İsrail Torpağı (ivr. אֶרֶץ יִשְׂרָאֵל, Ereş Yisrael) — Cənubi Levant ərazisi üçün ənənəvi iudaist ad. Əlaqədar "Bibliya" və dini terminlərə Kənan torpaqları, Vəd edilmiş torpaqlar, Müqəddəs torpaqlar və Fələstin daxildir. Bu ərazinin sərhədlərinin tərifləri ""nda keçidlər arasında dəyişir. "Müqəddəs Kitab"ın başqa yerlərində doqquz dəfə "Dandan Beer-Şevaya", üç dəfə isə " girişindən Misir çayına qədər" kimi xatırlanır.
İsrail Torpağı konsepsiyası . Bu, tez-tez iki tarixi yəhudi krallığının adından İsrailin rəsmi diskursunda İudeya və Samariya dairəsi kimi xatırlanan İordan çayının qərb sahilinin statusu ilə bağlı siyasi müzakirələrdə üzə çıxır.
Həmçinin bax
- Emma Playfair. International Law and the Administration of Occupied Territories: Two Decades of Israeli Occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Oxford University Press. 1992. səh. 41.
On 17 December 1967, the Israeli military government issued an order stating that "the term 'Judea and Samaria region' shall be identical in meaning for all purposes . .to the term 'the West Bank Region'". This change in terminology, which has been followed in Israeli official statements since that time, reflected a historic attachment to these areas and rejection of a name that was seen as implying Jordanian sovereignty over them.
Əlavə ədəbiyyat
- Davies, W. D., The Territorial Dimension of Judaism (1982), University of California Press
- Goldberg, Michael. Jews and Christians: Getting Our Stories Straight. Wipf and Stock Publishers. 2001. ISBN .
- Keith, Alexander. The Land of Israel: According to the Covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and Jacob, W. Whyte & Co, 1844.
- . The Bible & Zionism; Invented Traditions, Archaeology and Post-Colonialism in Israel-Palestine. Zed Books. 2007. 2–6. ISBN .
- McTernan, John P. As America Has Done to Israel, Whitaker House Publishers, 2008. ISBN ISBN 978-1-60374-038-8
- . The Invention of the Land of Israel: From Holy Land to Homeland. Verso Books. 2012. ISBN .
- Schweid, Eliezer. The Land of Israel: National Home Or Land of Destiny, translated by Deborah Greniman, Fairleigh Dickinson Univ Press, 1985. ISBN ISBN 978-0-8386-3234-5
- Sedykh, Andreĭ. This Land of Israel, Macmillan, 1967.
- Stewart, Robert Laird. The Land of Israel, Revell, 1899.
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Israil Torpagi ivr א ר ץ י ש ר א ל Eres Yisrael Cenubi Levant erazisi ucun enenevi iudaist ad Elaqedar Bibliya ve dini terminlere Kenan torpaqlari Ved edilmis torpaqlar Muqeddes torpaqlar ve Felestin daxildir Bu erazinin serhedlerinin terifleri nda kecidler arasinda deyisir Muqeddes Kitab in basqa yerlerinde doqquz defe Dandan Beer Sevaya uc defe ise girisinden Misir cayina qeder kimi xatirlanir Israil Torpagi konsepsiyasi Bu tez tez iki tarixi yehudi kralliginin adindan Israilin resmi diskursunda Iudeya ve Samariya dairesi kimi xatirlanan Iordan cayinin qerb sahilinin statusu ile bagli siyasi muzakirelerde uze cixir Hemcinin baxIsrail tarixi FelestinIstinadlarEmma Playfair International Law and the Administration of Occupied Territories Two Decades of Israeli Occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip Oxford University Press 1992 seh 41 On 17 December 1967 the Israeli military government issued an order stating that the term Judea and Samaria region shall be identical in meaning for all purposes to the term the West Bank Region This change in terminology which has been followed in Israeli official statements since that time reflected a historic attachment to these areas and rejection of a name that was seen as implying Jordanian sovereignty over them Elave edebiyyatDavies W D The Territorial Dimension of Judaism 1982 University of California Press Goldberg Michael Jews and Christians Getting Our Stories Straight Wipf and Stock Publishers 2001 ISBN 978 1 57910 776 5 Keith Alexander The Land of Israel According to the Covenant with Abraham with Isaac and Jacob W Whyte amp Co 1844 The Bible amp Zionism Invented Traditions Archaeology and Post Colonialism in Israel Palestine Zed Books 2007 2 6 ISBN 978 1 84277 761 9 McTernan John P As America Has Done to Israel Whitaker House Publishers 2008 ISBN 978 1 60374 038 8ISBN 978 1 60374 038 8 The Invention of the Land of Israel From Holy Land to Homeland Verso Books 2012 ISBN 978 1 84467 947 8 Schweid Eliezer The Land of Israel National Home Or Land of Destiny translated by Deborah Greniman Fairleigh Dickinson Univ Press 1985 ISBN 978 0 8386 3234 5ISBN 978 0 8386 3234 5 Sedykh Andreĭ This Land of Israel Macmillan 1967 Stewart Robert Laird The Land of Israel Revell 1899 Xarici kecidlerVikianbarda Israil Torpagi ile elaqeli mediafayllar var