Yuşə və ya Yeşua ( יְהוֹשֻׁעַ בִּן נוּן, Yexoşua bin-Nun; süry. ܝܫܘܥ ܒܪ ܢܘܢ,Yəşu bar Non; mənası – "Yahve xilas edir"),xristianlıqda İisus Navin,İsus Navin və ya Yisus Navin (yun. Ἰησοῦς; lat. Iosue), Qafqaz albanlarına görə Esu,islamda Yuşa ibn Nun (ərəb. يُوشَعُ ٱبْنُ نُونٍ, Yuşə ibn Nun) — və kitablarında Musanın köməkçisi kimi fəaliyyət göstərmiş, daha sonra Musadan sonra İsrail qəbilələrinin başçısı olmuşdur. Bibliyada verilən məlumata görə, o, Çıxışdan əvvəl Misirdə anadan olmuşdur.
Yuşə | |
יְהוֹשֻׁעַ בִּן נוּן | |
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Əlavə ədəbiyyat
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- Noort, Ed. "4QJOSHª and the History of Tradition in the Book of Joshua". Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages. 24 (2). 1998: 127–144.
- Pressler, Carolyn. Joshua, Judges and Ruth. Westminster John Knox Press. 2002. ISBN . 2011-09-11 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: 2021-05-12.
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- Simons, Dorothy Lister. "The Individual Human Dramatis Personae of the "Divine Comedy"". Modern Philology. 16 (7). 8 January 2018: 371–380. doi:10.1086/387205. JSTOR 432744.
- Wright, G. Ernest. "Archaeological News and Views: Hazor and the Conquest of Canaan". The Biblical Archaeologist. 18 (4). 1955: 106–8. doi:10.2307/3209136. JSTOR 3209136.
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- Smith’s Bible Dictionary
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Yuse ve ya Yesua י הו ש ע ב ן נו ן Yexosua bin Nun sury ܝܫܘܥ ܒܪ ܢܘܢ Yesu bar Non menasi Yahve xilas edir xristianliqda Iisus Navin Isus Navin ve ya Yisus Navin yun Ἰhsoῦs lat Iosue Qafqaz albanlarina gore Esu islamda Yusa ibn Nun ereb ي وش ع ٱب ن ن ون Yuse ibn Nun ve kitablarinda Musanin komekcisi kimi fealiyyet gostermis daha sonra Musadan sonra Israil qebilelerinin bascisi olmusdur Bibliyada verilen melumata gore o Cixisdan evvel Misirde anadan olmusdur Yuseי הו ש ע ב ן נו ן Dogum tarixi en tezi ve en geci Vefat tarixi en tezi ve en geci Vefat yeri Kenan Vikianbarda elaqeli mediafayllarMenbeIstinadlar http timeline biblehistory com event joshua https www jw org az kitabxana m C3 BCq C9 99dd C9 99s kitab nwt m C3 BCnd C9 99ricat Yu C5 9F C9 99 Azerbaycan dilinde Muqeddes Kitab YESUA 1 ebible org 2021 10 25 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2023 05 18 Hearing Faith Comes By YESUA PEYGEMBERIN KITABI 1 Bible is Bible is Online Khan Geoffrey The Tiberian Pronunciation Tradition of Biblical Hebrew Volume 1 Open Book Publishers 2020 ISBN 978 1783746767 Strong s Hebrew Concordance 3091 Yehoshua Bible Hub 2023 05 18 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2023 05 18 Peygemberler 25 avq 2020 2023 05 18 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2023 05 18 AZERBAYCAN MILLI ENSIKLOPEDIYASI ensiklopediya gov az Arxivlenmis suret PDF 2021 10 19 tarixinde PDF Istifade tarixi 2023 05 18 ECUK BOGET Microsoft Word qafqaz albanlar duzelishli doc genderi org 2020 02 01 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2023 05 18 Insan Ekologiyasi Antropoekologiya PDF Scribd 2023 05 18 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2023 05 18 http www anl az down meqale dede qorqud 2020 01 748904 meqale pdf Azerbaycanli xanim hafiz Iordaniyada kecirilen beynelxalq yarismada diploma layiq gorulub Report Informasiya Agentliyi 21 iyn 2020 2023 05 18 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2023 05 18 Coogan 2009 seh 166 167 Edebiyyat Coogan Michael D A Brief Introduction to the Old Testament Oxford University Press 2009 Elave edebiyyatAlbright W F The Israelite Conquest of Canaan in the Light of Archaeology Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 74 74 1939 11 23 doi 10 2307 3218878 JSTOR 3218878 Ayali Darshan Noga The Elements ש ו ע שבע תע in Biblical Proper Names A Re evaluation Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages 44 1 2018 10520 EJC ff5bd8a45 academia edu 2023 05 10 at the Wayback Machine Auzou Georges Le Don d une conquete etude du livre de Josue Connaissance de la Bible fransiz Edition de l Orante 1964 Bartlett John R 3 Archeology Rogerson J W Lieu Judith M redaktorlar The Oxford Handbook of Biblical Studies Oxford Oxford University Press 2006 ISBN 978 0 19 925425 5 Barton John Muddiman John redaktorlar Oxford Bible Commentary Oxford University Press 2001 ISBN 9780198755005 2020 07 16 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2017 05 01 The Biblical World 2 Taylor amp Francis 2004 ISBN 9780415350914 2017 05 02 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2017 05 01 Beolens Bo Watkins Michael Grayson Michael The Eponym Dictionary of Reptiles JHU Press 2011 ISBN 978 1 4214 0135 5 2021 05 14 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2021 05 14 Brettler Marc Zvi How to read the Bible 2017 05 01 at the Wayback Machine Jewish Publication Society 2005 Bright John A History of Israel Westminster John Knox Press 2000 ISBN 978 0 664 22068 6 2020 11 02 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2020 10 04 Coogan Michael D ed The Oxford History of the Biblical World 2020 11 15 at the Wayback Machine Oxford University Press 1998 Coote Robert B Conquest Biblical narrative David Noel Freedman Allen C Myers redaktorlar Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible Amsterdam University Press 31 December 2000 ISBN 978 90 5356 503 2 Creach Jerome F D Joshua Westminster John Knox Press 2003 ISBN 978 0 664 23738 7 2021 05 07 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2021 05 12 Day John Yahweh and the gods and goddesses of Canaan 2021 07 16 at the Wayback Machine Sheffield Academic Press 2002 de Pury Albert Romer Thomas Jean Daniel Macchi Israel constructs its history Deuteronomistic historiography in recent research Sheffield Academic Press 2000 ISBN 9781841270999 2021 07 16 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2017 05 01 Dever William What Did the Biblical Writers Know and When Did They Know It 2021 01 18 at the Wayback Machine Eerdmans 2001 Dever William Who Were the Early Israelites and Where Did They Come From 2020 04 21 at the Wayback Machine Eerdmans 2003 2006 Douglas James Dixon Bruce Frederick Fyvie Joshua New Bible Dictionary Inter Varsity Press 1982 ISBN 978 0 8423 4667 2 James D G Dunn John William Rogerson redaktorlar Eerdmans Commentary on the Bible Wm B Eerdmans 2003 ISBN 9780802837110 2020 06 13 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2017 05 01 Finkelstein Israel Mazar Amihay Schmidt Brian B The Quest for the Historical Israel 2016 06 03 at the Wayback Machine Society of Biblical Literature 2007 Garbini G Myth and history in the Bible 2021 07 16 at the Wayback Machine Sheffield Academic Press 2003 Gesenius Wilhelm Francis Brown redaktor A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament with an Appendix Containing the Biblical Aramaic Edward Robinson terefinden tercume olunub Houghton Mifflin 1906 Graham M P and McKenzie Steven L The Hebrew Bible today an introduction to critical issues 2019 07 03 at the Wayback Machine Westminster John Knox Press 1998 Hawkins Ralph How Israel Became a People Abingdon 2015 ISBN 978 1 4267 5487 6 2020 09 20 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2021 05 12 Henry Matthew Complete Commentary on the Whole Bible 1706 2021 07 16 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2021 05 14 Kenyon Kathleen M Jericho Archaeology 20 4 1967 268 275 JSTOR 41667764 Kenyon Kathleen M Some Notes on the History of Jericho in the Second Millennium B C Palestine Exploration Quarterly 83 2 20 November 2013 101 38 doi 10 1179 peq 1951 83 2 101 Killebrew Ann E Biblical Peoples and Ethnicity An Archaeological Study of Egyptians Canaanites and Early Israel October 2005 seh 130 ISBN 9781589830974 2020 07 26 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2017 05 01 McConville Gordon Williams Stephen Joshua Eerdmans 2010 ISBN 978 0 8028 2702 9 2021 02 15 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2021 05 12 McNutt Paula Reconstructing the Society of Ancient Israel Westminster John Knox Press 1999 ISBN 978 0 664 22265 9 2019 12 14 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2020 10 04 Miller James Maxwell Hayes John Haralson A History of Ancient Israel and Judah Westminster John Knox Press 1986 ISBN 0 664 21262 X 2020 04 21 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2020 10 04 Miller Robert D Chieftains of the Highland Clans A History of Israel in the 12th and 11th Centuries BC Eerdmans 2005 ISBN 978 0 8028 0988 9 2020 04 21 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2020 10 04 Nelson Richard D Joshua Westminster John Knox Press 1997 ISBN 978 0 664 22666 4 2021 05 07 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2021 05 12 Lovely Like Jerusalem The Fulfillment of the Old Testament in Christ and the Church 2007 seh 195 ISBN 9781586171681 2019 01 07 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2017 05 01 Noort Ed 4QJOSHª and the History of Tradition in the Book of Joshua Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages 24 2 1998 127 144 Pressler Carolyn Joshua Judges and Ruth Westminster John Knox Press 2002 ISBN 978 0 664 25526 8 2011 09 11 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2021 05 12 Rendsburg Gary A The Date of the Exodus and the Conquest Settlement The Case for the 1100S Vetus Testamentum 42 4 1992 510 27 doi 10 2307 1518961 JSTOR 1518961 Simons Dorothy Lister The Individual Human Dramatis Personae of the Divine Comedy Modern Philology 16 7 8 January 2018 371 380 doi 10 1086 387205 JSTOR 432744 Wright G Ernest Archaeological News and Views Hazor and the Conquest of Canaan The Biblical Archaeologist 18 4 1955 106 8 doi 10 2307 3209136 JSTOR 3209136 Xarici kecidlerVikianbarda Yuse ile elaqeli mediafayllar var Smith s Bible Dictionary Easton s Bible Dictionary amp Int Standard Bible EncyclopediaQurandaki peygemberlerAdem Seys Idris Nuh Hud Saleh Ibrahim Ismail Ishaq Lut Yaqub Yusif Eyyub Sueyb Musa Harun Davud Suleyman Yunis Zekeriyya Yehya Isa MehemmedAyrica bax Allah Din Islam Quran