Böyük təqib və ya Diokletian təqibi — 303–313-cü illərdə, Roma imperiyasında imperator Diokletian dövründə başlanan və onun xələfləri tərəfindən davam etdirilən xristianlara qarşı sonuncu və ən şiddətli təqib.

303-cü ildə tetrarxlar Diokletian və Maksimian, Qaleri və Konstansi Xlor xristianların mülki hüquqlarını rəsmi olaraq ləğv edən və onlardan ənənəvi Roma dini ayinlərinə riayət etmələrini tələb edən fərman vermişdilər. Sonradan kahinlərə qarşı yeni fərmanlar verilmiş, eləcə də imperiyanın bütün sakinlərini paqan qurbanları kəsməyə məcbur etmişdir. Təqiblərin intensivliyi imperiya daxilində regiona görə müxtəlif olmuşdur. O vaxt Konstansinin hökm sürdüyü Qalliyada və İngiltərədə yalnız ilk fərman yerinə yetirilmiş və buradakı təqiblər imperiyanın şərq hissəsindəkindən daha zəif idi. Cəza qanunları tədricən ləğv edilmiş və Böyük Konstantin tərəfindən 313-cü ildə verilən Milan fərmanı ilə nəhayət bu dövr sona çatmışdır.
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- Лебедев, Алексей Петрович. Эпоха гонений на христиан и утверждение христианства в греко-римском мире при Константине Великом. Библиотека христианской мысли. Исследования. СПб.: Издательство Олега Абышко. 2006. ISBN .
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Əlavə ədəbiyyat
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Xarici keçidlər
- A Chronological Chart of the Persecution with primary sources hyperlinked
- Persecution of Christians from Britannica
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Boyuk teqib ve ya Diokletian teqibi 303 313 cu illerde Roma imperiyasinda imperator Diokletian dovrunde baslanan ve onun xelefleri terefinden davam etdirilen xristianlara qarsi sonuncu ve en siddetli teqib Xristian ezabkeslerinin son duasi Muellif Jan Leon Jerom 1883 cu il 303 cu ilde tetrarxlar Diokletian ve Maksimian Qaleri ve Konstansi Xlor xristianlarin mulki huquqlarini resmi olaraq legv eden ve onlardan enenevi Roma dini ayinlerine riayet etmelerini teleb eden ferman vermisdiler Sonradan kahinlere qarsi yeni fermanlar verilmis elece de imperiyanin butun sakinlerini paqan qurbanlari kesmeye mecbur etmisdir Teqiblerin intensivliyi imperiya daxilinde regiona gore muxtelif olmusdur O vaxt Konstansinin hokm surduyu Qalliyada ve Ingilterede yalniz ilk ferman yerine yetirilmis ve buradaki teqibler imperiyanin serq hissesindekinden daha zeif idi Ceza qanunlari tedricen legv edilmis ve Boyuk Konstantin terefinden 313 cu ilde verilen Milan fermani ile nehayet bu dovr sona catmisdir MenbeIstinadlar Lebedev 2006 seh 138 Robertson 1890 seh 140 Edebiyyat Lebedev Aleksej Petrovich Epoha gonenij na hristian i utverzhdenie hristianstva v greko rimskom mire pri Konstantine Velikom Biblioteka hristianskoj mysli Issledovaniya SPb Izdatelstvo Olega Abyshko 2006 ISBN 5 89740 139 7 Robertson Dzhejms Krejgi Istoriya hristianskoj cerkvi 1 Ot apostolskogo veka do razdeleniya cerkvej Spb Izd vo I L Tuzova Per A P Lopuhina 1890 Elave edebiyyatArnobius Adversus Nationes Against the Heathen ca 295 300 Bryce Hamilton and Hugh Campbell trans Against the Heathen From Ante Nicene Fathers Vol 6 Edited by Alexander Roberts James Donaldson and A Cleveland Coxe Buffalo NY Christian Literature Publishing Co 1886 Revised and edited for New Advent by Kevin Knight Accessed June 9 2009 Dessau Hermann Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae Berlin Weidmann 1892 1916 Eusebius of Caesarea Historia Ecclesiastica Church History first seven books ca 300 eighth and ninth book ca 313 tenth book ca 315 epilogue ca 325 Books Eight and Nine Williamson G A trans The History of the Church from Christ to Constantine London Penguin 1989 ISBN 0 14 044535 8 Eusebius of Caesarea De Martyribus Palestinae On the Martyrs of Palestine McGiffert Arthur Cushman trans Martyrs of Palestine From Nicene and Post Nicene Fathers Second Series Vol 1 Edited by Philip Schaff and Henry Wace Buffalo NY Christian Literature Publishing Co 1890 Revised and edited for New Advent by Kevin Knight Accessed June 9 2009 Cureton William trans History of the Martyrs in Palestine by Eusebius of Caesarea Discovered in a Very Antient Syriac Manuscript London Williams amp Norgate 1861 Accessed September 28 2009 Eusebius of Caesarea Vita Constantini The Life of the Blessed Emperor Constantine ca 336 39 Richardson Ernest Cushing trans Life of Constantine From Nicene and Post Nicene Fathers Second Series Vol 1 Edited by Philip Schaff and Henry Wace Buffalo NY Christian Literature Publishing Co 1890 Revised and edited for New Advent by Kevin Knight Accessed June 9 2009 Lactantius Divinae Institutiones The Divine Institutes ca 303 311 Fletcher William trans The Divine Institutes From Ante Nicene Fathers Vol 7 Edited by Alexander Roberts James Donaldson and A Cleveland Coxe Buffalo NY Christian Literature Publishing Co 1886 Revised and edited for New Advent by Kevin Knight Accessed June 9 2009 Lactantius De Ira Dei On the Wrath of God ca 313 Fletcher William trans On the Anger of God From Ante Nicene Fathers Vol 7 Edited by Alexander Roberts James Donaldson and A Cleveland Coxe Buffalo NY Christian Literature Publishing Co 1886 Revised and edited for New Advent by Kevin Knight Accessed June 9 2009 Lactantius De mortibus persecutorum De Mortibus Persecutorum Book on the Deaths of the Persecutors ca 313 15 Fletcher William trans Of the Manner in Which the Persecutors Died From Ante Nicene Fathers Vol 7 Edited by Alexander Roberts James Donaldson and A Cleveland Coxe Buffalo NY Christian Literature Publishing Co 1886 Revised and edited for New Advent by Kevin Knight Accessed June 9 2009 Musurillo Herbert trans The Acts of the Christian Martyrs Oxford Clarendon Press 1972 Saint Optatus Optatus Contra Parmenianum Donatistam Against the Donatists ca 366 367 Vassall Phillips O R trans The Work of St Optatus Against the Donatists London Longmans Green amp Co 1917 Quick links to the separate books and parts of Against the Donatists Transcribed at tertullian org by Roger Pearse 2006 Accessed June 9 2009 Porphyry philosopher Porphyry Fragments Brauunsberg David and Roger Pearse eds in Selected Fathers of the Church 2006 Accessed June 9 2009 Tertullian Apologeticus Apology 197 Thelwall S trans Apology From Ante Nicene Fathers Vol 3 Edited by Alexander Roberts James Donaldson and A Cleveland Coxe Buffalo NY Christian Literature Publishing Co 1885 Revised and edited for New Advent by Kevin Knight Accessed June 16 2009 Tilley Maureen A trans Donatist Martyr Stories The Church in Conflict in Roman North Africa Liverpool Liverpool University Press 1996 Barnes Timothy D Legislation Against the Christians Journal of Roman Studies 58 1 2 1968 32 50 doi 10 2307 299693 JSTOR 299693 Barnes Timothy D Sossianus Hierocles and the Antecedents of the Great Persecution Journal of Roman Studies 80 1976 239 252 doi 10 2307 311244 JSTOR 311244 Barnes Timothy D Constantine and Eusebius Cambridge MA Harvard University Press 1981 ISBN 978 0 674 16531 1 Barnes Timothy D The New Empire of Diocletian and Constantine Cambridge MA Harvard University Press 1982 ISBN 0 7837 2221 4 Barnes Timothy D Scholarship or Propaganda Poprphyry Against the Christians and its Historical Setting Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 39 1994 53 65 doi 10 1111 j 2041 5370 1994 tb00451 x JSTOR 43646838 Barnes Timothy D Review Constantine and the Bishops The Politics of Intolerance Phoenix 54 3 4 2000 381 383 doi 10 2307 1089082 JSTOR 1089082 Barnes Timothy D Monotheists All Phoenix 55 1 2 2001 142 162 doi 10 2307 1089029 JSTOR 1089029 Baynes Norman H Two Notes on the Great Persecution The Classical Quarterly 18 3 4 1924 189 194 doi 10 1017 S0009838800007102 Beatrice Pier Franco Antistes Philosophiae Ein Christenfeindlicher Propagandist am Hofe Diokletians nach dem Zeugnis des Laktanz Aug alman 33 1993 1 47 Castelli Elizabeth A Martyrdom and Memory Early Christian Culture Making New York Columbia University Press 2004 Chadwick Henry The Church in Ancient Society From Galilee to Gregory the Great New York Oxford University Press 2001 Clarke Graeme Third Century Christianity Bowman Alan Cameron Averil Garnsey Peter redaktorlar The Cambridge Ancient History Volume XII The Crisis of Empire New York Cambridge University Press 2005 589 671 ISBN 0 521 30199 8 Corcoran Simon The Empire of the Tetrarchs Imperial Pronouncements and Government AD 284 324 Oxford Clarendon Press 1996 ISBN 0 19 814984 0 Corcoran Simon Before Constantine Lenski Noel redaktor The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Constantine New York Cambridge University Press 2006 35 58 ISBN 0 521 81838 9 Curran John Pagan City and Christian Capital Rome in the Fourth Century Oxford Clarendon Press 2000 ISBN 0 19 815278 7 Davies P S The Origin and Purpose of the Persecution of AD 303 Journal of Theological Studies 40 1 1989 66 94 doi 10 1093 jts 40 1 66 JSTOR 23963763 The Making of a Christian Empire Lactantius and Rome Ithaca Cornell University Press 2000 ISBN 0 8014 3594 3 Dodds E R Pagan and Christian in an Age of Anxiety Some Aspects of Religious Experience from Marcus Aurelius to Constantine New York Norton 1970 Drake H A Constantine and the Bishops The Politics of Intolerance Baltimore Johns Hopkins University Press 2000 ISBN 0 8018 6218 3 Edwards Mark Christianity A D 70 192 Bowman Alan Cameron Averil Garnsey Peter redaktorlar The Cambridge Ancient History Volume XII The Crisis of Empire New York Cambridge University Press 2005 573 588 ISBN 0 521 30199 8 Elliott T G The Christianity of Constantine the Great Scranton PA University of Scranton Press 1996 ISBN 0 940866 59 5 Fox see Lane Fox Robin Frend William H C Martyrdom and persecution in the early church a study of a conflict from the Maccabees to Donatus Reissued James Clarke Company U K 2008 1967 ISBN 978 0 227 17229 2 Frend W H C Prelude to the Great Persecution The Propaganda War Journal of Ecclesiastical History 38 1 1987 1 18 doi 10 1017 S002204690002248X Frend W H C Persecutions Genesis and Legacy Mitchell Margaret M Young Frances M redaktorlar The Cambridge History of Christianity Volume I Origins to Constantine New York Cambridge University Press 2006 503 523 ISBN 978 0 521 81239 9 Gaddis Michael There Is No Crime for Those Who Have Christ Religious Violence in the Christian Roman Empire Berkeley Los Angeles and London University of California Press 2005 ISBN 0 520 24104 5 Gibbon Edward Womersley David redaktor History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire 1 London Penguin Classics 1995 ISBN 978 0 14 043393 7 Greenslade S L redaktorThe West from the Reformation to the Present Day The Cambridge History of the Bible 3 Paperback Cambridge University Press 1975 ISBN 0 521 29016 3 Helgeland John Christians and the Roman Army A D 173 337 Church History 43 2 1974 149 163 200 doi 10 2307 3163949 JSTOR 3163949 Hopkins Keith Christian Number and Its Implications Journal of Early Christian Studies 6 2 1998 185 226 doi 10 1353 earl 1998 0035 Jones A H M The Later Roman Empire 284 602 A Social Economic and Administrative Survey Oxford Basil Blackwell 1964 Keresztes Paul From the Great Persecution To the Peace of Galerius Vigiliae Christianae 37 4 1983 379 399 doi 10 1163 157007283X00241 Klingshirn William E Safran Linda redaktorlar The Early Christian Book Washington The Catholic University of America Press 2007 ISBN 978 0 8132 1486 3 Knipfing J R The Edict of Galerius 311 A D re considered Revue Belge de Philologie et d Histoire 1 4 1922 693 705 doi 10 3406 rbph 1922 6200 Lane Fox Robin Pagans and Christians New York Alfred A Knopf 1986 ISBN 0 394 55495 7 Leadbetter William From Constantine to Theodosius and Beyond Esler Philip Francis redaktor The Early Christian World London Routledge 2004 258 292 ISBN 978 0 415 16496 2 Liebeschuetz J H W G Continuity and Change in Roman Religion Oxford Oxford University Press 1979 ISBN 0 19 814822 4 Lohr Winrich Some Observations on Karl Heinz Schwarte s Diokletians Christengesetz Vigiliae Christianae 56 1 2002 75 95 doi 10 1163 15700720252984846 MacMullen Ramsay Christianizing the Roman Empire New Haven Yale University Press 1984 ISBN 0 300 03642 6 Millar Fergus The Roman Near East 31 B C A D 337 Cambridge MA Harvard University Press 1993 ISBN 0 674 77885 5 Mitchell Stephen Maximinus and the Christians in A D 312 A New Latin Inscription Journal of Roman Studies 78 1988 105 124 doi 10 2307 301453 JSTOR 301453 Nicholson Oliver Flight from Persecution as Imitation of Christ Lactantius Divine Institutes IV 18 1 2 Journal of Theological Studies 40 1 1989 48 65 doi 10 1093 jts 40 1 48 Odahl Charles Matson Constantine and the Christian Empire New York Routledge 2004 ISBN 0 415 17485 6 Potter David S The Roman Empire at Bay AD 180 395 New York Routledge 2005 ISBN 0 415 10057 7 Rees Roger Diocletian and the Tetrarchy Edinburgh UK Edinburgh University Press 2004 ISBN 9780748616602 Rives J B The Decree of Decius and the Religion of the Empire Journal of Roman Studies 89 1999 135 154 doi 10 2307 300738 JSTOR 300738 de Sainte Croix G E M Aspects of the Great Persecution Harvard Theological Review 47 2 1954 75 113 doi 10 1017 S0017816000027504 de Sainte Croix G E M Christian Persecution Martyrdom and Orthodoxy New York Oxford University Press 2006 ISBN 0 19 927812 1 de Sainte Croix G E M Why Were the Early Christians Persecuted Past amp Present 26 1963 6 38 doi 10 1093 past 26 1 6 Schott Jeremy M Porphyry on Christians and Others Barbarian Wisdom Identity Politics and Anti Christian Polemics on the Eve of the Great Persecution Journal of Early Christian Studies 13 3 2005 277 314 doi 10 1353 earl 2005 0045 Schott Jeremy M Christianity Empire and the Making of Religion in Late Antiquity Philadelphia University of Philadelphia Press 2008 ISBN 978 0 8122 4092 4 Sherwin White A N The Early Persecutions and Roman Law Again Journal of Theological Studies 3 2 1952 199 213 doi 10 1093 jts III 2 199 Shin Min Seok The Great Persecution A Historical Re examination Turnhout Brepols 2018 ISBN 978 2 503 57447 9 Tilley Maureen A The Bible in Christian North Africa The Donatist World Minneapolis Fortress Press 1997 ISBN 0 8006 2880 2 Tilley Maureen A North Africa Mitchell Margaret M Young Frances M redaktorlar The Cambridge History of Christianity Volume I Origins to Constantine New York Cambridge University Press 2006 381 396 ISBN 978 0 521 81239 9 Trompf G W Early Christian Historiography Narratives of redistributive justice New York Continuum 2000 ISBN 0 8264 5294 9 Walter Christopher The Warrior Saints in Byzantine Art and Tradition Ashgate 2003 ISBN 1 84014 694 X Williams Stephen Diocletian and the Roman Recovery New York Routledge 1997 ISBN 0 415 91827 8 Woods David Two Notes on the Great Persecution Journal of Theological Studies 43 1 1992 128 134 doi 10 1093 jts 43 1 128 Woods David Veturius and the Beginning of the Diocletianic Persecution Mnemosyne journal 54 5 2001 587 591 doi 10 1163 15685250152909057 Xarici kecidlerA Chronological Chart of the Persecution with primary sources hyperlinked Persecution of Christians from Britannica