Kambalayabənzər əzələ | |
![]() | |
Muscles of lower extremity | |
The soleus muscle and surrounding structures, from . This is a view of the back of the right leg; most of the gastrocnemius muscle has been removed. | |
Latınca | Musculus soleus |
Başlanır | , |
Bağlanır | Axilles vətəri |
Arteriya | |
Sinir | Qamış siniri |
– | |
Vəzifəsi | Ayağı bükmək |
Antaqonisti | |
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Kambalayabenzer ezeleMuscles of lower extremityThe soleus muscle and surrounding structures from This is a view of the back of the right leg most of the gastrocnemius muscle has been removed Latinca Musculus soleusBaslanir Baglanir Axilles veteriArteriyaSinir Qamis siniri Vezifesi Ayagi bukmekAntaqonistibaxredakte