Tomas Movbrey (ing. Thomas de Mowbray; 1366 – 22 sentyabr 1399, Venesiya) — İngilis əsilzadəsi, I Norfolk hersoqu.
Tomas Movbrey | |
ing. Thomas de Mowbray | |
![]() | |
1397 – 22 sentyabr 1399 | |
Sonrakı | I Con Movbrey |
Şəxsi məlumatlar | |
Doğum tarixi | 1366 |
Vəfat tarixi | 22 sentyabr 1399 |
Vəfat yeri | |
Vəfat səbəbi | taun |
Dəfn yeri | |
Fəaliyyəti | siyasətçi |
Həyat yoldaşı |
![]() |
Norfolk qrafinyası olan nənəsi Marqarita Brotertonla birlikdə 1397-ci ildə Norfolk hersoqluğuna yüksəldi. Özü kimi I Edvardın kötücəsi olan Bolinburqlu Henriylə girişdiyi siyasi mübarizə səbəbilə, 1398-ci ildə ömürlük sürgün edildi. Həcc ziyarəti məqsədilə Qüdsə yola düşsə də, Venesiyada ikən vəfat etdi.
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Tomas Movbrey ing Thomas de Mowbray 1366 22 sentyabr 1399 Venesiya Ingilis esilzadesi I Norfolk hersoqu Tomas Movbreying Thomas de MowbrayNorfolk hersoqu1397 22 sentyabr 1399SonrakiI Con MovbreySexsi melumatlarDogum tarixi 1366Vefat tarixi 22 sentyabr 1399Vefat yeri Venesiya Venesiya RespublikasiVefat sebebi taunDefn yeri VenesiyaFealiyyeti siyasetciHeyat yoldasi Elizabeth FitzAlan 1384 Vikianbarda elaqeli mediafayllar Norfolk qrafinyasi olan nenesi Marqarita Brotertonla birlikde 1397 ci ilde Norfolk hersoqluguna yukseldi Ozu kimi I Edvardin kotucesi olan Bolinburqlu Henriyle girisdiyi siyasi mubarize sebebile 1398 ci ilde omurluk surgun edildi Hecc ziyareti meqsedile Qudse yola dusse de Venesiyada iken vefat etdi MenbeAllington Smith R Henry Despenser The Fighting Bishop Dereham Larks Press 2003 ISBN 978 1 90400 616 9 Archer R E Parliamentary Restoration John Mowbray and the Dukedom of Norfolk in 1425 Archer R E Walker S redaktorlar Rulers and Ruled in Late Medieval England Essays Presented to Gerald Harriss London Hambledon Press 1995 99 116 ISBN 978 1 85285 133 0 Ashdown Hill J Norfolk Requiem The Passing of the House of Mowbray The Ricardian 12 2001 198 217 OCLC 795939407 Ashdown Hill J Richard III s Beloved Cousyn John Howard and the House of York Stroud History Press 2012 ISBN 978 0 75248 671 0 Barron C M The Reign of Richard II Jones M redaktor The New Cambridge Medieval History c 1300 c 1415 VI Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2000 297 334 ISBN 978 0 52136 290 0 Bennett M Late Medieval Ireland in a Wider World Smith B redaktor The Cambridge History of Ireland I 600 1550 Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2018 329 352 ISBN 978 1 10862 525 8 Beswick J Richard II of England and the Smithfield Tournament of October 1390 An Instrument to Establish Royal Authority Murray A V Watts K redaktorlar The Medieval Tournament as Spectacle Tourneys Jousts and Pas D armes 1100 1600 Woodbridge Boydell amp Brewer 2020 62 76 ISBN 978 1 78327 542 7 Bevan B Henry IV New York Palgrave Macmillan 1994 ISBN 978 0 31211 697 2 Biggs D L Henry IV 1399 1413 Fritze R H Robison W B redaktorlar Historical Dictionary of Late Medieval England 1272 1485 Westport Greenwood 2002 246 249 ISBN 978 0 31329 124 1 Biggs D Three Armies in Britain The Irish Campaign of Richard II and the Usurpation of Henry IV 1397 1399 Leiden Brill 2006 ISBN 978 9 00415 215 1 Blanton V Signs of Devotion The Cult of St AEthelthryth in Medieval England 695 1615 Philadelphia Penn State Press 2007 ISBN 978 0 27104 798 0 Bolam R Richard II Shakespeare and the Languages of the Stage Hattaway M redaktor The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare s History Plays Cambridge Companions to Literature Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2002 141 157 ISBN 978 0 52177 539 7 Brown R Achievement of Thomas Mowbray Duke of Norfolk Archaeologia 29 1842 387 389 OCLC 183351695 Burke B The General Armory of England Scotland Ireland and Wales Comprising a Registry of Armorial Bearings from the Earliest to the Present Time 1st London Harrisons 1884 OCLC 1336131959 Burtscher M The Fitzalans Earls of Arundel and Surrey Lords of the Welsh Marches 1267 1415 Logaston Logaston Press 2008 ISBN 978 1 90439 694 9 Butcher D Medieval Lowestoft The Origins and Growth of a Suffolk Coastal Community Woodbridge Boydell amp Brewer 2016 ISBN 978 1 78327 149 8 Casola P Canon Pietro Casola s Pilgrimage to Jerusalem in the Year 1494 Manchester Historical Series V Manchester Manchester University Press 1907 OCLC 470128636 Chapman A Welsh Soldiers in the Later Middle Ages 1282 1422 Woodbridge Boydell 2015 ISBN 978 1 78327 031 6 Cleveland C L W P The Battle Abbey Roll With Some Account of the Norman Lineages II London J Murray 1889 OCLC 1621691 Cokayne G E Doubleday H A redaktor The Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom Extant Extinct or Dormant IX London St Catherine Press 1936 OCLC 61913647 Collins H E L The Order of the Garter 1348 1461 Chivalry and Politics in Late Medieval England Oxford Clarendon Press 2000 ISBN 978 0 19820 817 4 Corbin P Sedge D Thomas of Woodstock Or Richard the Second Part One Manchester Manchester University Press 2002 ISBN 978 0 71901 563 2 Craig L H The Philosopher s English King Shakespeare s Henriad as Political Philosophy Woodbridge Boydell amp Brewer 2015 ISBN 978 1 58046 531 1 Crawford A Yorkist Lord John Howard Duke of Norfolk c 1425 1485 London Continuum 2010 ISBN 978 1 44117 997 5 Curry A Disciplinary Ordinances for English and Franco Scottish Armies in 1385 An International Code Journal of Medieval History 37 3 2011 269 294 doi 10 1016 j jmedhist 2011 05 004 OCLC 780548052 Curtis E A History of Medieval Ireland From 1086 to 1513 repr London Routledge 2012 1923 ISBN 978 0 41552 596 1 Curtis E The Instruments Touching upon Ireland Richard II in Ireland 1394 5 And Submissions of the Irish Chiefs Oxford Clarendon Press 1927 149 201 OCLC 558208510 Davies R G Some Notes from the Register of Henry De Wakefield Bishop of Worcester on the Political Crisis of 1386 1388 The English Historical Review 86 1971 547 558 doi 10 1093 ehr LXXXVI CCCXL 547 OCLC 925708104 Dodd G Chaucer and the Polity Johnson I redaktor Geoffrey Chaucer in Context Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2019 337 345 ISBN 978 1 10703 564 5 Dowden E Shakespeare A Critical Study of his Mind and Art Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2003 ISBN 978 1 10800 076 5 Dunn A The Politics of Magnate Power in England and Wales 1389 1413 Oxford Historical Monographs Oxford Clarendon Press 2003 ISBN 978 0 19926 310 3 Editorial Staff Full Cast Announced for RSC s Richard II Starring David Tennant www whatsonstage com WhatsOnStage 2013 08 31 17 April 2022 tarixinde arxivlesdirilib Istifade tarixi 2022 04 17 Favent T History or Narration Concerning the Manner and Form of the Miraculous Parliament at Westminster Steiner E Barrington C redaktorlar The Letter of the Law Legal Practice and Literary Production in Medieval England Galloway A terefinden tercume olunub Ithaca Cornell University Press 2002 231 252 ISBN 978 0 80148 770 5 Fletcher C Richard II Manhood Youth and Politics 1377 1399 Oxford Historical Monographs Oxford Oxford University Press 2008 ISBN 978 0 19161 573 3 Garber M Shakespeare After All New York Anchor 2005 ISBN 978 0 38572 214 8 Giancarlo M Murder Lies and Storytelling The Manipulation of Justice s in the Parliaments of 1397 and 1399 Speculum 77 1 2003 76 112 doi 10 2307 2903787 JSTOR 2903787 OCLC 35134109 Gifford D Noel Johnson The Guardian ingilis 1999 10 06 15 April 2022 tarixinde arxivlesdirilib Istifade tarixi 2022 04 15 Given Wilson C redaktorChronicles of the Revolution 1397 1400 The Reign of Richard II Manchester Medieval studies Manchester Manchester University Press 1993 ISBN 978 0 71903 527 2 Given Wilson C Richard II Edward II and the Lancastrian Inheritance The English Historical Review 109 432 1994 553 571 doi 10 1093 ehr CIX 432 553 OCLC 51205098 Given Wilson C The English Nobility in the Late Middle Ages The Fourteenth century Political Community 2nd London Routledge 1996 ISBN 978 0 41514 883 2 Given Wilson C The Earl of Arundel the War with France and the Anger of King Richard II Yeager R Takamiya T redaktorlar The Medieval Python The Purposive and Provocative Work of Terry Jones London Palgrave Macmillan 2012 27 38 ISBN 978 1 13707 505 5 Given Wilson C Henry IV Padstow Yale University Press 2016 ISBN 978 0 30015 419 1 Goodman A The Loyal Conspiracy The Lords Appellant under Richard II Coral Gables University of Miami Press 1971 ISBN 978 0 87024 215 1 Goodman A Introduction Goodman A Tuck A redaktorlar War and Border Societies in the Middle Ages London Routledge 1992 1 29 ISBN 978 1 13489 513 7 Goodman A John of Gaunt The Exercise of Princely Power in Fourteenth Century Europe repr London Routledge 2013 ISBN 978 1 31789 480 3 Guard T Chivalry Kingship and Crusade The English Experience in the Fourteenth Century Woodbridge Boydell 2013 ISBN 978 1 84383 824 1 Harriss G L Shaping the Nation England 1360 1461 Oxford Clarendon Press 2005 ISBN 978 0 19956 448 4 Hartley C A Historical Dictionary of British Women London Routledge 2013 ISBN 978 1 13535 534 0 Holland P English Shakespeares Shakespeare on the English Stage in the 1990s Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1997 ISBN 978 0 52156 476 2 Griffiths R A The Later Middle Ages 1290 1485 Morgan K O redaktor The Oxford History of Britain 2021 Oxford Oxford University Press 2021 192 256 ISBN 978 0 19884 111 1 Gundy A K Richard II and the Rebel Earl Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2013 ISBN 978 1 10742 372 5 King A Pur Salvation Du Roiaume Military Service and Obligation in Fourteenth century Northumberland Given Wilson C Saul N redaktorlar Fourteenth Century England Woodbridge Boydell Press 2002 13 32 ISBN 978 0 85115 891 4 Hentschell R Deloney Thomas Sullivan G A Stewart A Lemon R McDowell N Richards J redaktorlar The Encyclopedia of English Renaissance Literature I Oxford John Wiley 2012 267 271 ISBN 978 1 40519 449 5 Holderness G Radical Potentiality and Institutional Closure Shakespeare in Film and Television Dollimore J Sinfield A redaktorlar Political Shakespeare Essays in Cultural Materialism 2nd Manchester Manchester University Press 1994 1985 182 201 ISBN 9780719043529 Howell M C The Marriage Exchange Property Social Place and Gender in Cities of the Low Countries 1300 1550 Women in Culture and Society ingilis Chicago University of Chicago Press 2009 ISBN 978 0 22635 517 7 Johnston D Richard II and the Submissions of Gaelic Ireland Irish Historical Studies 22 85 1980 1 20 doi 10 1017 S0021121400024718 OCLC 908672267 Joseph C B The History of the Noble House of Stourton of Stourton in the County of Wilts London E Stock 1899 OCLC 906225476 Keen M Richard II s Ordinances of War of 1385 Archer R E Walker S redaktorlar Rulers and Ruled in Late Medieval England Essays Presented to Gerald Harriss London Hambledon Press 1995 33 48 ISBN 978 1 85285 133 0 Koenig R Born to Rule You Know the Type The Independent 2000 12 27 17 April 2022 tarixinde arxivlesdirilib Istifade tarixi 2022 04 17 Lahey S E Philosophy and Politics in the Thought of John Wyclif Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2003 ISBN 978 1 13943 929 9 Lewis M Rebellion in the Middle Ages Fight Against the Crown Barnsley Pen amp Sword History 2022 ISBN 978 1 52672 793 0 Lichterfeld I Thou Livest and Breathest yet Art Thou Slain in Him The Absence of Power in Richard II Comparative Drama 50 2 3 2016 195 207 doi 10 1353 cdr 2016 0018 OCLC 1564550 Lucas S C A Mirror for Magistrates A Modernized and Annotated Edition Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2019 ISBN 978 1 31699 802 1 Lumby J R redaktorThe Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland during the Middle Ages Rollls Series IX London Longman 1886 OCLC 7327411751 Mann F O The Works of Thomas Deloney Oxford Clarendon Press 1912 OCLC 241862 Marcombe D Leper Knights The Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem in England c 1150 1544 Woodbridge Boydell 2003 ISBN 978 1 84383 067 2 Marx C W An English Chronicle 1377 1461 Edited from Aberystwyth National Library of Wales MS 21068 and Oxford Bodleian Library MS Lyell 34 Woodbridge Boydell 2003 ISBN 978 0 85115 793 1 McConnell L Dictionary of Shakespeare Chicago Fitzroy Dearborn 2000 ISBN 978 1 57958 215 9 McGettigan D Richard II and the Irish Kings Dublin Four Courts Press 2016 ISBN 978 1 84682 602 3 McVitty A E The Prisoner s Voice in Conflicting Narratives of Loyalty and Political Legitimacy in Late Medieval England Parergon 34 2 2017 25 47 doi 10 1353 pgn 2017 0034 OCLC 1785479 McVitty E A Treason and Masculinity in Medieval England Gender Law and Political Culture Woodbridge Boydell amp Brewer 2020 ISBN 978 1 78327 555 7 Morgan P Going to the Wars Thomas Lord Morley in France 1416 Villalon L J A Kagay D J redaktorlar The Hundred Years War Further Considerations Lieden Brill 2013 285 316 ISBN 978 9 00424 564 8 Mortimer I Henry IV The Righteous King London Rosetta Books 2009 ISBN 978 0 79533 543 3 Moore T K The Cost Benefit Analysis of a Fourteenth Century Naval Campaign Margate Cadzand 1387 Gorski R redaktor Roles of the Sea in Medieval England Woodbridge Boydell 2012 103 124 ISBN 978 1 84383 701 5 Naylor Gary BWW Review The Hollow Crown I BroadwayWorld com ingilis 2020 10 April 2022 tarixinde arxivlesdirilib Istifade tarixi 2022 04 10 Oakeshott R E The Archaeology of Weapons Arms and Armor from Prehistory to the Age of Chivalry Mineola Dover 1996 ISBN 978 0 48629 288 5 PBS The Hollow Crown Shakespeare s History Plays PBS 2013 10 April 2022 tarixinde arxivlesdirilib Istifade tarixi 2022 04 10 Powell J E Wallis K The House of Lords in the Middle Ages London Weidenfeld amp Nicolson 1968 OCLC 925614987 Parliament Rolls of Medieval England PROME Given Wilson C Brand P Phillips S Ormrod M Martin G Curry A Horrox R E redaktorlar Richard II October 1386 British History Online Woodbridge Boydell and Brewer 2005a 8 March 2018 tarixinde arxivlesdirilib Istifade tarixi 8 March 2018 Parliament Rolls of Medieval England PROME Given Wilson C Brand P Phillips S Ormrod M Martin G Curry A Horrox R E redaktorlar Richard II September 1397 British History Online Woodbridge Boydell and Brewer 2005b 3 February 2023 tarixinde arxivlesdirilib Istifade tarixi 3 February 2023 Rasor E L English British Naval History to 1815 A Guide to the Literature Westport Greenwood 2004 ISBN 978 0 31330 547 4 Roe J A Shakespeare and Machiavelli Cambridge DS Brewer 2002 ISBN 978 0 85991 764 3 Roskell J S The Impeachment of Michael de la Pole Earl of Suffolk in 1386 In the Context of the Reign of Richard II Manchester Manchester University Press 1984 ISBN 978 0 71900 963 1 Ross J The Foremost Man of the Kingdom John de Vere Thirteenth Earl of Oxford 1442 1513 Woodbridge Boydell amp Brewer 2011 ISBN 978 1 78327 005 7 Round J H Commune of London and Other Studies London Archibald 1899 OCLC 1171619263 Routh P Knowles R The Markenfield Collar The Yorkshire Archaeological Journal 62 1990 133 140 OCLC 827767417 Sanderlin S Chaucer and Ricardian Politics The Chaucer Review 22 1988 171 184 OCLC 43359050 Saul N Richard II Bury St Edmunds Yale University Press 1997 ISBN 978 0 30007 003 3 Scott F R Chaucer and the Parliament of 1386 Speculum 18 1 1943 80 86 doi 10 2307 2853640 JSTOR 2853640 OCLC 25967434 Sessions W A Henry Howard the Poet Earl of Surrey A Life Oxford Oxford University Press 1999 ISBN 978 0 19 818625 0 Shakespeare W The Life and Death of Richard the Second First Folio London Isaac Iaggard amp Ed Blount 1623 OCLC 56257571 Shewring M King Richard II Shakespeare in Performance Manchester Manchester University Press 1996 ISBN 978 0 71904 626 1 Stober K Late Medieval Monasteries and their Patrons England and Wales c 1300 1540 Woodbridge Boydell 2007 ISBN 978 1 84383 284 3 Sumption J The Hundred Years War Divided Houses III paperback London Faber amp Faber 2009 ISBN 978 0 57124 012 8 Thomas A Shakespeare Catholicism and the Middle Ages Maimed Rights Cham Palgrave Macmillan 2018 ISBN 978 3 31990 218 0 Thornton T The Channel Islands 1370 1640 Between England and Normandy Woodbridge Boydell Press 2012 ISBN 978 1 84383 711 4 Tuck A Richard II and the English Nobility London Edward Arnold 1973 ISBN 978 0 71315 708 6 Tyerman C England and the Crusades 1095 1588 Chicago Chicago University Press 1988 ISBN 978 0 22682 013 2 Usk A Thompson E M redaktor Chronicon Adae de Usk A D 1377 1421 2nd London H Frowde 1904 OCLC 871729931 VCH Houses of Carthusian monks The Priory of Axholme Page W redaktor A History of the County of Lincoln 2 London Victoria County History 1906 1906 158 160 OCLC 1128317094 Walsingham T Clark J G redaktor The Chronica Maiora of Thomas Walsingham 1376 1422 Preest D terefinden tercume olunub Woodbridge Boydell Press 2005 1863 1864 ISBN 978 1 84383 144 0 Vienne Guerrin N Hatchuel S Shakespeare on Screen Television Shakespeare Essays in Honour of Michele Willems fransiz ve ingilis Mont Saint Aignan Presses Universitaires de Rouen et du Havre 2008 ISBN 978 2 87775 450 7 Warren W L Henry II Yale New Haven Yale University Press 2000 ISBN 978 0 30008 474 0 Williams B redaktorChronicque de la Traison et Mort de Richard deux Roy Dengleterre fransiz ve ingilis London Bentley Wilson and Fley 1846 OCLC 562005467 Wright H G Richard II and the Death of the Duke of Gloucester The English Historical Review 47 1932 276 80 doi 10 1093 ehr XLVII CLXXXVI 276 OCLC 925708104 IstinadlarOxford Dictionary of National Biography ing C Matthew Oxford OUP 2004 Kindred Britain