IX Amadeus (it. Amedeo IX di Savoia) və ya Xoşbəxt Amadeus (1 fevral 1435, Çateau de Thonon[d] – 30 mart 1472, Verçelli[d], Pyemont) — Savoyya hersoqu. Atası Savoyya hersoqu Lüdovik, anası isə Kipr kralı qızı Annadır.
IX Amadey | |
fr. Amédée IX de Savoie | |
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Şəxsi məlumatlar | |
Doğum tarixi | 1 fevral 1435 |
Doğum yeri |
Vəfat tarixi | 30 mart 1472(37 yaşında) |
Vəfat yeri |
Sülalə | Savoyya sülaləsi |
Atası | Lüdovik (Savoyya hersoqu) |
Anası | Kiprli Anna |
Həyat yoldaşı |
Uşaqları | |
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- Vester, Matthew (April 1, 2013). Sabaudian Studies: Political Culture, Dynasty, and Territory (1400–1700). Truman State University Press.
- Bunson, Matthew; Bunson, Margaret; Bunson, Stephen (2003). Bunson, Matthew and Bunson, Stephen. "Amadeus IX of Savoy", Our Sunday Visitor's Encyclopedia of Saints, OSV Publishing, 2003.
- Hand, Joni M., Women, Manuscripts and Identity in Northern Europe 1350–1550, Routledge, 2017,
- https://www.google.fr/books/edition/La_Fleur_des_saints/HbdbEAAAQBAJ?hl=fr&gbpv=1&dq=Am%C3%A9d%C3%A9e+de+Savoie+1472&pg=PT57&printsec=frontcover.
- https://www.google.fr/books/edition/Saints_et_saintes_de_Savoie/H0nJjCgPKeYC?hl=fr&gbpv=1&dq=Am%C3%A9d%C3%A9e+de+Savoie+30+mars+1472&pg=PA95&printsec=frontcover.
- Lundy D. R. Amadeo IX Duca di Savoia // The Peerage (ing.).
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IX Amadeus it Amedeo IX di Savoia ve ya Xosbext Amadeus 1 fevral 1435 Cateau de Thonon d 30 mart 1472 Vercelli d Pyemont Savoyya hersoqu Atasi Savoyya hersoqu Ludovik anasi ise Kipr krali qizi Annadir IX Amadeyfr Amedee IX de SavoieSexsi melumatlarDogum tarixi 1 fevral 1435Dogum yeri Cateau de Thonon d Vefat tarixi 30 mart 1472 37 yasinda Vefat yeri Vercelli d Vercelli eyaleti Pyemont ItaliyaSulale Savoyya sulalesiAtasi Ludovik Savoyya hersoqu Anasi Kiprli AnnaHeyat yoldasi Valuali Yolanda 1452 Usaqlari I Filibert Savoyya hersoqu I Carlz Savoyya hersoqu Vikianbarda elaqeli mediafayllarMenbeVester Matthew April 1 2013 Sabaudian Studies Political Culture Dynasty and Territory 1400 1700 Truman State University Press ISBN 9781612480947 Bunson Matthew Bunson Margaret Bunson Stephen 2003 Bunson Matthew and Bunson Stephen Amadeus IX of Savoy Our Sunday Visitor s Encyclopedia of Saints OSV Publishing 2003 ISBN 9781931709750 Hand Joni M Women Manuscripts and Identity in Northern Europe 1350 1550 Routledge 2017 ISBN 9781351536530Istinadlarhttps www google fr books edition La Fleur des saints HbdbEAAAQBAJ hl fr amp gbpv 1 amp dq Am C3 A9d C3 A9e de Savoie 1472 amp pg PT57 amp printsec frontcover https www google fr books edition Saints et saintes de Savoie H0nJjCgPKeYC hl fr amp gbpv 1 amp dq Am C3 A9d C3 A9e de Savoie 30 mars 1472 amp pg PA95 amp printsec frontcover Lundy D R Amadeo IX Duca di Savoia The Peerage ing