Piktlər — son dəmir dövründə və erkən orta əsrlərdə Piktaviya (lat. Pictavia), Piktland və ya Piktlend adlanan ərazidə, indiki Şotlandiyanın şərqində və şimalında yaşamış xalqlar konfederasiyasına verilən ümumi ad. Onların yaşadığı ərazi və mədəniyyətləri verilmiş toponim elementlərinin yayılması və əsaslanır. Piktlər barədə məlumatlar X əsrə qədərki dövrdə hazırlanmış yazılı mənbələrdə verilir. Onlar Kennet mak Alpinin Piktaviyanı ihlaq etməsindən sonra X əsrdə gellərin assimilyasiyasına məruz qalıblar. Onlar Böyük Britaniyadakı və çaylarının şimalında yaşayırdılar. Piktlər cənubdakı britlərin danışdığı keltik yaxın olan danışırdılar.

Piktlərin romalıların Ptolomeyin hazırladığı dünya xəritəsində haqlarında danışdıqları və digər tayfalardan törədikləri ehtimal olunur. Piktaviya tədricən gel dövləti olan Dal Riada krallığı ilə birləşmiş və Alba krallığını (Şotlandiya) qurmuşdur. Daha sonrakı dövrlərdə Alba krallığı britlərin və Lotian vilayətini ihlaq etmişdir. XI əsrdə pikt identiklikliyi şotlandların uzunmüddətli assimilyasiya prosesi nəticəsində məhv olmuşdur.
"Pikt" termininin romalıların Fort və Klayd çaylarının şimalında yaşamış xalqlar üçün istifadə etdiyi bir ekzonim olduğu düşünülür.Latın sözü olan Picti 297-ci ildə tərəfindən yazılmış bir panegirikdə verilir və "rənglənmiş ( edilmiş) insanlar" deməkdir. Söz latın dilindəki Pingere ("rəngləmək"; Pictus, "rənglənmiş"; q.yun. πυκτίς, piktis, "şəkil") sözündən törəyib.
"Pict" sözü qədim skandinav dilində Pettr, Peohta, skots dilində Pecht, vall dilində isə Peithwyr ("pikt adamlar") kimi verilir. Bəzi alimlər adın pikt dilindəki orijinal variantı olduğunu düşünür.İrlandiyada qeydə alınan yazılını mənbələrdə (ortagel: Cruthin), Krutini (ortagel: Cruthini), Krutni (ortagel: Cruthni) və ya Kruitini (ortagel: Cruithini; irl. Cruithne) həm piktlərə, həm də ki, şərqi Olsterdəki boyunca yaşayan başqa bir xalqa verilən ad idi. Ümumiyyətcə bu adın *Qritani sözündən törədiyi, onun isə *Pritani sözünün variantı olduğunu qəbul edilir. Bu sözdən Britanni adı yaranmışdır ki, bu da romalıların britlərə verdiyi addır.
Piktlərin özlərini necə adlandırdığı naməlumdur. Tarixşünaslar piktlərin özlərini Albidosi adlandırdığını irəli sürürlər. Bu ad "" əsərində verilir.
- Foster, 1996. səh. 11
- Ferguson, James. "The Pictish Race and Kingdom". The Celtic Review (ingilis). 7 (25). 1911: 25. doi:10.2307/30070376. 2022-02-07 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: 2019-02-17.
- Lewis, Short, 1879 pingo 2022-07-05 at the Wayback Machine, on Perseus Digital Library
- Liddell, Scott, 1940 πυκτίς 2022-08-22 at the Wayback Machine, on Perseus Digital Library
- William Taylor (of Tain.). Fragments of the Early History of Tain, from Its Origin to the Middle of the Sixteenth Century. R. Douglas. 1865. səh. 15. 2021-08-30 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: 2019-02-17.
- J. M. P. Calise. Pictish Sourcebook: Documents of Medieval Legend and Dark Age History. Greenwood Publishing Group. 2002. 289–290. ISBN . 2021-08-31 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: 2019-02-17.
- Ó Cróinín, 2008. səh. 213
- Chadwick, 1949. səh. 66-80
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- Broun, 2005a. səh. 258, note 95; Woolf, 2007. səh. 177–181
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- Youngs, Susan, redaktorThe Work of Angels, Masterpieces of Celtic Metalwork, 6th–9th centuries AD, London: British Museum Press, 1989, ISBN
- James E. Fraser, The New Edinburgh History Of Scotland Vol.1 - From Caledonia To Pictland, Edinburgh University Press(2009) ISBN
- Henderson, George; Henderson, Isabel, The Art of the Picts, Thames and Hudson (2004) ISBN
- Fraser Hunter, Beyond the Edge of Empire: Caledonians, Picts and Romans, Groam House Museum, Rosemarkie (2007) ISBN
- Alex Woolf, The New Edinburgh History Of Scotland Vol.2 - From Pictland To Alba, Edinburgh University Press,(2007) ISBN
Xarici keçidlər

- Glasgow University ePrints server, including Katherine Forsyth's
- Language in Pictland (pdf) and
- Literacy in Pictland (pdf)
- The language of the Picts 2017-02-02 at the Wayback Machine, article by Paul Kavanagh, 2012-02-04
- CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts at University College Cork
- The Corpus of Electronic Texts includes the Annals of Ulster, Tigernach, the Four Masters and Innisfallen, the Chronicon Scotorum, the Lebor Bretnach, Genealogies, and various Saints' Lives. Most are translated into English, or translations are in progress
- Scotland Royalty 2020-03-27 at the Wayback Machine
- Annals of Clonmacnoise at Cornell
- Bede's Ecclesiastical History and its Continuation (pdf), at CCEL, translated by A.M. Sellar.
- Annales Cambriae (translated) at the Internet Medieval Sourcebook.
- Proceedings of the (PSAS) through 1999 (pdf).
- Tarbat Discovery Programme with reports on excavations at Portmahomack.
- the (Comann Ainmean-Áite na h-Alba), including commentary on and extracts from Watson's The History of the Celtic Place-names of Scotland.
- The Picts and Scots in history
- Historic Scotland website on Pictish stones
- Ancient Scotland: Caledonia and Pictavia
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Piktler son demir dovrunde ve erken orta esrlerde Piktaviya lat Pictavia Piktland ve ya Piktlend adlanan erazide indiki Sotlandiyanin serqinde ve simalinda yasamis xalqlar konfederasiyasina verilen umumi ad Onlarin yasadigi erazi ve medeniyyetleri verilmis toponim elementlerinin yayilmasi ve esaslanir Piktler barede melumatlar X esre qederki dovrde hazirlanmis yazili menbelerde verilir Onlar Kennet mak Alpinin Piktaviyani ihlaq etmesinden sonra X esrde gellerin assimilyasiyasina meruz qaliblar Onlar Boyuk Britaniyadaki ve caylarinin simalinda yasayirdilar Piktler cenubdaki britlerin danisdigi keltik yaxin olan danisirdilar Pikt doyuscusu Teodor de Brinin hazirladigi qravur Virciniya torpaqlarinin qisa ve deqiq tesviri kitabi 1588 ci il Piktlerin romalilarin Ptolomeyin hazirladigi dunya xeritesinde haqlarinda danisdiqlari ve diger tayfalardan toredikleri ehtimal olunur Piktaviya tedricen gel dovleti olan Dal Riada kralligi ile birlesmis ve Alba kralligini Sotlandiya qurmusdur Daha sonraki dovrlerde Alba kralligi britlerin ve Lotian vilayetini ihlaq etmisdir XI esrde pikt identiklikliyi sotlandlarin uzunmuddetli assimilyasiya prosesi neticesinde mehv olmusdur Etimologiya Pikt termininin romalilarin Fort ve Klayd caylarinin simalinda yasamis xalqlar ucun istifade etdiyi bir ekzonim oldugu dusunulur Latin sozu olan Picti 297 ci ilde terefinden yazilmis bir panegirikde verilir ve renglenmis edilmis insanlar demekdir Soz latin dilindeki Pingere renglemek Pictus renglenmis q yun pyktis piktis sekil sozunden toreyib Pict sozu qedim skandinav dilinde Pettr Peohta skots dilinde Pecht vall dilinde ise Peithwyr pikt adamlar kimi verilir Bezi alimler adin pikt dilindeki orijinal varianti oldugunu dusunur Irlandiyada qeyde alinan yazilini menbelerde ortagel Cruthin Krutini ortagel Cruthini Krutni ortagel Cruthni ve ya Kruitini ortagel Cruithini irl Cruithne hem piktlere hem de ki serqi Olsterdeki boyunca yasayan basqa bir xalqa verilen ad idi Umumiyyetce bu adin Qritani sozunden torediyi onun ise Pritani sozunun varianti oldugunu qebul edilir Bu sozden Britanni adi yaranmisdir ki bu da romalilarin britlere verdiyi addir Piktlerin ozlerini nece adlandirdigi namelumdur Tarixsunaslar piktlerin ozlerini Albidosi adlandirdigini ireli sururler Bu ad eserinde verilir MenbeIstinadlar Foster 1996 seh 11 Ferguson James The Pictish Race and Kingdom The Celtic Review ingilis 7 25 1911 25 doi 10 2307 30070376 2022 02 07 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2019 02 17 Lewis Short 1879 pingo 2022 07 05 at the Wayback Machine on Perseus Digital Library Liddell Scott 1940 pyktis 2022 08 22 at the Wayback Machine on Perseus Digital Library William Taylor of Tain Fragments of the Early History of Tain from Its Origin to the Middle of the Sixteenth Century R Douglas 1865 seh 15 2021 08 30 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2019 02 17 J M P Calise Pictish Sourcebook Documents of Medieval Legend and Dark Age History Greenwood Publishing Group 2002 289 290 ISBN 978 0 313 32295 2 2021 08 31 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2019 02 17 o Croinin 2008 seh 213 Chadwick 1949 seh 66 80 o Croinin 2008 Chadwick 1949 Broun 2005a seh 258 note 95 Woolf 2007 seh 177 181 Edebiyyat The Anglo Saxon Chronicle Ingram James Giles J A terefinden tercume olunub Pantianos Classics ISBN 978 1 5405 7961 4 Life of St Columba Sharpe Richard terefinden tercume olunub London Penguin 1995 ISBN 978 0 14 044462 9 Alcock Leslie Kings amp Warriors Craftsmen amp Priests In Northern Britain AD 550 850 Edinburgh Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Monograph Series 2003 ISBN 978 0 903903 24 0 Armit Ian Beyond the Brochs Changing Perspectives on the Atlantic Scottish Iron Age Edinburgh Edinburgh University Press 1990 Armit Ian Towers In The North The Brochs Of Scotland Stroud Tempus 2002 ISBN 978 0 7524 1932 9 Broun Dauvit Clancy Thomas Owen redaktorlar The Scottish Takeover of Pictland and the relics of Columba Spes Scotorum Hope of Scots Saint Columba Iona and Scotland Edinburgh T amp T Clark Ltd 1999 ISBN 978 0 7486 1803 3 Barrow G W S redaktor Pre feudal Scotland shires and thanes The Kingdom of the Scots Edinburgh Edinburgh University Press 2003 ISBN 978 0 7486 1803 3 Dunkeld and the origin of Scottish Identity The Innes Review 48 1997 112 124 Broun Dauvit Foster Sally M redaktor Pictish Kings 761 839 Integration with Dal Riata or Separate Development The St Andrews Sarcophagus A Pictish masterpiece and its international connections Dublin Four Courts 1998 ISBN 978 1 85182 414 4 Broun Dauvit Clancy Thomas Owen redaktorlar Spes Scotorum Hope of Scots Saint Columba Iona and Scotland Edinburgh T amp T Clark Ltd 1999 ISBN 978 0 5670 8682 2 Broun Dauvit Lynch Michael redaktor Dal Riata kingdom of The Oxford Companion to Scottish History Oxford Oxford University Press 2001a 161 162 Broun Dauvit Lynch Michael redaktor Kingship Early Medieval The Oxford Companion to Scottish History Oxford Oxford University Press 2001b seh 359 360 Broun Dauvit Lynch Michael redaktor National identity early medieval and the formation of Alba The Oxford Companion to Scottish History Oxford Oxford University Press 2001c seh 437 Broun Dauvit O Neill Pamela redaktor Alba Pictish homeland or Irish offshoot Exile and Homecoming Papers from the Fifth Australian Conference of Celtic Studies University of Sydney July 2004 Sydney Series in Celtic Studies Sydney The Celtic Studies Foundation University of Sydney 8 2005a 234 275 ISBN 978 1 86487 742 7 Broun Dauvit Cowan E J McDonald R Andrew redaktorlar The Seven Kingdoms in De situ Albanie A Record of Pictish political geography or imaginary map of ancient Alba Alba Celtic Scotland in the Medieval Era Edinburgh John Donald 2005b ISBN 978 0 85976 608 1 Broun Dauvit Scottish Independence and the Idea of Britain From the Picts to Alexander III Edinburgh Edinburgh University Press 2007 ISBN 978 0 7486 2360 0 Bruford Alan Cowan E J McDonald R Andrew redaktorlar What happened to the Caledonians Alba Celtic Scotland in the Medieval Era Edinburgh John Donald 2005 ISBN 978 0 85976 608 1 Irish Kings and High Kings London Batsford 1973 ISBN 978 0 7134 5882 4 Campbell Ewan Saints and Sea kings The First Kingdom of the Scots Edinburgh Canongate 1999 ISBN 978 0 86241 874 8 Carver M O H Portmahomack monastery of the Picts Edinburgh Edinburgh University Press 2008 ISBN 978 0 7486 2442 3 August 13 2021 tarixinde Istifade tarixi February 6 2010 Early Scotland The Picts The Scots And The Welsh Of Southern Scotland 2013 Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1949 ISBN 978 1 1076 9391 3 Clancy Thomas Owen Taylor Simon redaktor Scotland the Nennian Recension of the Historia Brittonum and the Libor Bretnach Kings clerics and chronicles in Scotland 500 1297 Dublin Four Courts 2000 ISBN 978 1 85182 516 5 Clancy Thomas Owen Lynch Michael redaktor Church institutions early medieval The Oxford Companion to Scottish History Oxford Oxford University Press 2001a Clancy Thomas Owen Lynch Michael redaktor Ireland to 1100 The Oxford Companion to Scottish History Oxford Oxford University Press 2001b Clancy Thomas Owen Lynch Michael redaktor Nechtan son of Derile The Oxford Companion to Scottish History Oxford Oxford University Press 2001c Broun Dauvit Clancy Thomas Owen redaktorlar Columba Adomnan and the Cult of Saints in Scotland Spes Scotorum Hope of Scots Saint Columba Iona and Scotland Edinburgh T amp T Clark Ltd 1999 ISBN 978 0 7486 1803 3 Cowan E J Lynch Michael redaktor Economy to 1100 The Oxford Companion to Scottish History Oxford Oxford University Press 2001 Cowan E J Cowan E J McDonald R Andrew redaktorlar The Invention of Celtic Scotland Alba Celtic Scotland in the Medieval Era Edinburgh John Donald 2005a ISBN 978 0 85976 608 1 Cowan E J McDonald R Andrew redaktorlar Alba Celtic Scotland in the Medieval Era Edinburgh John Donald 2005b ISBN 978 0 85976 608 1 Crone B A Crannogs and Chronologies Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 123 1993 245 254 Cummins W A The Age of the Picts Stroud Sutton 1998 ISBN 978 0 7509 1608 0 Dennison Patricia Lynch Michael redaktor Urban settlement to 1750 The Oxford Companion to Scottish History Oxford Oxford University Press 2001 Driscoll Stephen T Lynch Michael redaktor Burghead The Oxford Companion to Scottish History Oxford Oxford University Press 2001 Dyer Christopher Making a Living in the Middle Ages The People of Britain 850 1520 London Penguin 2003 ISBN 978 0 14 025951 3 Language in Pictland the case against non Indo European Pictish PDF Utrecht de Keltische Draak 1997 7 February 2009 tarixinde PDF Istifade tarixi 4 February 2010 Forsyth K Pryce H redaktor Literacy in Pictland PDF Literacy in medieval Celtic societies Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1998 6 June 2022 tarixinde PDF Istifade tarixi 13 December 2012 Forsyth Katherine Taylor Simon redaktor Evidence of a lost Pictish Source in the Historia Regum Anglorum of Symeon of Durham with an appendix by John T Koch Kings clerics and chronicles in Scotland 500 1297 Dublin Four Courts 2000 ISBN 978 1 85182 516 5 Forsyth Katherine Lynch Michael redaktor Picts The Oxford Companion to Scottish History Oxford Oxford University Press 2001 Forsyth K Wormald J redaktor Origins Scotland to 1100 Scotland a History Oxford Oxford University Press 2005 ISBN 978 0 19 820615 6 Foster Sally M Picts Gaels and Scots Early Historic Scotland London Batsford 1996 ISBN 978 0 7134 7486 2 Foster Sally M redaktorThe St Andrews Sarcophagus A Pictish masterpiece and its international connections Dublin Four Courts 1998 ISBN 978 1 85182 414 4 Foster Sally M Picts Gaels and Scots revised London Batsford 2004 ISBN 978 0 7134 8874 6 Fraser Iain The Pictish Symbol Stones of Scotland Edinburgh Royal Commission on the Ancienct and Historic Monuments of Scotland 2008 ISBN 978 1 9024 1953 4 From Caledonia to Pictland Scotland to 795 The New Edinburgh History of Scotland Edinburgh Edinburgh University Press 1 2009 ISBN 978 0 7486 1232 1 Geary Patrick J Before France and Germany The creation and transformation of the Merovingian World Oxford Oxford University Press 1988 ISBN 978 0 19 504457 7 Hanson W Lynch Michael redaktor North England and southern Scotland Roman occupation The Oxford Companion to Scottish History Oxford Oxford University Press 2001 Haywood John Dark Age Naval Power Hockwold cum Wilton Anglo Saxon Books 1999 ISBN 978 1 898281 22 1 Henderson Isabel Higgitt John redaktor The David Cycle in Pictish Art Early medieval sculpture in Britain and Ireland Oxford British Archaeological Reports 1986 ISBN 978 0 8605 4383 1 Henderson Isabel Foster Sally M redaktor Primus inter pares the St Andrews Sarcophagus and Pictish Sculpture The St Andrews Sarcophagus A Pictish masterpiece and its international connections Dublin Four Courts 1998 ISBN 978 1 85182 414 4 Higham N J The Kingdom of Northumbria AD 350 1100 Stroud 1993 Sutton 1993 ISBN 978 0 86299 730 4 The Pictish Language Wainwright F T redaktor The Problem of the Picts Edinburgh Nelson 1955 129 166 Kelly Fergus Early Irish Farming a study based mainly on the law texts of the 7th and 8th centuries AD 2000 reprint Dublin School of Celtic Studies Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1997 ISBN 978 1 8550 0180 0 Laing Lloyd Laing Jennifer The Picts and the Scots Stroud Sutton 2001 ISBN 978 0 7509 2873 1 Lewis Charlton T Short Charles A Latin Dictionary digitised by Perseus Project Oxford Oxford University Press 1879 22 September 2022 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 14 October 2018 Liddell Henry George Scott Robert Jones redaktor A Greek English Lexicon ninth digitised by Perseus Project Oxford Clarendon Press 1940 20 November 2010 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 14 October 2018 Lowe Chris Angels Fools and Tyrants Britons and Angles in Southern Scotland Edinburgh Canongate 1999 ISBN 978 0 86241 875 5 Lynch Michael redaktorThe Oxford Companion to Scottish History Oxford Oxford University Press 2001 ISBN 978 0 19 211696 3 Markus Fr Gilbert O P Lynch Michael redaktor Conversion to Christianity The Oxford Companion to Scottish History Oxford Oxford University Press 2001a Markus Fr Gilbert O P Lynch Michael redaktor Religious life early medieval The Oxford Companion to Scottish History Oxford Oxford University Press 2001b Nicolaisen W F H Scottish Place Names Edinburgh John Donald 2001 ISBN 978 0 85976 556 5 o Croinin Daibhi Early Medieval Ireland 400 1200 London Longman 1995 ISBN 978 0 582 01565 4 o Carragain Eamonn Niocaill G M Wallace P F redaktorlar The meeting of Saint Paul and Saint Anthony visual and literary uses of a eucharistic motif Keimelia studies in medieval archaeology and history in memory of Tom Delaney Galway Galway University Press 1988 ISBN 978 0 9077 7533 1 o Croinin Daibhi A New History of Ireland Prehistoric and Early Ireland Oxford Oxford University Press 2008 ISBN 978 0 1992 2665 8 Lynch Michael redaktor Rural society medieval The Oxford Companion to Scottish History Oxford Oxford University Press 2001 Price Glanville Price Glanville redaktor Pictish Languages in Britain amp Ireland Oxford Blackwell 2000 ISBN 978 0 631 21581 3 Pryor Francis Britain A D London Harper Perennial 2005 ISBN 978 0 00 718187 2 Ritchie Anna Lynch Michael redaktor Culture Picto Celtic The Oxford Companion to Scottish History Oxford Oxford University Press 2001 The Safeguard of the Sea A Naval History of Great Britain volume one 660 1649 London Harper Collins 1997 ISBN 978 0 00 638840 1 Sellar W D H Lynch Michael redaktor Gaelic laws and institutions The Oxford Companion to Scottish History Oxford Oxford University Press 2001 Sharpe Richard Taylor Simon redaktor The thriving of Dalriada Kings clerics and chronicles in Scotland 500 1297 Dublin Four Courts 2000 ISBN 978 1 85182 516 5 Warlords and Holy Men Scotland AD 80 1000 Edinburgh Edinburgh University Press 1984 ISBN 978 0 7486 0100 4 Snyder Christopher A The Britons Blackwell 2003 ISBN 978 0 631 22260 6 Broun Dauvit Clancy Thomas Owen redaktorlar Seventh century Iona abbots in Scottish place names Spes Scotorum Hope of Scots Saint Columba Iona and Scotland Edinburgh T amp T Clark Ltd 1999 ISBN 978 0 7486 1803 3 Taylor Simon redaktorKings clerics and chronicles in Scotland 500 1297 Dublin Four Courts 2000 ISBN 978 1 85182 516 5 Taylor Simon Lynch Michael redaktor Place names The Oxford Companion to Scottish History Oxford Oxford University Press 2001 The History of the Celtic Place names of Scotland Birlinn 1926 A critical history of the Celtic religion and learning contatining an account of the Druids 1815 Edinburgh John Findlay 1726 Istifade tarixi 14 October 2018 Woolf Alex Lynch Michael redaktor Constantine II The Oxford Companion to Scottish History Oxford Oxford University Press 2001a seh 106 Woolf Alex Lynch Michael redaktor Nobility early medieval The Oxford Companion to Scottish History Oxford Oxford University Press 2001b Woolf Alex Lynch Michael redaktor Ungus Onuist son of Uurgust The Oxford Companion to Scottish History Oxford Oxford University Press 2001c Dun Nechtain Fortriu and the Geography of the Picts The Scottish Historical Review 85 2006 182 201 Woolf Alex On the nature of the Picts The Scottish Historical Review 96 2017 214 217 doi 10 3366 shr 2017 0336 Woolf Alex From Pictland to Alba 789 1070 The New Edinburgh History of Scotland Edinburgh University Press 2 2007 The Conversion of Britain Religion Politics and Society c 600 800 London Longman 2006 ISBN 978 0 582 77292 2 Youngs Susan redaktorThe Work of Angels Masterpieces of Celtic Metalwork 6th 9th centuries AD London British Museum Press 1989 ISBN 978 0 7141 0554 3 James E Fraser The New Edinburgh History Of Scotland Vol 1 From Caledonia To Pictland Edinburgh University Press 2009 ISBN 978 0 7486 1232 1 Henderson George Henderson Isabel The Art of the Picts Thames and Hudson 2004 ISBN 0500238073 Fraser Hunter Beyond the Edge of Empire Caledonians Picts and Romans Groam House Museum Rosemarkie 2007 ISBN 978 0 9540999 2 3 Alex Woolf The New Edinburgh History Of Scotland Vol 2 From Pictland To Alba Edinburgh University Press 2007 ISBN 978 0 7486 1234 5Xarici kecidlerVikianbarda Piktler ile elaqeli mediafayllar var Glasgow University ePrints server including Katherine Forsyth s Language in Pictland pdf and Literacy in Pictland pdf The language of the Picts 2017 02 02 at the Wayback Machine article by Paul Kavanagh 2012 02 04 CELT Corpus of Electronic Texts at University College Cork The Corpus of Electronic Texts includes the Annals of Ulster Tigernach the Four Masters and Innisfallen the Chronicon Scotorum the Lebor Bretnach Genealogies and various Saints Lives Most are translated into English or translations are in progress Scotland Royalty 2020 03 27 at the Wayback Machine Annals of Clonmacnoise at Cornell Bede s Ecclesiastical History and its Continuation pdf at CCEL translated by A M Sellar Annales Cambriae translated at the Internet Medieval Sourcebook Proceedings of the PSAS through 1999 pdf Tarbat Discovery Programme with reports on excavations at Portmahomack the Comann Ainmean Aite na h Alba including commentary on and extracts from Watson s The History of the Celtic Place names of Scotland The Picts and Scots in history Historic Scotland website on Pictish stones Ancient Scotland Caledonia and Pictavia