Kheşanın mühasirəsi və ya Kheşan döyüşü (ing. Battle of Khe Sanh) — Vyetnam müharibəsi zamanı Kheşan hərbi bazası uğrunda Vyetnam Xalq Ordusu ilə ABŞ dəniz piyadaları korpusu arasında döyüş. Amerika tarixşünaslığına görə, Kheşanın mühasirəsi müharibədə ABŞ qüvvələrinin iştirak etdiyi ən uzunmüddətli döyüşü olmuşdu və bazanı müdafiə edən dəniz piyadalarının qələbəsi ilə başa çatmışdı. Daha sonra baza tərk edilmiş və bu, Şimali Vyetnam tərəfinə öz qələbəsini təsdiq etməyə imkan yaratmışdı. Kheşanın mühasirəsi Vyetnam müharibəsinin ən məşhur və simvolik döyüşlərindən biridir.
Kheşanın mühasirəsi | |
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- 1960–1970-ci illərin sovet ədəbiyyatında və dövri mətbuatında Khesan yazısı çox yayılmışdır. Buna baxmayaraq, XX əsrin sonundan etibarən normativ Kheşan ilə əvəz edilmişdir..
- Вооружённая борьба народов Азии за свободу и независимость, 1945—1980. М.: Наука. Ответственный редактор А. И. Бабин. — АН СССР, Институт военной истории Министерства обороны СССР. 1984. 171, 176.
- Юго-Восточная Азия В XX веке: Вьетнам: Реферативный сборник. М.: РАН ИНИОН. Центр научно-информационных исследований глобальных и региональных проблем Отделения Азии и Африки. 2001. 134, 141, 143. ISBN .
- Боярский В. И. Партизанство вчера, сегодня, завтра: Историко-документальный очерк. М.: Граница. 2003. 276. ISBN .
Əlavə ədəbiyyat
- Dövlət sənədləri
- US Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, Command History 1965, Annex N. Saigon, 1966.
- US Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, Command History 1966, Annex M. Saigon, 1967.
- Hinh, Nguyen Duy. Operation Lam Sơn 719. Washington, D.C.: United States Army Center of Military History. 1979. OCLC 227845251.
- Military History Institute of Vietnam. Victory in Vietnam: A History of the People's Army of Vietnam, 1954–1975. trans. Pribbenow, Merle. Lawrence KS: University of Kansas Press. 2002. ISBN .
- Nalty, Bernard C. (PDF). Washington, D.C.: Office of Air Force History. 1986. 10 April 2003 tarixində orijinalından (PDF) arxivləşdirilib. İstifadə tarixi: 22 May 2021. LCC DS557.8.K5 N34 1986
- Pearson, Willard. The War in the Northern Provinces 1966–1968. Vietnam Studies. Washington, D.C.: Department of the Army. 2013 [1975]. ISBN .
- Shore, Moyars S. III. The Battle of Khe Sanh. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Marine Corps Historical Branch. 1969. OCLC 923350777.
- Shulimson, Jack; Blaisol, Leonard; Smith, Charles R.; Dawson, David. The U.S. Marines in Vietnam: 1968, the Decisive Year. Washington, D.C.: History and Museums Division, United States Marine Corps. 1997. ISBN .
- Telfer, Gary L.; Rogers, Lane; Fleming, V. Keith. U.S. Marines in Vietnam: 1967, Fighting the North Vietnamese. Washington, D.C.: History and Museums Division, United States Marine Corps. 1984. LCC DS558.4 .U55 1977
- Van Staaveren, Jacob. Interdiction in Southern Laos, 1961–1968. Washington, D.C.: Center of Air Force History. 1993. LCC DS558.8 .V36 1993
- Avtobioqrafiyalar
- Westmoreland, William C. A Soldier Reports. New York: Doubleday. 1976. ISBN .
- İkinci dərəcəli mənbələr
- Ankony, Robert C. Lurps: A Ranger's Diary of Tet, Khe Sanh, A Shau, and Quang Tri (Revised). Landham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group. 2009. ISBN .
- Boston Publishing Company. The American Experience in Vietnam: Reflections on an Era. Voyageur Press. 2014. ISBN .
- Clarke, Bruce B. G. Expendable Warriors – The Battle of Khe Sanh and the Vietnam War. Westport, Connecticut & London: Praeger International Security. 2007. ISBN .
- Donaldson, Gary. America at War Since 1945: Politics and Diplomacy in Korea, Vietnam, and the Gulf War. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Group. 1996. ISBN .
- Dougherty, Martin J. 100 Battles, Decisive Battles that Shaped the World. Bath: Parragon. 2012. ISBN .
- Dougan, Clark; Weiss, Stephen; və b. Nineteen Sixty-Eight. Boston: Boston Publishing Company. 1983. ISBN .
- Eggleston, Michael A. Dak To and the Border Battles of Vietnam, 1967–1968. McFarland. 2017. ISBN .
- Johnson, Tom A. To the Limit: An Air Cav Huey Pilot in Vietnam. Dulles, Virginia: Potomac Books. 2006. ISBN .
- Jones, Gregg. Last Stand at Khe Sanh – The US Marines' Finest Hour in Vietnam. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Da Capo Press. 2014. ISBN .
- Kelley, Michael P. Where We Were in Vietnam. Hellgate Press. 2002. ISBN .
- Krulak, Victor. First to Fight: An Inside View of the U.S. Marine Corps. Annapolis, Maryland: Naval Institute Press. 1984. ISBN .
- Long, Austin. The Soul of Armies: Counterinsurgency Doctrine and Military Culture in the US and UK. London: Cornell University Press. 2016. ISBN .
- Long, Lonnie. Unlikely Warriors: The Army Security Agency's Secret War in Vietnam 1961–1973. iUniverse. 2013. ISBN .
- Maitland, Terrence; McInerney, John. A Contagion of War. Boston: Boston Publishing Company. 1983. ISBN .
- Morocco, John. Thunder from Above: Air War, 1941–1968. Boston: Boston Publishing Company. 1984. ISBN .
- Murphy, Edward F. The Hill Fights:The First Battle of Khe Sanh. New York: Ballantine Books. 2003. ISBN .
- Murphy, Edward F. Semper Fi: Vietnam: From Da Nang to the DMZ, Marine Corps Campaigns, 1965–1975. Random House. 1997. ISBN .
- Nolan, Keith William. Into Laos: The Story of Dewey Canyon II/Lam Son 719. Novato CA: Presidio Press. 1986. ISBN .
- Page, Tim; Pimlott, John. Nam – The Vietnam Experience. New York: Mallard Press. 1988. ISBN .
- Palmer, Dave Richard. Summons of the Trumpet: The History of the Vietnam War from a Military Man's Viewpoint. New York: Ballantine. 1978. ISBN .
- Pike, Thomas F. Military Records, February 1968, 3rd Marine Division: The Tet Offensive. 2013. ISBN .
- Pike, Thomas F. Operations and Intelligence, I Corps Reporting: February 1969. 2015. ISBN .
- Pike, Thomas F. I Corps Vietnam: An Aerial Retrospective. 2017. ISBN .
- Pisor, Robert. The End of the Line: The Siege of Khe Sanh. New York: Norton. 1982. ISBN .
- Plaster, John L. SOG: The Secret Wars of America's Commandos in Vietnam. New York: New American Library. 1997. ISBN .
- Prados, John; Stubbe, Ray. Valley of Decision: The Siege of Khe Sanh. Annapolis, Maryland: Naval Institute Press. 1991. ISBN .
- Rottman, Gordon L. Khe Sanh 1967–68: Marines Battle for Vietnam's Vital Hilltop Base. Oxford: Osprey Publishing. 2005. ISBN .
- Rottman, Gordon L. Viet Cong and NVA Tunnels and Fortifications of the Vietnam War. Oxford: Osprey Publishing. 2006. ISBN .
- Ryan, Rapheal. "The Siege of Khe Sanh". Military History. 2 (2: February). 1984: 74–81.
- Sigler, David Burns. Vietnam Battle Chronology: U.S. Army and Marine Corps Combat Operations, 1965–1973. Jefferson, North Carolina: MacFarland & Company. 1992. ISBN .
- Smith, Charles. U.S. Marines in Vietnam: High Mobility and Standdown 1969. History and Museums Division, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps. 1988. ISBN .
- Stanton, Shelby L. Green Berets at War: U.S. Army Special Forces in Southeast Asia, 1956–1975. Novato, California: Presidio Press. 1985. ISBN .
- Stanton, Shelby L. The Rise and Fall of an American Army: U.S. Ground Forces in Vietnam, 1965–1973. New York: Dell. 1985. ISBN .
- Tucker, Spencer, redaktorA Global Chronology of Conflict: From the Ancient World to the Modern Middle East. 6: 1950–2008. Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO. 2010. OCLC 838055731.
- Tucker, Spencer, redaktorEncyclopedia of the Vietnam War: A Political, Social, and Military History. One. Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO. 1998. ISBN .
- Warren, James. The Mystery of Khe Sanh // Robert Cowley (redaktor). The Cold War: A Military History. New York: Random House. 2005. ISBN .
- Welburn, Chris. "Vietnam Sieges: Dien Bien Phu and Khe Sanh – Any Comparison?". Australian Defence Force Journal (119: July/August). 1996: 51–63. ISSN 1320-2545.
- Willbanks, James H. The Tet Offensive: A Concise History. Columbia University Press. 2008. ISBN .
- Wirtz, James J. The Tet Offensive: Intelligence Failure in War. Cornell University Press. 2017. ISBN .
Xarici keçidlər

- Bibliography: The Tet Offensive and the Battle of Khe Sanh
- – the Siege of Khe Sanh (extensive information on the battle)
- USMC CAP Oscar (extensive information on the CAP program and the CAP Company at Khe Sanh)
- (mainly details of battle)
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Khesanin muhasiresi ve ya Khesan doyusu ing Battle of Khe Sanh Vyetnam muharibesi zamani Khesan herbi bazasi ugrunda Vyetnam Xalq Ordusu ile ABS deniz piyadalari korpusu arasinda doyus Amerika tarixsunasligina gore Khesanin muhasiresi muharibede ABS quvvelerinin istirak etdiyi en uzunmuddetli doyusu olmusdu ve bazani mudafie eden deniz piyadalarinin qelebesi ile basa catmisdi Daha sonra baza terk edilmis ve bu Simali Vyetnam terefine oz qelebesini tesdiq etmeye imkan yaratmisdi Khesanin muhasiresi Vyetnam muharibesinin en meshur ve simvolik doyuslerinden biridir Khesanin muhasiresi Vikianbarda elaqeli mediafayllarQeydler1960 1970 ci illerin sovet edebiyyatinda ve dovri metbuatinda Khesan yazisi cox yayilmisdir Buna baxmayaraq XX esrin sonundan etibaren normativ Khesan ile evez edilmisdir IstinadlarVooruzhyonnaya borba narodov Azii za svobodu i nezavisimost 1945 1980 M Nauka Otvetstvennyj redaktor A I Babin AN SSSR Institut voennoj istorii Ministerstva oborony SSSR 1984 171 176 Yugo Vostochnaya Aziya V XX veke Vetnam Referativnyj sbornik M RAN INION Centr nauchno informacionnyh issledovanij globalnyh i regionalnyh problem Otdeleniya Azii i Afriki 2001 134 141 143 ISBN 5 248 00086 6 Boyarskij V I Partizanstvo vchera segodnya zavtra Istoriko dokumentalnyj ocherk M Granica 2003 276 ISBN 5 94691 008 6 Elave edebiyyatDovlet senedleriUS Military Assistance Command Vietnam Command History 1965 Annex N Saigon 1966 US Military Assistance Command Vietnam Command History 1966 Annex M Saigon 1967 Hinh Nguyen Duy Operation Lam Sơn 719 Washington D C United States Army Center of Military History 1979 OCLC 227845251 Military History Institute of Vietnam Victory in Vietnam A History of the People s Army of Vietnam 1954 1975 trans Pribbenow Merle Lawrence KS University of Kansas Press 2002 ISBN 0 7006 1175 4 Nalty Bernard C PDF Washington D C Office of Air Force History 1986 10 April 2003 tarixinde orijinalindan PDF arxivlesdirilib Istifade tarixi 22 May 2021 LCC DS557 8 K5 N34 1986 Pearson Willard The War in the Northern Provinces 1966 1968 Vietnam Studies Washington D C Department of the Army 2013 1975 ISBN 978 0 16 092093 6 Shore Moyars S III The Battle of Khe Sanh Washington D C U S Marine Corps Historical Branch 1969 OCLC 923350777 Shulimson Jack Blaisol Leonard Smith Charles R Dawson David The U S Marines in Vietnam 1968 the Decisive Year Washington D C History and Museums Division United States Marine Corps 1997 ISBN 0 16 049125 8 Telfer Gary L Rogers Lane Fleming V Keith U S Marines in Vietnam 1967 Fighting the North Vietnamese Washington D C History and Museums Division United States Marine Corps 1984 LCC DS558 4 U55 1977 Van Staaveren Jacob Interdiction in Southern Laos 1961 1968 Washington D C Center of Air Force History 1993 LCC DS558 8 V36 1993AvtobioqrafiyalarWestmoreland William C A Soldier Reports New York Doubleday 1976 ISBN 0 385 00434 6 Ikinci dereceli menbelerAnkony Robert C Lurps A Ranger s Diary of Tet Khe Sanh A Shau and Quang Tri Revised Landham MD Rowman amp Littlefield Publishing Group 2009 ISBN 978 0 76184 373 3 Boston Publishing Company The American Experience in Vietnam Reflections on an Era Voyageur Press 2014 ISBN 978 0 76034 625 9 Clarke Bruce B G Expendable Warriors The Battle of Khe Sanh and the Vietnam War Westport Connecticut amp London Praeger International Security 2007 ISBN 978 0 275 99480 8 Donaldson Gary America at War Since 1945 Politics and Diplomacy in Korea Vietnam and the Gulf War Westport Connecticut Greenwood Publishing Group 1996 ISBN 978 0 27595 660 8 Dougherty Martin J 100 Battles Decisive Battles that Shaped the World Bath Parragon 2012 ISBN 978 1 44546 763 4 Dougan Clark Weiss Stephen ve b Nineteen Sixty Eight Boston Boston Publishing Company 1983 ISBN 0 939526 06 9 Eggleston Michael A Dak To and the Border Battles of Vietnam 1967 1968 McFarland 2017 ISBN 978 147666 417 0 Johnson Tom A To the Limit An Air Cav Huey Pilot in Vietnam Dulles Virginia Potomac Books 2006 ISBN 978 1 59797 446 2 Jones Gregg Last Stand at Khe Sanh The US Marines Finest Hour in Vietnam Cambridge Massachusetts Da Capo Press 2014 ISBN 978 0 306 82139 4 Kelley Michael P Where We Were in Vietnam Hellgate Press 2002 ISBN 1 55571 625 3 Krulak Victor First to Fight An Inside View of the U S Marine Corps Annapolis Maryland Naval Institute Press 1984 ISBN 978 1 61251 161 0 Long Austin The Soul of Armies Counterinsurgency Doctrine and Military Culture in the US and UK London Cornell University Press 2016 ISBN 978 1 50170 390 4 Long Lonnie Unlikely Warriors The Army Security Agency s Secret War in Vietnam 1961 1973 iUniverse 2013 ISBN 978 1 4759 9059 1 Maitland Terrence McInerney John A Contagion of War Boston Boston Publishing Company 1983 ISBN 0 939526 05 0 Morocco John Thunder from Above Air War 1941 1968 Boston Boston Publishing Company 1984 ISBN 0 939526 09 3 Murphy Edward F The Hill Fights The First Battle of Khe Sanh New York Ballantine Books 2003 ISBN 978 129910 828 8 Murphy Edward F Semper Fi Vietnam From Da Nang to the DMZ Marine Corps Campaigns 1965 1975 Random House 1997 ISBN 978 0 30741 661 2 Nolan Keith William Into Laos The Story of Dewey Canyon II Lam Son 719 Novato CA Presidio Press 1986 ISBN 978 0 89141 247 2 Page Tim Pimlott John Nam The Vietnam Experience New York Mallard Press 1988 ISBN 978 0 79245 003 0 Palmer Dave Richard Summons of the Trumpet The History of the Vietnam War from a Military Man s Viewpoint New York Ballantine 1978 ISBN 978 0 34531 583 0 Pike Thomas F Military Records February 1968 3rd Marine Division The Tet Offensive 2013 ISBN 978 1 4812 1946 4 Pike Thomas F Operations and Intelligence I Corps Reporting February 1969 2015 ISBN 978 1 5194 8630 1 Pike Thomas F I Corps Vietnam An Aerial Retrospective 2017 ISBN 978 1 366 28720 5 Pisor Robert The End of the Line The Siege of Khe Sanh New York Norton 1982 ISBN 978 0 34531 092 7 Plaster John L SOG The Secret Wars of America s Commandos in Vietnam New York New American Library 1997 ISBN 0 451 23118 X Prados John Stubbe Ray Valley of Decision The Siege of Khe Sanh Annapolis Maryland Naval Institute Press 1991 ISBN 0 395 55003 3 Rottman Gordon L Khe Sanh 1967 68 Marines Battle for Vietnam s Vital Hilltop Base Oxford Osprey Publishing 2005 ISBN 978 1 84176 863 2 Rottman Gordon L Viet Cong and NVA Tunnels and Fortifications of the Vietnam War Oxford Osprey Publishing 2006 ISBN 1 84603 003 X Ryan Rapheal The Siege of Khe Sanh Military History 2 2 February 1984 74 81 Sigler David Burns Vietnam Battle Chronology U S Army and Marine Corps Combat Operations 1965 1973 Jefferson North Carolina MacFarland amp Company 1992 ISBN 0 7864 1706 4 Smith Charles U S Marines in Vietnam High Mobility and Standdown 1969 History and Museums Division Headquarters U S Marine Corps 1988 ISBN 978 1 4942 8762 7 Stanton Shelby L Green Berets at War U S Army Special Forces in Southeast Asia 1956 1975 Novato California Presidio Press 1985 ISBN 978 0 89141 238 0 Stanton Shelby L The Rise and Fall of an American Army U S Ground Forces in Vietnam 1965 1973 New York Dell 1985 ISBN 0 89141 232 8 Tucker Spencer redaktorA Global Chronology of Conflict From the Ancient World to the Modern Middle East 6 1950 2008 Santa Barbara California ABC CLIO 2010 OCLC 838055731 Tucker Spencer redaktorEncyclopedia of the Vietnam War A Political Social and Military History One Santa Barbara California ABC CLIO 1998 ISBN 0874369835 Warren James The Mystery of Khe Sanh Robert Cowley redaktor The Cold War A Military History New York Random House 2005 ISBN 978 0 30748 307 2 Welburn Chris Vietnam Sieges Dien Bien Phu and Khe Sanh Any Comparison Australian Defence Force Journal 119 July August 1996 51 63 ISSN 1320 2545 Willbanks James H The Tet Offensive A Concise History Columbia University Press 2008 ISBN 978 0 231 12841 4 Wirtz James J The Tet Offensive Intelligence Failure in War Cornell University Press 2017 ISBN 978 1 50171 335 4 Xarici kecidlerVikianbarda Khesanin muhasiresi ile elaqeli mediafayllar var Bibliography The Tet Offensive and the Battle of Khe Sanh PBS org the Siege of Khe Sanh extensive information on the battle USMC CAP Oscar extensive information on the CAP program and the CAP Company at Khe Sanh mainly details of battle