Thıonqlar (vyet. người Thượng, tı-nom: 𠊚上; mənası – dağlılar), montanyarlar (fr. Montagnard) və ya moilər (vyet. Mọi; mənası – vəhşilər, cahillər) — Birinci Hindçin müharibəsinə qədər yuxarı təbəqələrin və müstəmləkəçilərin Cənubi Vyetnamda dağlı xalq qruplarına verdikləri ümumi ad. Moi termini monkhmer və İndoneziya dillərinə danışan, müxtəlif sosial-iqtisadi inkişaf mərhələsində olan 30-dan çox xalq və etnik qrupları əhatə edirdi.
![]() | |||
"Montanyarlar", XX əsrin əvvəlləri. Fransis Dekoli. | |||
Özünüadlandırma | |||
vyet. người Thượng | |||
Ümumi sayı | |||
1,310,000 (2010) | |||
Yaşadığı ərazilər | |||
| |||
Dili | |||
İrqi | |||
Monqoloid |
- Minahan. Encyclopedia of the Stateless Nations (ingilis). Greenwood Publishing Group. 2002. səh. 1288—1294. ISBN .
- Calloway N.O., Harris O.N., Taylor L.. Biological and Medical Aspects of Race (ingilis). American Publishing Company. 1977. səh. 107.
The Montagnards are a Mongoloid people with some probable Caucasoid and Austrcloid ancestry.
- Моиләр // Azərbaycan Sovet Ensiklopediyası: [10 ҹилддә]. VII ҹилд: Мисир—Прадо. Бакы: Азәрбајҹан Совет Енсиклопедијасынын Баш Редаксијасы. Баш редактор: Ҹ. Б. Гулијев. 1983. С. 23.
Əlavə ədəbiyyat
- Sidney Jones, Malcolm Smart, Joe Saunders, HRW. (2002). Repression of Montagnards: Conflicts Over Land and Religion in Vietnam's Central Highlands. Human Rights Watch. ISBN .
- United States Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign. (1998). The Plight of the Montagnards: Hearing Before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Relations, Original from the Library of Congress [1].
- Condominas, Georges. We Have Eaten the Forest: The Story of a Montagnard Village in the Central Highlands of Vietnam. New York: Hill and Wang, 1977. ISBN .
- Montagnard Foundation. Human Rights Violations: Montagnard Foundation Report, 2001: Report on the Situation of Human Rights Concerning the Montagnards or Degar Peoples of Vietnam's Central Highlands. Spartanburg, South Carolina: The Foundation, 2001.
- Montagnard Foundation. History of the Montagnard/Degar People: Their Struggle for Survival and Rights Before International Law. Spartanburg, South Carolina: The Foundation, 2001.
Xarici keçidlər

- Degar Foundation
- UNPO website: Degar-Montagnards
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Thionqlar vyet người Thượng ti nom 𠊚上 menasi daglilar montanyarlar fr Montagnard ve ya moiler vyet Mọi menasi vehsiler cahiller Birinci Hindcin muharibesine qeder yuxari tebeqelerin ve mustemlekecilerin Cenubi Vyetnamda dagli xalq qruplarina verdikleri umumi ad Moi termini monkhmer ve Indoneziya dillerine danisan muxtelif sosial iqtisadi inkisaf merhelesinde olan 30 dan cox xalq ve etnik qruplari ehate edirdi Thionqlar Montanyarlar XX esrin evvelleri Fransis Dekoli Ozunuadlandirmavyet người ThượngUmumi sayi1 310 000 2010 Yasadigi eraziler Vyetnam Kamboca Laos ABSDilimonkhmer ve IndoneziyaIrqiMonqoloidIstinadlarMinahan Encyclopedia of the Stateless Nations ingilis Greenwood Publishing Group 2002 seh 1288 1294 ISBN 9780313321115 Calloway N O Harris O N Taylor L Biological and Medical Aspects of Race ingilis American Publishing Company 1977 seh 107 The Montagnards are a Mongoloid people with some probable Caucasoid and Austrcloid ancestry Moilәr Azerbaycan Sovet Ensiklopediyasi 10 ҹilddә VII ҹild Misir Prado Baky Azәrbaјҹan Sovet Ensiklopediјasynyn Bash Redaksiјasy Bash redaktor Ҹ B Guliјev 1983 S 23 Elave edebiyyatSidney Jones Malcolm Smart Joe Saunders HRW 2002 Repression of Montagnards Conflicts Over Land and Religion in Vietnam s Central Highlands Human Rights Watch ISBN 1 56432 272 6 United States Congress Senate Committee on Foreign 1998 The Plight of the Montagnards Hearing Before the Committee on Foreign Relations United States Relations Original from the Library of Congress 1 Condominas Georges We Have Eaten the Forest The Story of a Montagnard Village in the Central Highlands of Vietnam New York Hill and Wang 1977 ISBN 0 8090 9672 2 Montagnard Foundation Human Rights Violations Montagnard Foundation Report 2001 Report on the Situation of Human Rights Concerning the Montagnards or Degar Peoples of Vietnam s Central Highlands Spartanburg South Carolina The Foundation 2001 Montagnard Foundation History of the Montagnard Degar People Their Struggle for Survival and Rights Before International Law Spartanburg South Carolina The Foundation 2001 Xarici kecidlerVikianbarda Thionqlar ile elaqeli mediafayllar var Degar Foundation UNPO website Degar Montagnards