Rokfeller Fondu (ing. Rockefeller Foundation) — Beşinci prospekt, 420, Nyu York ünvanında yerləşən amerikan özəl fondu və xeyriyyəçi tibbi tədqiqat və incəsənəti maliyyələşdirən təşkilat. ABŞ-da Karnegi Korporasiyasından sonra ikinci ən qədim xeyriyyə təşkilatı olan fond, 2015-ci ildə ümumi ianəyə ABŞ-ın 39-cu ən böyük fondu idi. 2016-cı ilin sonuna qədər aktivlər 4,1 milyard ABŞ dolları (2015-ci ildən bəri dəyişmədi), illik qrantlar isə 173 milyon dollar təşkil edib.İƏİT-nın məlumatına görə, fond 2021-ci ildə inkişaf üçün 283,9 milyon ABŞ dolları ayırıb. Fond cari dollarla 14 milyard dollardan çox vəsait ayırıb.
Rokfeller Fondu | |
Rockefeller Foundation | |
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Növü | 501(c)(3) təşkilatı[d] |
Yaranma tarixi | 1913 |
Rəsmi dili | |
Mərkəzi | |
Qurucusu | | | |
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Fond Standard Oil maqnatı Con Rokfeller və oğlu, həmçinin onların əsas biznes məsləhətçisi tərəfindən 1913-cü il mayın 14-də, nizamnaməsi Nyu-York ştatının qanunverici orqanı tərəfindən verildiyi zaman başlamışdır.
Fondun 1930-cu illərdən etibarən beynəlxalq nüfuzu və qlobal qeyri-hökumət təşkilatlarına böyük təsiri var. Ümumdünya Səhiyyə Təşkilatı, fondun insanları öyrənmək və müalicə etmək üçün həkimləri xaricə göndərən Beynəlxalq Sağlamlıq Bölməsindən nümunə götürür. və Milli Səhiyyə Agentliyi da Rokfeller tərəfindən maliyyələşdirilən iş əsasında modelləşdirilmişdir. O, həmçinin Birləşmiş Millətlər Təşkilatının dəstəkçisi olub.
2020-ci ildə fond qalıq yanacaqdan imtina edəcəyini vəd etdi, çünki ianə əsasən Standard Oil tərəfindən maliyyələşdirilirdi.
Fondun həmçinin 1930-cu illərdə yevgenikaya dəstək, habelə beynəlxalq sahədə işlərindən irəli gələn bir sıra qalmaqallar da daxil olmaqla, mübahisəli tarixi var. 2021-ci ildə fondun prezidenti tarix ilə hesablaşmağı, kapital və inklüzivliyi mərkəzləşdirməyi öhdəsinə götürdü.
- . Businessweek. 22 October 2012 tarixində orijinalından arxivləşdirilib. İstifadə tarixi: 17 April 2013.
- "Foundation Stats". The Foundation Center. October 2014. 2016-05-05 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: 2017-08-14.
- (PDF). The Rockefeller Foundation. June 21, 2017. 2018-01-12 tarixində orijinalından (PDF) arxivləşdirilib. İstifadə tarixi: 2018-01-12.
- "Rockefeller Foundation | Development Co-operation Profiles – Rockefeller Foundation | OECD iLibrary". (ingilis). 2023. 2023-10-02 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: 2023-10-01.
- . 2007-02-12 tarixində orijinalından arxivləşdirilib.
- (PDF). 2012-10-30 tarixində orijinalından (PDF) arxivləşdirilib. İstifadə tarixi: 2011-05-26.
- "Global Forum on Human Development" (1999). As model for UN organizations, pp.64-5.
- Egan, Matt. "Exclusive: A $5 billion foundation literally founded on oil money is saying goodbye to fossil fuels". CNN. 18 December 2020. 2022-09-12 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: 2022-08-18.
Əlavə ədəbiyyat
- Abir-Am, Pnina G. "The Rockefeller Foundation and the rise of molecular biology" (PDF). Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology. 3 (1). 2002: 65–70. doi:10.1038/nrm702. PMID 11823800.
- Berman, Edward H. The Ideology of Philanthropy: The influence of the Carnegie, Ford, and Rockefeller foundations on American foreign policy. New York: State University of New York Press. 1983.
- Birn, Anne-Emanuelle. "Philanthrocapitalism, past and present: The Rockefeller Foundation, the Gates Foundation, and the setting (s) of the international/global health agenda." Hypothesis 12.1 (2014): e8. online
- Birn, Anne-Emanuelle, and . "The Rockefeller Foundation and the international health agenda"], The Lancet, (2013) Volume 381, Issue 9878, Pages 1618 - 1619, online
- Brown, E. Richard, Rockefeller Medicine Men: Medicine and Capitalism in America, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1979.
- Chernow, Ron, Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller Sr., London: Warner Books, 1998. online
- Cotton, James. "Rockefeller, Carnegie, and the limits of American hegemony in the emergence of Australian international studies." International Relations of the Asia-Pacific 12.1 (2012): 161–192. [
- Dowie, Mark, American Foundations: An Investigative History, Boston: The MIT Press, 2001.
- Eckl, Julian. "The power of private foundations: Rockefeller and Gates in the struggle against malaria." Global Social Policy 14.1 (2014): 91–116.
- Erdem, Murat, and W. ROSE Kenneth. "American Philanthropy ın Republican Turkey; The Rockefeller and Ford Foundations." The Turkish Yearbook of International Relations 31 (2000): 131–157. online
- Farley, John. To cast out disease: a history of the International Health Division of Rockefeller Foundation (1913-1951) (Oxford University Press, 2004).
- Fisher, Donald, Fundamental Development of the Social Sciences: Rockefeller Philanthropy and the United States Social Science Research Council, Michigan: University of Michigan Press, 1993.
- Fosdick, Raymond B., John D. Rockefeller Jr., A Portrait, New York: Harper & Brothers, 1956.
- Fosdick, Raymond B., The Story of the Rockefeller Foundation (1952) online
- Hauptmann, Emily. "From opposition to accommodation: How Rockefeller Foundation grants redefined relations between political theory and social science in the 1950s." American Political Science Review 100.4 (2006): 643–649. online
- Jonas, Gerald. The Circuit Riders: Rockefeller Money and the Rise of Modern Science. New York: W.W. Norton and Co., 1989. online
- Kay, Lily, The Molecular Vision of Life: Caltech, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Rise of the New Biology, New York: Oxford University Press, 1993.
- Laurence, Peter L. "The death and life of urban design: Jane Jacobs, The Rockefeller Foundation and the new research in urbanism, 1955–1965." Journal of Urban Design 11.2 (2006): 145–172. online
- Lawrence, Christopher. Rockefeller Money, the Laboratory and Medicine in Edinburgh 1919–1930: New Science in an Old Country, Rochester Studies in Medical History, University of Rochester Press, 2005.
- Mathers, Kathryn Frances. Shared journey: The Rockefeller Foundation, human capital, and development in Africa (2013) online
- Nielsen, Waldemar, The Big Foundations, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1973. online
- Nielsen, Waldemar A., The Golden Donors, E. P. Dutton, 1985. Called Foundation "unimaginative ... lacking leadership....slouching toward senility." online
- Ninkovich, Frank. "The Rockefeller Foundation, China, and Cultural Change." Journal of American History 70.4 (1984): 799–820. online
- Palmer, Steven, Launching Global Health: The Caribbean Odyssey of the Rockefeller Foundation, Ann Arbor: , 2010.
- Perkins, John H. "The Rockefeller Foundation and the green revolution, 1941–1956." Agriculture and Human Values 7.3 (1990): 6–18. online
- Sachse, Carola. What Research, to What End? The Rockefeller Foundation and the Max Planck Gesellschaft in the Early Cold War (2009) online
- Shaplen, Robert, Toward the Well-Being of Mankind: Fifty Years of the Rockefeller Foundation, New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1964.
- Stapleton, D. H. "Lessons of history? Anti-malaria strategies of the International Health Board and the Rockefeller Foundation from the 1920s to the era of DDT". Public Health Reports. 119 (2). 2004: 206–215. doi:10.1177/003335490411900214. PMC 1497608. PMID 15192908.
- Theiler, Max and Downs, W. G., The Arthropod-Borne Viruses of Vertebrates: An Account of The Rockefeller Foundation Virus Program, 1951–1970. (1973) Yale University Press. New Haven and London. ISBN .
- Uy, Michael Sy. Ask the Experts: How Ford, Rockefeller, and the NEA Changed American Music, (Oxford University Press, 2020) 270pp.
- Wood, Andrew Grant. "Sanitizing the State: The Rockefeller International Health Board and the Yellow Fever Campaign in Veracruz." Americas 6#1 Spring 2010 ·
- Youde, Jeremy. "The Rockefeller and Gates Foundations in global health governance." Global Society 27.2 (2013): 139–158. online
- Rockefeller Foundation 990
- . The Rockefeller Foundation/Rockefeller Archive Center.
Xarici keçidlər
- CFR Website – Continuing the Inquiry: The Council on Foreign Relations from 1921 to 1996 2012-08-21 at the Wayback Machine The history of the council by Peter Grose, a council member – mentions financial support from the Rockefeller foundation.
- Foundation Center: Top 50 US Foundations by total giving
- New York Times: Rockefeller Foundation Elects 5 – Including Alan Alda and Peggy Dulany
- "Eugenics and the Nazis: the California Connection"
- Press for Conversion! magazine, Issue # 53: "Facing the Corporate Roots of American Fascism," Bryan Sanders, Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade, March 2004
- Rockefeller Foundation website, including a
- Hookworm and malaria research in Malaya, Java, and the Fiji Islands; report of Uncinariasis commission to the Orient, 1915–1917 The Rockefeller foundation, International health board. New York 1920
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Rokfeller Fondu ing Rockefeller Foundation Besinci prospekt 420 Nyu York unvaninda yerlesen amerikan ozel fondu ve xeyriyyeci tibbi tedqiqat ve inceseneti maliyyelesdiren teskilat ABS da Karnegi Korporasiyasindan sonra ikinci en qedim xeyriyye teskilati olan fond 2015 ci ilde umumi ianeye ABS in 39 cu en boyuk fondu idi 2016 ci ilin sonuna qeder aktivler 4 1 milyard ABS dollari 2015 ci ilden beri deyismedi illik qrantlar ise 173 milyon dollar teskil edib IEIT nin melumatina gore fond 2021 ci ilde inkisaf ucun 283 9 milyon ABS dollari ayirib Fond cari dollarla 14 milyard dollardan cox vesait ayirib Rokfeller FonduRockefeller FoundationNovu 501 c 3 teskilati d Yaranma tarixi 1913Resmi dili ingilis diliMerkezi Nyu YorkQurucusu Con Rokfellerrockefellerfoundation org Vikianbarda elaqeli mediafayllar Fond Standard Oil maqnati Con Rokfeller ve oglu hemcinin onlarin esas biznes meslehetcisi terefinden 1913 cu il mayin 14 de nizamnamesi Nyu York statinin qanunverici orqani terefinden verildiyi zaman baslamisdir Fondun 1930 cu illerden etibaren beynelxalq nufuzu ve qlobal qeyri hokumet teskilatlarina boyuk tesiri var Umumdunya Sehiyye Teskilati fondun insanlari oyrenmek ve mualice etmek ucun hekimleri xarice gonderen Beynelxalq Saglamliq Bolmesinden numune goturur ve Milli Sehiyye Agentliyi da Rokfeller terefinden maliyyelesdirilen is esasinda modellesdirilmisdir O hemcinin Birlesmis Milletler Teskilatinin destekcisi olub 2020 ci ilde fond qaliq yanacaqdan imtina edeceyini ved etdi cunki iane esasen Standard Oil terefinden maliyyelesdirilirdi Fondun hemcinin 1930 cu illerde yevgenikaya destek habele beynelxalq sahede islerinden ireli gelen bir sira qalmaqallar da daxil olmaqla mubahiseli tarixi var 2021 ci ilde fondun prezidenti tarix ile hesablasmagi kapital ve inkluzivliyi merkezlesdirmeyi ohdesine goturdu Istinadlar Businessweek 22 October 2012 tarixinde orijinalindan arxivlesdirilib Istifade tarixi 17 April 2013 Foundation Stats The Foundation Center October 2014 2016 05 05 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2017 08 14 PDF The Rockefeller Foundation June 21 2017 2018 01 12 tarixinde orijinalindan PDF arxivlesdirilib Istifade tarixi 2018 01 12 Rockefeller Foundation Development Co operation Profiles Rockefeller Foundation OECD iLibrary www oecd ilibrary org ingilis 2023 2023 10 02 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2023 10 01 2007 02 12 tarixinde orijinalindan arxivlesdirilib PDF 2012 10 30 tarixinde orijinalindan PDF arxivlesdirilib Istifade tarixi 2011 05 26 Global Forum on Human Development 1999 As model for UN organizations pp 64 5 Egan Matt Exclusive A 5 billion foundation literally founded on oil money is saying goodbye to fossil fuels CNN 18 December 2020 2022 09 12 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2022 08 18 Elave edebiyyatAbir Am Pnina G The Rockefeller Foundation and the rise of molecular biology PDF Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 3 1 2002 65 70 doi 10 1038 nrm702 PMID 11823800 Berman Edward H The Ideology of Philanthropy The influence of the Carnegie Ford and Rockefeller foundations on American foreign policy New York State University of New York Press 1983 Birn Anne Emanuelle Philanthrocapitalism past and present The Rockefeller Foundation the Gates Foundation and the setting s of the international global health agenda Hypothesis 12 1 2014 e8 online Birn Anne Emanuelle and The Rockefeller Foundation and the international health agenda The Lancet 2013 Volume 381 Issue 9878 Pages 1618 1619 online Brown E Richard Rockefeller Medicine Men Medicine and Capitalism in America Berkeley University of California Press 1979 Chernow Ron Titan The Life of John D Rockefeller Sr London Warner Books 1998 online Cotton James Rockefeller Carnegie and the limits of American hegemony in the emergence of Australian international studies International Relations of the Asia Pacific 12 1 2012 161 192 Dowie Mark American Foundations An Investigative History Boston The MIT Press 2001 Eckl Julian The power of private foundations Rockefeller and Gates in the struggle against malaria Global Social Policy 14 1 2014 91 116 Erdem Murat and W ROSE Kenneth American Philanthropy in Republican Turkey The Rockefeller and Ford Foundations The Turkish Yearbook of International Relations 31 2000 131 157 online Farley John To cast out disease a history of the International Health Division of Rockefeller Foundation 1913 1951 Oxford University Press 2004 Fisher Donald Fundamental Development of the Social Sciences Rockefeller Philanthropy and the United States Social Science Research Council Michigan University of Michigan Press 1993 Fosdick Raymond B John D Rockefeller Jr A Portrait New York Harper amp Brothers 1956 Fosdick Raymond B The Story of the Rockefeller Foundation 1952 online Hauptmann Emily From opposition to accommodation How Rockefeller Foundation grants redefined relations between political theory and social science in the 1950s American Political Science Review 100 4 2006 643 649 online Jonas Gerald The Circuit Riders Rockefeller Money and the Rise of Modern Science New York W W Norton and Co 1989 online Kay Lily The Molecular Vision of Life Caltech the Rockefeller Foundation and the Rise of the New Biology New York Oxford University Press 1993 Laurence Peter L The death and life of urban design Jane Jacobs The Rockefeller Foundation and the new research in urbanism 1955 1965 Journal of Urban Design 11 2 2006 145 172 online Lawrence Christopher Rockefeller Money the Laboratory and Medicine in Edinburgh 1919 1930 New Science in an Old Country Rochester Studies in Medical History University of Rochester Press 2005 Mathers Kathryn Frances Shared journey The Rockefeller Foundation human capital and development in Africa 2013 online Nielsen Waldemar The Big Foundations New York Cambridge University Press 1973 online Nielsen Waldemar A The Golden Donors E P Dutton 1985 Called Foundation unimaginative lacking leadership slouching toward senility online Ninkovich Frank The Rockefeller Foundation China and Cultural Change Journal of American History 70 4 1984 799 820 online Palmer Steven Launching Global Health The Caribbean Odyssey of the Rockefeller Foundation Ann Arbor 2010 Perkins John H The Rockefeller Foundation and the green revolution 1941 1956 Agriculture and Human Values 7 3 1990 6 18 online Sachse Carola What Research to What End The Rockefeller Foundation and the Max Planck Gesellschaft in the Early Cold War 2009 online Shaplen Robert Toward the Well Being of Mankind Fifty Years of the Rockefeller Foundation New York Doubleday amp Company Inc 1964 Stapleton D H Lessons of history Anti malaria strategies of the International Health Board and the Rockefeller Foundation from the 1920s to the era of DDT Public Health Reports 119 2 2004 206 215 doi 10 1177 003335490411900214 PMC 1497608 PMID 15192908 Theiler Max and Downs W G The Arthropod Borne Viruses of Vertebrates An Account of The Rockefeller Foundation Virus Program 1951 1970 1973 Yale University Press New Haven and London ISBN 0 300 01508 9 Uy Michael Sy Ask the Experts How Ford Rockefeller and the NEA Changed American Music Oxford University Press 2020 270pp Wood Andrew Grant Sanitizing the State The Rockefeller International Health Board and the Yellow Fever Campaign in Veracruz Americas 6 1 Spring 2010 Youde Jeremy The Rockefeller and Gates Foundations in global health governance Global Society 27 2 2013 139 158 online Rockefeller Foundation 990 The Rockefeller Foundation Rockefeller Archive Center Xarici kecidlerVikianbarda elaqeli media fayllar CFR Website Continuing the Inquiry The Council on Foreign Relations from 1921 to 1996 2012 08 21 at the Wayback Machine The history of the council by Peter Grose a council member mentions financial support from the Rockefeller foundation Foundation Center Top 50 US Foundations by total giving New York Times Rockefeller Foundation Elects 5 Including Alan Alda and Peggy Dulany SFGate com Eugenics and the Nazis the California Connection Press for Conversion magazine Issue 53 Facing the Corporate Roots of American Fascism Bryan Sanders Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade March 2004 Rockefeller Foundation website including a Hookworm and malaria research in Malaya Java and the Fiji Islands report of Uncinariasis commission to the Orient 1915 1917 The Rockefeller foundation International health board New York 1920