Oliver Hart (ing. Oliver Simon D'Arcy Hart; 9 oktyabr 1948, London) — amerikan iqtisadçı. 2016-cı ildə Benqt Holmströmlə birlikdə Müqavilə nəzəriyyəsi ilə bağlı apardığı tədqiqatlara görə İqtisadiyyat üzrə Nobel mükafatına layiq görülmüşdür.
Oliver Hart | |
ing. Oliver Simon D'Arcy Hart | |
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Doğum adı | Oliver Simon D'Arcy Hart |
Doğum tarixi | |
Doğum yeri | London |
Vətəndaşlığı | ![]() |
Elm sahəsi | İqtisadiyyat |
Elmi dərəcəsi | |
İş yerləri | Harvard Universiteti Massaçusets Texnologiya İnstitutu London İqtisadiyyat və Siyasi Elmlər Məktəbi |
Təhsili |
Tanınır | Müqavilə nəzəriyyəsi |
Üzvlüyü | |
Mükafatları | ![]() |
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İlk illəri
Təhsili və Karyerası
İqtisadiyyat üzrə Nobel mükafatı
Həmçinin bax
Xarici keçidlər
- Oliver Hart's home page at Harvard
- Oliver Hart - Facts
Ədəbiyyat siyahısı
- Firms, Contracts, and Financial Structure (Oxford University Press, 1995).
Seçilmiş məqalələri
- "On the Optimality of Equilibrium when the Market Structure is Incomplete", Journal of Economic Theory, December 1975, 418–443
- "Takeover Bids, the Free-rider problem, and the Theory of the Corporation" (with Sanford J. Grossman), Bell Journal of Economics, Spring 1980, 42–64
- "An Analysis of the principal–agent problem" (with Sanford J. Grossman), Econometrica (January 1983) 7–46.
- "The Market Mechanism as an Incentive Scheme," Bell Journal of Economics, 14 (Autumn 1983) 366-82.
- "The Costs and Benefits of Ownership: A Theory of Vertical and Lateral Integration" (with Sanford J. Grossman), Journal of Political Economy, August 1986, 691–719.
- "One Share-One vote and the Market for Corporate Control" (with Sanford J. Grossman), Journal of Financial Economics, 1988
- "Incomplete Contracts and Renegotiation" (with John Hardman Moore), Econometrica 56(4) (July 1988).
- "Property Rights and the Nature of the Firm" (with John Hardman Moore), Journal of Political Economy 98(6) (1990).
- " A Theory of Debt Based on the Inalienability of Human Capital " (with John Hardman Moore), Quarterly Journal of Economics, November 1994, 841–879
- "The Proper Scope of Government: Theory and an Application to Prisons" (with Andrei Shleifer and Robert W. Vishny), Quarterly Journal of Economics 112(4) (1997) 1126–61.
- "Contracts as Reference Points" (with John Hardman Moore), Quarterly Journal of Economics, February 2008,1–48.
- https://www.lse.ac.uk/about-lse/lse-people/Oliver-Hart.
- https://www.econometricsociety.org/society/organization-and-governance/fellows/current.
- Duignan B. Oliver Hart // Encyclopædia Britannica (ing.).
- Oliver Hart // Munzinger Personen (alm.).
- Freebase Data Dumps. Google.
- "Oliver Hart - Facts". 2016-10-13 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: 2016-11-03.
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Oliver Hart ing Oliver Simon D Arcy Hart 9 oktyabr 1948 London amerikan iqtisadci 2016 ci ilde Benqt Holmstromle birlikde Muqavile nezeriyyesi ile bagli apardigi tedqiqatlara gore Iqtisadiyyat uzre Nobel mukafatina layiq gorulmusdur Oliver Harting Oliver Simon D Arcy HartDogum adi Oliver Simon D Arcy HartDogum tarixi 9 oktyabr 1948 75 yas Dogum yeri London IngiltereVetendasligi Birlesmis Kralliq ABSElm sahesi IqtisadiyyatElmi derecesi felsefe doktoruIs yerleri Harvard Universiteti Massacusets Texnologiya Institutu London Iqtisadiyyat ve Siyasi Elmler MektebiTehsili Prinston Universiteti Uorvik Universiteti Kembric Kinqs Kolleci d Taninir Muqavile nezeriyyesiUzvluyu Amerika Incesenet ve Elmler Akademiyasi ABS Milli Elmler Akademiyasi Ekonometrik Cemiyyet 1979 Mukafatlari 2016 Iqtisadiyyat uzre Nobel mukafati Vikianbarda elaqeli mediafayllarIlk illeriTehsili ve KaryerasiMukafatlariIqtisadiyyat uzre Nobel mukafatiHemcinin baxIqtisadiyyat uzre Nobel mukafati Iqtisadiyyat uzre Nobel mukafati laureatlarinin siyahisiXarici kecidlerOliver Hart s home page at Harvard Oliver Hart FactsEdebiyyat siyahisiKitablari Firms Contracts and Financial Structure Oxford University Press 1995 Secilmis meqaleleri On the Optimality of Equilibrium when the Market Structure is Incomplete Journal of Economic Theory December 1975 418 443 Takeover Bids the Free rider problem and the Theory of the Corporation with Sanford J Grossman Bell Journal of Economics Spring 1980 42 64 An Analysis of the principal agent problem with Sanford J Grossman Econometrica January 1983 7 46 The Market Mechanism as an Incentive Scheme Bell Journal of Economics 14 Autumn 1983 366 82 The Costs and Benefits of Ownership A Theory of Vertical and Lateral Integration with Sanford J Grossman Journal of Political Economy August 1986 691 719 One Share One vote and the Market for Corporate Control with Sanford J Grossman Journal of Financial Economics 1988 Incomplete Contracts and Renegotiation with John Hardman Moore Econometrica 56 4 July 1988 Property Rights and the Nature of the Firm with John Hardman Moore Journal of Political Economy 98 6 1990 A Theory of Debt Based on the Inalienability of Human Capital with John Hardman Moore Quarterly Journal of Economics November 1994 841 879 The Proper Scope of Government Theory and an Application to Prisons with Andrei Shleifer and Robert W Vishny Quarterly Journal of Economics 112 4 1997 1126 61 Contracts as Reference Points with John Hardman Moore Quarterly Journal of Economics February 2008 1 48 Istinadlarhttps www lse ac uk about lse lse people Oliver Hart https www econometricsociety org society organization and governance fellows current Duignan B Oliver Hart Encyclopaedia Britannica ing Oliver Hart Munzinger Personen alm Freebase Data Dumps Google Oliver Hart Facts 2016 10 13 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2016 11 03