Dal Riada və ya Dalriada (ortagel: Dál Riata) — erkən orta əsrlərdə Şotlandiyanın qərb sahillərini (müasir və in cənub əraziləri, eləcə də ) və İrlandiyanın şimalını (indiki nın əraziləri) idarə etmiş tarixi gel krallığı. Krallığın əsas yaşayış məntəqəsi idi.
Tarixi krallıq | |
Dal Riada krallığı | |
şot.kelt Dál Riata | |
![]() Böyük Britaniya və İrlandiya adalarının süni peykdən çəkilmiş fotoşəkili. Kölgələnmiş ərazi Dal Riadanın Dal Riadın ən qüdtərli olduğu dövrdə – VI–VII əsrlərdə idarə etdiyi sahəni göstərir. | |
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Rəsmi dilləri | Ortagel dili |
Dövlət dini | Xristianlıq |
İdarəetmə forması | Mütləq monarxiya |
Kral | |
• ??? | |
• 642 — 650 | |
• 768 — 778 | Ed |
• 843 — 858 | I Kennet |
Davamiyyət | |
→ | |
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Dal Riada və şotland tayfaları (Tuat) haqda ilk məlumat 314-cü ildə verilir. V əsrin axırlarında Dal Riadanın İrlandiya qisminin əhalisi çoxalmışdı, buna görə də irlandlar Dal Riadanın Böyük Britaniya qisminə köçdülər. Bu ərazi Şotlandiya Dal Riadası olaraq bilinir. 843-cü ildə Dalriada kralı Kennet mak Alpin Piktaviyanı ihlaq etmiş, Şotlandiya krallığını qurmuşdur.
Dál Riata adı ndən törəyib. Dál ingilis dilindəki Dole, alman dilindəki Teil, fransız dilindəki Taille, italyan dilindəki Taglia və latın dilindəki Tāliō sözləriylə eyni mənanı kəsb edir. Söz pay, hissə, qisim mənasını verir (burada: "torpağın bir qismi"). Riata və ya Riada şəxs adı olduğuna inanılır. Beləliklə, krallığın adının mənası – "Riadanın payı".
- Adomnán, Life of St Columba, tr. & ed. Richard Sharpe. Penguin, London, 1995. ISBN
- , Early Sources of Scottish History A.D. 500–1286, volume 1. Reprinted with corrections. Paul Watkins, Stamford, 1990. ISBN
- , Studies in the History of Dalriada. Scottish Academic Press, Edinburgh, 1974. ISBN
- Bannerman, John, "The Scottish Takeover of Pictland" in Dauvit Broun & Thomas Owen Clancy (eds.) Spes Scotorum: Hope of Scots. Saint Columba, Iona and Scotland. T & T Clark, Edinburgh, 1999. ISBN
- Bardon, Jonathan. A History of Ulster. The Black Staff Press. 2005. ISBN .
- Cormac McSparron; Brian Williams; Cormac Bourke. The excavation of an Early Christian rath with later medieval occupation at Drumadoon, Co. Antrim. Royal Irish Academy. 2009.
- , "Aedán mac Gabráin" in Michael Lynch (ed.), The Oxford Companion to Scottish History. Oxford UP, Oxford, 2001. ISBN
- Broun, Dauvit, "Dál Riata" in Lynch (2001).
- Broun, Dauvit, "Pictish Kings 761–839: Integration with Dál Riata or Separate Development" in Sally M. Foster (ed.), The St Andrews Sarcophagus: A Pictish masterpiece and its international connections. Four Courts, Dublin, 1998. ISBN
- Byrne, Francis John, Irish Kings and High-Kings. Batsford, London, 1973. ISBN
- Campbell, Ewan, Saints and Sea-kings: The First Kingdom of the Scots. Canongate, Edinburgh, 1999. ISBN
- Charles-Edwards, T.M., Early Christian Ireland. Cambridge UP, Cambridge, 2000. ISBN
- , "Columba, Adomnán and the Cult of Saints in Scotland" in Broun & Clancy (1999).
- Clancy, Thomas Owen, "Church institutions: early medieval" in Lynch (2001).
- Clancy, Thomas Owen, "Iona in the kingdom of the Picts: a note" in The Innes Review, volume 55, number 1, 2004, pp. 73–76. ISSN 0020-157X
- Clancy, Thomas Owen, "Ireland: to 1100" in Lynch (2001).
- Cowan, E.J., "Economy: to 1100" in Lynch (2001).
- , "Languages of Scotland, pre-1100" in Lynch (2001).
- Forsyth, Katherine, "Origins: Scotland to 1100" in Jenny Wormald (ed.), Scotland: A History, Oxford UP, Oxford, 2005. ISBN
- Foster, Sally M., Picts, Gaels, and Scots: Early Historic Scotland. Batsford, London, 2004. ISBN
- Fraser, James. St Columba and the convention at Druimm Cete: peace and politics at seventh-century Iona. Ediniburgh University Press. 2007.
- Laing, Lloyd & Jenny Lloyd, The Picts and the Scots. Sutton, Stroud, 2001. ISBN
- Mackie, J.D., A History of Scotland. London: Penguin, 1991. ISBN
- McDonald, R. Andrew, The Kingdom of the Isles: Scotland's Western Seaboard, c. 1100–c. 1336. Tuckwell, East Linton, 2002. ISBN
- Markus, Fr. Gilbert, O.P., "Iona: monks, pastors and missionaries" in Broun & Clancy (1999).
- Markus, Fr. Gilbert, O.P., "Religious life: early medieval" in Lynch (2001).
- Markus, Fr. Gilbert, O.P., "Conversion to Christianity" in Lynch (2001).
- Mac Néill, Eoin, Celtic Ireland. Dublin, 1921. Reprinted Academy Press, Dublin, 1981. ISBN
- Nicolaisen, W.F.H., Scottish Place-names. B.T. Batsford, London, 1976. Reprinted, Birlinn, Edinburgh, 2001. ISBN
- Ó Corráin, Donnchadh, "Vikings in Ireland and Scotland in the ninth century" in Peritia 12 (1998), pp. 296–339. Etext (pdf)
- Ó Cróinín, Dáibhí, Early Medieval Ireland: 400–1200. Longman, London, 1995. ISBN
- , "Rural society: medieval" in Lynch (2001).
- Owen, Olwyn, The Sea Road: A Viking Voyage through Scotland. Canongate, Edinburgh, 1999. ISBN
- Rodger, N.A.M., The Safeguard of the Sea. A Naval History of Great Britain, volume one 660–1649. Harper Collins, London, 1997. ISBN
- Ross, David, Scottish Place-names. Birlinn, Edinburgh, 2001. ISBN
- Sellar, W.D.H., "Gaelic laws and institutions" in Lynch (2001).
- Sharpe, Richard, "The thriving of Dalriada" in Simon Taylor (ed.), Kings, clerics and chronicles in Scotland 500–1297. Four Courts, Dublin, 2000. ISBN
- Smyth, Alfred P., Warlords and Holy Men: Scotland AD 80–1000. Edinburgh UP, Edinburgh, 1984. ISBN
- Taylor, Simon, "Seventh-century Iona abbots in Scottish place-names" in Broun & Clancy (1999).
- Taylor, Simon, "Place names" in Lynch (2001).
- , "Age of Sea-Kings: 900–1300", in Donald Omand (ed.), The Argyll Book. Birlinn, Edinburgh, 2004. ISBN
- Woolf, Alex, "Nobility: early medieval" in Lynch (2001).
- Woolf, Alex, From Pictland to Alba, 789–1070, The New Edinburgh History of Scotland, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2007. ISBN
Xarici keçidlər
- CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts at University College Cork
- The Corpus of Electronic Texts includes the Annals of Ulster, Tigernach, the Four Masters and Innisfallen, the Chronicon Scotorum, the Lebor Bretnach, Genealogies, and various Saints' Lives. Most are translated into English, or translations are in progress
- Annals of Clonmacnoise at Cornell
- Bede's Ecclesiastical History and its Continuation (pdf), at CCEL, translated by A.M. Sellar.
- of excavations associated with Lane & Campbell, Dunadd: An early Dalriadic capital at Glasgow University Dept. of Archaeology
- Proceedings of the (PSAS) through 1999 (pdf).
- A history of Kintyre 2012-03-04 at the Wayback Machine
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Dal Riada ve ya Dalriada ortagel Dal Riata erken orta esrlerde Sotlandiyanin qerb sahillerini muasir ve in cenub erazileri elece de ve Irlandiyanin simalini indiki nin erazileri idare etmis tarixi gel kralligi Kralligin esas yasayis menteqesi idi Tarixi kralliqDal Riada kralligisot kelt Dal RiataBoyuk Britaniya ve Irlandiya adalarinin suni peykden cekilmis fotosekili Kolgelenmis erazi Dal Riadanin Dal Riadin en qudterli oldugu dovrde VI VII esrlerde idare etdiyi saheni gosterir 498 843Resmi dilleri Ortagel diliDovlet dini XristianliqIdareetme formasi Mutleq monarxiyaKral 642 650 768 778 Ed 843 858 I KennetDavamiyyet Boyuk Britaniya Sotlandiya Simali Irlandiya Vikianbarda elaqeli mediafayllar Dal Riada ve sotland tayfalari Tuat haqda ilk melumat 314 cu ilde verilir V esrin axirlarinda Dal Riadanin Irlandiya qisminin ehalisi coxalmisdi buna gore de irlandlar Dal Riadanin Boyuk Britaniya qismine kocduler Bu erazi Sotlandiya Dal Riadasi olaraq bilinir 843 cu ilde Dalriada krali Kennet mak Alpin Piktaviyani ihlaq etmis Sotlandiya kralligini qurmusdur EtimologiyaDal Riata adi nden toreyib Dal ingilis dilindeki Dole alman dilindeki Teil fransiz dilindeki Taille italyan dilindeki Taglia ve latin dilindeki Taliō sozleriyle eyni menani kesb edir Soz pay hisse qisim menasini verir burada torpagin bir qismi Riata ve ya Riada sexs adi olduguna inanilir Belelikle kralligin adinin menasi Riadanin payi EdebiyyatAdomnan Life of St Columba tr amp ed Richard Sharpe Penguin London 1995 ISBN 0 14 044462 9 Early Sources of Scottish History A D 500 1286 volume 1 Reprinted with corrections Paul Watkins Stamford 1990 ISBN 1 871615 03 8 Studies in the History of Dalriada Scottish Academic Press Edinburgh 1974 ISBN 0 7011 2040 1 Bannerman John The Scottish Takeover of Pictland in Dauvit Broun amp Thomas Owen Clancy eds Spes Scotorum Hope of Scots Saint Columba Iona and Scotland T amp T Clark Edinburgh 1999 ISBN 0 567 08682 8 Bardon Jonathan A History of Ulster The Black Staff Press 2005 ISBN 978 0 85640 764 2 Cormac McSparron Brian Williams Cormac Bourke The excavation of an Early Christian rath with later medieval occupation at Drumadoon Co Antrim Royal Irish Academy 2009 Aedan mac Gabrain in Michael Lynch ed The Oxford Companion to Scottish History Oxford UP Oxford 2001 ISBN 0 19 211696 7 Broun Dauvit Dal Riata in Lynch 2001 Broun Dauvit Pictish Kings 761 839 Integration with Dal Riata or Separate Development in Sally M Foster ed The St Andrews Sarcophagus A Pictish masterpiece and its international connections Four Courts Dublin 1998 ISBN 1 85182 414 6 Byrne Francis John Irish Kings and High Kings Batsford London 1973 ISBN 0 7134 5882 8 Campbell Ewan Saints and Sea kings The First Kingdom of the Scots Canongate Edinburgh 1999 ISBN 0 8624 1874 7 Charles Edwards T M Early Christian Ireland Cambridge UP Cambridge 2000 ISBN 0 521 36395 0 Columba Adomnan and the Cult of Saints in Scotland in Broun amp Clancy 1999 Clancy Thomas Owen Church institutions early medieval in Lynch 2001 Clancy Thomas Owen Iona in the kingdom of the Picts a note in The Innes Review volume 55 number 1 2004 pp 73 76 ISSN 0020 157X Clancy Thomas Owen Ireland to 1100 in Lynch 2001 Cowan E J Economy to 1100 in Lynch 2001 Languages of Scotland pre 1100 in Lynch 2001 Forsyth Katherine Origins Scotland to 1100 in Jenny Wormald ed Scotland A History Oxford UP Oxford 2005 ISBN 0 19 820615 1 Foster Sally M Picts Gaels and Scots Early Historic Scotland Batsford London 2004 ISBN 0 7134 8874 3 Fraser James St Columba and the convention at Druimm Cete peace and politics at seventh century Iona Ediniburgh University Press 2007 Laing Lloyd amp Jenny Lloyd The Picts and the Scots Sutton Stroud 2001 ISBN 0 7509 2873 5 Mackie J D A History of Scotland London Penguin 1991 ISBN 0 14 013649 5 McDonald R Andrew The Kingdom of the Isles Scotland s Western Seaboard c 1100 c 1336 Tuckwell East Linton 2002 ISBN 1 898410 85 2 Markus Fr Gilbert O P Iona monks pastors and missionaries in Broun amp Clancy 1999 Markus Fr Gilbert O P Religious life early medieval in Lynch 2001 Markus Fr Gilbert O P Conversion to Christianity in Lynch 2001 Mac Neill Eoin Celtic Ireland Dublin 1921 Reprinted Academy Press Dublin 1981 ISBN 0 906187 42 7 Nicolaisen W F H Scottish Place names B T Batsford London 1976 Reprinted Birlinn Edinburgh 2001 ISBN 0 85976 556 3 o Corrain Donnchadh Vikings in Ireland and Scotland in the ninth century in Peritia 12 1998 pp 296 339 Etext pdf o Croinin Daibhi Early Medieval Ireland 400 1200 Longman London 1995 ISBN 0 582 01565 0 Rural society medieval in Lynch 2001 Owen Olwyn The Sea Road A Viking Voyage through Scotland Canongate Edinburgh 1999 ISBN 0 86241 873 9 Rodger N A M The Safeguard of the Sea A Naval History of Great Britain volume one 660 1649 Harper Collins London 1997 ISBN 0 00 638840 X Ross David Scottish Place names Birlinn Edinburgh 2001 ISBN 1 84158 173 9 Sellar W D H Gaelic laws and institutions in Lynch 2001 Sharpe Richard The thriving of Dalriada in Simon Taylor ed Kings clerics and chronicles in Scotland 500 1297 Four Courts Dublin 2000 ISBN 1 85182 516 9 Smyth Alfred P Warlords and Holy Men Scotland AD 80 1000 Edinburgh UP Edinburgh 1984 ISBN 0 7486 0100 7 Taylor Simon Seventh century Iona abbots in Scottish place names in Broun amp Clancy 1999 Taylor Simon Place names in Lynch 2001 Age of Sea Kings 900 1300 in Donald Omand ed The Argyll Book Birlinn Edinburgh 2004 ISBN 1 84158 253 0 Woolf Alex Nobility early medieval in Lynch 2001 Woolf Alex From Pictland to Alba 789 1070 The New Edinburgh History of Scotland Edinburgh Edinburgh University Press 2007 ISBN 978 0 7486 1234 5Xarici kecidlerCELT Corpus of Electronic Texts at University College Cork The Corpus of Electronic Texts includes the Annals of Ulster Tigernach the Four Masters and Innisfallen the Chronicon Scotorum the Lebor Bretnach Genealogies and various Saints Lives Most are translated into English or translations are in progress Annals of Clonmacnoise at Cornell Bede s Ecclesiastical History and its Continuation pdf at CCEL translated by A M Sellar of excavations associated with Lane amp Campbell Dunadd An early Dalriadic capital at Glasgow University Dept of Archaeology Proceedings of the PSAS through 1999 pdf A history of Kintyre 2012 03 04 at the Wayback Machine portali