Kandida R. Moss (ing. Candida R. Moss; 26 noyabr 1978, London) — İngiltərə akademiki və jurnalist. O, Əhdi-Cədid alimi və xristianlıq üzrə ixtisaslaşmışdır. Birmingem Universitetinin İlahiyyat və Din fakültəsində ilahiyyat üzrə professordur. Oksford və Yel universitetlərinin məzunu olan Moss erkən xristianlıqda əzabkeşliyin tədqiqi üzrə ixtisaslaşmışdır.
Kandida Moss | |
ing. Candida R. Moss | |
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Doğum tarixi | 26 noyabr 1978(45 yaş) |
Doğum yeri | |
Elm sahələri | dinşünaslıq, Erkən xristianlıq |
İş yerləri |
Seçilmiş əsərləri
- Moss, Candida. Gods, Lords and Kings: the characterization of the martyrs in the early Christian Acta Martyrum (PhD). Yale University. 2008. OCLC 272271965.
- Moss, Candida. The Other Christs: Imitating Jesus in Ancient Christian Ideologies of Martyrdom. Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press. 2010. ISBN .
- ———. Ancient Christian Martyrdom: Diverse Practices, Ideologies, and Traditions. . New Haven, CT: . 2012. ISBN .
- ———. The Myth of Persecution: How Early Christians Invented a Story of Martyrdom. New York: HarperOne. 2013. ISBN .
- ———; Baden, Joel. Reconceiving Infertility: Biblical Perspectives on Procreation and Childlessness. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 2015. ISBN .
- ———; Baden, Joel. Bible Nation: The United States of Hobby Lobby. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 2017. ISBN .
- ———. Divine Bodies: Resurrecting Perfection in the New Testament and Early Christianity. New Haven, Conn: . 2019. ISBN .
- "Reading Between the Lines: Looking for the Contributions of Enslaved Literate Laborers in a Second Century Text," Studies in Late Antiquity 5 (2021): 432-52
- "Infant Exposure and the Rhetoric of Cannibalism, Incest, and Martyrdom in the Early Church," 29:3 (2021): 341-396.
- "Fashioning Mark: Early Christian Discussions about the Scribe and Status of the Second Gospel,” 67:2 (2021): 181-204.
- Co-authored with Liane M. Feldman. "The New Jerusalem: Wealth, Ancient Building Projects, and Revelation 21-22,” 66:3 (2020): 351-66.
- “Dying to Live Forever: Identity and Virtue in the Resurrection of the Bodies of the Martyrs,” 84:2 (2019): 155-174.
- "A Note on the Death of Judas in Papias,” 65:3 (2019): 388-97.
- "The Marks of the Nails: Scars, Wounds, and the Resurrection of Jesus in John,” 8:1 (2017): 48-68
- "Nailing Down and Tying Up: Lessons in Intertextual Impossibility from the Martyrdom of Polycarp,” 67:2 (2013): 117-136.
- “Christly Possession and Weakened Bodies: A Reconsideration of the Function of Paul's Thorn in the Flesh (2 Cor. 12:7-10),” Journal of Religion Disability and Health 16:4 (2012): 319-333.
- “The Discourse of Voluntary Martyrdom: Ancient and Modern,” Church History 81:3 (2012): 531-551.
- Co-Authopred with Jeffrey Stackert “The Devastation of Darkness: Disability in Exodus 10:21-23, 27, and the Intensification of the Plagues,” 92:3 (2012): 362-372.
- Co-authored with Joel S. Baden. “1 Thess 4:13-18 in Rabbinic Perspective,” 58 (2012): 1-16.
- “Blurred Vision and Ethical Confusion: The Rhetorical Function of Matt 6:22-23,” 73:4 (2011): 757-76.
- Co-authored with Joel S. Baden. “The Origin and Interpretation of sara ‘at in Leviticus 13-14,” 130:4 (2011): 643-661.
- “Heavenly Healing: Eschatological Cleansing and the Resurrection of the Dead in the Early Church,” 79:3 (2011) 1-27.
- “The Man with the Flow of Power: Porous Bodies in Mark 5:25-34,” 129:3 (2010): 507-519.
- “On the Dating of Polycarp: Rethinking the Place of the Martyrdom of Polycarp in the History of Christianity,” 1:4 (2010): 539-574.
- “The Transfiguration: An Exercise in Markan Accommodation,” 12:4(2004): 69-89.
- Çex Milli Hakimiyyət Məlumat bazası.
- Bibliothèque nationale de France BnF identifikatoru (fr.): açıq məlumat platforması. 2011.
- "The Death of Jesus and the Rise of the Christian Persecution Myth - review". . 31 March 2013. 5 May 2017 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: 15 December 2022.; Miller, Laura. ""The Myth of Persecution": Early Christians weren't persecuted". Salon. 24 February 2013. 15 December 2022 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: 15 December 2022.; Daly, Maureen. "The long shadow of the martyr myth". . 27 March 2013. 13 June 2016 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: 15 December 2022.; Blake, John. . CNN Belief Blog. 30 March 2013. 2 May 2018 tarixində orijinalından arxivləşdirilib. İstifadə tarixi: 9 April 2013.; Radner, Ephraim. "Unmythical Martyrs A review of The Myth of Persecution: How Early Christians Invented a Story of Martyrdom". First Things. May 2013. 2022-12-15 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: 2022-12-15.; "THE MYTH OF PERSECUTION How Early Christians Invented a Story of Persecution". Kirkus Reviews. 26 November 2012. 2 May 2018 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: 15 December 2022.
Xarici keçidlər
- Official website
- University of Birmingham Webpage
- Daily Beast Columns
- Atlantic Articles
- Kandida Moss — IMDb səhifəsi
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Kandida R Moss ing Candida R Moss 26 noyabr 1978 London Ingiltere akademiki ve jurnalist O Ehdi Cedid alimi ve xristianliq uzre ixtisaslasmisdir Birmingem Universitetinin Ilahiyyat ve Din fakultesinde ilahiyyat uzre professordur Oksford ve Yel universitetlerinin mezunu olan Moss erken xristianliqda ezabkesliyin tedqiqi uzre ixtisaslasmisdir Kandida Mossing Candida R MossDogum tarixi 26 noyabr 1978 1978 11 26 45 yas Dogum yeri London Boyuk London Ingiltere Birlesmis KralliqElm saheleri dinsunasliq Erken xristianliqIs yerleri Birminhem UniversitetiSecilmis eserleriTezis Moss Candida Gods Lords and Kings the characterization of the martyrs in the early Christian Acta Martyrum PhD Yale University 2008 OCLC 272271965 Kitablar Moss Candida The Other Christs Imitating Jesus in Ancient Christian Ideologies of Martyrdom Oxford amp New York Oxford University Press 2010 ISBN 9780199739875 Ancient Christian Martyrdom Diverse Practices Ideologies and Traditions New Haven CT 2012 ISBN 9780300154658 The Myth of Persecution How Early Christians Invented a Story of Martyrdom New York HarperOne 2013 ISBN 978 0 06 210452 6 Baden Joel Reconceiving Infertility Biblical Perspectives on Procreation and Childlessness Princeton NJ Princeton University Press 2015 ISBN 978 0691164830 Baden Joel Bible Nation The United States of Hobby Lobby Princeton NJ Princeton University Press 2017 ISBN 9780691177359 Divine Bodies Resurrecting Perfection in the New Testament and Early Christianity New Haven Conn 2019 ISBN 9780300179767 Meqaleler Reading Between the Lines Looking for the Contributions of Enslaved Literate Laborers in a Second Century Text Studies in Late Antiquity 5 2021 432 52 Infant Exposure and the Rhetoric of Cannibalism Incest and Martyrdom in the Early Church 29 3 2021 341 396 Fashioning Mark Early Christian Discussions about the Scribe and Status of the Second Gospel 67 2 2021 181 204 Co authored with Liane M Feldman The New Jerusalem Wealth Ancient Building Projects and Revelation 21 22 66 3 2020 351 66 Dying to Live Forever Identity and Virtue in the Resurrection of the Bodies of the Martyrs 84 2 2019 155 174 A Note on the Death of Judas in Papias 65 3 2019 388 97 The Marks of the Nails Scars Wounds and the Resurrection of Jesus in John 8 1 2017 48 68 Nailing Down and Tying Up Lessons in Intertextual Impossibility from the Martyrdom of Polycarp 67 2 2013 117 136 Christly Possession and Weakened Bodies A Reconsideration of the Function of Paul s Thorn in the Flesh 2 Cor 12 7 10 Journal of Religion Disability and Health 16 4 2012 319 333 The Discourse of Voluntary Martyrdom Ancient and Modern Church History 81 3 2012 531 551 Co Authopred with Jeffrey Stackert The Devastation of Darkness Disability in Exodus 10 21 23 27 and the Intensification of the Plagues 92 3 2012 362 372 Co authored with Joel S Baden 1 Thess 4 13 18 in Rabbinic Perspective 58 2012 1 16 Blurred Vision and Ethical Confusion The Rhetorical Function of Matt 6 22 23 73 4 2011 757 76 Co authored with Joel S Baden The Origin and Interpretation of sara at in Leviticus 13 14 130 4 2011 643 661 Heavenly Healing Eschatological Cleansing and the Resurrection of the Dead in the Early Church 79 3 2011 1 27 The Man with the Flow of Power Porous Bodies in Mark 5 25 34 129 3 2010 507 519 On the Dating of Polycarp Rethinking the Place of the Martyrdom of Polycarp in the History of Christianity 1 4 2010 539 574 The Transfiguration An Exercise in Markan Accommodation 12 4 2004 69 89 IstinadlarCex Milli Hakimiyyet Melumat bazasi Bibliotheque nationale de France BnF identifikatoru fr aciq melumat platformasi 2011 The Death of Jesus and the Rise of the Christian Persecution Myth review 31 March 2013 5 May 2017 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 15 December 2022 Miller Laura The Myth of Persecution Early Christians weren t persecuted Salon 24 February 2013 15 December 2022 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 15 December 2022 Daly Maureen The long shadow of the martyr myth 27 March 2013 13 June 2016 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 15 December 2022 Blake John CNN Belief Blog 30 March 2013 2 May 2018 tarixinde orijinalindan arxivlesdirilib Istifade tarixi 9 April 2013 Radner Ephraim Unmythical Martyrs A review of The Myth of Persecution How Early Christians Invented a Story of Martyrdom First Things May 2013 2022 12 15 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2022 12 15 THE MYTH OF PERSECUTION How Early Christians Invented a Story of Persecution Kirkus Reviews 26 November 2012 2 May 2018 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 15 December 2022 Xarici kecidlerOfficial website University of Birmingham Webpage Daily Beast Columns Atlantic Articles Kandida Moss IMDb sehifesi