls?: the search for the secret of Qumran. New York City: Scribner. 1995. ISBN . OCLC 31009916.
- Lewis, Harvey Spencer. Mystical Life of Jesus. San Jose, California: . 1997 [1929]. ISBN . OCLC 43629126.
- Koester, Helmut. The Theological Aspects of Primitive Christian Heresy // James McConkey Robinson (redaktor). The Future of our religious past: essays in honour of Rudolf Bultmann. New York City: . 1971. OCLC 246558.
- Larson, Martin Alfred. The story of Christian origins: or, The sources and establishment of Western religion. Washington: J.J. Binns. 1977. ISBN . OCLC 2810217.
- Larsonn, Martin Alfred. The Essene heritage: or, The teacher of the scrolls and the gospel Christ. New York City: Philosophical Library. 1967. OCLC 712416.
- Lillie, Arthur. Buddhism in Christendom, or, Jesus, the Essene. 1 Paternoster Square, London: Kegan Paul & Co. 1887.
- Sanders, E. P. Judaism: practice and belief, 63 BCE–66 CE. London: SCM Press. 1992. ISBN . OCLC 243725142.
- Savoy, Gene. The Essaei Document: Secrets of an Eternal Race: Codicil to The Decoded New Testament. Reno, Nevada: International Community of Christ. 1980 [1978]. ISBN . OCLC 13952564.
- Schiffman, Lawrence H. From text to tradition: a history of Second Temple and Rabbinic Judaism. New York City: Ktav Pub. House. 1991. 113–116. ISBN . OCLC 23733614.
- Schonfield, Hugh J. The Essene Odyssey: The Mystery of the True Teacher and the Essene Impact on the Shaping of Human Destiny. Tisbury: Element Books. 1984. ISBN . OCLC 12223220.
- Schonfield, Hugh J. Those Incredible Christians. Tisbury: Element Books. 1991 [1968]. ISBN . OCLC 13536522.
- Shaw, George Bernard. Androcles and The Lion. Fairfield, Iowa: 1st World Library – Literary Society. 2004 [1912]. ISBN . OCLC 63203922.
- Smith, Enid S. "The Essenes Who Changed Churchianity". . October 1959.
- Vaclavik, Charles P. The vegetarianism of Jesus Christ. Three Rivers, California: Kaweah Publishing Company. 1986. ISBN . OCLC 26054343.
- Vermes, Geza; Goodman, Martin. The Essenes According to the Classical Sources. JSOT on behalf of the Oxford Centre for Postgraduate Hebrew Studies: Sheffield, 1989.
Xarici keçidlər

- Catholic Encyclopedia: Essenes
- Jewish Encyclopedia: Essenes
- Essenes and Others: argues that the Hebrew original form of the name later spelled "Essenes" is in some Qumran scrolls as a self-designation.
- "Jannaeus, His Brother Absalom, and Judah the Essene" Stephen Goranson, identities of Wicked Priest and Teacher of Righteousness, relevant to history of the Essenes
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Yehudilik Yehudilik felsefesi Secilmislik Alaha Kabbala TaleKasrut Dini metnler Tevrat Tora Tanah Talmud Zoqar Sidur Midras Muqqedes seherler Quds Safed Hebron Tiberia Rosasana Yom Kippur Pesah Dini sexsiyyetler Avraham Mose Dvora David Rif Yosef Karo Musevilik heyat terzi Nida Mektebler Dini rollar Kabar Dini tikililer Sinaqoq Ibraniceler Aramiceler Arapcalar Diger Cermen Yesivis Roman Hind Iran Diger Diger Kartveli Dravid Etnik bolunmeler Afrika Asya Buxara Avropa Askenaz SefaradQafqaz Dag yehudileri Gurcustan yehudileri KaraylarOrta Dogu Mizrahi Musevi mezhebleri Yehudilik Dini obyektler Tefilin Mezuza Menora Diger dinlerle elaqeler Esseniler ivr א ס י ים Isiyim yun esshnoi e e II esrin evvelinde Felestinde formalasmis yehudi dini teriqeti TarixiEsseniler barede melumata Iosif Flavi Filon Isgenderiyyeli ve Boyuk Plininin qeydlerinde rast gelinir Essenilerin e e 167 164 qabaqki hasidilerin davami olmasi ehtimali var Essenilerler ozunu yehudi cemiyyetinden tam tecrid etmeyib tebligatla mesgul olan motedil qola ve dunyevi heyat dan tamamile uzaqlasib Olu denizin simal qerb sahillerinde meskunlasan radikal qola ayrilirdilar Radikal esseniler cox vaxt Qumran icmasi ile eynilesdirilir E e 70 ilde romalilar terefinden dagidildiqdan sonra esseniler tarix sehnesinden silinmis ehtimal ki aralarinda erken yehudi xristianlarinin da oldugu diger yehudi qruplari arasinda assimilyasiyaya meruz qalmislar Esseniler ve sadukeylerden ferqli olaraq mebede getmirdiler Onlar asketik heyat terzi kecirir aile qurmurdular Musanin qanunlarina xususile Ehdi etiqdeki Levililer kitabina ve temizlik ritualina destemaz yalniz icmada hazirlanan temiz qida ciddi riayet edir sabata xususi diqqet yetirirdiler Qurban kesmeyi silah hazirlamagi ticaretle mesgul olmagi et yemeyi haram hesab edirdiler Icmaya yeni uzv ucillik agir sinaqlardan sonra qebul olunur qovulmus uzv acliqdan olume mehkum edilirdi Ozlerini isiq ogullari hesab eden esseniler axiretin yaxin olduguna tezlikle isigin qelebesi ile basa catacaq isiq zulmet muharibesinin baslanacagina inanirdilar IstinadlarEsseniler Azerbaycan Milli Ensiklopediyasi 25 cildde 8 ci cild Enollar Fedin Baki Azerbaycan Milli Ensiklopediyasi Elmi Merkezi 2018 598 seh Elave edebiyyatAlexander David Alexander Pat The Lion handbook to the Bible Tring 1983 ISBN 0 86760 271 6 Baldwin James The fire next time New York City Modern Library 1995 1963 ISBN 0 679 60151 1 Bauer Walter Kraft Robert A Orthodoxy and heresy in earliest Christianity Mifflintown Pennsylvania Sigler Press 1996 1971 ISBN 0 9623642 7 4 Bennett Chris Osburn Lynn Osburn Judy Green gold the tree of life marijuana in magic amp religion Frazier Park California Access Unlimited 1995 ISBN 0 9629872 2 0 Bergmeier Roland Die Essener Berichte des Flavius Josephus Quellenstudien zu den Essenertexten im Werk des judischen Historiographen Kampen Germany Kok Pharos Publishing House 1993 ISBN 90 390 0014 X Bultmann Rudolf Significance of the Historical Jesus for the Theology of Paul Faith and understanding Minneapolis 1987 ISBN 0 8006 3202 8 Burns Joshua Ezra Essene Sectarianism and Social Differentiation in Judaea After 70 C E 99 3 2006 247 74 doi 10 1017 S0017816006001246 Durant Will Caesar and Christ MJF Books 1993 ISBN 5 552 12435 9 Eisenman Robert H James the brother of Jesus the key to unlocking the secrets of early Christianity and the Dead Sea Scrolls New York City 1997 ISBN 0 670 86932 5 Ewing Upton Clary The prophet of the Dead Sea Scrolls the Essenes and the Early Christians one and the same holy people their seven devout practices Tree of Life Publications 1994 1963 ISBN 0 930852 26 5 OCLC 30358890 Ewing Upton Clary The Essene Christ New York City Philosophical Library 1961 OCLC 384703 Legge Francis Forerunners and rivals of Christianity from 330 B C to 330 A D University Books 1964 LCCN 64024125 OCLC 381558 Golb Norman Who wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls the search for the secret of Qumran New York City Scribner 1995 ISBN 0 02 544395 X OCLC 31009916 Lewis Harvey Spencer Mystical Life of Jesus San Jose California 1997 1929 ISBN 0 912057 46 7 OCLC 43629126 Koester Helmut The Theological Aspects of Primitive Christian Heresy James McConkey Robinson redaktor The Future of our religious past essays in honour of Rudolf Bultmann New York City 1971 OCLC 246558 Larson Martin Alfred The story of Christian origins or The sources and establishment of Western religion Washington J J Binns 1977 ISBN 0 88331 090 2 OCLC 2810217 Larsonn Martin Alfred The Essene heritage or The teacher of the scrolls and the gospel Christ New York City Philosophical Library 1967 OCLC 712416 Lillie Arthur Buddhism in Christendom or Jesus the Essene 1 Paternoster Square London Kegan Paul amp Co 1887 Sanders E P Judaism practice and belief 63 BCE 66 CE London SCM Press 1992 ISBN 1 56338 015 3 OCLC 243725142 Savoy Gene The Essaei Document Secrets of an Eternal Race Codicil to The Decoded New Testament Reno Nevada International Community of Christ 1980 1978 ISBN 0 936202 03 3 OCLC 13952564 Schiffman Lawrence H From text to tradition a history of Second Temple and Rabbinic Judaism New York City Ktav Pub House 1991 113 116 ISBN 0 88125 372 3 OCLC 23733614 Schonfield Hugh J The Essene Odyssey The Mystery of the True Teacher and the Essene Impact on the Shaping of Human Destiny Tisbury Element Books 1984 ISBN 0 906540 49 6 OCLC 12223220 Schonfield Hugh J Those Incredible Christians Tisbury Element Books 1991 1968 ISBN 0 906540 71 2 OCLC 13536522 Shaw George Bernard Androcles and The Lion Fairfield Iowa 1st World Library Literary Society 2004 1912 ISBN 1 59540 237 3 OCLC 63203922 Smith Enid S The Essenes Who Changed Churchianity October 1959 Vaclavik Charles P The vegetarianism of Jesus Christ Three Rivers California Kaweah Publishing Company 1986 ISBN 0 945146 00 0 OCLC 26054343 Vermes Geza Goodman Martin The Essenes According to the Classical Sources JSOT on behalf of the Oxford Centre for Postgraduate Hebrew Studies Sheffield 1989 Xarici kecidlerVikianbarda Esseniler ile elaqeli mediafayllar var Catholic Encyclopedia Essenes Jewish Encyclopedia Essenes Essenes and Others argues that the Hebrew original form of the name later spelled Essenes is in some Qumran scrolls as a self designation Jannaeus His Brother Absalom and Judah the Essene Stephen Goranson identities of Wicked Priest and Teacher of Righteousness relevant to history of the Essenes