Maratha İmperiyası, Maratx dövləti və ya Maratha konfederasiyası (marathi मराठा साम्राज्य) — 1674-1820-ci illərdə mövcud olmuş və əsası Maratxlar sülaləsindən olan Şivaçi tərəfindən qoyulmuş dövlət. Onun ərazisi indiki Hindistanın Maxaraştra ştatına uyğun gəlir.
Tarixi dövlət | |||
Maratha imperiyası | |||
marathi मराठा साम्राज्य | |||
| |||
![]() Maratha İmperiyası 1760-cı ildə | |||
| |||
Dilləri | Hindistani dili | ||
Rəsmi dilləri | Marathi dili | ||
Dövlət dini | Hinduizm | ||
Ərazisi | 2 800 000 km² | ||
Əhalisi | 150.000.000 nəfər (1700-cü il) | ||
İdarəetmə forması | Mütləq monarxiya | ||
İmperator | |||
• 1674 - 1680 | Şivaçi (ilk) | ||
• 1808 - 1819 | (sonuncu) | ||
Davamiyyət | |||
→ | |||
![]() |
1674-cü ildə Maratx kəndlilərinin çıxışı Şivaçinin başçılıq etdiyi Maratx dövlətinin yaradılması ilə nəticələndi. 1747-ci ildə Nadir şahın öldürülməsindən sonra Əhməd şah müstəqil Əfqan dövlətinin əsasını qoydu. Bu zaman Maratx dövləti Hindistanda ən böyük siyasi qüvvəyə çevrilmişdi və ümumhindistan miqyasında hegemonluğa can atırdı. 1759—1761-ci illərdə Hindistan uğrunda Əfqan-Maratx müharibəsi baş verdi. 1761-ci ilin yanvarın 14-də müharibənin sonu oldu. Məğlub olan Maratx dövləti bir daha özünə gələ bilmədi. Panipat döyüşü həm də Böyük Moğol İmperiyasının süqutu demək idi. Lakin əfqanlar ölkədə möhkəmlənə bilməyib buranı tərk etdilər.

- Şivaçi (1674—1680)
- Sambaçi (1680—1689)
- I Racaram (1689—1700)
- Tarabay (1700—1707)
- I Şahuçi (1707—1749)
- II Racaram (1749—1777)
- II Şahuçi (1777—1808)
- Pratap Sinqh (1808—1819)
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- Kincaid, Charles Augustus; Pārasanīsa, Dattātraya Baḷavanta. A History of the Maratha People: From the death of Shahu to the end of the Chitpavan epic. Volume III. S. Chand. 1925.
- Kulakarṇī, A. Rā. Marathas and the Marathas Country: The Marathas. Books & Books. 1996.
- Kulkarni, Sumitra. The Satara Raj, 1818-1848: A Study in History, Administration, and Culture. Mittal Publications. 1995. ISBN .
- Lee, Wayne. Empires and Indigenes: Intercultural Alliance, Imperial Expansion, and Warfare in the Early Modern World. NYU Press. 2011. ISBN .
- Lindsay, J.O., redaktorThe New Cambridge Modern History. Vol. VII The Old Regime 1713-63. Cambridge: University Press. 1967.
- The History and Culture of the Indian People. Volume 7: The Mughul Empire [1526-1707]. Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan G. Allen & Unwin. 1951a.
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- Manohar, Malgonkar. The Sea Hawk: Life and Battles of Kanoji Angrey. 1959. səh. 63. OCLC 59302060.
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- Metcalfe, Charles Theophilus. Kaye, John William, Sir (redaktor). Selections from the Papers of Lord Metcalfe: Late Governor-General of India, Governor of Jamaica, and Governor-General of Canada. London: Smith, Elder and Co. 1855.
- Mehta, Jaswant Lal. Advanced Study in the History of Modern India 1707-1813. Sterling. 2005. ISBN .
- Mittal, Satish Chandra. Haryana: A Historical Perspective. New Delhi: Atlantic. 1986.
- . A Concise History of Warfare. Collins. 1972.
- Naravane, M.S. Battles of the Honourable East India Company: Making of the Raj. New Delhi: APH Publishing. 2006. ISBN .
- Nayar, Pramod K. English Writing and India, 1600–1920: Colonizing Aesthetics. Routledge. 2008. ISBN .
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- Pagdi, Setumadhavarao S. Shivaji. National Book Trust. 1993. səh. 21. ISBN .
- Parker, Brannon. Orissa In The Crossfire-Kandhamal Burning. 2011. ISBN .
- Pearson, M. N. "Shivaji and the Decline of the Mughal Empire". The Journal of Asian Studies. 35 (2). February 1976: 221–235. doi:10.2307/2053980. JSTOR 2053980. (Subscription required (help)).
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- Richards, John F. The Mughal Empire. Cambridge University Press. 1995. ISBN .
- Roy, Kaushik. War, Culture and Society in Early Modern South Asia, 1740-1849. Taylor & Francis. 2011. ISBN .
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- Vartak, Malavika. "Shivaji Maharaj: Growth of a Symbol". Economic and Political Weekly. 34 (19). 8–14 May 1999: 1126–1134. JSTOR 4407933. (Subscription required (help)).
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Maratha Imperiyasi Maratx dovleti ve ya Maratha konfederasiyasi marathi मर ठ स म र ज य 1674 1820 ci illerde movcud olmus ve esasi Maratxlar sulalesinden olan Sivaci terefinden qoyulmus dovlet Onun erazisi indiki Hindistanin Maxarastra statina uygun gelir Tarixi dovletMaratha imperiyasimarathi मर ठ स म र ज यBayraqMaratha Imperiyasi 1760 ci ilde 1674 1818Dilleri Hindistani diliResmi dilleri Marathi diliDovlet dini HinduizmErazisi 2 800 000 km Ehalisi 150 000 000 nefer 1700 cu il Idareetme formasi Mutleq monarxiyaImperator 1674 1680 Sivaci ilk 1808 1819 sonuncu DavamiyyetHindistan Pakistan Banqlades Vikianbarda elaqeli mediafayllarTarixi1674 cu ilde Maratx kendlilerinin cixisi Sivacinin basciliq etdiyi Maratx dovletinin yaradilmasi ile neticelendi 1747 ci ilde Nadir sahin oldurulmesinden sonra Ehmed sah musteqil Efqan dovletinin esasini qoydu Bu zaman Maratx dovleti Hindistanda en boyuk siyasi quvveye cevrilmisdi ve umumhindistan miqyasinda hegemonluga can atirdi 1759 1761 ci illerde Hindistan ugrunda Efqan Maratx muharibesi bas verdi 1761 ci ilin yanvarin 14 de muharibenin sonu oldu Meglub olan Maratx dovleti bir daha ozune gele bilmedi Panipat doyusu hem de Boyuk Mogol Imperiyasinin suqutu demek idi Lakin efqanlar olkede mohkemlene bilmeyib burani terk etdiler ImperatorlarMaratha Imperiyasinin banisi SivaciSivaci 1674 1680 Sambaci 1680 1689 I Racaram 1689 1700 Tarabay 1700 1707 I Sahuci 1707 1749 II Racaram 1749 1777 II Sahuci 1777 1808 Pratap Sinqh 1808 1819 EdebiyyatAgrawal Ashvini Events leadinig to the Battle of Panipat Studies in Mughal History Motilal Banarsidass 1983 ISBN 81 208 2326 5 Ahmad Aziz Krishnamurti R Akbar The Religious Aspect The Journal of Asian Studies 21 4 1962 577 doi 10 2307 2050934 ISSN 0021 9118 Barua Pradeep The State at War in South Asia University of Nebraska Press 2005 ISBN 0 8032 1344 1 Bhave Y G From the Death of Shivaji to the Death of Aurangzeb The Critical Years Northern Book Centre 2000 ISBN 978 81 7211 100 7 Bhosle Prince Pratap Sinh Serfoji Raje Contributions of Thanjavur Maratha Kings 2nd Notion Press 2017 ISBN 978 1 948230 95 7 Black Jeremy A Military History of Britain from 1775 to the Present Westport Conn Greenwood Publishing Group 2006 ISBN 978 0 275 99039 8 Bose MeliaBelli Women Gender and Art in Asia c 1500 1900 Taylor amp Francis 2017 ISBN 978 1 351 53655 4 Capper John Delhi the Capital of India Asian Educational Services 1997 ISBN 978 81 206 1282 2 Chaurasia R S History of the Marathas New Delhi Atlantic 2004 ISBN 978 81 269 0394 8 Chaturvedi Prof R P Great Personalities Upkar Prakashan 2010 ISBN 978 81 7482 061 7 Chhabra G S Advance Study in the History of Modern India Volume 1 1707 1803 Lotus Press 2005 ISBN 978 81 89093 06 8 Cooper Randolf G S The Anglo Maratha Campaigns and the Contest for India The Struggle for Control of the South Asian Military Economy Cambridge University Press 2003 Disha Experts Breathing in Bodhi the General Awareness Comprehension book Life Skills Level 2 for the avid readers Disha Publications 2017 ISBN 978 93 84583 48 4 Edwardes Stephen Meredyth Garrett Herbert Leonard Offley Mughal Rule in India Delhi Atlantic Publishers amp Dist 1995 ISBN 978 81 7156 551 1 Farooqui Salma Ahmed A Comprehensive History of Medieval India Twelfth to the Mid Eighteenth Century Pearson Education India 2011 ISBN 978 81 317 3202 1 GashGash Norman Wellington Studies in the Military and Political Career of the First Duke of Wellington Manchester University Press 1990 ISBN 978 0 7190 2974 5 Ghazi M A Islamic Renaissance In South Asia 1707 1867 The Role Of Shah Waliallah amp His Successors New Delhi Adam 2002 ISBN 978 81 7435 400 6 Gokhale Balkrishna Govind Poona in the eighteenth century an urban history Oxford University Press 1988 Hasan Mohibbul History of Tipu Sultan Delhi Aakar Books 2005 ISBN 978 81 87879 57 2 Hatalkar V G Relations Between the French and the Marathas 1668 1815 T V Chidambaran 1958 Jackson William Joseph Vijayanagara voices exploring South Indian history and Hindu literature Ashgate Publishing Ltd 2005 ISBN 9780754639503 Jones Rodney W Urban Politics in India Area Power and Policy in a Penetrated System University of California Press 1974 seh 25 ISBN 978 0 520 02545 5 olu kecid Kantak M R The First Anglo Maratha War 1774 1783 A Military Study of Major Battles Popular Prakashan 1993 ISBN 978 81 7154 696 1 Kincaid Charles Augustus Parasanisa Dattatraya Baḷavanta A History of the Maratha People From the death of Shahu to the end of the Chitpavan epic Volume III S Chand 1925 Kulakarṇi A Ra Marathas and the Marathas Country The Marathas Books amp Books 1996 Kulkarni Sumitra The Satara Raj 1818 1848 A Study in History Administration and Culture Mittal Publications 1995 ISBN 978 81 7099 581 4 Lee Wayne Empires and Indigenes Intercultural Alliance Imperial Expansion and Warfare in the Early Modern World NYU Press 2011 ISBN 978 0 8147 6527 2 Lindsay J O redaktorThe New Cambridge Modern History Vol VII The Old Regime 1713 63 Cambridge University Press 1967 The History and Culture of the Indian People Volume 7 The Mughul Empire 1526 1707 Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan G Allen amp Unwin 1951a The History and Culture of the Indian People Volume 8 The Maratha Supremacy Mumbai 1951b The History and Culture of the Indian People Volume 7 The Mughul Empire 1526 1707 Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan 1951 G Allen amp Unwin vasitesile Manohar Malgonkar The Sea Hawk Life and Battles of Kanoji Angrey 1959 seh 63 OCLC 59302060 Bengal The British Bridgehead Eastern India 1740 1828 Cambridge University Press 2006 72 73 Metcalfe Charles Theophilus Kaye John William Sir redaktor Selections from the Papers of Lord Metcalfe Late Governor General of India Governor of Jamaica and Governor General of Canada London Smith Elder and Co 1855 Mehta Jaswant Lal Advanced Study in the History of Modern India 1707 1813 Sterling 2005 ISBN 978 1 932705 54 6 Mittal Satish Chandra Haryana A Historical Perspective New Delhi Atlantic 1986 A Concise History of Warfare Collins 1972 Naravane M S Battles of the Honourable East India Company Making of the Raj New Delhi APH Publishing 2006 ISBN 978 81 313 0034 3 Nayar Pramod K English Writing and India 1600 1920 Colonizing Aesthetics Routledge 2008 ISBN 978 1 134 13150 1 Discovery of India Delhi Oxford University Press 1946 Pagdi Setumadhavarao S Shivaji National Book Trust 1993 seh 21 ISBN 81 237 0647 2 Parker Brannon Orissa In The Crossfire Kandhamal Burning Lulu com 2011 ISBN 978 0 557 18643 3 Pearson M N Shivaji and the Decline of the Mughal Empire The Journal of Asian Studies 35 2 February 1976 221 235 doi 10 2307 2053980 JSTOR 2053980 Subscription required help Prakash Om Encyclopaedic History of Indian Freedom Movement New Delhi Anmol Publications 2002 ISBN 978 81 261 0938 8 olu kecid The Indian Princes and their States Cambridge University Press 2004 ISBN 978 1 139 44908 3 Rath Saraju Aspects of Manuscript Culture in South India Brill 2012 ISBN 90 04 21900 5 Rathod N G The Great Maratha Mahadaji Scindia New Delhi Sarup amp Sons 1994 ISBN 978 81 85431 52 9 Richards John F The Mughal Empire Cambridge University Press 1995 ISBN 978 0 521 56603 2 Roy Kaushik War Culture and Society in Early Modern South Asia 1740 1849 Taylor amp Francis 2011 ISBN 978 1 136 79087 4 Roy Kaushik India s Historic Battles From Alexander the Great to Kargil Orient Blackswan 2004 ISBN 978 81 7824 109 8 Saini A K Chand Hukam History Of Midieval India New Delhi Anmol Publications n d ISBN 978 81 261 2313 1 Sampath Vikram Splendours of Royal Mysore Paperback Rupa amp Company 2008 ISBN 978 81 291 1535 5 Sardesai Govind Sakharam A History of Modern India Marathi Riyasat Volume 2 1935 Fall of the Mughal Empire 1754 1771 Panipat Vol 2 2nd M C Sarkar 1950 Fall Of The Mughal Empire Vol I 4th Orient Longman 1991 ISBN 978 81 250 1149 1 A History of Jaipur C 1503 1938 Orient Blackswan 1994 ISBN 978 81 250 0333 5 Schmidt Karl J An Atlas and Survey of South Asian History Routledge 2015 ISBN 978 1 317 47681 8 Sen Sailendra Nath Anglo Maratha Relations 1785 96 Vol 2 Bombay Popular Prakashan 1994 ISBN 978 81 7154 789 0 Sen S N History Modern India 3rd New Age 2006 Sen Sailendra Nath An Advanced History of Modern India Macmillan India 2010 1941 ISBN 978 0 230 32885 3 Serfoji Tanjore Maharaja Journal of the Tanjore Maharaja Serfoji s Sarasvati Mahal Library 1979 Sheil Lady Mary Leonora Woulfe Glimpses of Life and Manners in Persia 1856 Singh Harbakhsh War Despatches Indo Pak Conflict 1965 Lancer 2011 ISBN 978 1 935501 29 9 Singh U B Administrative System in India Vedic Age to 1947 APH Publishing 1998 seh 93 Stewart Gordon The Marathas 1600 1818 New Cambridge History of India Volume II 4 Cambridge University Press 1993 Trivedi Harish Allen Richard Literature and Nation Psychology Press 2000 ISBN 978 0 415 21207 6 Turchin Peter Adams Jonathan M Hall Thomas D East West Orientation of Historical Empires and Modern States Journal of World Systems Research 12 2 2006 219 229 doi 10 5195 JWSR 2006 369 ISSN 1076 156X Sridharan K Sea Our Saviour Taylor amp Francis 2000 ISBN 978 81 224 1245 1 United States Court of Customs and Patent Appeals Court of Customs and Patent Appeals Reports 18 Washington Supreme Court of the United States 1930 OCLC 2590161 Vartak Malavika Shivaji Maharaj Growth of a Symbol Economic and Political Weekly 34 19 8 14 May 1999 1126 1134 JSTOR 4407933 Subscription required help Hemcinin baxSivaci Boyuk Mogol Imperiyasi Britaniya Hindistani MaratxlarVikianbarda Maratha imperiyasi ile elaqeli mediafayllar var