Kiyev kotleti (rus. Котлета по-киевски) — yağda qızardılmış toyuq filesindən, əsasən dairəvi şəkildə hazırlanan kotlet növü.
Kiyev kotleti | |
![]() | |
Aid olduğu milli mətbəxlər | |
Rusiya mətbəxi, Ukrayna mətbəxi | |
Tarixi | 1910 |
Adlandırılıb | Kiyev |
Tərkibi | |
Əsas |
Təfərrüatları | |
Tipi | Kotlet |
- toyuğun döş əti — 2 ədəd
- kərə yağı — 40 qr.
- sarımsaq, şüyüd, duz
- yumurta −2 ədəd
- suxarı qızartma üçün
- bitki yağı
Yumşaq kərə yağı doğranmış sarımsaq, şüyüd və duzla qarışdırılır. Kiçik uzunsov formada içliklər hazırlayırıq və soyuducuda dondururuq.
Toyuğun döş əti yuyulur, dərisi çıxarılır və əti sümükdən ayrılır. Toyuğun iki döş ətindən 4 kiev kotleti hazırlamaq olar.
Toyuq filesi mətbəx çəkiciylə döyülür və arasına əvvəlcədən dondurulmuş yağ bükülür. Hazır kotletlər yumurtaya sonra suxarıya, yenə yumurtaya və sonra suxarıya bulanaraq 7–8 dəqiqə ərzində frityurda bişirilir.
Frityur əvəzinə dərin tava və bitki yağından istifadə etmək olar.
Həmçinin bax
Xarici keçidlər
- Kotlet | Axtarış | Kayzen
- Видео приготовления котлет по-киевски
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- John Ayto. The Diner's Dictionary: Word Origins of Food and Drink. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2012. ISBN .
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- Mixail Bulqakov. Master və Marqarita. Moskva: Moskva jurnalı (1966–67 nəşri). 1928–40.
- Marian Burros. "FARE OF THE COUNTRY; Further Tribulations of the Chicken From Kiev". The New York Times. 1988-08-14.
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- ; Armand Plumerey; Charles Frédéric Alfred Fayot. L'art de la cuisine française au dix-neuviême siêcle : traité élémentaire et pratique (French). 4. 1847. Entrées chaudes. Work completed after Carême's death by Armand Plumerey.
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- Cracknell, H. L.; Kaufmann, R. J. Practical Professional Cookery. Cengage Learning EMEA. 1999. ISBN .
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- Velimir Dejanović. "Одликовао шницлу "Карађорђеву"". Politika (Serbian). 2004-06-11.
- Urbain Dubois. La cuisine classique: études pratiques, raisonnées et démonstratives de l'Ecole française appliquée au service à la russe (French) (3). E. Dentu. 1868.
- Auguste Escoffier. A Guide to Modern Cookery. London: W. Heinemann. 1907.
- Charles Elmé Francatelli. The Modern Cook. reprinted by Applewood Books, 2008. 1859.
- Продуктовые нормы обедов, отдельных блюд и прочих изделий общественных столовых (раскладки). Москва: паевое товарищество "Нарпит". 1928.
- Darra Goldstein. A Taste of Russia: A Cookbook of Russian Hospitality. Russian Information Service. 1999. ISBN .
- Darra Goldstein. "Russia, Carême, and the Culinary Arts". The Slavonic and East European Review. The Modern Humanities Research Association and University College London, School of Slavonic and East European Studies. 73 (4). October 1995: 691–715. JSTOR 4211935.
- "Chicken Cutlet a la Kiev". . . July 1948. səh. 59.
- Amanda Hesser. The Essential New York Times Cookbook: Classic Recipes for a New Century. W. W. Norton & Company. 2010. ISBN .
- В. Д. Коростышевский; К. И. Левитский; Н. П. Цыпленков; Г. Ф. Шорин. Организация предприятий общественного питания. Москва: Госторгиздат, Министерство пищевой промышленности СССР. 1955.
- Leto, Mario Jack; Bode, Willi Karl Heinrich. The Larder Chef. Routledge. 2006. ISBN .
- Jeremy MacVeigh. International Cuisine. Cengage Learning. 2008. ISBN .
- Феля Май. "Непростительная оплошность". Зеркало недели. Украина. 1997-12-05.
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- Adolphe Meyer. The post-graduate cookery book. New York: Caterer Pub. Co. 1903.
- Martin Miller-Yianni. 100 Essential Recipes from Bulgaria. 2011. ISBN .
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- Moran, Joe. "Hum, ping, rip: the sounds of cooking". New Statesman. 2005-01-24. İstifadə tarixi: 2008-09-04.
- Jane Nickerson. "News of the Food. Chefs Challenges Housewives, Says Few Know How to Do Chicken Kiev". The New York Times. 1946-08-06.
- Вильям Похлёбкин. Кулинарный словарь. Москва: Центрполиграф. 2006. ISBN .
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- June Provines. "Front Views and Profiles". Chicago Daily Tribune. 1939-10-06. səh. 28.
- Kate Salter. "Cathy Chapman: the woman who changed the way we eat". The Telegraph. 2010-10-10.
- Andrew F. Smith, redaktorOxford Encyclopedia of Food and Drink in America. 2. New York: Oxford University Press. 2004.
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- Faith Steward-Gordon and Nika Hazelton. Russian Tea Room Cookbook. Richard Marek Publishers. 1981. ISBN .
- Robert Strybel; Maria Strybel. Polish Heritage Cookery. Hippocrene Books. 2005. ISBN .
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- Henry Tanner. "Others come and go—Mikoyan remains". The New York Times. 1964-11-15. İstifadə tarixi: 10 Feb 2015.
- Charles Vintcent. Vintcent's French Food Dictionary. Harriman House Limited. 2004. ISBN .
- Anne Volokh. The Art of Russian Cuisine. New York: MacMillan. 1983.
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- Alexander Watt. Paris Bistro Cookery. Routledge. 2014. ISBN .
- . The Crankshaft Publishing. 2018-02-20 tarixində orijinalından arxivləşdirilib. İstifadə tarixi: 2018-02-21.
- David T. Zabecki, redaktorWorld War II in Europe: An Encyclopedia. Routledge. 2015 [1999]. ISBN .
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Kiyev kotleti rus Kotleta po kievski yagda qizardilmis toyuq filesinden esasen dairevi sekilde hazirlanan kotlet novu Kiyev kotletiAid oldugu milli metbexlerRusiya metbexi Ukrayna metbexiTarixi 1910Adlandirilib KiyevTerkibiEsas toyuq eti d kere yagi Qizardilmis corek qirintisiTeferruatlariTipi KotletErzaqlartoyugun dos eti 2 eded kere yagi 40 qr sarimsaq suyud duz yumurta 2 eded suxari qizartma ucun bitki yagiHazirlanmasiYumsaq kere yagi dogranmis sarimsaq suyud ve duzla qarisdirilir Kicik uzunsov formada iclikler hazirlayiriq ve soyuducuda dondururuq Toyugun dos eti yuyulur derisi cixarilir ve eti sumukden ayrilir Toyugun iki dos etinden 4 kiev kotleti hazirlamaq olar Toyuq filesi metbex cekiciyle doyulur ve arasina evvelceden dondurulmus yag bukulur Hazir kotletler yumurtaya sonra suxariya yene yumurtaya ve sonra suxariya bulanaraq 7 8 deqiqe erzinde frityurda bisirilir Frityur evezine derin tava ve bitki yagindan istifade etmek olar Hemcinin baxKotlet Kroket Bifsteks Snitsel Tefteli FalafelXarici kecidlerKotlet Axtaris Kayzen Video prigotovleniya kotlet po kievski P V Abaturov ve b M O Lifshic redaktor Kulinariya Moskva Gostorgizdat Ministerstvo pishevoj promyshlennosti SSSR 1955 Pelageya Pavlovna Aleksandrova Ignateva Prakticheskie osnovy kulinarnogo iskusstva Sankt Peterburg 1909 Aslund Anders How Ukraine Became a Market Economy and Democracy Peterson Institute for International Economics March 2009 Arkadij Averchenko Zhenshina v restorane Sankt Peterburg Novyj satirikon 1914 John Ayto The Diner s Dictionary Word Origins of Food and Drink Oxford Oxford University Press 2012 ISBN 978 0 199 64024 9 Kniga o vkusnoj i zdorovoj pishe Russian Moskva Pishepromizdat 1952 Mixail Bulqakov Master ve Marqarita Moskva Moskva jurnali 1966 67 nesri 1928 40 Marian Burros FARE OF THE COUNTRY Further Tribulations of the Chicken From Kiev The New York Times 1988 08 14 Aleksandr Bylinov Parol DP 3 Moskva Molodaya gvardiya 1959 Armand Plumerey Charles Frederic Alfred Fayot L art de la cuisine francaise au dix neuvieme siecle traite elementaire et pratique French 4 1847 Entrees chaudes Work completed after Careme s death by Armand Plumerey A Line O Type Or Two Chicago Daily Tribune 1937 11 26 seh 10 Chefs Reveal a Fondness for Plain Dishes Chicago Daily Tribune 1939 03 16 seh 18 Yar Restaurant Owner Reports He s Bankrupt Chicago Daily Tribune 1951 01 06 seh 9 Yaschenko 71 Dies Owner of Yar in 1930s Chicago Tribune 1968 11 07 seh B23 Felicity Cloake How to cook the perfect chicken Kiev The Guardian 2012 06 07 Kulinarnyj sbornik Moskva Zhurnal dlya hozyaek 1915 Cracknell H L Kaufmann R J Practical Professional Cookery Cengage Learning EMEA 1999 ISBN 978 1 86152 873 5 Nauchno issledovatelskij institut torgovli i obshestvennogo pitaniya Sbornik raskladok dlya predpriyatij obshestvennogo pitaniya Moskva Gostorgizdat 1940 Nauchno issledovatelskij institut torgovli i obshestvennogo pitaniya Sbornik receptur blyud i kulinarnyh izdelij dlya predpriyatij obshestvennogo pitaniya Moskva Gostorgizdat 1980 Unusual Dishes From Sirniki to Blinys Discovered by Food Expert on Recent Trip 1 The Dallas Morning News 1938 02 25 seh 10 Velimir Dejanovic Odlikovao shniclu Karaђorђevu Politika Serbian 2004 06 11 Urbain Dubois La cuisine classique etudes pratiques raisonnees et demonstratives de l Ecole francaise appliquee au service a la russe French 3 E Dentu 1868 Auguste Escoffier A Guide to Modern Cookery London W Heinemann 1907 Charles Elme Francatelli The Modern Cook reprinted by Applewood Books 2008 1859 Produktovye normy obedov otdelnyh blyud i prochih izdelij obshestvennyh stolovyh raskladki Moskva paevoe tovarishestvo Narpit 1928 Darra Goldstein A Taste of Russia A Cookbook of Russian Hospitality Russian Information Service 1999 ISBN 978 1 88010 042 4 Darra Goldstein Russia Careme and the Culinary Arts The Slavonic and East European Review The Modern Humanities Research Association and University College London School of Slavonic and East European Studies 73 4 October 1995 691 715 JSTOR 4211935 Chicken Cutlet a la Kiev July 1948 seh 59 Amanda Hesser The Essential New York Times Cookbook Classic Recipes for a New Century W W Norton amp Company 2010 ISBN 978 0 39324 767 1 V D Korostyshevskij K I Levitskij N P Cyplenkov G F Shorin Organizaciya predpriyatij obshestvennogo pitaniya Moskva Gostorgizdat Ministerstvo pishevoj promyshlennosti SSSR 1955 Leto Mario Jack Bode Willi Karl Heinrich The Larder Chef Routledge 2006 ISBN 978 0 75066 899 6 Jeremy MacVeigh International Cuisine Cengage Learning 2008 ISBN 978 1 41804 965 2 Felya Maj Neprostitelnaya oploshnost Zerkalo nedeli Ukraina 1997 12 05 N N Maslov Kulinar Sankt Peterburg V I Gubinskij 1911 Adolphe Meyer The post graduate cookery book New York Caterer Pub Co 1903 Martin Miller Yianni 100 Essential Recipes from Bulgaria Lulu com 2011 ISBN 978 1 44675 384 2 Elena Molohovec Podarok molodym hozyajkam Russian Sankt Peterburg 1861 Moran Joe Hum ping rip the sounds of cooking New Statesman 2005 01 24 Istifade tarixi 2008 09 04 Jane Nickerson News of the Food Chefs Challenges Housewives Says Few Know How to Do Chicken Kiev The New York Times 1946 08 06 Vilyam Pohlyobkin Kulinarnyj slovar Moskva Centrpoligraf 2006 ISBN 5 227 00460 9 Vilyam Pohlyobkin Nacionalnye kuhni nashih narodov PDF Moskva Centpoligraf 2004 ISBN 5 9524 0718 8 Vilyam Pohlyobkin Ogonyok Moskva 1997 05 04 2011 09 28 tarixinde orijinalindan arxivlesdirilib Istifade tarixi 2018 02 21 June Provines Front Views and Profiles Chicago Daily Tribune 1939 10 06 seh 28 Kate Salter Cathy Chapman the woman who changed the way we eat The Telegraph 2010 10 10 Andrew F Smith redaktorOxford Encyclopedia of Food and Drink in America 2 New York Oxford University Press 2004 Fyodor Sologub I porodisty i gordy Neizdannyj Fedor Sologub 1997 stihotvorenie 1926 g Fyodor Stepun Vergangenes und Unvergangliches German 1 Munich Kosel Verlag 1947 Faith Steward Gordon and Nika Hazelton Russian Tea Room Cookbook Richard Marek Publishers 1981 ISBN 978 0399901287 Robert Strybel Maria Strybel Polish Heritage Cookery Hippocrene Books 2005 ISBN 978 0781811248 Marechale a la La glosssaire des termes de cuisine French Supertoinette com Pavel Syutkin Olga Syutkina Nepridumannaya istoriya russkoj kuhni Astrel 2015 ISBN 978 5 45717 598 3 Henry Tanner Others come and go Mikoyan remains The New York Times 1964 11 15 Istifade tarixi 10 Feb 2015 Charles Vintcent Vintcent s French Food Dictionary Harriman House Limited 2004 ISBN 978 1 897597 48 4 Anne Volokh The Art of Russian Cuisine New York MacMillan 1983 Evgenij Vorobyov Etogo net v povarennoj knige Odnopolchane rasskazy Voennoe izdatelstvo Ministerstva vooruzhyonyh sil SSSR 1947 Marcus Warren E mail from Ukraine Electronic Telegraph 2001 06 19 News of Capital Night Clubs The Washington Post 1938 10 26 seh X16 Bush Sr clarifies Chicken Kiev speech The Washington Times 2004 05 24 Istifade tarixi 2008 09 04 Alexander Watt Paris Bistro Cookery Routledge 2014 ISBN 978 1 317 84617 8 The Crankshaft Publishing 2018 02 20 tarixinde orijinalindan arxivlesdirilib Istifade tarixi 2018 02 21 David T Zabecki redaktorWorld War II in Europe An Encyclopedia Routledge 2015 1999 ISBN 978 1 135 81242 3