İctimai kitabxana — ictimai həyatın, münasibətlərin və ehtiyacların nəticəsində yaranmış, məqsədlərini və funksiyalarını mövcud olduqları tarixi və sosial şəraitdə formalaşdıran təşkilatlar Bunlar heç bir ayrıseçkiliyə yol vermədən cəmiyyətdə yaşayan bütün insanların təhsil, mədəniyyət və informasiya ehtiyaclarını ödəməyi və onların asudə vaxtlarından səmərəli istifadə etməyi qarşılarına məqsəd qoymuş olan təşkitatlardırlar. İctimai kitabxanalar insanların arasında cinsindən, yaşından, irqindən, milliyyətindən, dinindən, dilindən, təhsilindən, Mədəniyyətindən, sosial-iqtisadi səviyyəsindən və siyasi baxışlarından asılı olmayaraq onlar arasında heç bir fərq qoymadan, bütün növ kitabxana materialları və müxtəlif ünsiyyət vasitələri ilə mədəniyyət məhsullarını və məlumatları bəşəriyyətə pulsuz verən, onlara ömür boyu təhsil almaq və asudə vaxtlarını səmərəli keçirmək imkanı yaradan, cəmiyyətin bütövləşməsinə, sağlam düşüncəyə malik, sosial və mədəni cəhətdən inkişaf etmiş bir cəmiyyətin formalaşmasına, eyni zamanda da cəmiyyətin iqtisadi və mədəni cəhətdən inkişafına təsir göstərən demokratik təşkilatlar olub dünyada sülhün əldə olunmasına köməklik göstərirlər.

- Casson, Lionel. Libraries in the ancient world. New Haven: Yale University Press. 2001. ISBN .
Əlavə ədəbiyyat siyahısı
- Barnett, Graham Keith (1973) The History of Public Libraries in France from the Revolution to 1939
- Dewey, M. Field and Future of Traveling Libraries. New York, NY: NY Library System. 1901.
- Harris, Michael H. History of Libraries of the Western World (4th ed. Scarecrow Press, 1999); earlier editions were by Elmer Johnson
- Hughes, Kathleen M., and Jamie Wirsbinski Santoro (2021). Pivoting During the Pandemic: Ideas for Serving Your Community Anytime, Anywhere.Chicago. ALA Editions.
- Kranich, Nancy C. (2021) "Democracy, Community, and Libraries" in Mary Ann Davis Fournier and Sarah Ostman, eds Ask, Listen, Empower: Grounding Your Library Work in Community Engagement, pp. 1–15. Chicago: ALA editions.
- Lee, Robert E. 1966. Continuing Education of Adults through the American Public Library. Chicago: American Library Association.
- McCook, Kathleen de la Peña, Bossaller, J., & Thomas, F. (2018), Introduction to Public Librarianship, 3rd ed. Chicago: ALA Editions.
- Wedgeworth, Robert. World Encyclopedia of Library and Information Services (3rd). American Library Association. 1993. ISBN .
- Worpole, Ken (2013), Contemporary Library Architecture: A Planning and Design Guide, Routledge.
- Raphael, Molly. 2009. "The Transformational Power of Libraries in Tough Economic Times." Library Leadership & Management 23, no. 3: 106–151.
- Black, Alistair. "Skeleton in the cupboard: social class and the public library in Britain through 150 years." Library History 16.1 (2000): 3–12. says "they have always been, and continue to be, an expression of liberal middleclass ideals." abstract
- Charing, S. "Self-Help v State Intervention: the 1850 Public Library Act as a Reflection of Mid-Victorian Doctrine", Australian Library Journal (1995) 44(1), pp. 47–54.
- Hayes, Emma, and Anne Morris. "Leisure role of public libraries A historical perspective." Journal of librarianship and information science 37.2 (2005): 75–81. abstract Arxivləşdirilib 2015-10-17 at the Wayback Machine
- Hoare, P. (ed.) Cambridge History of Libraries in Britain and Ireland (Cambridge University Press, 2006)
- Kelly, Thomas, History of Public Libraries in Great Britain 1845–1965 (London: Library Association, 1973)
- Kelly, T & E. Kelly. Books for the People: an illustrated history of the British Public Library (London: Andre Deutsch, 1977)
- McMenemy, D. The Public Library (London: FACET, 2009)
- Minto, J. History of the Public Library Movement in Great Britain and Ireland (London: Library Association, 1932)
- Munford, William Arthur. Penny rate: aspects of British public library history, 1850–1950 (Library association, 1951)
- Murison, W. J. The Public Library: its origins, purpose and significance (2nd ed. London: Harrap, 1971)
- Overington, Michael A. The Subject Departmentalized Public Library. London: The Library Association, 1969. 167 p.
- Stockham, K. A., ed. British County Libraries: 1919–1969. (London: André Deutsch, 1969)
- Sturges, P. "Conceptualizing the public library 1850–1919." In Kinnell, M. and Sturges, P. (eds) Continuity and Innovation in the Public Library: the Development of a Social Institution (London: Library Association, 1996)
- Harris, Michael H. (1967) "Library history: a critical essay on the in-print literature." Journal of Library History (1967): 117–125. in JSTOR, covers the main books for major countries
Xarici keçidlər
- Stimulating Growth and Renewal of Public Libraries: The Natural Life Cycle as Framework
- "How did public libraries get started?" Arxivləşdirilib 2008-05-26 at the Wayback Machine from The Straight Dope
- Hoyle, Alan (2020), "The Manchester Free Library Building, Home to the Spanish Instituto Cervantes"
- Seminar in Public Libraries
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Ictimai kitabxana ictimai heyatin munasibetlerin ve ehtiyaclarin neticesinde yaranmis meqsedlerini ve funksiyalarini movcud olduqlari tarixi ve sosial seraitde formalasdiran teskilatlar Bunlar hec bir ayriseckiliye yol vermeden cemiyyetde yasayan butun insanlarin tehsil medeniyyet ve informasiya ehtiyaclarini odemeyi ve onlarin asude vaxtlarindan semereli istifade etmeyi qarsilarina meqsed qoymus olan teskitatlardirlar Ictimai kitabxanalar insanlarin arasinda cinsinden yasindan irqinden milliyyetinden dininden dilinden tehsilinden Medeniyyetinden sosial iqtisadi seviyyesinden ve siyasi baxislarindan asili olmayaraq onlar arasinda hec bir ferq qoymadan butun nov kitabxana materiallari ve muxtelif unsiyyet vasiteleri ile medeniyyet mehsullarini ve melumatlari beseriyyete pulsuz veren onlara omur boyu tehsil almaq ve asude vaxtlarini semereli kecirmek imkani yaradan cemiyyetin butovlesmesine saglam dusunceye malik sosial ve medeni cehetden inkisaf etmis bir cemiyyetin formalasmasina eyni zamanda da cemiyyetin iqtisadi ve medeni cehetden inkisafina tesir gosteren demokratik teskilatlar olub dunyada sulhun elde olunmasina komeklik gosterirler Malayziyada yerlesen ictimai kitabxana MenbeCasson Lionel Libraries in the ancient world New Haven Yale University Press 2001 ISBN 9780300088090 Elave edebiyyat siyahisiBarnett Graham Keith 1973 The History of Public Libraries in France from the Revolution to 1939 Dewey M Field and Future of Traveling Libraries New York NY NY Library System 1901 Harris Michael H History of Libraries of the Western World 4th ed Scarecrow Press 1999 earlier editions were by Elmer Johnson Hughes Kathleen M and Jamie Wirsbinski Santoro 2021 Pivoting During the Pandemic Ideas for Serving Your Community Anytime Anywhere Chicago ALA Editions Kranich Nancy C 2021 Democracy Community and Libraries in Mary Ann Davis Fournier and Sarah Ostman eds Ask Listen Empower Grounding Your Library Work in Community Engagement pp 1 15 Chicago ALA editions Lee Robert E 1966 Continuing Education of Adults through the American Public Library Chicago American Library Association McCook Kathleen de la Pena Bossaller J amp Thomas F 2018 Introduction to Public Librarianship 3rd ed Chicago ALA Editions Wedgeworth Robert World Encyclopedia of Library and Information Services 3rd American Library Association 1993 ISBN 9780838906095 Worpole Ken 2013 Contemporary Library Architecture A Planning and Design Guide Routledge Raphael Molly 2009 The Transformational Power of Libraries in Tough Economic Times Library Leadership amp Management 23 no 3 106 151 Britaniya Black Alistair Skeleton in the cupboard social class and the public library in Britain through 150 years Library History 16 1 2000 3 12 says they have always been and continue to be an expression of liberal middleclass ideals abstract Charing S Self Help v State Intervention the 1850 Public Library Act as a Reflection of Mid Victorian Doctrine Australian Library Journal 1995 44 1 pp 47 54 Hayes Emma and Anne Morris Leisure role of public libraries A historical perspective Journal of librarianship and information science 37 2 2005 75 81 abstract Arxivlesdirilib 2015 10 17 at the Wayback Machine Hoare P ed Cambridge History of Libraries in Britain and Ireland Cambridge University Press 2006 Kelly Thomas History of Public Libraries in Great Britain 1845 1965 London Library Association 1973 Kelly T amp E Kelly Books for the People an illustrated history of the British Public Library London Andre Deutsch 1977 McMenemy D The Public Library London FACET 2009 Minto J History of the Public Library Movement in Great Britain and Ireland London Library Association 1932 Munford William Arthur Penny rate aspects of British public library history 1850 1950 Library association 1951 Murison W J The Public Library its origins purpose and significance 2nd ed London Harrap 1971 Overington Michael A The Subject Departmentalized Public Library London The Library Association 1969 167 p Stockham K A ed British County Libraries 1919 1969 London Andre Deutsch 1969 Sturges P Conceptualizing the public library 1850 1919 In Kinnell M and Sturges P eds Continuity and Innovation in the Public Library the Development of a Social Institution London Library Association 1996 Tarixsunasliq Harris Michael H 1967 Library history a critical essay on the in print literature Journal of Library History 1967 117 125 in JSTOR covers the main books for major countriesXarici kecidlerVikisitatda libraries ile elaqedar sitatlar var Vikilugetde public library movzusuna dair melumatlar var Vikianbarda Ictimai kitabxana ile elaqeli mediafayllar var Stimulating Growth and Renewal of Public Libraries The Natural Life Cycle as Framework How did public libraries get started Arxivlesdirilib 2008 05 26 at the Wayback Machine from The Straight Dope Hoyle Alan 2020 The Manchester Free Library Building Home to the Spanish Instituto Cervantes Seminar in Public Libraries