Avstriya irsi uğrunda müharibə (alm. Österreichischer Erbfolgekrieg) — Avropa dövlətlərinin 1740–1748-ci illərdə Avstriya irsi üstündə apardığı müharibə.
Avstriya irsi uğrunda müharibə | |||
. Müəllif: . | |||
Tarix | 16 dekabr 1740 – 18 oktyabr 1748 | ||
Yeri | |||
Səbəbi | Mariya Terezanın taxta çıxması ilə rəddi | ||
Nəticəsi | |||
Ərazi dəyişikliyi | |||
Münaqişə tərəfləri | |||
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Komandan(lar) | |||
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Tərəflərin qüvvəsi | |||
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İtkilər | |||
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Ümumi itkilər | |||
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İmperator VI Karl və əksər Avropa dövlətləri tərəfindən 1713-cü ildə qəbul edilmiş görə, Avstriya Habsburqlarının geniş torpaqları (Avstriya, Çexiya, Macarıstan, Cənubi Niderland, habelə İtaliyadakı torpaqlar) VI Karlın qızı Mariya Terezanın ixtiyarına keçməli idi, ancaq Karlın ölümündən sonra Fransa tərəfindən müdafiə olunan Prussiya, Saksoniya, İspaniya Mariya Terezanın varislik hüququnu tanımaqdan imtina etmişdir.
Hərbi əməliyyatlar
Avstriya torpaqlarını bölüşdürmək uğrunda Fransanın kömək etdiyi Prussiya, Bavariya, Saksoniya, İspaniya və Sardiniyadan ibarət koalisiya Britaniya, Hollandiya və sonralar Rusiya tərəfindən də müdafiə olunan Avstriyaya qarşı müharibəyə başlamışdır. Hərbi əməliyyatlar Avropa, Amerika və Hindistanda aparılırdı. Rusiya ordusunun Reynə çıxmasından qorxan Fransa sülh danışıqlarına razılıq vermişdir. Müharibə 1748-ci ildə imzalanmış ilə başa çatmışdır. Beləliklə, Habsburqlar ərazilərinin böyük hissəsini əldə saxlamışdır (Mariya Terezanın varislik hüququ tanındı), lakin Sileziyanın çox hissəsi Prussiyaya verilmiş və İtaliyadakı torpaqların bir hissəsi itirilmişdi (bu torpaqlar İspaniyaya qaytarılmışdır). Sülh Avropa dövlətləri arasındakı ziddiyyətləri həll etmədi. Avstriya irsi uğrunda müharibə ilə Yeddiillik müharibə araasında ancaq qısa fasilə olmuşdur.
- Dwyer, Philip G. The Rise of Prussia 1700–1830. United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis, 2014. Page 14.
- Clodfelter, 2002. səh. 78
- Dwyer, p. 14.
- Gregory Hanlon. "The Twilight of a Military Tradition: Italian Aristocrats And European Conflicts, 1560–1800." Routledge: 1997. Page 120: "Gradual buildup brought the army close to 55,000 effective soldiers (including the provincial militia regiments) in 1747. This level of two percent of the total population, while lower than that of Prussia or Sweden, was far ahead of France, Austria, and most other European states, and certainly had no rival in Italy."
- "Statistics of Wars, Oppressions and Atrocities of the Eighteenth Century". 2018-12-24 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: 2021-11-14.
- Clodfelter, 2002. səh. 81
- Австрија ирси // Azərbaycan Sovet Ensiklopediyası: [10 ҹилддә]. I ҹилд: А—Балзак. Бакы: Азәрбајҹан Совет Енсиклопедијасынын Баш Редаксијасы. Баш редактор: Ҹ. Б. Гулијев. 1976. С. 64.
Əlavə ədəbiyyat
- Anderson, M. S. The War of the Austrian Succession 1740–1748. Routledge. 1995. ISBN .
- Armour, Ian. A History of Eastern Europe 1740–1918. Bloomsbury Academic Press. 2012. ISBN .
- Asprey, Robert B. Frederick the Great; The Magnificent Enigma (2007). iUniverse. 1986. ISBN .
- Black, Jeremy. British Foreign Policy in an Age of Revolutions, 1783–1793. Cambridge University Press. 1994. ISBN .
- Black, Jeremy. European Warfare, 1660–1815. London: . 1994b. ISBN .
- Black, Jeremy. America or Europe?: British Foreign Policy, 1739–63. University College London Press. 1998. ISBN .
- Borneman, Walter R. The French and Indian War: Deciding the Fate of North America. HarperCollins. 2007. ISBN .
- Browning, Reed S. The War of the Austrian Succession. New York (NY): St.Martin's Press. 1993. ISBN .
- Carlyle, Thomas. History of Friedrich II of Prussia, called Frederick the Great. V. London. 1873.
- Chandler, David. The Art of Warfare in the Age of Marlborough. Spellmount Limited. 1990. ISBN .
- Clark, Christopher. Iron Kingdom: The Rise and Downfall of Prussia, 1600–1947. . 2006. ISBN .
- Clodfelter, Micheal. Warfare and Armed Conflicts: A Statistical Reference to Casualty and Other Figures 1500-1999 (2017). McFarland & Co. 2002. ISBN .
- Coxe, William. History of the House of Austria (2010). Nabu Publishing. 1847. ISBN .
- Creveld, Martin van. Supplying War: Logistics from Wallenstein to Patton. Cambridge University Press. 1977. ISBN .
- Davies, Norman. God's Playground: A History of Poland; Volume 1: The Origins to 1795 (2005). Oxford University Press. 1982. ISBN .
- De Jomini, General Baron Antoine Henri. Treatise on grand military operations. I. New York (NY). 1862.
- De Périni, Hardÿ. Batailles françaises; Volume VI (fransız). Ernest Flammarion, Paris. 1896.
- Duffy, Christopher. Frederick the Great: A Military Life (2015). Routledge. 2015 [1985]. ISBN .
- Dull, Jonathan R. The French Navy and the Seven Years' War. University of Nebraska Press. 2007. ISBN .
- Fortescue, Sir John William. A History of the British Army. II. London: MacMillan. 1899.
- Harding, Richard. The Emergence of Britain's Global Naval Supremacy: The War of 1739–1748. Boydell Press. 2013. ISBN .
- Hochedlinger, Michael. Austria's Wars of Emergence, 1683-1797 (Modern Wars in Perspective). Routledge. 2003. ISBN .
- Holborn, Hajo. A History of Modern Germany, Volume 2: 1648–1840: 1648–1840 v. 2. Princeton University Press. 1982. ISBN .
- Horn, David Bayne. "Saxony in the War of the Austrian Succession". The English Historical Review. 44 (173). 1929: 33–47. doi:10.1093/ehr/XLIV.CLXXIII.33. JSTOR 552493.
- Ingrao, Charles. The Habsburg Monarchy, 1618–1815 (New Approaches to European History). Cambridge University Press. 2000. ISBN .
- Lee, Stephen J. Aspects of European History, 1494–1789. London: Routledge. 1984. ISBN .
- Lincoln, W. Bruce. The Romanovs: Autocrats of All the Russias. New York (NY): The Dial Press. 1981.
- Luvaas, Jay. Frederick the Great on the Art of War. Free Press. 1966. ISBN .
- Mahan, J. Alexander. Maria Theresa of Austria. New York (NY): Thomas Y. Crowell Pub. 1932.
- McKay, Derek. The Rise of the Great Powers 1648–1815. Routledge. 1983. ISBN .
- McLynn, Frank. 1759: The Year Britain Became Master of the World. Vintage. 2008. ISBN .
- McNally, Michael. Fontenoy 1745: Cumberland's bloody defeat. Osprey. 2017. ISBN .
- Pritchard, James. In Search of Empire: The French in the Americas, 1670–1730. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2004. ISBN .
- Riding, Jacqueline. Jacobites: A New History of the 45 Rebellion. Bloomsbury. 2016. ISBN .
- Rodger, Brendan. The Command of the Ocean: A Naval History of Britain 1649-1815. W. W. Norton & Company. 2005. ISBN .
- Showalter, Dennis. Frederick the Great: A Military History. Frontline Books. 2012. ISBN .
- Smith, Rhea Marsh. Spain: A Modern History. Ann Arbor (MI): University of Michigan Press. 1965.
- Starkey, Armstrong. War in the Age of Enlightenment 1700–1789. Praeger. 2003. ISBN .
- Thomson, Mark A. The War of the Austrian Succession, in The New Cambridge Modern History, Volume VII. Cambridge University Press. 1957.online pp. 416–439
- Till, Geoffrey. Development of British Naval Thinking: Essays in Memory of Bryan Ranft. Routledge. 2006. ISBN .
- Vego, Milan N. Naval Strategy and Operations in Narrow Seas. Frank Cass. 2003. ISBN .
- Young, Patricia T.; Levy, Jack S. "Domestic politics and the escalation of commercial rivalry: Explaining the War of Jenkins' Ear, 1739–48". European Journal of International Relations. 17 (2). 2011: 209–232. doi:10.1177/1354066109350054.
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Avstriya irsi ugrunda muharibe alm Osterreichischer Erbfolgekrieg Avropa dovletlerinin 1740 1748 ci illerde Avstriya irsi ustunde apardigi muharibe Avstriya irsi ugrunda muharibe Muellif Tarix 16 dekabr 1740 18 oktyabr 1748Yeri Simali AmerikaHindistanAvropaSebebi Mariya Terezanin taxta cixmasi ile reddiNeticesiErazi deyisikliyi Prussiyanin Sileziya uzre hokmranligi tesbit edildi Parma Pyacentsa ve Qvastalla hersoqluqlari Ispaniya Burbonlarina verildi Butun diger eraziler muharibeden evvelki sahiblerine qaytarildi Munaqise terefleriFransa Prussiya 1740 42 1744 45 Ispaniya Saksoniya 1741 45 Bavariya 1741 42 Sardiniya kralligi 1741 42 Genuya 1745 48 Isvec 1741 43 Modena hersoqlugu Mogollar Habsburqlar Boyuk Britaniya Hannover Hollandiya Saksoniya 1741 45 Sardiniya kralligi 1741 42 Rusiya 1741 43 1748 Komandan lar XV Ludovik II Fridrix V Filipp Infant Filipp VII Karl Mariya Tereza II Georq sexsi birlik Robert Uolpol Henri Pelham III Avqust I YelizavetaTereflerin quvvesi1740 140 min 80 min 1747 204 min 120 min 55 000ItkilerFransa 158 400 olu ve yarali Deniz itkileri 20 xett gemisi 16 freqat 20 kicik gemi 2 185 ticaret gemisi ve 1 738 deniz topu Prussiya 23 100 olu ve yarali Ispaniya 3 min olu ve yarali Deniz itkileri 17 xett gemisi 7 freqat 1 249 ticaret gemisi ve 1 276 deniz topu Habsburg Monarchy 148 min olu ve yarali Boyuk Britaniya 26 400 olu ve yarali Deniz itkileri 14 xett gemisi 7 freqat 28 kicik gemi 3 238 ticaret gemisi ve 1 012 deniz topu Hollandiya 14 630 olu ve yarali Savoyya Sardiniya 7 840 olu ve yaraliUmumi itkiler450 min herbi itki ve 300 min yarali itkin her iki terefden Vikianbarda elaqeli mediafayllarZeminImperator VI Karl ve ekser Avropa dovletleri terefinden 1713 cu ilde qebul edilmis gore Avstriya Habsburqlarinin genis torpaqlari Avstriya Cexiya Macaristan Cenubi Niderland habele Italiyadaki torpaqlar VI Karlin qizi Mariya Terezanin ixtiyarina kecmeli idi ancaq Karlin olumunden sonra Fransa terefinden mudafie olunan Prussiya Saksoniya Ispaniya Mariya Terezanin varislik huququnu tanimaqdan imtina etmisdir Herbi emeliyyatlarAvstriya torpaqlarini bolusdurmek ugrunda Fransanin komek etdiyi Prussiya Bavariya Saksoniya Ispaniya ve Sardiniyadan ibaret koalisiya Britaniya Hollandiya ve sonralar Rusiya terefinden de mudafie olunan Avstriyaya qarsi muharibeye baslamisdir Herbi emeliyyatlar Avropa Amerika ve Hindistanda aparilirdi Rusiya ordusunun Reyne cixmasindan qorxan Fransa sulh danisiqlarina raziliq vermisdir Muharibe 1748 ci ilde imzalanmis ile basa catmisdir Belelikle Habsburqlar erazilerinin boyuk hissesini elde saxlamisdir Mariya Terezanin varislik huququ tanindi lakin Sileziyanin cox hissesi Prussiyaya verilmis ve Italiyadaki torpaqlarin bir hissesi itirilmisdi bu torpaqlar Ispaniyaya qaytarilmisdir Sulh Avropa dovletleri arasindaki ziddiyyetleri hell etmedi Avstriya irsi ugrunda muharibe ile Yeddiillik muharibe araasinda ancaq qisa fasile olmusdur IstinadlarDwyer Philip G The Rise of Prussia 1700 1830 United Kingdom Taylor amp Francis 2014 Page 14 Clodfelter 2002 seh 78 Dwyer p 14 Gregory Hanlon The Twilight of a Military Tradition Italian Aristocrats And European Conflicts 1560 1800 Routledge 1997 Page 120 Gradual buildup brought the army close to 55 000 effective soldiers including the provincial militia regiments in 1747 This level of two percent of the total population while lower than that of Prussia or Sweden was far ahead of France Austria and most other European states and certainly had no rival in Italy Statistics of Wars Oppressions and Atrocities of the Eighteenth Century 2018 12 24 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2021 11 14 Clodfelter 2002 seh 81 Avstriјa irsi Azerbaycan Sovet Ensiklopediyasi 10 ҹilddә I ҹild A Balzak Baky Azәrbaјҹan Sovet Ensiklopediјasynyn Bash Redaksiјasy Bash redaktor Ҹ B Guliјev 1976 S 64 Elave edebiyyatAnderson M S The War of the Austrian Succession 1740 1748 Routledge 1995 ISBN 978 0 582 05950 4 Armour Ian A History of Eastern Europe 1740 1918 Bloomsbury Academic Press 2012 ISBN 978 1 849 66488 2 Asprey Robert B Frederick the Great The Magnificent Enigma 2007 iUniverse 1986 ISBN 978 0 595 46900 0 Black Jeremy British Foreign Policy in an Age of Revolutions 1783 1793 Cambridge University Press 1994 ISBN 978 0 521 45001 0 Black Jeremy European Warfare 1660 1815 London 1994b ISBN 978 1 85728 172 9 Black Jeremy America or Europe British Foreign Policy 1739 63 University College London Press 1998 ISBN 0 203 49947 6 Borneman Walter R The French and Indian War Deciding the Fate of North America HarperCollins 2007 ISBN 978 0 060 76184 4 Browning Reed S The War of the Austrian Succession New York NY St Martin s Press 1993 ISBN 978 0 312 09483 6 Carlyle Thomas History of Friedrich II of Prussia called Frederick the Great V London 1873 Chandler David The Art of Warfare in the Age of Marlborough Spellmount Limited 1990 ISBN 0 946771 42 1 Clark Christopher Iron Kingdom The Rise and Downfall of Prussia 1600 1947 2006 ISBN 978 0 674 03196 8 Clodfelter Micheal Warfare and Armed Conflicts A Statistical Reference to Casualty and Other Figures 1500 1999 2017 McFarland amp Co 2002 ISBN 978 0786412044 Coxe William History of the House of Austria 2010 Nabu Publishing 1847 ISBN 978 1 148 32947 5 Creveld Martin van Supplying War Logistics from Wallenstein to Patton Cambridge University Press 1977 ISBN 978 0 521 21730 9 Davies Norman God s Playground A History of Poland Volume 1 The Origins to 1795 2005 Oxford University Press 1982 ISBN 978 0 199 25339 5 De Jomini General Baron Antoine Henri Treatise on grand military operations I New York NY 1862 De Perini Hardy Batailles francaises Volume VI fransiz Ernest Flammarion Paris 1896 Duffy Christopher Frederick the Great A Military Life 2015 Routledge 2015 1985 ISBN 978 1138924659 Dull Jonathan R The French Navy and the Seven Years War University of Nebraska Press 2007 ISBN 978 0 803 21731 7 Fortescue Sir John William A History of the British Army II London MacMillan 1899 Harding Richard The Emergence of Britain s Global Naval Supremacy The War of 1739 1748 Boydell Press 2013 ISBN 978 1843838234 Hochedlinger Michael Austria s Wars of Emergence 1683 1797 Modern Wars in Perspective Routledge 2003 ISBN 978 0582290846 Holborn Hajo A History of Modern Germany Volume 2 1648 1840 1648 1840 v 2 Princeton University Press 1982 ISBN 978 0 691 00796 0 Horn David Bayne Saxony in the War of the Austrian Succession The English Historical Review 44 173 1929 33 47 doi 10 1093 ehr XLIV CLXXIII 33 JSTOR 552493 Ingrao Charles The Habsburg Monarchy 1618 1815 New Approaches to European History Cambridge University Press 2000 ISBN 978 0 521 78034 6 Lee Stephen J Aspects of European History 1494 1789 London Routledge 1984 ISBN 978 0 416 37490 2 Lincoln W Bruce The Romanovs Autocrats of All the Russias New York NY The Dial Press 1981 Luvaas Jay Frederick the Great on the Art of War Free Press 1966 ISBN 978 1 111 78540 6 Mahan J Alexander Maria Theresa of Austria New York NY Thomas Y Crowell Pub 1932 McKay Derek The Rise of the Great Powers 1648 1815 Routledge 1983 ISBN 978 0582485549 McLynn Frank 1759 The Year Britain Became Master of the World Vintage 2008 ISBN 978 0 099 52639 1 McNally Michael Fontenoy 1745 Cumberland s bloody defeat Osprey 2017 ISBN 978 1472816252 Pritchard James In Search of Empire The French in the Americas 1670 1730 Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2004 ISBN 978 0 521 82742 3 Riding Jacqueline Jacobites A New History of the 45 Rebellion Bloomsbury 2016 ISBN 978 1408819128 Rodger Brendan The Command of the Ocean A Naval History of Britain 1649 1815 W W Norton amp Company 2005 ISBN 978 0 393 06050 8 Showalter Dennis Frederick the Great A Military History Frontline Books 2012 ISBN 978 1848326408 Smith Rhea Marsh Spain A Modern History Ann Arbor MI University of Michigan Press 1965 Starkey Armstrong War in the Age of Enlightenment 1700 1789 Praeger 2003 ISBN 0 275 97240 2 Thomson Mark A The War of the Austrian Succession in The New Cambridge Modern History Volume VII Cambridge University Press 1957 online pp 416 439 Till Geoffrey Development of British Naval Thinking Essays in Memory of Bryan Ranft Routledge 2006 ISBN 978 0 714 65320 4 Vego Milan N Naval Strategy and Operations in Narrow Seas Frank Cass 2003 ISBN 978 0 714 65389 1 Young Patricia T Levy Jack S Domestic politics and the escalation of commercial rivalry Explaining the War of Jenkins Ear 1739 48 European Journal of International Relations 17 2 2011 209 232 doi 10 1177 1354066109350054