Nataniel Lord Britton' (ing. Nathaniel Lord Britton; 15 yanvar 1859 – 25 iyun 1934, Nyu-York, Nyu-York ştatı) — Amerika botaniki təsnifatçısı, Karib hövzəsi florasının tədqiqatçısı. Bronksda qurucusu və ilk direktoru. ABŞ Elmlər Akademiyasının üzvü (1914).
Nataniel Lord Britton | |
ing. Nathaniel Lord Britton | |
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Doğum tarixi | 15 yanvar 1859 |
Vəfat tarixi | 25 iyun 1934(75 yaşında) |
Vəfat yeri | |
Elm sahələri | botanika, geologiya, briologiya, mikologiya |
İş yerləri |
Təhsili |
Üzvlüyü | |
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Brittonun şərəfinə adlandırılan taksonlar
Elmi əsərləri
- A preliminary catalogue of the flora of New Jersey — New Brunswick: Office of the survey, 1881.
- Catalogue of plants found in New Jersey — 1889.
- An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British possessions from Newfoundland to the parallel of the southern boundary of Virginia, and from the Atlantic Ocean westward to the 102d meridian — New York: Scribner’s sons, Vol.1 1896, Vol.2 1897, Vol.3 1898 (Addison Brown ilə birlikdə)
- Manual of the flora of the northern states and Canada — New York: H. Holt&Co., 1901.
- Contributions to the botany of the Yukon Territory — New York, 1901. (digər müəlliflərlə birlikdə)
- Manual of the flora of the northern states and Canada — 2d ed.—rev. and enl. — New York: H. Holt&Co., 1907.
- The sedges of Jamaica — Kingston, 1907.
- Studies in West Indian plants — New York: 1908.
- North American Trees — Henry Holt, 1908. 894c. ( ilə birlikdə)
- Rhipsalis in the West Indies — New York: New York Botanical Garden, 1909.
- An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British possessions — 2d ed.—rev. and enl. — New York: Scribner’s sons, 1913. (Addison Brown ilə birlikdə) Vol.1, Vol.2, Vol.3
Vikianbarda «Illustrated flora of the northern states and Canada» kitabından illüstrasiyalar ilə əlaqəli mediafayllar var.
- The vegetation of Mona Island, a paper read by invitation at the twenty-fifth anniversary celebration of the Missouri Botanical Garden, October 15, 1914 — St Louis: 1915.
- The flora of the American Virgin Islands — New York: New York Botanical Garden, 1918.
- Flora of Bermuda — New York: C. Scribner’s sons — 1918.
- The Bahama flora — New York: The authors, 1920. ( ilə birlikdə)
- Descriptions of Cuban plants new to science, — New York, 1920.
- The Cactaceae, descriptions and illustrations of plants of the cactus family — Washington: The Carnegie Institution of Washington, Vol.1 1919., Vol.2 1920., Vol.3 1923., Vol.4 1923. (Cozef Nelson Rouz ilə birlikdə)
Vikianbarda «The Cactaceae» kitabından illüstrasiyalar ilə əlaqəli mediafayllar var.
- Neoabbottia, a new cactus genus from Hispaniola — Washington: Smithsonian Institution, 1921. (Cozef Nelson Rouz ilə birlikdə)
- Çex Milli Hakimiyyət Məlumat bazası.
- Bibliothèque nationale de France BnF identifikatoru (fr.): açıq məlumat platforması. 2011.
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Nataniel Lord Britton ing Nathaniel Lord Britton 15 yanvar 1859 25 iyun 1934 Nyu York Nyu York stati Amerika botaniki tesnifatcisi Karib hovzesi florasinin tedqiqatcisi Bronksda qurucusu ve ilk direktoru ABS Elmler Akademiyasinin uzvu 1914 Nataniel Lord Brittoning Nathaniel Lord BrittonDogum tarixi 15 yanvar 1859 1859 01 15 Vefat tarixi 25 iyun 1934 1934 06 25 75 yasinda Vefat yeri Nyu York Nyu York stati ABSElm saheleri botanika geologiya briologiya mikologiyaIs yerleri Kolumbiya Universiteti 1891 1895 Tehsili Kolumbiya Muhendislik ve Tetbiqi Elmler Mektebi d Kolumbiya UniversitetiUzvluyu Amerika Incesenet ve Elmler Akademiyasi ABS Milli Elmler Akademiyasi 1914 Vikianbarda elaqeli mediafayllarBrittonun serefine adlandirilan taksonlarBrittonastrum 1896 Agastache ex Lamiaceae fesilesi Brittonella 1893 Griseb Malpighiaceae fesilesi Brittonia 1934 Britton amp Rose Cactaceae fesilesi Elmi eserleriA preliminary catalogue of the flora of New Jersey New Brunswick Office of the survey 1881 Catalogue of plants found in New Jersey 1889 An illustrated flora of the northern United States Canada and the British possessions from Newfoundland to the parallel of the southern boundary of Virginia and from the Atlantic Ocean westward to the 102d meridian New York Scribner s sons Vol 1 1896 Vol 2 1897 Vol 3 1898 Addison Brown ile birlikde Manual of the flora of the northern states and Canada New York H Holt amp Co 1901 Contributions to the botany of the Yukon Territory New York 1901 diger muelliflerle birlikde Manual of the flora of the northern states and Canada 2d ed rev and enl New York H Holt amp Co 1907 The sedges of Jamaica Kingston 1907 Studies in West Indian plants New York 1908 North American Trees Henry Holt 1908 894c ile birlikde Rhipsalis in the West Indies New York New York Botanical Garden 1909 An illustrated flora of the northern United States Canada and the British possessions 2d ed rev and enl New York Scribner s sons 1913 Addison Brown ile birlikde Vol 1 Vol 2 Vol 3 Vikianbarda Illustrated flora of the northern states and Canada kitabindan illustrasiyalar ile elaqeli mediafayllar var The vegetation of Mona Island a paper read by invitation at the twenty fifth anniversary celebration of the Missouri Botanical Garden October 15 1914 St Louis 1915 The flora of the American Virgin Islands New York New York Botanical Garden 1918 Flora of Bermuda New York C Scribner s sons 1918 The Bahama flora New York The authors 1920 ile birlikde Descriptions of Cuban plants new to science New York 1920 The Cactaceae descriptions and illustrations of plants of the cactus family Washington The Carnegie Institution of Washington Vol 1 1919 Vol 2 1920 Vol 3 1923 Vol 4 1923 Cozef Nelson Rouz ile birlikde Vikianbarda The Cactaceae kitabindan illustrasiyalar ile elaqeli mediafayllar var Neoabbottia a new cactus genus from Hispaniola Washington Smithsonian Institution 1921 Cozef Nelson Rouz ile birlikde IstinadlarCex Milli Hakimiyyet Melumat bazasi Bibliotheque nationale de France BnF identifikatoru fr aciq melumat platformasi 2011 http www teachercreatedmaterials com curriculum files free activities june2012 George Washington Carver Agriculture Pioneer pdf http onlinelibrary wiley com doi 10 1111 j 1095 8312 1934 tb01266 x pdf Xarici kecidler rus