Mariya Aleksandrovna (rus. Мария Александровна; 17 oktyabr 1853[…], Puşkin[d], Sankt-Peterburq quberniyası[d] – 24 oktyabr 1920, Sürix) — Rusiya imperatoru II Aleksandrın qızı, Saksen-Koburq-Qota hersoqinası.
Mariya Aleksandrovna | |
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22 avqust 1893 – 30 iyul 1900 | |
Şəxsi məlumatlar | |
Doğum tarixi | 17 oktyabr 1853[…] |
Doğum yeri |
Vəfat tarixi | 24 oktyabr 1920(67 yaşında) |
Vəfat yeri | |
Dəfn yeri | |
Fəaliyyəti | əsilzadə |
Atası | II Aleksandr[…] |
Anası | Maria Alexandrovna of Russia (Marie of Hesse) |
Həyat yoldaşları |
Uşaqları | |
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1874-cü ildə Kraliça Viktoriya və Konsort-şahzadə Albertin ikinci oğlu Edinburq hersoqu Alfredlə evləndirildi. Cütlüyün bu nigahdan 5 övladı doğuldu.
- Alfred
- Mariya
- Viktoriya Melita
- Aleksandra
- Ölü doğulan bir oğlan uşağı (13 oktyabr 1879)
- Beatris
1893-cü ildə ərinin Koburqda taxta çıxmasıyla Saksen-Koburq-Qota hersoqinası oldu. Yeganə oğlu Şahzadə Alfredin və ərinin ölümünün ardından Koburqda yaşamağa davam edən Mariya Feodorovna rus əsilli olmasına baxmayaraq Birinci Dünya müharibəsi illərində Almaniya imperiyasını dəstəklədi. Qohumlarından bir çoxu Rusiya inqilabı əsnasında öldürüldü. 1918-ci ildə Saksen-Koburq-Qota hersoqluğunun ləğv edilməsiylə sürgünə göndərildi və 1920-ci ildə İsveçrədə vəfat etdi.
- Abrash, Merritt. A Curious Royal Romance: The Queen's Son and the Tsar's Daughter. Published in The Slavonic and East European Review, vol. 47, no. 109. 1969, pp. 389–400.
- Beéche, Arthur E. The Coburgs of Europe., 2014. ISBN
- Buchanan, Meriel. Queen Victoria's relations. Cassell, 1954. ASIN: B001X6ANSY
- Corti, Egon César. The Downfall of Three Dynasties. Methuen, 1934. ASIN: B000866QH2
- Cowles, Virginia. The Romanovs. Harper & Ross, 1971. ISBN
- Gilbert, Paul. My Russia: The Children's Island, Alexander Park, Tsarkoye Selo. Published in Royal Russia: a Celebration of the Romanov Dynasty & Imperial Russia in Words & Photographs. No 4. Gilbert's Books, 2013. ISBN
- Gilbert, Paul. Alexander II and Tsarkoe Selo. Published in Royal Russia Annual: a Celebration of the Romanov Dynasty & Imperial Russia in Words & Photographs. No 2. Gilbert's Books, 2012. ISBN
- Gelardi, Julia P. From Splendor to Revolution: The Romanov Women 1847–1928. St Martin Press, 2011. ISBN
- King, Greg & Wilson, Penny. The Romanovs Adrift: The Russian Imperial Family in 1913–1919. Eurohistory and Kensington House Books. 2018. ISBN
- Korneva, Galina & Cheboksarova, Tatiana. Russia & Europe: Dynastic Ties . Eurohistory, 2013. ISBN
- Golden, Robert. Royal Ephemera - Part 2. Published in Royalty Digest Quarterly 2008 N 2. ISSN 1653-5219
- Mandache, Diana. Always Imperial. Published in Majesty Magazine. Vol 31 No 10
- Mandache, Diana. Dearest Missy. The Letters of Marie Alexandrovna, Grand Duchess of Russia, Duchess of Edinburgh and of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, and of her daughter, Marie, Crown Princess of Romania, 1879-1900. Rosvall Royal Books, 2011. ISBN
- Mandache, Diana. My Dear Mama. The Letters of Marie, Crown Princess of Romania, and of her mother, Marie Alexandrovna, Grand Duchess of Russia, Duchess of Edinburgh and of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, 1901-1910. Rosvall Royal Books, 2023.
- Nelipa, Margarita. Alexander III His Life and Reign. Gilbert's Books, 2014. ISBN
- Pakula, Hannah. The Last Romantic: A Biography of Queen Marie of Roumania . Simon & Schuster, 1984 ISBN
- Papi, Stefano. Jewels of the Romanovs: Family & Court . Thames & Hudson, 2013. ISBN
- Perry, John and Pleshakov, Constantine. The Flight of the Romanovs. Basic Books, 1999, ISBN .
- Sullivan, Michael John. A Fatal Passion: The Story of the Uncrowned Last Empress of Russia, , 1997, ISBN
- . Alfred: Queen Victoria's Second Son. Fonthill Media, 2015. ISBN .(Kindle ed.).
- Van der Kiste, John. The Romanovs 1818–1959. Sutton Publishing, 1999. ISBN .
- Wimbles, John. The Daughter of Tsar Alexander II. Published in The Grand Duchesses., 2014.
- . The Camera and the Tsars, Sutton Publishing, 2004. ISBN .
- Zeepvat, Charlotte. Romanov Autumn: stories from the last century of Imperial Russia. Sutton Publishing, 2000. ISBN
- Мария Александровна (rus.). // Энциклопедический словарь СПб: Брокгауз — Ефрон, 1896. Т. XVIIIа. С. 637.
- Альфред (rus.). // Энциклопедический словарь / под ред. И. Е. Андреевский СПб: Брокгауз — Ефрон, 1890. Т. Iа. С. 592.
- Grand Duchess Maria Alexandrovna [House of Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov] // Kindred Britain.
- Kindred Britain.
- Deutsche Nationalbibliothek Record #122981073 // Ümumi tənzimləmə nəzarəti (GND) (alm.). 2012—2016.
- Александр II (rus.). // Энциклопедический словарь / под ред. И. Е. Андреевский СПб: Брокгауз — Ефрон, 1890. Т. I. С. 402–411.
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Mariya Aleksandrovna rus Mariya Aleksandrovna 17 oktyabr 1853 Puskin d Sankt Peterburq quberniyasi d 24 oktyabr 1920 Surix Rusiya imperatoru II Aleksandrin qizi Saksen Koburq Qota hersoqinasi Mariya AleksandrovnaSaksen Koburq Qota hersoqinasi22 avqust 1893 30 iyul 1900Sexsi melumatlarDogum tarixi 17 oktyabr 1853 1853 10 17 Dogum yeri Puskin d Carskoselski qezasi d Sankt Peterburq quberniyasi d Rusiya imperiyasiVefat tarixi 24 oktyabr 1920 1920 10 24 67 yasinda Vefat yeri Surix Surix kantonu IsvecreDefn yeri KoburqFealiyyeti esilzadeAtasi II Aleksandr Anasi Maria Alexandrovna of Russia Marie of Hesse Heyat yoldaslari Alfred Duke of Saxe Coburg and Gotha 1874 1874 Usaqlari Alfred Edinburqlu Mariya Vikianbarda elaqeli mediafayllar 1874 cu ilde Kralica Viktoriya ve Konsort sahzade Albertin ikinci oglu Edinburq hersoqu Alfredle evlendirildi Cutluyun bu nigahdan 5 ovladi doguldu Alfred Mariya Viktoriya Melita Aleksandra Olu dogulan bir oglan usagi 13 oktyabr 1879 Beatris 1893 cu ilde erinin Koburqda taxta cixmasiyla Saksen Koburq Qota hersoqinasi oldu Yegane oglu Sahzade Alfredin ve erinin olumunun ardindan Koburqda yasamaga davam eden Mariya Feodorovna rus esilli olmasina baxmayaraq Birinci Dunya muharibesi illerinde Almaniya imperiyasini destekledi Qohumlarindan bir coxu Rusiya inqilabi esnasinda olduruldu 1918 ci ilde Saksen Koburq Qota hersoqlugunun legv edilmesiyle surgune gonderildi ve 1920 ci ilde Isvecrede vefat etdi MenbeAbrash Merritt A Curious Royal Romance The Queen s Son and the Tsar s Daughter Published in The Slavonic and East European Review vol 47 no 109 1969 pp 389 400 Beeche Arthur E The Coburgs of Europe Eurohistory com 2014 ISBN 978 0 9854603 3 4 Buchanan Meriel Queen Victoria s relations Cassell 1954 ASIN B001X6ANSY Corti Egon Cesar The Downfall of Three Dynasties Methuen 1934 ASIN B000866QH2 Cowles Virginia The Romanovs Harper amp Ross 1971 ISBN 978 0 06 010908 0 Gilbert Paul My Russia The Children s Island Alexander Park Tsarkoye Selo Published in Royal Russia a Celebration of the Romanov Dynasty amp Imperial Russia in Words amp Photographs No 4 Gilbert s Books 2013 ISBN 978 1 927604 04 5 Gilbert Paul Alexander II and Tsarkoe Selo Published in Royal Russia Annual a Celebration of the Romanov Dynasty amp Imperial Russia in Words amp Photographs No 2 Gilbert s Books 2012 ISBN 978 0986531095 Gelardi Julia P From Splendor to Revolution The Romanov Women 1847 1928 St Martin Press 2011 ISBN 978 1250001610 King Greg amp Wilson Penny The Romanovs Adrift The Russian Imperial Family in 1913 1919 Eurohistory and Kensington House Books 2018 ISBN 978 1944207106 Korneva Galina amp Cheboksarova Tatiana Russia amp Europe Dynastic Ties Eurohistory 2013 ISBN 978 0 9854603 2 7 Golden Robert Royal Ephemera Part 2 Published in Royalty Digest Quarterly 2008 N 2 ISSN 1653 5219 Mandache Diana Always Imperial Published in Majesty Magazine Vol 31 No 10 Mandache Diana Dearest Missy The Letters of Marie Alexandrovna Grand Duchess of Russia Duchess of Edinburgh and of Saxe Coburg and Gotha and of her daughter Marie Crown Princess of Romania 1879 1900 Rosvall Royal Books 2011 ISBN 978 91 975671 7 6 Mandache Diana My Dear Mama The Letters of Marie Crown Princess of Romania and of her mother Marie Alexandrovna Grand Duchess of Russia Duchess of Edinburgh and of Saxe Coburg and Gotha 1901 1910 Rosvall Royal Books 2023 Nelipa Margarita Alexander III His Life and Reign Gilbert s Books 2014 ISBN 978 1 927604 03 8 Pakula Hannah The Last Romantic A Biography of Queen Marie of Roumania Simon amp Schuster 1984 ISBN 0 671 62246 3 Papi Stefano Jewels of the Romanovs Family amp Court Thames amp Hudson 2013 ISBN 978 0 500 51706 2 Perry John and Pleshakov Constantine The Flight of the Romanovs Basic Books 1999 ISBN 0 465 02462 9 Sullivan Michael John A Fatal Passion The Story of the Uncrowned Last Empress of Russia 1997 ISBN 0 679 42400 8 Alfred Queen Victoria s Second Son Fonthill Media 2015 ISBN 978 1781553190 Kindle ed Van der Kiste John The Romanovs 1818 1959 Sutton Publishing 1999 ISBN 0 7509 2275 3 Wimbles John The Daughter of Tsar Alexander II Published in The Grand Duchesses Eurohistory com 2014 The Camera and the Tsars Sutton Publishing 2004 ISBN 0 7509 3049 7 Zeepvat Charlotte Romanov Autumn stories from the last century of Imperial Russia Sutton Publishing 2000 ISBN 9780750923378IstinadlarMariya Aleksandrovna rus Enciklopedicheskij slovarSPb Brokgauz Efron 1896 T XVIIIa S 637 Alfred rus Enciklopedicheskij slovar pod red I E Andreevskij SPb Brokgauz Efron 1890 T Ia S 592 Grand Duchess Maria Alexandrovna House of Holstein Gottorp Romanov Kindred Britain Kindred Britain Deutsche Nationalbibliothek Record 122981073 Umumi tenzimleme nezareti GND alm 2012 2016 Aleksandr II rus Enciklopedicheskij slovar pod red I E Andreevskij SPb Brokgauz Efron 1890 T I S 402 411