Sloveniyada ilin idmançısı (sloven. Slovenski športnik leta — kişi idmançıları üçün, sloven. Slovenska športnica leta — qadın idmançıları üçün) — Sloveniya arasında keçirilən səsvermə nəticəsində verilən illik mükafat. Mükafat ilk dəfə 1968-ci ildə təqdim edilmişdir. 1991-ci ilə qədər Sloveniya kimi Yuqoslaviya SFR tərkibində olub.

- "Slovenian Sportsperson of the Year winners 1968–2016" (Slovenian). . İstifadə tarixi: 13 December 2016.
- T. O. "Kopitar in yolniryeva naybolyşa şportnika Sloveniye" [Kopitar and Zolnir are the best Slovenian Sportspersons] (Slovenian). . 20 Detsember 2012.
- A.V. "şportniki leta Mazeyeva, Prevts in hokeyska reprezentantsa" [Sportspersons of the Year are Maze, Prevts and Buzüstü hokkey national team] (Slovenian). . 19 Detsember 2013.
- "şportnik leta: zmagovaltsi Tina Maze, Peter Prevts in hokeyska reprezentantsa" [Sportspersons of the Year: Winners are Tina Maze, Peter Prevts and Buzüstü hokkey national team] (Slovenian).[ölü keçid]
- A.V. "şportniki leta Tina Maze, Peter Prevts in slovenski odboykaryi" [Sportspersons of the Year are Tina Maze, Peter Prevts, and Slovenian volleyball team] (Slovenian). . 8 Detsember 2015.
- M. L.; A. V. "şportniki leta Peter Prevts, Tina Trstenyak in slovenski hokeyisti" [Sportspersons of the Year are Peter Prevts, Tina Trstenyak, and Slovenian Buzüstü hokkey team] (Slovenian). . 13 Detsember 2016.
- R. K.; A. V. "şportniki leta Qoran Dragić, Ilka ştuhets in koşarkaryi" [Sportspersons of the Year are Qoran Dragits, Ilka Stuhets, and Slovenian Basketbol team] (Slovenian). . 12 Detsember 2017.
- R. K.; D. S. "Naybolyşa şportnika Sloveniye v letu 2018 – 19-letna Luka Donçić in yanya Garnbret" [Slovenian Sportspersons of the Year in 2018 – 19-year-old Luka Dontsits and yanya Garnbret] (Slovenian). . 19 Detsember 2018.
- T. O.; D. S. "Primoy Rogliç, yanya Garnbret in odboykaryi so şportniki leta" [Primoz Roglits, yanya Garnbret and the national volleyball team are the Sportspersons of the Year] (Slovenian). . 17 Detsember 2019.
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Sloveniyada ilin idmancisi sloven Slovenski sportnik leta kisi idmancilari ucun sloven Slovenska sportnica leta qadin idmancilari ucun Sloveniya arasinda kecirilen sesverme neticesinde verilen illik mukafat Mukafat ilk defe 1968 ci ilde teqdim edilmisdir 1991 ci ile qeder Sloveniya kimi Yuqoslaviya SFR terkibinde olub QaliblerIdman novu Qadin idmancisi Il Kisi idmancisi Idman novuYungul atletika 1968 Idman gimnastikasiYungul atletika 1969 Ivo Daneu BasketbolYungul atletika 2 1970 2 Idman gimnastikasiYungul atletika 3 1971 FutbolYungul atletika 4 1972Yungul atletika 5 1973 BasketbolYungul atletika 6 1974 2 BasketbolTennis 1975 Dag xizek idmaniTennis 2 1976 UzguculukTennis 3 1977 2 Uzguculuk1978 3 UzguculukYungul atletika 1979 2 Dag xizek idmaniTennis 4 1980 3 Dag xizek idmaniDag xizek idmani 1981 4 UzguculukDag xizek idmani 1982 4 Dag xizek idmaniYungul atletika 1983 5 UzguculukDag xizek idmani 1984 Dag xizek idmaniDag xizek idmani 2 1985 Dag xizek idmaniDag xizek idmani 3 1986 2 Dag xizek idmaniDag xizek idmani 4 1987 5 Dag xizek idmaniDag xizek idmani 5 1988Dag xizek idmani 6 1989Dag xizek idmani 7 1990 AlpinizmDag xizek idmani 19911992 Gulle aticiligiYungul atletika 1993 UzguculukYungul atletika 1994 Dag xizek idmaniYungul atletika 2 1995 Akademik avarcekmeYungul atletika 3 1996Yungul atletika 4 1997Yungul atletika 5 1998 2 Uzguculuk 1999 Yungul atletikaDag xizek idmani 2000 Gulle aticiligiYungul atletika 2001Yungul atletika 2002 Idman gimnastikasiYungul atletika 2 2003Yungul atletika 3 2004 Yelken idmaniDag xizek idmani 2005 Idman gimnastikasi2006 Yungul atletika 2 2007 Yungul atletikaUzguculuk 2008 2 Yungul atletika 3 2009 3 Yungul atletikaDag xizek idmani 2 2010 BoksDag xizek idmani 3 2011Cudo 2012 Buzustu hokkeyDag xizek idmani 4 2013Dag xizek idmani 5 2014 2 Dag xizek idmani 6 2015 3 Cudo 2016 4 Dag xizek idmani 2017 Basketbol2018 Basketbol 2 2019IstinadlarUmumi Slovenian Sportsperson of the Year winners 1968 2016 Slovenian Istifade tarixi 13 December 2016 Spesifik T O Kopitar in yolniryeva naybolysa sportnika Sloveniye Kopitar and Zolnir are the best Slovenian Sportspersons Slovenian 20 Detsember 2012 A V sportniki leta Mazeyeva Prevts in hokeyska reprezentantsa Sportspersons of the Year are Maze Prevts and Buzustu hokkey national team Slovenian 19 Detsember 2013 sportnik leta zmagovaltsi Tina Maze Peter Prevts in hokeyska reprezentantsa Sportspersons of the Year Winners are Tina Maze Peter Prevts and Buzustu hokkey national team Slovenian delo si olu kecid A V sportniki leta Tina Maze Peter Prevts in slovenski odboykaryi Sportspersons of the Year are Tina Maze Peter Prevts and Slovenian volleyball team Slovenian 8 Detsember 2015 M L A V sportniki leta Peter Prevts Tina Trstenyak in slovenski hokeyisti Sportspersons of the Year are Peter Prevts Tina Trstenyak and Slovenian Buzustu hokkey team Slovenian 13 Detsember 2016 R K A V sportniki leta Qoran Dragic Ilka stuhets in kosarkaryi Sportspersons of the Year are Qoran Dragits Ilka Stuhets and Slovenian Basketbol team Slovenian 12 Detsember 2017 R K D S Naybolysa sportnika Sloveniye v letu 2018 19 letna Luka Doncic in yanya Garnbret Slovenian Sportspersons of the Year in 2018 19 year old Luka Dontsits and yanya Garnbret Slovenian 19 Detsember 2018 T O D S Primoy Roglic yanya Garnbret in odboykaryi so sportniki leta Primoz Roglits yanya Garnbret and the national volleyball team are the Sportspersons of the Year Slovenian 17 Detsember 2019 Xarici kecidler