Molox (: מֹלֶךְ; Μόλοχ, lat. Moloch) — qədim Finikiyada və Karfagen dinində günəş tanrısı. Bibliyada tanrısı kimi xatırlanır. Finikiya dilində molek – hökmdar deməkdir. Moloxun şərəfinə hərbi əsirlər, bəzi hallarda azyaşlı əyan uşaqları qurban verilərək yandırırdılar.
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- Молох // Azərbaycan Sovet Ensiklopediyası: [10 ҹилддә]. VII ҹилд: Мисир—Прадо. Бакы: Азәрбајҹан Совет Енсиклопедијасынын Баш Редаксијасы. Баш редактор: Ҹ. Б. Гулијев. 1983. С. 41.
Əlavə ədəbiyyat
- Cooper, Alan M. Phoenician Religion [first edition] // Jones, Lindsay (redaktor). Encyclopedia of Religion. 10 (2). Macmillan Reference. 2005. 7128–7133.
- Day, John. Yahweh and the Gods and Goddesses of Canaan. Sheffield Academic Press. 2000. ISBN .
- Dewrell, Heath D. Child sacrifice in ancient Israel. Eisenbrauns. 2017. ISBN .
- Frendo, Anthony J. "Burning Issues: MLK Revisted". Journal of Semitic Studies. 61 (2). 2016: 347–364. doi:10.1093/jss/fgw020.
- Heider, G. C. The Cult of Molek: A Reassessment. JSOT Press. 1985. ISBN .
- Heider, G. C. Moloch // Toorn, Karel van der; Becking, Bob; Horst, Pieter W. van der (redaktorlar ). Dictionary of Deities and Demons in the Bible (2). Brill. 1999. 581–585.
- Holm, Tawny L. Phoenician Religion [Further Considerations] // Jones, Lindsay (redaktor). Encyclopedia of Religion. 10 (2). Macmillan Reference. 2005. 7134–7135.
- Kerr, R.M. In Search of the Historical Moloch // Kerr, R.M.; Schmitz, Philip C.; Miller, Robert (redaktorlar ). "His Word Soars Above Him" Biblical and North-West Semitic Studies Presented to Professor Charles R. Krahmalkov. Ann Arbor. 2018. 59–80.
- Lange, Armin. "They Burn Their Sons and Daughters— That Was No Command of Mine" (Jer 7:31): Child Sacrifice in the Hebrew Bible and in the Deuteronomistic Jeremiah Redaction // Finsterbusch, Karin; Lange, Armin; Römheld, Diethold (redaktorlar ). Human sacrifice in Jewish and Christian tradition. Brill. 2007. 109–132. ISBN .
- Pietersma, Albert; Wright, Benjamin, redaktorlar "New English Translation of the Septuagint: Electronic Version". Oxford University Press. 2014.
- Reynolds, Bennie H. Molek: Dead or Alive? The Meaning and Derivation of mlk and מלך // Finsterbusch, Karin; Lange, Armin; Römheld, Diethold (redaktorlar ). Human sacrifice in Jewish and Christian tradition. Brill. 2007. 133–150. ISBN .
- Rundin, John S. "Pozo Moro, Child Sacrifice, and the Greek Legendary Tradition". Journal of Biblical Literature. 123 (3). 2004: 425–447. doi:10.2307/3268041. JSTOR 3268041.
- Reich, Bo. Gehenna // Metzger, Bruce M.; Coogan, Michael D. (redaktorlar ). The Oxford Companion to the Bible. Oxford University Press. 1993. ISBN .
- . "The Jerusalem Tophet Ideological Dispute and Religious Transformation". Studi Epigrafici e Linguistici. 30. 2013: 137–158.
- Wood, Felicity. "Spirits in the Marketplace: The Market as a Site of the Occult in the South and WestAfrican Supernatural and Contemporary Capitalist Cosmologies". Folklore. 126 (3). 2016: 283–300. doi:10.1080/0015587X.2015.1075334. JSTOR 4774338.
- Xella, P. "Tophet": an Overall Interpretation // Xella, P. (redaktor). The Tophet in the Ancient Mediterranean. Essedue. 2013. 259–281.
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Molox מ ל ך q yun Molox lat Moloch qedim Finikiyada ve Karfagen dininde gunes tanrisi Bibliyada tanrisi kimi xatirlanir Finikiya dilinde molek hokmdar demekdir Moloxun serefine herbi esirler bezi hallarda azyasli eyan usaqlari qurban verilerek yandirirdilar MoloxCinsi kisi d Vikianbarda elaqeli mediafayllarMolox fiqurunun XVIII esre aid tesviri Iohann Lund IstinadlarMoloh Azerbaycan Sovet Ensiklopediyasi 10 ҹilddә VII ҹild Misir Prado Baky Azәrbaјҹan Sovet Ensiklopediјasynyn Bash Redaksiјasy Bash redaktor Ҹ B Guliјev 1983 S 41 Elave edebiyyatCooper Alan M Phoenician Religion first edition Jones Lindsay redaktor Encyclopedia of Religion 10 2 Macmillan Reference 2005 7128 7133 Day John Yahweh and the Gods and Goddesses of Canaan Sheffield Academic Press 2000 ISBN 1 85075 986 3 Dewrell Heath D Child sacrifice in ancient Israel Eisenbrauns 2017 ISBN 978 1575064949 Frendo Anthony J Burning Issues MLK Revisted Journal of Semitic Studies 61 2 2016 347 364 doi 10 1093 jss fgw020 Heider G C The Cult of Molek A Reassessment JSOT Press 1985 ISBN 1850750181 Heider G C Moloch Toorn Karel van der Becking Bob Horst Pieter W van der redaktorlar Dictionary of Deities and Demons in the Bible 2 Brill 1999 581 585 Holm Tawny L Phoenician Religion Further Considerations Jones Lindsay redaktor Encyclopedia of Religion 10 2 Macmillan Reference 2005 7134 7135 Kerr R M In Search of the Historical Moloch Kerr R M Schmitz Philip C Miller Robert redaktorlar His Word Soars Above Him Biblical and North West Semitic Studies Presented to Professor Charles R Krahmalkov Ann Arbor 2018 59 80 Lange Armin They Burn Their Sons and Daughters That Was No Command of Mine Jer 7 31 Child Sacrifice in the Hebrew Bible and in the Deuteronomistic Jeremiah Redaction Finsterbusch Karin Lange Armin Romheld Diethold redaktorlar Human sacrifice in Jewish and Christian tradition Brill 2007 109 132 ISBN 978 9004150850 Pietersma Albert Wright Benjamin redaktorlar New English Translation of the Septuagint Electronic Version Oxford University Press 2014 Reynolds Bennie H Molek Dead or Alive The Meaning and Derivation of mlk and מלך Finsterbusch Karin Lange Armin Romheld Diethold redaktorlar Human sacrifice in Jewish and Christian tradition Brill 2007 133 150 ISBN 978 9004150850 Rundin John S Pozo Moro Child Sacrifice and the Greek Legendary Tradition Journal of Biblical Literature 123 3 2004 425 447 doi 10 2307 3268041 JSTOR 3268041 Reich Bo Gehenna Metzger Bruce M Coogan Michael D redaktorlar The Oxford Companion to the Bible Oxford University Press 1993 ISBN 9780199891023 The Jerusalem Tophet Ideological Dispute and Religious Transformation Studi Epigrafici e Linguistici 30 2013 137 158 Wood Felicity Spirits in the Marketplace The Market as a Site of the Occult in the South and WestAfrican Supernatural and Contemporary Capitalist Cosmologies Folklore 126 3 2016 283 300 doi 10 1080 0015587X 2015 1075334 JSTOR 4774338 Xella P Tophet an Overall Interpretation Xella P redaktor The Tophet in the Ancient Mediterranean Essedue 2013 259 281