Edinburqlu Mariya Aleksandra Viktoriya (ing. Marie Alexandra Victoria of Edinburgh) və ya Rumıniyalı Mariya (rum. Maria a României; 29 oktyabr 1875[…], İstuell-Park[d], Kent qraflığı – 18 iyul 1938, Peleș qəsri[d]) — Britaniya şahzadəsi, və böyük knyaginya qızı. Atası tərəfindən kraliça Viktoriyanın, anası tərəfindən imperator II Aleksandrın nəvəsidir. sonuncu kraliçası olmuşdur.
Edinburqlu Mariya | |
ing. Marie of Edinburgh | |
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Şəxsi məlumatlar | |
Doğum tarixi | 29 oktyabr 1875[…] |
Doğum yeri |
Vəfat tarixi | 18 iyul 1938(62 yaşında) |
Vəfat yeri |
Vəfat səbəbi | qaraciyər sirrozu |
Dəfn yeri |
Fəaliyyəti | gündəlik yazıçısı[d], tibb bacısı, incəsənət xadimi |
Ailəsi | Vindzorlar sülaləsi |
Dini | Anqlikan kilsəsi, Rumın Pravoslav Kilsəsi[…], Bəhailik[…] |
| |
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Mariya 29 oktyabr 1875-ci ildə İngiltərənin Kent qraflığında, İstuell-Parkda anadan olmuşdur. 1893-cü ildə varisi evlənmişdir. O, 1914-cü ildə atası ölümündən sonra taxta çıxmışdır. Onların altı övladı olmuşdur. Birinci Dünya müharibəsi illərində Mariya Qızıl Xaç və digər xeyriyyə təşkilatlarında fədakar əməyi ilə Rumıniya xalqının hörmətini qazanmışdı. 1927-ci ildə həyat yoldaşının ölümündən sonra yeganə hökmdar kraliça olmuş, bundan sonra aktiv siyasətdən uzaqlaşmışdır. Mariya 18 iyul 1938-ci ildə Rumıniyanın vəfat etmişdir.
- The Lily of Life (1912)
- The Dreamer of Dreams (1913)
- Ilderim (1915)
- Four Seasons. Out of a Man’s Life (1915)
- The Naughty Queen (1916)
- The Stealers of Light. A legend (1916)
- My Country (1916); enlarged as The Country That I Love: An Exile's Memories (1925)
- Roumania Yesterday and To-day, by Winifred Gordon (1918) [1st chapter by Queen Marie]
- The Story of Naughty Kildeen (1922)
- Ode to Roumania (1923)
- Why?: A Story of Great Longing (1923)
- The Queen of Roumania's Fairy Book (1925)
- The Voice on the Mountain: A Story for Those Who Understand (1926)
- The Lost Princess: A Fairy Tale (1927)
- The Magic Doll of Roumania (1929)
- The Story of My Life (3 vol., 1934–1935)
- Masks (1937)
- Later Chapters of My Life: The Lost Journal of Queen Marie of Romania (2004)
- "The Serpents' Isle", The Lady's Realm, March 1897
- "The Siege of Widin", The Lady's Realm, July 1898
- "Lulaloo", Good Housekeeping, March 1925
- "A Robin Redbreast’s Carol", The Lady's Realm, January 1903
- "Byzantine Princess Song" (1933)
- "What the River Says", The Lady's Realm, November 1899
- "Romantic Rumania", The Saturday Evening Post, 7 December 1918
- "A Queen Looks at Life", North American Newspaper Alliance, June 1925 [syndicated series]
- "A Queen Talks About Love", Cosmopolitan, September 1925
- "The Intimate Thoughts of a Queen Facing Fifty", Cosmopolitan, October 1925
- "Foreword", Art and Archeology, January 1926
- "At Grand-Mama’s Court", McCall's, March 1926
- "My Impressions of America", North American Newspaper Alliance, 21 October – 4 December 1926 [14-part syndicated series]
- "The Story of My Life", The Saturday Evening Post, 16 December 1933–3 February 1934 [8 parts]
- "My Life as a Crown Princess", The Saturday Evening Post, 14 April – 16 June 1934 [8 parts; not in 12 may 9 June]
- "My Mission: I. In Paris", The Cornhill Magazine, October 1939
- "My Mission: II. At Buckingham Palace", The Cornhill Magazine, November 1939
- "My Mission: III. Paris Again", The Cornhill Magazine, December 1939
- A Biographer's Notebook, by Hector Bolitho (1950)
- Queen Mary of Romania: Letters to Her King (2015)
- Queen Marie of Romania: Letters to Her Mother (2 vol., 2016)
- Lundy D. R. Marie Alexandra Victoria Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Princess of Edinburgh // The Peerage (ing.).
- Maria, Königin von Rumänien // FemBio database (alm.).
- https://historia.ro/sectiune/general/cand-s-a-convertit-regina-maria-la-ortodoxie-2203720.html.
- https://ziarullumina.ro/actualitate-religioasa/an-omagial/maria-regina-ortodoxa-a-romaniei-135511.html.
- https://historia.ro/sectiune/general/regina-maria-si-credinta-bahai-573036.html.
- https://www.libertatea.ro/lifestyle/mii-de-bahai-in-romania-o-religie-mondiala-ce-are-drept-scop-unirea-tuturor-popoarelor-intr-o-credinta-comuna-are-adepti-si-in-romania-legatura-cu-regina-maria-2752885.
- "Arxivlənmiş surət". 2023-03-20 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: 2023-06-24.
Əlavə ədəbiyyat
- Aronson, Theo. Grandmama of Europe. London: Cassell. 1973. ISBN .
- Botoran, Constantin; Moisuc, Viorica. România la Conferința de Pace de la Paris (rumın). Cluj-Napoca: Dacia. 1983. 18196100M.
- Ciubotaru, Ștefania. Viața Cotidiană la Curtea Regală a României (rumın). Bucharest: Cartex. 2011. ISBN .
- Crawford, Donald. The Last Tsar: Emperor Michael II. Edinburgh: Murray McLellan Limited. 2011. ISBN .
- Daggett, Mabel Potter. Marie of Roumania. New York: George H. Doran & Co. 1926. OCLC 1075530.
- Amintiri Politice. Bucharest: Humanitas. 1981. ISBN .
- Dună, Raluca. "'Memory, Though, is as Strong as Hope'. Queen Marie of Romania and her War Literature". Philologica Jassyensia. Iași. year XVII, nr. 1 (33). 2021: 81–93. ISSN 2247-8353.
- Easterman, Alexander Levvey. King Carol, Hitler and Lupescu. London: V. Gollancz Ltd. 1942. OCLC 4769487.
- Eilers, Marlene A. Queen Victoria's Descendants. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company. 1987. ISBN .
- Elsberry, Terence. Marie of Romania. New York: St. Martin's Press. 1972. OCLC 613611.
- Gauthier, Guy. Missy, Regina României (rumın). Bucharest: Humanitas. 2010. ISBN .
- Gelardi, Julia. Born to Rule. London: St. Martin's Griffin. 2005. ISBN .
- Giurescu, Constantin C. Istoria României în date (rumın). Bucharest: Editura Enciclopedică. 1972. OCLC 637298400.
- Horedt, Kurt. Contribuţii la istoria Transilvaniei în secolele IV-XIII (rumın). Bucharest: Editura Academiei Republicii Populare Romîne. 1958.
- Hupchik, Dennis. Conflict and Chaos in Eastern Europe. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 1995. ISBN .
- Mandache, Diana. "The Marriage of Princess Marie of Edinburgh and Ferdinand, the Crown Prince of Romania". Royalty Digest. 10 (119). May 2001: 333–38. ISSN 0967-5744.
- Mandache, Diana. Later Chapters of My Life: The Lost Memoir of Queen Marie of Romania. Gloucestershire: Sutton. 2011a. ISBN .
- Marcus, Della. Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá'í Faith. Oxford: George Ronald. 2000. ISBN .
- Marghiloman, Alexandru. Note politice, 1897–1924. Bucharest: Institutul de Arte Grafice "Eminescu". 1927. OCLC 23540746.
- . A Princess in Exile. New York: Viking. 1932. OCLC 1372354.
- Marie, Queen of Romania. Povestea Vieții Mele (rumın). 1. Iași: Moldova. 1990. ISBN .
- Marie, Queen of Romania. Povestea Vieții Mele (rumın). 2. Bucharest: Eminescu. 1991. ISBN .
- Marie, Queen of Romania. Povestea Vieții Mele (rumın). 3. Bucharest: Eminescu. 1991. ISBN .
- Marie, Queen of Romania. Însemnări Zilnice. Bucharest: Albatros. 2004. ISBN .
- Morris, Constance Lily. On Tour with Queen Marie. New York: Robert M. McBride & Co. 1927. OCLC 2048943.
- Nadelhoffer, Hans. Cartier. London: Chronicle Books. 2007. ISBN .
- Pakula, Hannah. The Last Romantic. New York: Simon and Schuster. 1984. ISBN .
- Pope-Hennessy, James. Queen Mary, 1867–1953. London: G. Allen and Unwin. 1959. OCLC 1027299.
- Rattigan, Frank. Diversions of a Diplomat. London: Chapman and Hall Ltd. 1924. OCLC 11319209.
- Saint-Aulaire, Auguste Félix de Beaupoil, Count of. Confession d'un Vieux Diplomate (fransız). Paris: Flammarion. 1953. OCLC 3450664.
- Sullivan, Michael John. A Fatal Passion: The Story of the Uncrowned Last Empress of Russia. New York: Random House. 1997. ISBN .
- Van der Kiste, John. Princess Victoria Melita. Gloucestershire: Sutton. 1991. ISBN .
- Veiga, Francisco. Istoria Gărzii de Fier 1919–1941, Mistica Ultranaționalismului. Bucharest: Humanitas. 1995. ISBN .
- Wolbe, Eugen. Ferdinand I Întemeietorul României Mari. Bucharest: Humanitas. 2004. ISBN .
- Cristescu, Sorin. Queen Marie of Romania and Colonel Boyle. Confessions. Bucharest: Tritonic. 2017. ISBN .
- Cristescu, Sorin. Queen Marie of Romania. Confessions, February 1914 - March 1927. Bucharest: Tritonic. 2018. ISBN .
- Cristescu, Sorin. Queen Marie of Romania - Letters to Her King. Bucharest: Tritonic. 2015. ISBN .
- Cristescu, Sorin. Queen Marie of Romania - Letters to Her Mother, vol. I: 1901 -1906. Bucharest: Tritonic. 2016. ISBN .
- Cristescu, Sorin. Queen Marie of Romania - Letters to Her Mother, vol. II: 1907 -1920. Bucharest: Tritonic. 2016. ISBN .
- Mandache, Diana. Dearest Missy. The Letters of Marie Alexandrovna, Grand Duchess of Russia, Duchess of Edinburgh and of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, and of her daughter, Marie, Crown Princess of Romania, 1879-1900. Falköping: Rosvall. 2011b. ISBN .
- Mandache, Diana. My Dear Mama. The Letters of Marie, Crown Princess of Romania, and of her mother, Marie Alexandrovna, Grand Duchess of Russia, Duchess of Edinburgh and of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, 1901-1910. Falköping: Rosvall. 2023.
- Zimmermann, Silvia Irina. The Child of the Sun: Royal Fairy Tales and Essays by the Queens of Romania, Elisabeth (Carmen Sylva, 1843-1916) and Marie (1875-1938). Stuttgart: Ibidem. 2020. ISBN .
Xarici keçidlər

- Əsərləri və ya müəllifi olduğu işlər: Edinburqlu Mariya İnternet arxivində
- Mariya tərəfindən əsərlər Qutenberq layihəsində
- British Pathé newsreels depicting Marie of Romania: 1914, 1917, 1924, 1930, 1930, 1931, 1932, 1938
- Edinburqlu Mariya tərəfindən əsərlər -da (açıq audi-kitablar)
- Treaty between Great Britain and Roumania for the Marriage of Her Royal Highness Princess Marie of Great Britain and Ireland with His Royal Highness the Prince Ferdinand of Roumania – 15 December 1892
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Edinburqlu Mariya Aleksandra Viktoriya ing Marie Alexandra Victoria of Edinburgh ve ya Ruminiyali Mariya rum Maria a Romaniei 29 oktyabr 1875 Istuell Park d Kent qrafligi 18 iyul 1938 Peleș qesri d Britaniya sahzadesi ve boyuk knyaginya qizi Atasi terefinden kralica Viktoriyanin anasi terefinden imperator II Aleksandrin nevesidir sonuncu kralicasi olmusdur Edinburqlu Mariyaing Marie of EdinburghSexsi melumatlarDogum tarixi 29 oktyabr 1875 1875 10 29 Dogum yeri Istuell Park d Istuell d Kent d Kent qrafligi Ingiltere Boyuk Britaniya ve Irlandiya Birlesmis KralligiVefat tarixi 18 iyul 1938 1938 07 18 62 yasinda Vefat yeri Sinaya d RuminiyaVefat sebebi qaraciyer sirrozuDefn yeri Kurtya de Ardjes kafedrali d Fealiyyeti gundelik yazicisi d tibb bacisi incesenet xadimiAilesi Vindzorlar sulalesiDini Anqlikan kilsesi Rumin Pravoslav Kilsesi Behailik Vikianbarda elaqeli mediafayllarHeyatiMariya 29 oktyabr 1875 ci ilde Ingilterenin Kent qrafliginda Istuell Parkda anadan olmusdur 1893 cu ilde varisi evlenmisdir O 1914 cu ilde atasi olumunden sonra taxta cixmisdir Onlarin alti ovladi olmusdur Birinci Dunya muharibesi illerinde Mariya Qizil Xac ve diger xeyriyye teskilatlarinda fedakar emeyi ile Ruminiya xalqinin hormetini qazanmisdi 1927 ci ilde heyat yoldasinin olumunden sonra yegane hokmdar kralica olmus bundan sonra aktiv siyasetden uzaqlasmisdir Mariya 18 iyul 1938 ci ilde Ruminiyanin vefat etmisdir EserleriKitablar The Lily of Life 1912 The Dreamer of Dreams 1913 Ilderim 1915 Four Seasons Out of a Man s Life 1915 The Naughty Queen 1916 The Stealers of Light A legend 1916 My Country 1916 enlarged as The Country That I Love An Exile s Memories 1925 Roumania Yesterday and To day by Winifred Gordon 1918 1st chapter by Queen Marie The Story of Naughty Kildeen 1922 Ode to Roumania 1923 Why A Story of Great Longing 1923 The Queen of Roumania s Fairy Book 1925 The Voice on the Mountain A Story for Those Who Understand 1926 The Lost Princess A Fairy Tale 1927 The Magic Doll of Roumania 1929 The Story of My Life 3 vol 1934 1935 Masks 1937 Later Chapters of My Life The Lost Journal of Queen Marie of Romania 2004 Novellalar The Serpents Isle The Lady s Realm March 1897 The Siege of Widin The Lady s Realm July 1898 Lulaloo Good Housekeeping March 1925Seirler A Robin Redbreast s Carol The Lady s Realm January 1903Mahnilar Byzantine Princess Song 1933 Qeyri bedii What the River Says The Lady s Realm November 1899 Romantic Rumania The Saturday Evening Post 7 December 1918 A Queen Looks at Life North American Newspaper Alliance June 1925 syndicated series A Queen Talks About Love Cosmopolitan September 1925 The Intimate Thoughts of a Queen Facing Fifty Cosmopolitan October 1925 Foreword Art and Archeology January 1926 At Grand Mama s Court McCall s March 1926 My Impressions of America North American Newspaper Alliance 21 October 4 December 1926 14 part syndicated series The Story of My Life The Saturday Evening Post 16 December 1933 3 February 1934 8 parts My Life as a Crown Princess The Saturday Evening Post 14 April 16 June 1934 8 parts not in 12 may 9 June My Mission I In Paris The Cornhill Magazine October 1939 My Mission II At Buckingham Palace The Cornhill Magazine November 1939 My Mission III Paris Again The Cornhill Magazine December 1939Mektublar A Biographer s Notebook by Hector Bolitho 1950 Queen Mary of Romania Letters to Her King 2015 Queen Marie of Romania Letters to Her Mother 2 vol 2016 IstinadlarLundy D R Marie Alexandra Victoria Saxe Coburg and Gotha Princess of Edinburgh The Peerage ing Maria Konigin von Rumanien FemBio database alm https historia ro sectiune general cand s a convertit regina maria la ortodoxie 2203720 html https ziarullumina ro actualitate religioasa an omagial maria regina ortodoxa a romaniei 135511 html https historia ro sectiune general regina maria si credinta bahai 573036 html https www libertatea ro lifestyle mii de bahai in romania o religie mondiala ce are drept scop unirea tuturor popoarelor intr o credinta comuna are adepti si in romania legatura cu regina maria 2752885 Arxivlenmis suret 2023 03 20 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2023 06 24 Elave edebiyyatAronson Theo Grandmama of Europe London Cassell 1973 ISBN 0 304 29063 7 Botoran Constantin Moisuc Viorica Romania la Conferința de Pace de la Paris rumin Cluj Napoca Dacia 1983 18196100M Ciubotaru Ștefania Viața Cotidiană la Curtea Regală a Romaniei rumin Bucharest Cartex 2011 ISBN 978 606 8023 13 7 Crawford Donald The Last Tsar Emperor Michael II Edinburgh Murray McLellan Limited 2011 ISBN 978 0 9570091 1 0 Daggett Mabel Potter Marie of Roumania New York George H Doran amp Co 1926 OCLC 1075530 Amintiri Politice Bucharest Humanitas 1981 ISBN 978 973 28 0183 3 Dună Raluca Memory Though is as Strong as Hope Queen Marie of Romania and her War Literature Philologica Jassyensia Iași year XVII nr 1 33 2021 81 93 ISSN 2247 8353 Easterman Alexander Levvey King Carol Hitler and Lupescu London V Gollancz Ltd 1942 OCLC 4769487 Eilers Marlene A Queen Victoria s Descendants Baltimore Genealogical Publishing Company 1987 ISBN 0 8063 1202 5 Elsberry Terence Marie of Romania New York St Martin s Press 1972 OCLC 613611 Gauthier Guy Missy Regina Romaniei rumin Bucharest Humanitas 2010 ISBN 978 973 50 2621 9 Gelardi Julia Born to Rule London St Martin s Griffin 2005 ISBN 978 0 312 32423 0 Giurescu Constantin C Istoria Romaniei in date rumin Bucharest Editura Enciclopedică 1972 OCLC 637298400 Horedt Kurt Contribuţii la istoria Transilvaniei in secolele IV XIII rumin Bucharest Editura Academiei Republicii Populare Romine 1958 Hupchik Dennis Conflict and Chaos in Eastern Europe New York Palgrave Macmillan 1995 ISBN 978 0 312 12116 7 Mandache Diana The Marriage of Princess Marie of Edinburgh and Ferdinand the Crown Prince of Romania Royalty Digest 10 119 May 2001 333 38 ISSN 0967 5744 Mandache Diana Later Chapters of My Life The Lost Memoir of Queen Marie of Romania Gloucestershire Sutton 2011a ISBN 978 0 7509 3691 0 Marcus Della Her Eternal Crown Queen Marie of Romania and the Baha i Faith Oxford George Ronald 2000 ISBN 0 85398 442 5 Marghiloman Alexandru Note politice 1897 1924 Bucharest Institutul de Arte Grafice Eminescu 1927 OCLC 23540746 A Princess in Exile New York Viking 1932 OCLC 1372354 Marie Queen of Romania Povestea Vieții Mele rumin 1 Iași Moldova 1990 ISBN 973 9032 01 X Marie Queen of Romania Povestea Vieții Mele rumin 2 Bucharest Eminescu 1991 ISBN 973 22 0214 9 Marie Queen of Romania Povestea Vieții Mele rumin 3 Bucharest Eminescu 1991 ISBN 973 22 0215 7 Marie Queen of Romania Insemnări Zilnice Bucharest Albatros 2004 ISBN 978 973 24 0323 5 Morris Constance Lily On Tour with Queen Marie New York Robert M McBride amp Co 1927 OCLC 2048943 Nadelhoffer Hans Cartier London Chronicle Books 2007 ISBN 978 0 8118 6099 4 Pakula Hannah The Last Romantic New York Simon and Schuster 1984 ISBN 0 671 46364 0 Pope Hennessy James Queen Mary 1867 1953 London G Allen and Unwin 1959 OCLC 1027299 Rattigan Frank Diversions of a Diplomat London Chapman and Hall Ltd 1924 OCLC 11319209 Saint Aulaire Auguste Felix de Beaupoil Count of Confession d un Vieux Diplomate fransiz Paris Flammarion 1953 OCLC 3450664 Sullivan Michael John A Fatal Passion The Story of the Uncrowned Last Empress of Russia New York Random House 1997 ISBN 0 679 42400 8 Van der Kiste John Princess Victoria Melita Gloucestershire Sutton 1991 ISBN 0 7509 3469 7 Veiga Francisco Istoria Gărzii de Fier 1919 1941 Mistica Ultranaționalismului Bucharest Humanitas 1995 ISBN 978 973 28 0392 9 Wolbe Eugen Ferdinand I Intemeietorul Romaniei Mari Bucharest Humanitas 2004 ISBN 978 973 50 0755 3 Cristescu Sorin Queen Marie of Romania and Colonel Boyle Confessions Bucharest Tritonic 2017 ISBN 978 606 749 210 1 Cristescu Sorin Queen Marie of Romania Confessions February 1914 March 1927 Bucharest Tritonic 2018 ISBN 978 606 749 296 5 Cristescu Sorin Queen Marie of Romania Letters to Her King Bucharest Tritonic 2015 ISBN 978 606 749 102 9 Cristescu Sorin Queen Marie of Romania Letters to Her Mother vol I 1901 1906 Bucharest Tritonic 2016 ISBN 978 606 749 145 6 Cristescu Sorin Queen Marie of Romania Letters to Her Mother vol II 1907 1920 Bucharest Tritonic 2016 ISBN 978 606 749 153 1 Mandache Diana Dearest Missy The Letters of Marie Alexandrovna Grand Duchess of Russia Duchess of Edinburgh and of Saxe Coburg and Gotha and of her daughter Marie Crown Princess of Romania 1879 1900 Falkoping Rosvall 2011b ISBN 978 91 975671 7 6 Mandache Diana My Dear Mama The Letters of Marie Crown Princess of Romania and of her mother Marie Alexandrovna Grand Duchess of Russia Duchess of Edinburgh and of Saxe Coburg and Gotha 1901 1910 Falkoping Rosvall 2023 Zimmermann Silvia Irina The Child of the Sun Royal Fairy Tales and Essays by the Queens of Romania Elisabeth Carmen Sylva 1843 1916 and Marie 1875 1938 Stuttgart Ibidem 2020 ISBN 978 3 8382 1393 4 Xarici kecidlerVikianbarda Edinburqlu Mariya ile elaqeli mediafayllar var Eserleri ve ya muellifi oldugu isler Edinburqlu Mariya Internet arxivinde Mariya terefinden eserler Qutenberq layihesinde British Pathe newsreels depicting Marie of Romania 1914 1917 1924 1930 1930 1931 1932 1938 Edinburqlu Mariya terefinden eserler da aciq audi kitablar Treaty between Great Britain and Roumania for the Marriage of Her Royal Highness Princess Marie of Great Britain and Ireland with His Royal Highness the Prince Ferdinand of Roumania 15 December 1892