Avstraliya tarixi — Avstraliya qitəsinin ərazi və xalqlarının tarixi.

Aborigen tarixi
Avstraliyanın yerli əhalisinin əcdadları Cənubi Asiyadan gəlmiş və ehtimal ki, burada məskən salmışlar. Təbii şəraitin ağırlığı və dünyanın başqa xalqları ilə ünsiyyətin olmaması Avstraliya qəbilələrinin (XVIII əsrin sonunda burada ümumi sayı 250-300 min nəfər olan təqribən 500 tayfa var idi) inkişafını çətinləşdirirdi. XVIII əsrin sonuna yaxın bu tayfalar hələ əkinçilik və maldarlığın nə olduğunu bilmirdilər.
Müstəmləkəçilik dövrü

XVIII əsrin sonundan Avstraliya Britaniya imperiyasının müstəmləkəsi olmuşdur. 1788-ci ildə burada sonradan Sidney şəhərinə çevriləcək ilk ingilis yaşayış məntəqəsinin əsası qoyulmuşdur. Əvvəllər Avstraliya sürgün yeri idi. 1868-ci ilədək buraya 155 minədək adam sürgün edilmişdi. Bunlardan bir çoxu İrlandiyadakı üsyanların iştirakçıları, çartistlər və başqaları idi. Qitənin müstəmləkəyə çevrilməsi prosesi yerli əhalinin qırılması ilə müşayiət olunmuşdur. Avstraliyada kapitalizm sürətlə inkiaf edirdi. 1830-cu illərdə ilk sənaye müəssisələri meydana gəlmişdir. 1850-ci illərin ortalarınadək Avstraliya İngiltərənin hüquqsuz "ağ müstəmləkəsi" idi. Qitədəki ingilis koloniyalarını İngiltərə hökumətinin təyin etdiyi qubernatorlar idarə edirdi. XIX əsrin ikinci yarısından sənaye, birinci növbədə yüngül, yeyinti, mədən sənayesi inkişaf etmişdir. Xaricdən kapital və ixtisaslı fəhlə axını iqtisadi inkişafı daha da sürətləndirmişdir. 1854-cü ildə Viktoriya qızıl mədənlərindəki fəhlə üsyanından sonra Birləşmiş Krallıq Avstraliyadakı koloniyalarına daxili özünüidarə hüququ vermişdir. Avstraliya fəhlə hərəkatı mütəşəkkilliyi ilə fərqlənirdi. Fəhlələrin əksəriyyəti həmkarlar ittifaqlarında birləşirdi. Müətəşəkkil fəaliyyət sayəsində 1870-ci illərdə Avstraliya fəhlələri, dünyada birinci olaraq, 8 saatlıq iş rejiminə keçilməsinə nail olmuşdur. XIX əsrin sonunda "Avropa irqinə mənsub olmayanlar"ın Avstraliyaya köçməsi qadağan edilmişdir. O vaxtdan bu irqçi siyasət bütün Avstraliya hökumətləri tərəfindən ardıcıl olaraq həyata keçirilirdi. 1900-cu ildə İngiltərə parlamenti altı koloniyanı (Yeni Cənubi Uels, Viktoriya, Kvinslend, Cənubi Avstraliya, Qərbi Avstraliya və Tasmaniya) bir federasiyada – Avstraliya İttifaqında birləşdirmək haqqında qanun qəbul etmişdir. Avstraliya İttifaqının konstitusiyası olan qanun 1 yanvar 1901-ci il tarixindən qüvvəyə minmişdir. Avstraliya İttifaqı nəticədə dominion hüququ qazanmışdır. Avstraliya İttifaqının yaranması Avstraliya millətinin yaranmasını sürətləndirmişdir.
XX əsr

Avstraliya İttifaqı Antanta tərəfində Birinci Dünya müharibəsində iştirak etmişdir. Müharibədən sonra Avstraliya İttifaqı Almaniyanın Sakit okean hövzəsində bir sıra müstəmləkəsinə yiyələnmişdir. 1929–1933-cü illər dünya iqtisadi böhranı ölkənin iqtisadiyyatını sarsıtmışdır. İşsizliyin sayı 500 minə çatmışdı. Avstraliya İttifaqına daxili və xarici siyasətdə müstəqillik hüququ verən 1931-ci il tarixli Vestminster qanunu ölkənin tarixində mühüm hadisə olmuşdur, lakin İkinci Dünya müharibəsinədək Birləşmiş Krallıq Avstraliya İttifaqının xarici siyasətinə nəzarət edir, Avstraliya İttifaqının İngiltərənin aqrar-xammal bazası olaraq qalırdı. 1939-cu ildə Avstraliya İttifaqı Nasist Almaniyasına, 1941-ci ilin dekabrında isə Yaponiyaya müharibə elan etmişdir. Avstraliya İttifaqı müharibə illərində və ondan sonra xarici siyasət sahəsində Birləşmiş Krallığın asılılığından qurtarıb müstəqil dövlət olmuşdur. 1950-ci illərdə Avstraliya İttifaqı İngiltərənin , ABŞ-nin Koreyaya qarşı apardıqları müharibələrdə iştirak etmişdir.
Qərbdə qüvvələr nisbətinin dəyişməsi ilə Avstraliya İttifaqı ABŞ-dən asılı olmağa başlamışdır. Avstraliya İttifaqı 1951-ci ildə ANZYUS, 1954-cü ildə isə SEATO hərbi bloklarına qoşulmuşdur. Avstraliya İttifaqqı qoşunu 1965-ci ildə ABŞ tərəfində Vyetnam müharibəsində iştirak etməyə başlamışdır. Avstraliya İttifaqı tarixində ilk dəfə 1971-ci ildə senata aborigen daxil edilmişdir.
- Австралија Иттифагы. Тарихи очерк // Azərbaycan Sovet Ensiklopediyası: [10 ҹилддә]. I ҹилд: А—Балзак. Бакы: Азәрбајҹан Совет Енсиклопедијасынын Баш Редаксијасы. Баш редактор: Ҹ. Б. Гулијев. 1976. С. 52–53.
Əlavə ədəbiyyat
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- Yahya, Padillah; Gaudieri, Silvana; Franklin, Daniel (2010), 'DNA Analysis of Human Skeletal Remains Associated with the Batavia Mutiny of 1629,'. Records of the Western Australian Museum 26: 98–108
- Clark, C.M.H. ed. Select Documents in Australian History (2 vol. 1950)
- Kemp, Rod, and Marion Stanton, eds. Speaking for Australia: Parliamentary Speeches That Shaped Our Nation Allen & Unwin, 2004 online edition 2011-11-23 at the Wayback Machine
- Crowley, Frank, ed. A Documentary History of Australia (5 vol. Melbourne: Wren, 1973); v.1. Colonial Australia, 1788–1840 – v.2. Colonial Australia, 1841–1874 -v.3. Colonial Australia, 1875–1900 -v.4. Modern Australia, 1901–1939 -v.5. Modern Australia, 1939–1970
- Daniels, Kay, ed. Australia's Women, a Documentary History: From a Selection of Personal Letters, Diary Entries, Pamphlets, Official Records, Government and Police Reports, Speeches, and Radio Talks (2nd ed. U of Queensland Press, 1989) 335pp. The first edition was entitled Uphill All the Way: A Documentary History of Women in Australia (1980).
- Teale, Ruth, ed. Colonial Eve: Sources On Women in Australia, 1788–1914 (Melbourne : Oxford University Press, 1978)
Xarici keçidlər

- , by John Hirst, February 2008, The Monthly
- The Australian History page at Project Gutenberg of Australia
- Australian Historical Studies, a scholarly journal
- "State Library of New South Wales Online Collections"
- "Australian War Memorial Collections" 2013-12-07 at the Wayback Machine
- "Some Inspirational (Australian) People" Profiled by Laurence MacDonald Muir.
- by Rob Robinson, 2009
- , State Library of New South Wales
- Looking For Blackfellas Point History of European settlement and relations with Aboriginal people of South Eastern Australia, Australian Broadcasting Corporation
- Royal Australian Historical Society
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Avstraliya tarixi Avstraliya qitesinin erazi ve xalqlarinin tarixi Boyuk bumeranqla hucum usulunu numayis etdiren aborigen avstraliyali kisi 1920 ci il Aborigen tarixiAvstraliyanin yerli ehalisinin ecdadlari Cenubi Asiyadan gelmis ve ehtimal ki burada mesken salmislar Tebii seraitin agirligi ve dunyanin basqa xalqlari ile unsiyyetin olmamasi Avstraliya qebilelerinin XVIII esrin sonunda burada umumi sayi 250 300 min nefer olan teqriben 500 tayfa var idi inkisafini cetinlesdirirdi XVIII esrin sonuna yaxin bu tayfalar hele ekincilik ve maldarligin ne oldugunu bilmirdiler Mustemlekecilik dovruAbel Tasman Tasmaniyani kesf eden ilk avropali XVIII esrin sonundan Avstraliya Britaniya imperiyasinin mustemlekesi olmusdur 1788 ci ilde burada sonradan Sidney seherine cevrilecek ilk ingilis yasayis menteqesinin esasi qoyulmusdur Evveller Avstraliya surgun yeri idi 1868 ci iledek buraya 155 minedek adam surgun edilmisdi Bunlardan bir coxu Irlandiyadaki usyanlarin istirakcilari cartistler ve basqalari idi Qitenin mustemlekeye cevrilmesi prosesi yerli ehalinin qirilmasi ile musayiet olunmusdur Avstraliyada kapitalizm suretle inkiaf edirdi 1830 cu illerde ilk senaye muessiseleri meydana gelmisdir 1850 ci illerin ortalarinadek Avstraliya Ingilterenin huquqsuz ag mustemlekesi idi Qitedeki ingilis koloniyalarini Ingiltere hokumetinin teyin etdiyi qubernatorlar idare edirdi XIX esrin ikinci yarisindan senaye birinci novbede yungul yeyinti meden senayesi inkisaf etmisdir Xaricden kapital ve ixtisasli fehle axini iqtisadi inkisafi daha da suretlendirmisdir 1854 cu ilde Viktoriya qizil medenlerindeki fehle usyanindan sonra Birlesmis Kralliq Avstraliyadaki koloniyalarina daxili ozunuidare huququ vermisdir Avstraliya fehle herekati mutesekkilliyi ile ferqlenirdi Fehlelerin ekseriyyeti hemkarlar ittifaqlarinda birlesirdi Muetesekkil fealiyyet sayesinde 1870 ci illerde Avstraliya fehleleri dunyada birinci olaraq 8 saatliq is rejimine kecilmesine nail olmusdur XIX esrin sonunda Avropa irqine mensub olmayanlar in Avstraliyaya kocmesi qadagan edilmisdir O vaxtdan bu irqci siyaset butun Avstraliya hokumetleri terefinden ardicil olaraq heyata kecirilirdi 1900 cu ilde Ingiltere parlamenti alti koloniyani Yeni Cenubi Uels Viktoriya Kvinslend Cenubi Avstraliya Qerbi Avstraliya ve Tasmaniya bir federasiyada Avstraliya Ittifaqinda birlesdirmek haqqinda qanun qebul etmisdir Avstraliya Ittifaqinin konstitusiyasi olan qanun 1 yanvar 1901 ci il tarixinden quvveye minmisdir Avstraliya Ittifaqi neticede dominion huququ qazanmisdir Avstraliya Ittifaqinin yaranmasi Avstraliya milletinin yaranmasini suretlendirmisdir XX esrAvstraliya pulemyot destesi Papua Yeni Qvineya 1945 ci ilin iyunu Avstraliya Ittifaqi Antanta terefinde Birinci Dunya muharibesinde istirak etmisdir Muharibeden sonra Avstraliya Ittifaqi Almaniyanin Sakit okean hovzesinde bir sira mustemlekesine yiyelenmisdir 1929 1933 cu iller dunya iqtisadi bohrani olkenin iqtisadiyyatini sarsitmisdir Issizliyin sayi 500 mine catmisdi Avstraliya Ittifaqina daxili ve xarici siyasetde musteqillik huququ veren 1931 ci il tarixli Vestminster qanunu olkenin tarixinde muhum hadise olmusdur lakin Ikinci Dunya muharibesinedek Birlesmis Kralliq Avstraliya Ittifaqinin xarici siyasetine nezaret edir Avstraliya Ittifaqinin Ingilterenin aqrar xammal bazasi olaraq qalirdi 1939 cu ilde Avstraliya Ittifaqi Nasist Almaniyasina 1941 ci ilin dekabrinda ise Yaponiyaya muharibe elan etmisdir Avstraliya Ittifaqi muharibe illerinde ve ondan sonra xarici siyaset sahesinde Birlesmis Kralligin asililigindan qurtarib musteqil dovlet olmusdur 1950 ci illerde Avstraliya Ittifaqi Ingilterenin ABS nin Koreyaya qarsi apardiqlari muharibelerde istirak etmisdir Qerbde quvveler nisbetinin deyismesi ile Avstraliya Ittifaqi ABS den asili olmaga baslamisdir Avstraliya Ittifaqi 1951 ci ilde ANZYUS 1954 cu ilde ise SEATO herbi bloklarina qosulmusdur Avstraliya Ittifaqqi qosunu 1965 ci ilde ABS terefinde Vyetnam muharibesinde istirak etmeye baslamisdir Avstraliya Ittifaqi tarixinde ilk defe 1971 ci ilde senata aborigen daxil edilmisdir IstinadlarAvstraliјa Ittifagy Tarihi ocherk Azerbaycan Sovet Ensiklopediyasi 10 ҹilddә I ҹild A Balzak Baky Azәrbaјҹan Sovet Ensiklopediјasynyn Bash Redaksiјasy Bash redaktor Ҹ B Guliјev 1976 S 52 53 Elave edebiyyatBach John A Maritime History of Australia Melbourne Nelson 1976 ISBN 0 17005087 4 Barker Anthony What Happened When A Chronology of Australia from 1788 Allen amp Unwin 2000 online edition 2011 11 23 at the Wayback Machine Bambrick Susan ed The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Australia 1994 Basset Jan The Oxford Illustrated Dictionary of Australian History 1998 Broeze Frank Island Nation A History of Australians and the Sea Sydney Allen amp Unwin 1998 ISBN 9781864484243 Davison Graeme John Hirst and Stuart Macintyre eds The Oxford Companion to Australian History 2001 online at many academic libraries ISBN 019551503X Galligan Brian and Winsome Roberts eds Oxford Companion to Australian Politics 2007 online at many academic libraries Balderstone Simon Bowan John Events That Shaped Australia New Holland 2006 ISBN 978 1 74110 492 9 O Shane Pat et al Australia The Complete Encyclopedia 2001 Serle Percival ed Dictionary of Australian Biography 1949 online edition 2021 02 16 at the Wayback Machine Shaw John ed Collins Australian Encyclopedia 1984 Taylor Peter The Atlas of Australian History 1991 Connor John The Australian frontier wars 1788 1838 Sydney UNSW Press 2002 ISBN 0 86840 756 9 2022 05 30 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2021 11 01 Atkinson Alan The Europeans in Australia A History Volume 2 Democracy 2005 440 pp Bolton Geoffrey The Oxford History of Australia Volume 5 1942 1995 The Middle Way 2005 online Clarke Frank G The History of Australia 2002 online edition 2012 02 24 at the Wayback Machine Day David Claiming a Continent A New History of Australia 2001 Dickey Brian No charity there A short history of social welfare in Australia Routledge 2020 Edwards John Curtin s Gift Reinterpreting Australia s Greatest Prime Minister 2005 online edition 2011 11 23 at the Wayback Machine Firth Stewart Australia in international politics an introduction to Australian foreign policy Routledge 2020 Hughes Robert The Fatal Shore The Epic of Australia s Founding 1988 ISBN 0099448548 Irving Terry and Connell Raewyn Class Structure in Australian History 1992 Longman Cheshire Melbourne Kelly Paul The End of Certainty Power Politics amp Business in Australia 2008 originally published as The End of Certainty The Story of the 1980s 1994 Kingston Beverley The Oxford History of Australia Volume 3 1860 1900 Glad Confident Morning 1993 Kociumbas Jan The Oxford History of Australia Volume 2 1770 1860 Possessions 1995 Macintyre Stuart The Oxford History of Australia Volume 4 1901 42 the Succeeding Age 1993 online Macintyre Stuart A Concise History of Australia 2nd ed 2009 excerpt and text search ISBN 0 521 60101 0 Martin A W Robert Menzies A Life 2 vol 1993 99 online at ACLS e books McQueen Humphrey A New Britannia 1970 University of Queensland Press Brisbane Megalogenis George The Longest Decade 2nd ed 2008 politics 1990 2008 Schreuder Deryck and Stuart Ward eds Australia s Empire Oxford History of the British Empire Companion Series 2008 excerpt and text search DOI 10 1093 acprof oso 9780199563739 001 0001 online Taflaga Marija A short political history of Australia In Peter J Chen et al eds Australian politics and policy Sydney UP 2019 online 2021 09 25 at the Wayback Machine Welsh Frank Australia A New History of the Great Southern Land 2008 White Richard Inventing Australia Routledge 2020 historiography Anderson Grahame The Merchant of the Zeehaen Isaac Gilsemans and the Voyages of Abel Tasman Wellington Te Papa Press 2001 Ariese Csilla Databases of the People Aboard the VOC Ships Batavia 1629 amp Zeewijk 1727 An Analysis of the Potential for Finding the Dutch Castaways Human Remains in Australia Australian National Centre of Excellence for Maritime Archaeology Department of Maritime Archaeology Western Australian Museum 2012 Bonke H De zeven reizen van de Jonge Lieve Biografie van een VOC schip 1760 1781 The seven voyages of the Jonge Lieve A biography of a VOC ship Nijmegen SUN 1999 in Dutch Bontekoe Willem Ysbrandsz Memorable Description of the East Indian Voyage 1618 25 Translated from the Dutch by C B Bodde Hodgkinson with an introduction and notes by Pieter Geyl London G Routledge amp Sons 1929 Dash Mike Batavia s Graveyard The True Story of the Mad Heretic Who Led History s Bloodiest Mutiny New York Crown 2002 ISBN 9780609607664 Day Alan The A to Z of the Discovery and Exploration of Australia Scarecrow Press 2009 ISBN 978 0 8108 6810 6 De Vlamingh Willem De ontdekkingsreis van Willem Hesselsz de Vlamingh in de jaren 1696 1697 Edited by Gunter Schilder 2 vols WLV Vols LXXVIII LXXIX The Hague Martinus Nijhoff 1976 in Dutch Drake Brockman Henrietta Voyage to Disaster The Life of Francisco Pelsaert Covering His Indian Report to the Dutch East India Company and the Wreck of the Ship Batavia in 1629 Off the Coast of Western Australia Together With the Full Text of His Journals Concerning the Rescue Voyages the Mutiny On the Abrolhos Islands and the Subsequent Trials of the Mutineers Translated from the Dutch by E D Drok Sydney Angus amp Robertson 1963 Duyker Edward The Dutch in Australia Australian Ethnic Heritage series Melbourne AE Press 1987 Duyker Edward ed The Discovery of Tasmania Journal Extracts from the Expeditions of Abel Janszoon Tasman and Marc Joseph Marion Dufresne 1642 amp 1772 Hobart St David s Park Publishing Tasmanian Government Printing Office 1992 pp 106 Duyker Edward Mirror of the Australian Navigation by Jacob Le Maire A Facsimile of the Spieghel der Australische Navigatie Being an Account of the Voyage of Jacob Le Maire and Willem Schouten 1615 1616 published in Amsterdam in 1622 Hordern House for the Australian National Maritime Museum Sydney 1999 202 pp Edwards Hugh Islands of Angry Ghosts Murder Mayhem and Mutiny The Story of the Batavia Originally published in 1966 New York William Morrow amp Co 1966 HarperCollins 2000 Edwards Hugh The Wreck on the Half Moon Reef Adelaide Rigby Limited 1970 Fitzsimons Peter Batavia Betrayal Shipwreck Murder Sexual Slavery Courage A Spine Chilling Chapter in Australian History Sydney Random House Australia 2011 Gerritsen Rupert Cramer Max Slee Colin The Batavia Legacy The Location of the First European Settlement in Australia Hutt River 1629 Geraldton Sun City Print 2007 Godard Philippe The First and Last Voyage of the Batavia Perth Abrolhos 1994 Green Jeremy N Treasures from the Vergulde Draeck Gilt Dragon Perth Western Australian Museum 1974 Green Jeremy N The Loss of the Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie Jacht Vergulde Draeck Western Australia 1656 An Historical Background and Excavation Report With an Appendix On Similar Loss of the Fluit Lastdrager 2 volumes Oxford British Archaeological Reports 1977 Green Jeremy N The Loss of the Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie Retourschip Batavia Western Australia 1629 An Excavation Report and Catalogue of Artefacts Oxford British Archaeological Reports 1989 Heeres J E Het aandeel der Nederlanders in de ontdekking van Australie 1606 1765 Leiden Brill 1899 in Dutch Heeres J E The Part Borne by the Dutch in the Discovery of Australia 1606 1765 Published by the Royal Dutch Geographical Society in Commemoration of the XXVth Anniversary of Its Foundation 1899 Heeres J E ed Abel Janszoon Tasman s Journal of His Discovery of Van Diemens Land and New Zealand in 1642 With Documents Relating to His Exploration of Australia in 1644 Amsterdam Frederick Muller 1898 Henderson Graeme Unfinished Voyages Western Australian Shipwrecks 1622 1850 Nedlands University of Western Australia Press 1980 Henderson J Sent Forth a Dove The Discovery of Duyfken Nedlands University of Western Australia Press 1999 232pp Hiatt Alfred Wortham Christopher et al eds European Perceptions of Terra Australis Farnham Ashgate 2011 Hoving Ab Emke Cor De schepen van Abel Tasman The Ships of Abel Tasman Hilversum Uitgeverij Verloren 2000 in Dutch Kenny John Before the First Fleet European Discovery of Australia 1606 1777 Kangaroo Press 1995 192 pp Leys Simon The Wreck of the Batavia A True Story New York Thunder s Mouth Press 2005 McHugh Evan 1606 An Epic Adventure Sydney University of New South Wales Press 2006 Mundle Rob Great South Land How Dutch Sailors found Australia and an English Pirate almost beat Captain Cook ABC Books 2016 ISBN 978 0733332371 Murdoch Priscilla Duyfken and the First Discoveries of Australia Artarmon N S W Antipodean Publishers 1974 Mutch T D Janszoon voyage of 1605 06 The First Discovery of Australia With an Account of the Voyage of the Duyfken and the Career of Captain Willem Jansz Sydney 1942 Reprinted from the Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society Vol XXVIII Part V Nichols Robert Woods Martin eds Mapping Our World Terra Incognita to Australia Canberra National Library of Australia 2013 ISBN 978 0 642 27809 8 Pelsaert Francisco The Batavia Journal of Francisco Pelsaert 1629 Edited and translated by Marit van Huystee Fremantle W A Western Australian Maritime Museum 1998 Peters Nonja The Dutch Down Under 1606 2006 Nedlands University of Western Australia Press 2006 Playford Phillip The Wreck of the Zuytdorp on the Western Australian Coast in 1712 Nedlands Royal Western Australian Historical Society 1960 Playford Phillip Carpet of Silver The Wreck of the Zuytdorp Nedlands University of Western Australia Press 1996 Playford Phillip Voyage of Discovery to Terra Australis by Willem de Vlamingh in 1696 97 Includes journal of Willem Vlamingh translated from an early 18th century manuscript held in the Archives Nationales de France Perth Western Australian Museum 1998 Pearson Michael Great Southern Land The Maritime Exploration of Terra Australis Canberra Department of Environment and Heritage 2005 Quanchi Max Robson John Historical Dictionary of the Discovery and Exploration of the Pacific Islands Lanham MD and Oxford Scarecrow Press 2005 Richards Michael O Connor Maura eds Changing Coastlines Putting Australia on the World Map 1493 1993 Canberra National Library of Australia 1993 Robert Willem C H The Explorations 1696 1697 of Australia by Willem de Vlamingh Extracts from Two Log Books Concerning the Voyage to and Explorations on the Coast of Western Australia and from Other Documents Relating to this Voyage Original Dutch texts Amsterdam Philo Press 1972 Robert Willem C H The Dutch Explorations 1605 1756 of the North and Northwest Coast of Australia Extracts from Journals Log books and Other Documents Relating to These Voyages Original Dutch texts Amsterdam Philo Press 1973 Ryan Simon The Cartographic Eye How Explorers Saw Australia Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1996 Schilder Gunter Australia Unveiled The Share of the Dutch Navigators in the Discovery of Australia Translated from the German by Olaf Richter Amsterdam Theatrum Orbis Terrarum 1976 Schilder Gunter Voyage to the Great South Land Willem de Vlamingh 1696 1697 Translated by C de Heer Sydney Royal Australian Historical Society 1985 Schilder Gunter In the Steps of Tasman and De Vlamingh An Important Cartographic Document for the Discovery of Australia Amsterdam Nico Israel 1988 Schilder Gunter Kok Hans Sailing for the East History and Catalogue of Manuscript Charts on Vellum of the Dutch East India Company VOC 1602 1799 BRILL 2010 ISBN 9789061942603 Sharp Andrew The Discovery of Australia New York Oxford University Press 1963 Sharp Andrew The Voyages of Abel Janszoon Tasman Oxford Clarendon Press 1968 Shaw Lindsey Wilkins Wendy eds Dutch Connections 400 Years of Australian Dutch Maritime Links 1606 2006 Sydney Australian National Maritime Museum 2006 Sigmond J P Zuiderbaan L H Dutch Discoveries of Australia Shipwrecks Treasures and Early Voyages off the West Coast Adelaide Rigby 1979 Sigmond J P Zuiderbaan L H Nederlanders ontdekken Australie Scheepsarcheologische vondsten op het Zuidland Amsterdam De Bataafsche Leeuw 1988 in Dutch Stapel F W De Oostindische Compagnie en Australie Amsterdam Van Kampen 1937 in Dutch Stein Stephen K The Sea in World History Exploration Travel and Trade Santa Barbara California ABC CLIO 2017 Suarez Thomas Exploration of the Pacific Early Mapping of the Pacific The Epic Story of Seafarers Adventurers and Cartographers Who Mapped the Earth s Greatest Ocean Singapore Periplus Editions 2004 Tasman Abel The Journal of Abel Jansz Tasman 1642 with Documents Relating to His Exploration of Australia in 1644 Edited by G H Kenihan Adelaide Australian Heritage Press 1960 Tasman Abel Het Journaal van Abel Tasman 1642 1643 eds Vibeke Roeper amp Diederick Wilderman The Hague Nationaal Archief 2006 in Dutch Van Duivenvoorde Wendy The Batavia Shipwreck An Archaeological Study of an Early Seventeenth Century Dutch East Indiaman PhD diss Texas A amp M University Dept of Anthropology 2008 Van Zanden Henry 1606 Discovery of Australia Perth Rio Bay Enterprises 1997 Veth Peter Sutton Peter Neale Margo Strangers on the Shore Early Coastal Contacts in Australia Canberra National Museum of Australia Press 2008 ISBN 9781876944636 Walker James Backhouse Abel Janszoon Tasman His Life and Voyages and The Discovery of Van Diemen s Land in 1642 Hobart Government Printer 1896 Broomhall Susan 2014 Emotional Encounters Indigenous Peoples in the Dutch East India Company s Interactions with the South Lands Australian Historical Studies 45 3 pp 350 367 Broomhall Susan 2015 Quite indifferent to these things The Role of Emotions and Conversion in the Dutch East India Company s Interactions with the South Lands Journal of Religious History 39 4 524 44 DOI 10 1111 1467 9809 12267 Broomhall Susan 2016 Dishes Coins and Pipes The Epistemological and Emotional Power of VOC Material Culture in Australia In The Global Lives of Things The Material Culture of Connections in the Early Modern World edited by Anne Gerritsen amp Giorgio Riello London Routledge 2016 pp 145 61 Broomhall Susan 2017 Fire Smoke and Ashes Communications of Power and Emotions by Dutch East India Company Crews on the Australian Continent In Fire Stories edited by G Moore New York Punctum Books 2017 Broomhall Susan 2017 Shipwrecks Sorrow Shame and the Great Southland The Use of Emotions in Seventeenth Century Dutch East India Company Communicative Ritual In Emotion Ritual and Power in Europe 1200 1920 Family State and Church edited by M Bailey and K Barclay Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan 2017 pp 83 103 Broomhall Susan 2018 Dirk Hartog s Sea Chest An Affective Archaeology of VOC Objects in Australia in Feeling Things Objects and Emotions through History edited by Stephanie Downes Sally Holloway and Sarah Randles Oxford Oxford University Press 2018 pp 175 91 Donaldson Bruce 2006 The Dutch Contribution to the European Discovery of Australia In Nonja Peters ed The Dutch Down Under 1606 2006 Crawley University of Western Australia Press 2006 Gaastra Femme 1997 The Dutch East India Company A Reluctant Discoverer Great Circle Journal of the Australian Association for Maritime History 19 2 109 123 Gentelli Liesel 2016 Provenance Determination of Silver Artefacts from the 1629 VOC Wreck Batavia using LA ICP MS Journal of Archaeological Science Reports 9 536 542 DOI 10 1016 j jasrep 2016 08 044 Gerritsen Rupert 2006 The evidence for cohabitation between Indigenous Australians marooned Dutch mariners and VOC passengers in Nonja Peters ed The Dutch Down Under 1606 2006 University of WA Press Sydney 2006 pp 38 55 Gerritsen Rupert 2008 The landing site debate Where were Australia s first European residents marooned in 1629 pp 105 129 in P Hornsby amp J Maschke eds Hydro 2007 Conference Proceedings Focus on Asia International Federation of Hydrographic Societies Belrose Gerritsen Rupert 2009 The Batavia Mutiny Australia s first military conflict in 1629 Sabretache Journal and Proceedings of the Military Historical Society of Australia 50 4 5 10 Gerritsen Rupert 2011 Australia s First Criminal Prosecutions in 1629 Canberra Batavia Online Publishing Gibbs Martin 2002 Maritime Archaeology and Behavior during Crisis The Wreck of the VOC Ship Batavia 1629 in John Grattan amp Robin Torrence eds Natural Disasters and Cultural Change New York Routledge 2002 pp 66 86 Green Jeremy N 1975 The VOC ship Batavia wrecked in 1629 on the Houtman Abrolhos Western Australia International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 4 1 43 63 DOI 10 1111 j 1095 9270 1975 tb00902 x Green Jeremy N 2006 The Dutch Down Under Sailing Blunders In Nonja Peters ed The Dutch Down Under 1606 2006 Crawley University of Western Australia Press 2006 Guy Richard 2015 Calamitous Voyages the social space of shipwreck and mutiny narratives in the Dutch East India Company Itinerario 39 1 117 140 DOI 10 1017 S0165115315000157 Ketelaar Eric 2008 Exploration of the Archived World From De Vlamingh s Plate to Digital Realities Archives and Manuscripts 36 2 13 33 McCarthy M 2006 Dutch place names in Australia In Nonja Peters ed The Dutch Down Under 1606 2006 Crawley University of Western Australia Press 2006 McCarthy M 2006 The Dutch on Australian shores The Zuytdorp tragedy unfinished business In L Shaw amp W Wilkins eds Dutch Connections 400 Years of Australian Dutch Maritime Links 1606 2006 Sydney Australian National Maritime Museum 2006 pp 94 109 Mutch T D 1942 The First Discovery of Australia with an Account of the Voyages of the Duyfken and the Career of William Jansz JRAHS 28 5 303 352 Schilder Gunter 1976 Organisation and Evolution of the Dutch East India Company s Hydrographic Office in the Seventeenth Century Imago Mundi 28 61 78 Schilder Gunter 1988 New Holland The Dutch Discoveries in Glyndwr Williams and Alan Frost eds Terra Australis to Australia Melbourne Oxford University Press 1988 pp 83 115 Schilder Gunter 1984 The Dutch Conception of New Holland in the Seventeenth and Early Eighteenth Centuries The Globe Journal of the Australian Map Circle 22 38 46 Schilder Gunter 1989 From Secret to Common Knowledge The Dutch Discoveries in John Hardy and Alan Frost eds Studies from Terra Australis to Australia Canberra 1989 Schilder Gunter 1993 A Continent Takes Shape The Dutch mapping of Australia in Changing Coastlines edited by Michael Richards amp Maura O Connor Canberra National Library of Australia 1993 pp 10 16 Sheehan Colin 2008 Strangers and Servants of the Company The United East India Company and the Dutch Voyages to Australia in Peter Veth Margo Neale et al eds Strangers on the Shore Early Coastal Contacts in Australia Canberra National Museum of Australia Press ISBN 9781876944636 Sigmond Peter 2006 Cultural Heritage and a Piece of Pewter in L Shaw amp W Wilkins eds Dutch Connections 400 Years of Australian Dutch Maritime Links 1606 2006 Sydney Australian National Maritime Museum 2006 Van Duivenvoorde Wendy Kaiser Bruce Megens Luc van Bronswijk Wilhelm 2015 Pigments from the Zuiddorp Zuytdorp ship sculpture red white and blue Post Medieval Archaeology 49 2 268 290 Yahya Padillah Gaudieri Silvana Franklin Daniel 2010 DNA Analysis of Human Skeletal Remains Associated with the Batavia Mutiny of 1629 Records of the Western Australian Museum 26 98 108 Clark C M H ed Select Documents in Australian History 2 vol 1950 Kemp Rod and Marion Stanton eds Speaking for Australia Parliamentary Speeches That Shaped Our Nation Allen amp Unwin 2004 online edition 2011 11 23 at the Wayback Machine Crowley Frank ed A Documentary History of Australia 5 vol Melbourne Wren 1973 v 1 Colonial Australia 1788 1840 v 2 Colonial Australia 1841 1874 v 3 Colonial Australia 1875 1900 v 4 Modern Australia 1901 1939 v 5 Modern Australia 1939 1970 Daniels Kay ed Australia s Women a Documentary History From a Selection of Personal Letters Diary Entries Pamphlets Official Records Government and Police Reports Speeches and Radio Talks 2nd ed U of Queensland Press 1989 335pp The first edition was entitled Uphill All the Way A Documentary History of Women in Australia 1980 Teale Ruth ed Colonial Eve Sources On Women in Australia 1788 1914 Melbourne Oxford University Press 1978 Xarici kecidlerVikianbarda Avstraliya tarixi ile elaqeli mediafayllar var by John Hirst February 2008 The Monthly The Australian History page at Project Gutenberg of Australia Australian Historical Studies a scholarly journal State Library of New South Wales Online Collections Australian War Memorial Collections 2013 12 07 at the Wayback Machine Some Inspirational Australian People Profiled by Laurence MacDonald Muir by Rob Robinson 2009 State Library of New South Wales Looking For Blackfellas Point History of European settlement and relations with Aboriginal people of South Eastern Australia Australian Broadcasting Corporation Royal Australian Historical Society