Kardinal-infant Ferdinand (isp. Fernando el Cardenal-infante) (16 may 1609[…], Eskorial – 9 noyabr 1641[…], Brüssel[d][…]) – İspaniya kralı III Filippin üçüncü oğlu. Roma-Katolik kilsəsinin kardinalı və .
Kardinal-infant Ferdinand | |
![]() | |
Əvvəlki | İzabella Klara Yevgeniya |
Sonrakı | |
Şəxsi məlumatlar | |
Doğum tarixi | 16 may 1609[…] |
Doğum yeri | |
Vəfat tarixi | 9 noyabr 1641[…](32 yaşında) |
Vəfat yeri |
Fəaliyyəti | siyasətçi, zabit, katolik keşişi[d] |
Atası | III Filip |
Anası | Avstriyalı Marqarita |
Dini | Roma-Katolik kilsəsi |
Hərbi xidmət | |
Döyüşlər | |
Rütbəsi | general |
![]() |
- Van Nimwegen, Olaf: The Dutch Army and the Military Revolutions, 1588–1688. Woodbridge: The Boydell Press, 2010.
- Hart, Marjolein: The Dutch Wars of Independence: Warfare and Commerce in the Netherlands 1570–1680. Oxon: Routledge, 2014.
- Thion, Stéphane: French Armies of the Thirty Years' War. Auzielle: LRT Editions, 2008.
- González de León, Fernando: The Road to Rocroi: Class, Culture and Command in the Spanish Army of Flanders, 1567–1659. Leiden: Brill, 2009.
- Israel, Jonathan: Conflicts of Empires: Spain, the Low Countries and the Struggle for World Supremacy, 1585–1713. London: The Hambledon Press, 1997.
- Guthrie, William P.: The Later Thirty Years War: From the Battle of Wittstock to the Treaty of Westphalia. Westport: Greenwood Press, 2007.
- Fernando de. El Cardenal Infante Austria // Diccionario biográfico español (isp.). Real Academia de la Historia, 2011.
- https://books.google.es/books?id=s1EMAAAAYAAJ&dq=1614%20cabrera%20de%20cordoba&hl=es&pg=PA373#v=onepage&q&f=false.
- Bibliothèque nationale de France BnF identifikatoru (fr.): açıq məlumat platforması. 2011.
- Ferdinand // Biografisch Portaal. 2009.
- Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes (isp.). 1999.
- RKDartists (nid.).
- Catholic-Hierarchy.org (ing.). USA: 1990.
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Kardinal infant Ferdinand isp Fernando el Cardenal infante 16 may 1609 Eskorial 9 noyabr 1641 Brussel d Ispaniya krali III Filippin ucuncu oglu Roma Katolik kilsesinin kardinali ve Kardinal infant FerdinandEvvelkiIzabella Klara YevgeniyaSonrakiSexsi melumatlarDogum tarixi 16 may 1609 1609 05 16 Dogum yeri EskorialVefat tarixi 9 noyabr 1641 1641 11 09 32 yasinda Vefat yeri Brussel d Fealiyyeti siyasetci zabit katolik kesisi d Atasi III FilipAnasi Avstriyali MarqaritaDini Roma Katolik kilsesiHerbi xidmetDoyusler Otuzillik muharibeRutbesi general Vikianbarda elaqeli mediafayllarMenbeVan Nimwegen Olaf The Dutch Army and the Military Revolutions 1588 1688 Woodbridge The Boydell Press 2010 ISBN 9781843835752 Hart Marjolein The Dutch Wars of Independence Warfare and Commerce in the Netherlands 1570 1680 Oxon Routledge 2014 ISBN 9781317812548 Thion Stephane French Armies of the Thirty Years War Auzielle LRT Editions 2008 ISBN 9782917747018 Gonzalez de Leon Fernando The Road to Rocroi Class Culture and Command in the Spanish Army of Flanders 1567 1659 Leiden Brill 2009 ISBN 9789004170827 Israel Jonathan Conflicts of Empires Spain the Low Countries and the Struggle for World Supremacy 1585 1713 London The Hambledon Press 1997 ISBN 9781852851613 Guthrie William P The Later Thirty Years War From the Battle of Wittstock to the Treaty of Westphalia Westport Greenwood Press 2007 ISBN 9780313324086IstinadlarFernando de El Cardenal Infante Austria Diccionario biografico espanol isp Real Academia de la Historia 2011 https books google es books id s1EMAAAAYAAJ amp dq 1614 20cabrera 20de 20cordoba amp hl es amp pg PA373 v onepage amp q amp f false Bibliotheque nationale de France BnF identifikatoru fr aciq melumat platformasi 2011 Ferdinand Biografisch Portaal 2009 Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes isp 1999 RKDartists nid Catholic Hierarchy org ing USA 1990