Qədim dünya — bəşər tarixində tarixdən əvvəlki dövr və Avropada orta əsrlərin başlanğıcı arasında fərqlənən dövr. Digər bölgələrdə antik dövrün müvəqqəti sərhədləri Avropa sərhədlərindən fərqli ola bilər. Məsələn, Çində qədim dövrün sonu bəzən Qin imperiyasının yaranması hesab olunur , Hindistanda - Chola imperiyası , Amerikada - Avropa kolonizasiyasının başlanğıcı .

"Klassik qədimlik" (və ya antik dövr) termini ümumiyyətlə ilk Olimpiadadan (e.ə. 776) başlayan Yunan və Roma tarixinə aiddir. Bu tarix, demək olar ki, Romanın ənənəvi quruluş tarixinə (e.ə. 753) təsadüf edir. Avropa qədim tarixinin son tarixi ümumiyyətlə Qərbi Roma İmperiyasının süqut ili (mil. 476) , bəzən İmperator I Yustinianın ölüm tarixi (565), İslamın görünüşü (622-ci il) hesab olunur.) və ya İmperator Çarlemanın hakimiyyətinin başlanğıcı (800-cü il).
- История Древнего мира в 3 т., Издание третье / Ред. И. М. Дьяконова, В. Д. Нероновой, И. С. Свенцицкой — М.:Издательство «Наука», 1989.
- Gernet, J. (1996). A history of Chinese civilization. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Elphinstone, M. (1889). The history of India 2016-05-06 at the Wayback Machine. London: Murray.
- Smith, V. A. (1904). The early history of India from 600 B.C. to the Muhammadan conquest, including the invasion of Alexander the Great 2016-06-03 at the Wayback Machine. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
- Hoernle, A. F. R., & Stark, H. A. (1906). A history of India 2016-05-05 at the Wayback Machine. Cuttack: Orissa mission Press.
- Priest, J. (1834). American antiquities, and discoveries in the West 2014-01-03 at the Wayback Machine: being an exhibition of the evidence that an ancient population of partially civilized nations, differing entirely from those of the present Indians, peopled America many centuries before its discovery by Columbus, and inquiries into their origin, with a copious description of many of their stupendous works, now in ruins; with conjectures concerning what may have become of them; compiled from travels, authentic sources, and the researches of antiquarian societies. Albany: Printed by Hoffman & White
- Clare, I. S. (1906). Library of universal history: containing a record of the human race from the earliest historical period to the present time; embracing a general survey of the progress of mankind in national and social life, civil government, religion, literature, science and art. New York: Union Book. Page 1519 (cf., Ancient history, as we have already seen, ended with the fall of the Western Roman Empire; […])
- United Center for Research and Training in History. (1973). Bulgarian historical review. Sofia: Pub. House of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences]. Page 43. (cf. … in the history of Western Europe, which marks both the end of ancient history and the beginning of the Middle Ages, is the fall of the Western Empire.)
- Robinson, C. A. (1951). Ancient history from prehistoric times to the death of Justinian. New York: Macmillan.
- Breasted, J. H. (1916). Ancient times, a history of the early world: an introduction to the study of ancient history and the career of early man 2016-05-11 at the Wayback Machine. Boston: Ginn and Company.
- Myers, P. V. N. (1916). Ancient history 2016-05-10 at the Wayback Machine. New York [etc.]: Ginn and company.
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Qedim dunya beser tarixinde tarixden evvelki dovr ve Avropada orta esrlerin baslangici arasinda ferqlenen dovr Diger bolgelerde antik dovrun muveqqeti serhedleri Avropa serhedlerinden ferqli ola biler Meselen Cinde qedim dovrun sonu bezen Qin imperiyasinin yaranmasi hesab olunur Hindistanda Chola imperiyasi Amerikada Avropa kolonizasiyasinin baslangici Qedim Dunya simvolu Klassik qedimlik ve ya antik dovr termini umumiyyetle ilk Olimpiadadan e e 776 baslayan Yunan ve Roma tarixine aiddir Bu tarix demek olar ki Romanin enenevi qurulus tarixine e e 753 tesaduf edir Avropa qedim tarixinin son tarixi umumiyyetle Qerbi Roma Imperiyasinin suqut ili mil 476 bezen Imperator I Yustinianin olum tarixi 565 Islamin gorunusu 622 ci il hesab olunur ve ya Imperator Carlemanin hakimiyyetinin baslangici 800 cu il Sumer Babil Qedim Misir Assuriya Midiya Ehemeniler imperiyasi Atropatena Qafqaz Albaniyasi Qedim Yunanistan Karfagen Qedim Roma Skifler Kimmerler Sya sulalesi San sulalesi Ind vadisi medeniyyeti HunlarIstinadlarIstoriya Drevnego mira v 3 t Izdanie trete Red I M Dyakonova V D Neronovoj I S Svencickoj M Izdatelstvo Nauka 1989 Gernet J 1996 A history of Chinese civilization Cambridge Cambridge University Press Elphinstone M 1889 The history of India 2016 05 06 at the Wayback Machine London Murray Smith V A 1904 The early history of India from 600 B C to the Muhammadan conquest including the invasion of Alexander the Great 2016 06 03 at the Wayback Machine Oxford Clarendon Press Hoernle A F R amp Stark H A 1906 A history of India 2016 05 05 at the Wayback Machine Cuttack Orissa mission Press Priest J 1834 American antiquities and discoveries in the West 2014 01 03 at the Wayback Machine being an exhibition of the evidence that an ancient population of partially civilized nations differing entirely from those of the present Indians peopled America many centuries before its discovery by Columbus and inquiries into their origin with a copious description of many of their stupendous works now in ruins with conjectures concerning what may have become of them compiled from travels authentic sources and the researches of antiquarian societies Albany Printed by Hoffman amp White Clare I S 1906 Library of universal history containing a record of the human race from the earliest historical period to the present time embracing a general survey of the progress of mankind in national and social life civil government religion literature science and art New York Union Book Page 1519 cf Ancient history as we have already seen ended with the fall of the Western Roman Empire United Center for Research and Training in History 1973 Bulgarian historical review Sofia Pub House of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Page 43 cf in the history of Western Europe which marks both the end of ancient history and the beginning of the Middle Ages is the fall of the Western Empire Robinson C A 1951 Ancient history from prehistoric times to the death of Justinian New York Macmillan Breasted J H 1916 Ancient times a history of the early world an introduction to the study of ancient history and the career of early man 2016 05 11 at the Wayback Machine Boston Ginn and Company Myers P V N 1916 Ancient history 2016 05 10 at the Wayback Machine New York etc Ginn and company