Nqo Din Zyem (vyet. Ngô Đình Diệm, 吳廷琰) (3 yanvar 1901[…], Hyue, Annam (Fransa protektoratı), Fransa Hind-Çini – 2 noyabr 1963[…], Sayqon, Cənubi Vyetnam) — Vyetnam dövlət və siyasət xadimi, Vyetnam Respublikasının ilk prezidenti (1955–1963).
Nqo Din Zyem | |
vyet. Ngô Đình Diệm | |
![]() | |
Şəxsi məlumatlar | |
Doğum tarixi | 3 yanvar 1901[…] |
Doğum yeri | |
Vəfat tarixi | 2 noyabr 1963[…](62 yaşında) |
Vəfat yeri | |
Vəfat səbəbi | güllə yarası[d] |
Təhsili | |
Fəaliyyəti | siyasətçi |
Dini | Roma-Katolik kilsəsi |
Hərbi xidmət | |
Döyüşlər | |
| |
![]() | |
![]() |
Nqo Din Zyem katolik mandarin ailəsində anadan olmuşdur. 1954-cü ildə dövlət başçısı və keçmiş imperator Bao-day onu yeni yaradılmış Vyetnam Respublikasının baş naziri təyin etmişdir.
Zyem 1955-ci ildə Bao-dayı referendum vasitəsilə devirmiş və prezident olmuşdur. O, ABŞ-nin dəstəyi ilə Cenevrə Konfransının azad seçkilər haqqında müddəalarına əməl etməkdən imtina etmişdir. Zyem hakimiyyətinin qeyri-kommunist Cənubi Vyetnamı qurmasında ABŞ-nin möhkəm dəstəyi olmuşdur. Buna baxmayaraq, onun buddistləri təqib etməsi və öldürməsi ABŞ-nin dəstəyini geri çəkməsinə səbəb olmuşdur. Zyem dövlət çevrilişi nəticəsində .
- (Birləşmiş Krallıq, 1957)
- (Tailand, 1959)
- Ngo Dinh Diem // Encyclopædia Britannica (ing.).
- Ngo Dinh Diem // Brockhauz Ensiklopediyası (alm.).
- "Ngo Dinh Diem | lex.dk". Den Store Danske. 5 iyn 2023. 2023-07-19 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: 2023-07-19.
- . . Pymble, New South Wales: Harper Collins. 2007. ISBN ., p. 57
- ราชกิจจานุเบกษา, แจ้งความสำนักนายกรัฐมนตรี เรื่อง พระราชทานเครื่องราชอิสริยาภรณ์ 2022-04-12 at the Wayback Machine, เล่ม 74, ตอน 71 ง, 27 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2500, หน้า 2136
Əlavə ədəbiyyat
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Xarici keçidlər

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- The Pentagon Papers, Vol. 2 Ch. 4 24 aprel 2008 at the Wayback Machine "The Overthrow of Ngo Dinh Diem, May–November, 1963", pp. 201–76
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Nqo Din Zyem vyet Ngo Đinh Diệm 吳廷琰 3 yanvar 1901 Hyue Annam Fransa protektorati Fransa Hind Cini 2 noyabr 1963 Sayqon Cenubi Vyetnam Vyetnam dovlet ve siyaset xadimi Vyetnam Respublikasinin ilk prezidenti 1955 1963 Nqo Din Zyemvyet Ngo Đinh DiệmSexsi melumatlarDogum tarixi 3 yanvar 1901 1901 01 03 Dogum yeri Hyue Annam Fransa protektorati Fransa Hind CiniVefat tarixi 2 noyabr 1963 1963 11 02 62 yasinda Vefat yeri Sayqon Cenubi VyetnamVefat sebebi gulle yarasi d Tehsili Miciqan UniversitetiFealiyyeti siyasetciDini Roma Katolik kilsesiHerbi xidmetDoyusler Vyetnam muharibesi Vikianbarda elaqeli mediafayllarHeyatiNqo Din Zyem katolik mandarin ailesinde anadan olmusdur 1954 cu ilde dovlet bascisi ve kecmis imperator Bao day onu yeni yaradilmis Vyetnam Respublikasinin bas naziri teyin etmisdir Zyem 1955 ci ilde Bao dayi referendum vasitesile devirmis ve prezident olmusdur O ABS nin desteyi ile Cenevre Konfransinin azad seckiler haqqinda muddealarina emel etmekden imtina etmisdir Zyem hakimiyyetinin qeyri kommunist Cenubi Vyetnami qurmasinda ABS nin mohkem desteyi olmusdur Buna baxmayaraq onun buddistleri teqib etmesi ve oldurmesi ABS nin desteyini geri cekmesine sebeb olmusdur Zyem dovlet cevrilisi neticesinde Mukafatlar Muqeddes Mixail ve Georgi ordeni Birlesmis Kralliq 1957 Cula Com Klao ordeni Tailand 1959 IstinadlarNgo Dinh Diem Encyclopaedia Britannica ing Ngo Dinh Diem Brockhauz Ensiklopediyasi alm Ngo Dinh Diem lex dk Den Store Danske 5 iyn 2023 2023 07 19 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2023 07 19 Pymble New South Wales Harper Collins 2007 ISBN 978 0 7322 8237 0 p 57 rachkiccanuebksa aecngkhwamsanknaykrthmntri eruxng phrarachthanekhruxngrachxisriyaphrn 2022 04 12 at the Wayback Machine elm 74 txn 71 ng 27 singhakhm ph s 2500 hna 2136Elave edebiyyatBui Diem In the Jaws of History Houghton Mifflin 1987 Cao Văn Luận 1972 Ben giong lịch sử 1940 1965 Tri Dũng Sai Gon Catton Philip E Diem s Final Failure Prelude to America s War in Vietnam University Press of Kansas 2003 ISBN 9780700612208 2022 12 09 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2023 07 19 Chapman Jessica M Cauldron of Resistance Ngo Dinh Diem the United States and 1950s Southern Vietnam Cornell University Press 2013 ISBN 9780801450617 2022 12 09 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2023 07 19 The Two Viet Nams Praeger Publishers 1967 Jacobs Seth Cold War Mandarin Ngo Dinh Diem and the Origins of America s War in Vietnam 1950 1963 Lanham Maryland Rowman amp Littlefield 2006 ISBN 0 7425 4447 8 William Henderson Wesley R Fishel The Foreign Policy of Ngo Dinh Diem Vietnam Perspectives 2 1 1966 Sede Vacante the Life and Legacy of Archbishop Thục Berkeley California Apocryphile Press 2018 ISBN 978 1 949643 02 2 Vietnam A History New York Penguin Books 1997 ISBN 0 670 84218 4 Kolko Gabriel 1987 Vietnam Anatomy of a War 1940 1975 Unwin Paperbacks Langguth A J Our Vietnam The War 1954 1975 New York Simon and Schuster 2000 ISBN 0743212444 Miller Edward Vision Power and Agency The Ascent of Ngo Đinh Diệm 1945 54 Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 35 3 2004 433 458 doi 10 1017 S0022463404000220 Miller Edward Misalliance Ngo Dinh Diem the United States and the Fate of South Vietnam Harvard University Press 2013 ISBN 9780674072985 2022 05 26 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2023 07 19 Morgan Joseph 1997 The Vietnam Lobby The American friends of Vietnam 1955 1975 University of North Carolina Press Triumph Forsaken The Vietnam War 1954 1965 Cambridge University Press 2006 ISBN 9780511511646 2022 12 09 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2023 07 19 Nguyen Phi Van A Secular State for a Religious Nation The Republic of Vietnam and Religious Nationalism 1946 1963 The Journal of Asian Studies 77 3 2018 741 771 doi 10 1017 S0021911818000505 Stewart Geoffrey C Hearts Minds and Cong Dan Vụ The Special Commissariat for Civic Action and Nation Building in Ngo Đinh Diệm s Vietnam 1955 1957 Journal of Vietnamese Studies 6 3 2011 44 100 doi 10 1525 vs 2011 6 3 44 Stewart Geoffrey C Vietnam s Lost Revolution Ngo Đinh Diệm s Failure to Build an Independent Nation 1955 1963 Cambridge University Press 2017 ISBN 9781316160992 2023 01 26 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2023 07 19 Taylor K W ed 2015 Voices from the Second Republic of South Vietnam 1967 1975 2022 12 09 at the Wayback Machine Ithaca NY Southeast Asia Program Publications Cornell University Press Tan Mitchell Spiritual Fraternities The Transnational Networks of Ngo Đinh Diệm s Personalist Revolution and the Republic of Vietnam 1955 1963 Journal of Vietnamese Studies 14 2 2019 1 67 doi 10 1525 vs 2019 14 2 1 Tran Nu Anh Disunion Anticommunist Nationalism and the Making of the Republic of Vietnam University of Hawaiʻi Press 2022 ISBN 9780824887865 2022 05 19 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2023 07 19 Vietnam A Dragon Embattled Praeger Publishers 1967 Fire in the Lake The Vietnamese and Americans in Vietnam Boston Little Brown and Company 1972 ISBN 0 316 15919 0 Gettleman Marvin E Vietnam History Documents and Opinions on a Major World Crisis Harmondsworth Middlesex Penguin Books 1966 Singal Daniel J The Making of a Quagmire America and Vietnam during the Kennedy Era Lanham Maryland Rowman amp Littlefield 2008 ISBN 978 0 7425 6007 9 A Death in November America in Vietnam 1963 New York E P Dutton 1987 ISBN 0 525 24210 4 Jones Howard Death of a Generation how the assassinations of Diem and JFK prolonged the Vietnam War New York Oxford University Press 2003 ISBN 0 19 505286 2 Keith Charles 2012 Catholic Vietnam A Church from Empire to Nation University of California Press Our Vietnam the war 1954 1975 New York Simon amp Schuster 2000 ISBN 0 684 81202 9 Lockhart Bruce McFarland Bruce McFarland 1993 The end of the Vietnamese monarchy Council on Southeast Asia Studies Yale Center for International and Area Studies Vietnam The Ten Thousand Day War New York Methuen Publishing 1981 ISBN 0 423 00580 4 Mann Robert A Grand Delusion America s Descent into Vietnam New York Perseus 2001 ISBN 0 465 04370 4 Morgan Joseph 2003 Wesley Fishel and Vietnam A special kind of Friend in The Human Tradition in American since 1945 ed David Anderson Wilmington Nguyen Duy Lap The Unimagined Community Imperialism and Culture in South Vietnam Manchester University Press 2020 ISBN 978 1 5261 4396 9 Oberdorfer Don 2003 Senator Mansfiled the Extraordinary Life of a Great American Statesman and Diplomat Washington DC Where the Domino Fell St Martin s Press 1996 ISBN 0 312 08431 5 President Kennedy Profile of Power New York Simon amp Schuster 1994 ISBN 0 671 89289 4 Shaw Geoffrey The Lost Mandate of Heaven the American betrayal of Ngo Dinh Diem President of Vietnam San Francisco Ignatius Press 2015 ISBN 978 1586179359 New York Vintage Books 1989 ISBN 978 0 679 72414 8 Topmiller Robert J The Lotus Unleashed The Buddhist Peace Movement in South Vietnam University Press of Kentucky 2006 ISBN 0 8131 2260 0 Trần Mỹ Van 2005 A Vietnamese Royal Exile in Japan Prince Cường Để 1882 1951 Routledge Warner Denis The Last Confucian Vietnam South East Asia and the West Sydney Angus and Robertson 1964 Xarici kecidlerVikianbarda Nqo Din Zyem ile elaqeli mediafayllar var JFK and the Diem Coup Provided by the National Security Archive The Pentagon Papers Vol 2 Ch 4 24 aprel 2008 at the Wayback Machine The Overthrow of Ngo Dinh Diem May November 1963 pp 201 76