Liberal konservatizm — konservatizmdə hərəkat, liberalizm elementlərinə malikdir.
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Liberal konservatizm | |
Əsas keyfiyyətləri: mənəvi və sosial əlamətlərə daha liberal münasibət, iqtisadiyyata liberal münasibət (dövlətin iqtisadiyyata müdaxilə etməməsi), ətraf mühitin müdafiəsi («yaşıl» siyasət). Mötədil hesab edilir.
XVIII—XIX əsrlərdə siyasi fəlsəfədə konservatizmin və liberalizm ideyalarının sintezi nəticəsində formalaşıb. Əsas nümayəndələri: Edmund Börk, , Adam Smit, Aleksis de Tokvil, Con Stüart Mill.
- Johnston, Larry: Politics: An Introduction to the Modern Democratic State. University of Toronto Press, 2007. p. 154-156
- Johnston, Larry: Politics: An Introduction to the Modern Democratic State. University of Toronto Press, 2007. p. 154
- Johnston, Larry: Politics: An Introduction to the Modern Democratic State. University of Toronto Press, 2007, p. 154-155
- Johnston, Larry: Politics: An Introduction to the Modern Democratic State. University of Toronto Press, 2007. p. 155
- Grigsby, Ellen: Analyzing Politics: An Introduction to Political Science. Cengage Learning, 2011.
- Grigsby, Ellen: Analyzing Politics: An Introduction to Political Science. Cengage Learning, 2011. p. 106-112
- Bethell, Leslie: The Cambridge History of Latin America: Latin America since 1930. Cambridge University Press, 1991.
- Vincent, Andrew (2009). "Conservatism". Modern political ideologies. Chichester, U.K. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 65–66. .
- Lakoff, Sandoff: Tocqueville, Burke, and the Origins of Liberal Conservatism. The review of politics; 60, pp 435–464. Notre Dame, 1998
- Cameron, David. "I am a Liberal Conservative". BBC. Retrieved 18 August 2012.
- "Full text of David Cameron's speech to the Conservative Party conference", BBC, October 2006
- Nicole A. Thomas, Tobias Loetscher, Danielle Clode, Michael E. R. Nicholls (May 2, 2012). "Right-Wing Politicians Prefer the Emotional Left" 7 (5). PLOS ONE. p. 4. "The Liberal Party of Australia has an ideology in line with liberal conservatism and is therefore right of centre."
- Janusz Bugajski (2002). Political Parties of Eastern Europe: A Guide to Politics in the Post-Communist Era. M.E. Sharpe. p. 22. .
- Paul Lewis (4 January 2002). Political Parties in Post-Communist Eastern Europe. Routledge. p. 53. .
- Elisabeth Bakke (2010). Central and East European party systems since 1989. Central and Southeast European Politics since 1989 (Cambridge University Press). pp. 78, 80. .
- José María Magone (1 January 2003). The Politics of Southern Europe: Integration Into the European Union. Greenwood Publishing Group. p. 148. .
- Dr Vít Hloušek; Dr Lubomír Kopecek (28 March 2013). Origin, Ideology and Transformation of Political Parties: East-Central and Western Europe Compared. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. p. 176. .
- André Krouwel (20 November 2012). Party Transformations in European Democracies. SUNY Press. p. 348. .
- Alfio Cerami (2006). Social Policy in Central and Eastern Europe: The Emergence of a New European Welfare Regime. LIT Verlag Münster. pp. 29–. .
- Inmaculada Egido (2005). Transforming Education: The Spanish Experience. Nova Publishers. p. 14. .
- Peter Viggo Jakobsen (2006). Nordic Approaches to Peace Operations: A New Model in the Making?. Taylor & Francis. pp. 184–. .
- Hariz Halilovich (15 January 2013). Places of Pain: Forced Displacement, Popular Memory and Trans-local Identities in Bosnian War-torn Communities. Berghahn Books. p. 208. .
- Ruth Wodak; John E. Richardson (2013). Analysing Fascist Discourse: European Fascism in Talk and Text. Routledge. p. 43. .
- Либеральный консерватизм: история и современность. Материалы Всероссийской научно-практической конференции 2015-08-15 at the Wayback Machine // — М: РОССПЭН, 2001 — 384 с. —
- Журнал «ПОЛИС» («Политические Исследования») Библиообзор. Выпуск от 22.06.2001 «На перекрестье идеологий» 2009-04-21 at the Wayback Machine
- М. М. Федорова. Либеральный консерватизм и консервативный либерализм - сравнительный анализ английской и французской политической философии времен Великой Французской революции.
- П. Б. Струве. О мере и границах либерального консерватизма 2009-03-19 at the Wayback Machine
- Михаил Тарусин. Либеральный консерватизм как хорошо забытое «завтра»
- Аркадий Малер. Либеральный консерватизм - идеология современной России // Русский журнал
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Liberal konservatizm konservatizmde herekat liberalizm elementlerine malikdir KonservatizmIdeyalarTebii huquqXususi mulkiyyetDaxili herekatlarLiberal konservatizm sablon Esas keyfiyyetleri menevi ve sosial elametlere daha liberal munasibet iqtisadiyyata liberal munasibet dovletin iqtisadiyyata mudaxile etmemesi etraf muhitin mudafiesi yasil siyaset Motedil hesab edilir TarixiXVIII XIX esrlerde siyasi felsefede konservatizmin ve liberalizm ideyalarinin sintezi neticesinde formalasib Esas numayendeleri Edmund Bork Adam Smit Aleksis de Tokvil Con Stuart Mill MenbeJohnston Larry Politics An Introduction to the Modern Democratic State University of Toronto Press 2007 p 154 156 Johnston Larry Politics An Introduction to the Modern Democratic State University of Toronto Press 2007 p 154 Johnston Larry Politics An Introduction to the Modern Democratic State University of Toronto Press 2007 p 154 155 Johnston Larry Politics An Introduction to the Modern Democratic State University of Toronto Press 2007 p 155 Grigsby Ellen Analyzing Politics An Introduction to Political Science Cengage Learning 2011 Grigsby Ellen Analyzing Politics An Introduction to Political Science Cengage Learning 2011 p 106 112 Bethell Leslie The Cambridge History of Latin America Latin America since 1930 Cambridge University Press 1991 Vincent Andrew 2009 Conservatism Modern political ideologies Chichester U K Malden MA Wiley Blackwell pp 65 66 ISBN 978 1 4051 5495 6 Lakoff Sandoff Tocqueville Burke and the Origins of Liberal Conservatism The review of politics 60 pp 435 464 Notre Dame 1998 Cameron David I am a Liberal Conservative BBC Retrieved 18 August 2012 Full text of David Cameron s speech to the Conservative Party conference BBC October 2006 http www eliamep gr wp content uploads 2013 04 bn1 pdf Nicole A Thomas Tobias Loetscher Danielle Clode Michael E R Nicholls May 2 2012 Right Wing Politicians Prefer the Emotional Left 7 5 PLOS ONE p 4 The Liberal Party of Australia has an ideology in line with liberal conservatism and is therefore right of centre Janusz Bugajski 2002 Political Parties of Eastern Europe A Guide to Politics in the Post Communist Era M E Sharpe p 22 ISBN 978 1 56324 676 0 Paul Lewis 4 January 2002 Political Parties in Post Communist Eastern Europe Routledge p 53 ISBN 978 1 134 63437 8 Elisabeth Bakke 2010 Central and East European party systems since 1989 Central and Southeast European Politics since 1989 Cambridge University Press pp 78 80 ISBN 978 1 139 48750 4 Jose Maria Magone 1 January 2003 The Politics of Southern Europe Integration Into the European Union Greenwood Publishing Group p 148 ISBN 978 0 275 97787 0 Dr Vit Hlousek Dr Lubomir Kopecek 28 March 2013 Origin Ideology and Transformation of Political Parties East Central and Western Europe Compared Ashgate Publishing Ltd p 176 ISBN 978 1 4094 9977 0 Andre Krouwel 20 November 2012 Party Transformations in European Democracies SUNY Press p 348 ISBN 978 1 4384 4483 3 Alfio Cerami 2006 Social Policy in Central and Eastern Europe The Emergence of a New European Welfare Regime LIT Verlag Munster pp 29 ISBN 978 3 8258 9699 7 Inmaculada Egido 2005 Transforming Education The Spanish Experience Nova Publishers p 14 ISBN 978 1 59454 208 4 Peter Viggo Jakobsen 2006 Nordic Approaches to Peace Operations A New Model in the Making Taylor amp Francis pp 184 ISBN 978 0 415 38360 8 Hariz Halilovich 15 January 2013 Places of Pain Forced Displacement Popular Memory and Trans local Identities in Bosnian War torn Communities Berghahn Books p 208 ISBN 978 0 85745 777 6 Ruth Wodak John E Richardson 2013 Analysing Fascist Discourse European Fascism in Talk and Text Routledge p 43 ISBN 978 0 415 89919 2 Liberalnyj konservatizm istoriya i sovremennost Materialy Vserossijskoj nauchno prakticheskoj konferencii 2015 08 15 at the Wayback Machine M ROSSPEN 2001 384 s ISBN 5 8243 0191 3 Zhurnal POLIS Politicheskie Issledovaniya Biblioobzor Vypusk ot 22 06 2001 Na perekreste ideologij 2009 04 21 at the Wayback Machine M M Fedorova Liberalnyj konservatizm i konservativnyj liberalizm sravnitelnyj analiz anglijskoj i francuzskoj politicheskoj filosofii vremen Velikoj Francuzskoj revolyucii P B Struve O mere i granicah liberalnogo konservatizma 2009 03 19 at the Wayback Machine Mihail Tarusin Liberalnyj konservatizm kak horosho zabytoe zavtra Arkadij Maler Liberalnyj konservatizm ideologiya sovremennoj Rossii Russkij zhurnalSm takzheKonservatizm Liberalizm