IV Adrian (lat. Hadrianus IV) və ya Nikolas Breykspir (ing. Nicholas Breakspeare; ən tezi 1100 və ən geci 1120, Sant Albans, İngiltərə krallığı və ya Abbosts-Lanqli[d], İngiltərə krallığı – 1 sentyabr 1159, Anani[d], Papa dövləti, Müqəddəs Roma imperiyası) — 1154-cü ildən Roma Papası. O, yeganə ingilis Roma papası olmuşdur. IV Adrian Avinyon yaxınlığındakı Müqəddəs Ruf Avqustin monastırının rahibi, sonra abbatı, nəhayət 1150-ci ildə kardinalı olmuşdur. O, 1152-ci ildə Skandinaviyada Papa legatı olmuş və burada kilsəni prinsipləri əsasında yenidən təşkil etmişdir. IV Adrian Romada başçılıq etdiyi qarşı mübarizə aparmışdır. 1155-ci ildə o, imperator I Fridrix Barbarossanı taclandırmışdır.
IV Adrian | |
![]() | |
Doğum tarixi | ən tezi 1100 və ən geci 1120 |
Doğum yeri |
Vəfat tarixi | 1 sentyabr 1159 |
Vəfat yeri |
Dəfn yeri |
Fəaliyyəti | diplomat, filosof, katolik keşişi[d] |
![]() |
- autori vari Enciclopedia dei Papi (it.). 2000.
- Большой Энциклопедический словарь. 2000. АДРИАН IV (Hadrianus).
Əlavə ədəbiyyat
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IV Adrian lat Hadrianus IV ve ya Nikolas Breykspir ing Nicholas Breakspeare en tezi 1100 ve en geci 1120 Sant Albans Ingiltere kralligi ve ya Abbosts Lanqli d Ingiltere kralligi 1 sentyabr 1159 Anani d Papa dovleti Muqeddes Roma imperiyasi 1154 cu ilden Roma Papasi O yegane ingilis Roma papasi olmusdur IV Adrian Avinyon yaxinligindaki Muqeddes Ruf Avqustin monastirinin rahibi sonra abbati nehayet 1150 ci ilde kardinali olmusdur O 1152 ci ilde Skandinaviyada Papa legati olmus ve burada kilseni prinsipleri esasinda yeniden teskil etmisdir IV Adrian Romada basciliq etdiyi qarsi mubarize aparmisdir 1155 ci ilde o imperator I Fridrix Barbarossani taclandirmisdir IV AdrianDogum tarixi en tezi 1100 ve en geci 1120Dogum yeri Sant Albans Ingiltere kralligi ve yaAbbosts Lanqli d Ingiltere kralligiVefat tarixi 1 sentyabr 1159Vefat yeri Anani d Papa dovleti Muqeddes Roma imperiyasiDefn yeri Vatikan d Fealiyyeti diplomat filosof katolik kesisi d Vikianbarda elaqeli mediafayllarIstinadlarautori vari Enciclopedia dei Papi it 2000 Bolshoj Enciklopedicheskij slovar 2000 ADRIAN IV Hadrianus Elave edebiyyatAbulafia D Frederrick II A Medieval Emperor Oxford Oxford University Press 1988 ISBN 978 0 19508 040 7 Andas M S Ekroll O Haug A Petersen N H Introduction The Medieval Cathedral of Trondheim Architectural and Ritual Constructions in Their European Context Ritus et Artes Traditions and Transformations III Turnhout Brepols 2007 seh 120 ISBN 978 2 50352 301 9 Baird J L Ehrman J K redaktorlar The Letters of Hildegard of Bingen I Oxford Oxford University Press 1994 ISBN 978 0 19535 297 9 Balard M Latin Sources and Byzantine Prosopography Genoa Venice Pisa and Barcelona WhitbyM redaktor Byzantines and Crusaders in Non Greek Sources 1025 1204 Oxford University Press British Academy 2007 seh 3958 ISBN 978 0 19726 378 5 Barber M The Two Cities Medieval Europe 1050 1320 London Routledge 1992 ISBN 978 0 41509 682 9 Barlow F The English Norman and French Councils Called to Deal with the Papal Schism of 1159 The English Historical Review 51 1936 264 268 doi 10 1093 ehr LI CCII 264 OCLC 754650998 Barrow G W S The Date of the Peace between Malcolm IV and Somerled of Argyll The Scottish Historical Review 73 2 1994 222 223 doi 10 3366 shr 1994 73 2 222 OCLC 664601468 Barstow A L Married Priests and the Reforming Papacy The Eleventh century Debates Lewiston NY E Mellen 1982 ISBN 978 0 88946 976 1 Baumgartner F J I Will Observe Absolute and Perpetual Secrecy The Historical Background of the Rigid Secrecy Found in Papal Elections The Catholic Historical Review 89 2 2003a 165 181 doi 10 1353 cat 2003 0097 OCLC 222885361 Baumgartner F J Behind Locked Doors A History of the Papal Elections Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan 2003b ISBN 978 1 13711 014 5 Beck A The Rise and Fall of Catholic Sweden Studies An Irish Quarterly Review 1940 382 394 OCLC 220720325 Benedictine Charter Ohannes Berardi Chartularium Monasterii Casauriensis Ordinis S Benedicti Gallica BnF 2020 11 April 2020 tarixinde arxivlesdirilib Istifade tarixi 11 April 2020 Bergquist A The Papal Legate Nicholas Breakspear s Scandinavian Mission Bolton B Duggan A redaktorlar Adrian IV the English Pope 1154 1159 Studies and Texts Aldershot Ashgate 2003 41 48 ISBN 978 0 75460 708 3 Birk J C Norman Kings of Sicily and the Rise of the Anti Islamic Critique Baptized Sultans Cham PalgraveMacmillan 2016 ISBN 978 3 31947 041 2 Birkett H The Struggle for Sanctity St Waltheof of Melrose Cistercian in house Cults and Canonisation Procedure at the Turn of the Thirteenth Century Boardman S Williamson E redaktorlar The Cult of Saints and the Virgin Mary in Medieval Scotland Studies in Celtic History 28 Woodbridge Boydell amp Brewer 2010 seh 4360 ISBN 978 1 84383 562 2 Blumenthal U The Papacy 1024 1122 Luscombe D Riley Smith J redaktorlar The New Cambridge Medieval History 4 1024 1198 II Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2004 8 38 ISBN 978 0 52141 411 1 Bellomo E The Templar Order in North west Italy 1142 C 1330 Leiden Brill 2008 ISBN 978 9 00416 364 5 Bolton B St Albans Loyal Son Bolton B Duggan A redaktorlar Adrian IV the English Pope 1154 1159 Studies and Texts Aldershot Ashgate 2003a 75 104 ISBN 978 0 75460 708 3 Bolton B Nova Familia Beati Petri Adrian IV and the Patrimony Bolton B Duggan A redaktorlar Adrian IV the English Pope 1154 1159 Studies and Texts Aldershot Ashgate 2003b 157 180 ISBN 978 0 75460 708 3 Bolton B Duggan A redaktorlar Adrian IV the English Pope 1154 1159 Studies and Texts Aldershot Ashgate 2003 ISBN 978 0 75460 708 3 Boswell J Christianity Social Tolerance and Homosexuality Gay People in Western Europe from the Beginning of the Christian Era to the Fourteenth Century Chicago University of Chicago Press 1980 ISBN 978 0 22634 536 9 Brooke C N L The English Church and the Papacy From the Conquest to the Reign of John 3rd Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1989 ISBN 978 0 52107 390 5 Brooke C N L Adrian IV and John of Salisbury Bolton B Duggan A redaktorlar Adrian IV the English Pope 1154 1159 Studies and Texts Aldershot Ashgate 2003 3 14 ISBN 978 0 75460 708 3 Broun D Scottish Independence and the Idea of Britain From the Picts to Alexander III Edinburgh Edinburgh University Press 2007 ISBN 978 0 74868 520 2 Brown G S The Norman Conquest of Southern Italy and Sicily Jefferson NC McFarland 2015 ISBN 978 0 78645 127 2 Cameron A Arguing it Out Discussion in Twelfth Century Byzantium The Natalie Zemon Davis Annual Lectures Budapest Central European University Press 2016 ISBN 978 9 63386 112 7 Charter Chartularium Sangallense 03 1004 1277 Nr 915 S 35 37 monasterium net 2020 16 April 2020 tarixinde arxivlesdirilib Istifade tarixi 16 April 2020 Chrysostomides J The Byzantine Empire from the Eleventh to the Fifteenth Century Fleet K redaktor The Cambridge History of Turkey I Byzantium to Turkey 1071 1453 Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2009 6 50 ISBN 978 0 52162 093 2 Collins R Keepers of the Keys of Heaven A History of the Papacy London Orion 5 November 2009 ISBN 978 1 47460 334 8 Constable G The Second Crusade as seen by Contemporaries Traditio 9 1953 213 279 doi 10 1017 S0362152900003743 OCLC 795988691 Dodwell C R Anglo Saxon Art A New Perspective Manchester Manchester University Press 1982 ISBN 978 0 71900 926 6 Daniel E R Abbot Joachim of Fiore and the Conversion of the Jews MyersS E MacMichaelS J redaktor The Friars and Jews in the Middle Ages and Renaissance London Brill 2004 seh 122 ISBN 978 9 00411 398 5 Duggan A Totius Christianitatis Caput The Pope and the Princes Bolton B Duggan A redaktorlar Adrian IV the English Pope 1154 1159 Studies and Texts Aldershot Ashgate 2003a 105 156 ISBN 978 0 75460 708 3 Duggan A Servus Servorum Dei Bolton B Duggan A redaktorlar Adrian IV the English Pope 1154 1159 Studies and Texts Aldershot Ashgate 2003b 181 210 ISBN 978 0 75460 708 3 Duggan A Thomas Becket s Italian Network Andrews F Egger C Rousseau C M redaktorlar Pope Church and City Essays in Honour of Brenda M Bolton The Medieval Mediterranean 56 Leiden Brill 2004 177 201 ISBN 978 9 00414 019 6 Duggan A Henry II the English Church and the Papacy 1154 76 Harper Bill C Vincent N redaktorlar Henry II New Interpretations Woodbridge Boydell 2007 154 183 ISBN 978 1 84383 340 6 Eden B L Hadrian IV Pope c 1100 1159 R 1154 1159 Emmerson R K redaktor Key figures in Medieval Europe An Encyclopedia London Routledge 2006 292 293 ISBN 978 0 41597 385 4 Egger C The Canon Regular Saint Ruf in Context Bolton B Duggan A redaktorlar Adrian IV the English Pope 1154 1159 Studies and Texts Aldershot Ashgate 2003 15 28 ISBN 978 0 75460 708 3 Frame R England and Ireland 1171 1399 JonesM ValeM redaktor England and Her Neighbours 1066 1453 Essays in Honour of Pierre Chaplais London Hambledon 1989 139 156 ISBN 978 1 85285 014 2 Frassetto M Feudalism Jeep J M redaktor Medieval Germany An Encyclopedia New York Garland 2001 295 296 ISBN 978 0 82407 644 3 Freed J B Frederick Barbarossa The Prince and the Myth New Haven Yale University Press 2016 ISBN 978 0 30012 276 3 Godman P The Silent Masters Latin Literature and Its Censors in the High Middle Ages Princeton New Jersey Princeton University Press 2000 ISBN 978 1 40082 360 4 Godman P The Archpoet and Medieval Culture Oxford Oxford University Press 2014 ISBN 978 0 19102 996 7 Hakkenberg M A Book Review Church History 73 2004 212 213 OCLC 795961781 Heather P J The Restoration of Rome Barbarian Popes and Imperial Pretenders Oxford Oxford University Press 2014 ISBN 978 0 19936 851 8 Hegarty N The Story of Ireland London Random House 2011 ISBN 978 1 84607 970 2 Hosler J Henry II A Medieval Soldier at War 1147 1189 Leiden Brill 2007 ISBN 978 9 04741 934 1 J A H A Bull of Pope Adrian IV The British Museum Quarterly 1 3 1926 74 75 doi 10 2307 4420772 JSTOR 4420772 OCLC 810961271 Jong J L de The Power and the Glorification Papal Pretensions and the Art of Propaganda in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries State College Penn State Press 2013 ISBN 978 0 27105 079 9 Kostick C Strongbow The Norman Invasion of Ireland Dublin O Brien Press 2013 ISBN 978 1 84717 607 3 Latowsky A A Emperor of the World Charlemagne and the Construction of Imperial Authority 800 1229 Ithaca New York Cornell University Press 2013 ISBN 978 0 80146 778 3 Loud G A Norman Sicily in the Twelfth Century Luscombe D Riley Smith J redaktorlar The New Cambridge Medieval History 4 1024 1198 II Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2004 442 474 ISBN 978 0 52141 411 1 Loud G A The Crusade of Frederick Barbarossa The History of the Expedition of the Emperor Frederick and Related Texts Crusade Texts in Translation 19 Farnham Ashgate 2010 ISBN 978 1 40948 090 7 Loud G Roger II and the Creation of the Kingdom of Sicily Manchester Manchester University Press 2012 ISBN 978 0 71908 202 3 Luscombe D Riley Smith J redaktorlar Sources The New Cambridge Medieval History 4 1024 1198 II Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2004 769 789 ISBN 978 0 52141 411 1 Madden T F Enrico Dandolo and the Rise of Venice Baltimore MD Johns Hopkins University 2007 ISBN 978 0 80189 184 7 Madden T F Venice A New History London Penguin 2012 ISBN 978 1 10160 113 6 Madden T F Oaths Broken Yet Fulfilled Venice Innocent III and the Patriarchate of Constantinople Bird J L Smith D redaktorlar The Fourth Lateran Council and the Crusade Movement The Impact of the Council of 1215 on Latin Christendom and the East Outremer Studies in the Crusades and the Latin East 7 Turnhout Brepols 2018 seh 5976 ISBN 978 2 50358 088 3 Magdalino P The Empire of Manuel I Komnenos 1143 1180 Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1993 ISBN 978 0 52152 653 1 Magdalino P The Byzantine Empire 1118 1204 Luscombe D Riley Smith J redaktorlar The New Cambridge Medieval History 4 1024 1198 II Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2004 611 643 ISBN 978 0 52141 411 1 Magdalino P The Empire of the Komnenoi 1118 1204 Shepard J redaktor The Cambridge History of the Byzantine Empire c 500 1492 Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2008 627 663 ISBN 978 0 52183 231 1 Martindale J Succession and Politics in the Romance speaking World c 1000 1140 Jones M Vale M redaktorlar England and Her Neighbours 1066 1453 Essays in Honour of Pierre Chaplais London Hambledon 1989 19 42 ISBN 978 1 85285 014 2 Matthew D The Norman Kingdom of Sicily Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1992 ISBN 978 0 52126 911 7 Maxwell Stuart P G Chronicle of the Popes The Reign by reign Record of the Papacy from St Peter to the Present with 308 Illustrations 105 in Color London Thames and Hudson 1997 ISBN 978 0 50001 798 2 McBrien R P Lives of the Popes The Pontiffs from St Peter to John Paul II London HarperCollins 1997 ISBN 978 0 06065 304 0 McCrank L J The Foundation of the Confraternity of Tarragona by Archbishop Oleguer Bonestruga 1126 1129 Viator 9 1978 157 168 doi 10 1484 J VIATOR 2 301544 OCLC 466287118 Metcalfe A Muslims of Medieval Italy Edinburgh Edinburgh University Press 2009 ISBN 978 0 7486 2911 4 Millor W J Butler C N L The Letters of John of Salisbury The Early Letters 1153 1161 I repr Oxford Clarendon Press 1986 ISBN 978 0 19822 239 2 Morris C The Papal Monarchy The Western Church from 1050 to 1250 Oxford Clarendon Press 1989 ISBN 978 0 19152 053 2 Musolff A Metaphor and Political Discourse Analogical Reasoning in Debates about Europe Basingstoke PalgraveMacmillan 2004 ISBN 978 0 23050 451 6 Norden W Das Papsttum Und Byzanz Die Trennung Der Beiden Machte Und Das Problem Ihrer Wiedervereinigung Bis Zum Untergange Des Byzantinischen Reichs 1453 repr Breslau Aderholz 1904 OCLC 29115447 Norgate K The Bull Laudabiliter The English Historical Review 8 1893 18 52 OCLC 754650998 Norwich J J The Kingdom in the Sun 1130 1194 Harlow Longmans 1970 ISBN 978 0 58212 735 7 Norwich J J Absolute Monarchs A History of the Papacy London Random House 2011 ISBN 978 0 67960 499 0 Nuremberg Chronicle Registrum Huius Operis Libri Cronicarum Cu Figuris Et Ymagibus Ab Inicio Mudi Nuremberge Digitale Biblothek 2020 11 April 2020 tarixinde arxivlesdirilib Istifade tarixi 11 April 2020 Oldfield P Sanctity and Pilgrimage in Medieval Southern Italy 1000 1200 New York Cambridge University Press 2014 ISBN 978 1 10700 028 5 Oliver L M Rowley Foxe and the Faustus Additions Modern Language Notes 60 6 1945 391 394 doi 10 2307 2911382 JSTOR 2911382 OCLC 818888932 Partner P The Lands of St Peter The Papal State in the Middle Ages and the Early Renaissance Berkeley University of California Press 1972 ISBN 978 0 52002 181 5 Palgrave F Palgrave R H I redaktor The History of Normandy and of England IV Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1921 OCLC 863472518 Parry M Chambers Biographical Dictionary New York Chambers 1997 ISBN 978 0 55014 220 7 Phelpstead C redaktorA History of Norway and the Passion and Miracles of Blessed olafr Viking Society for Northern Research Texts XIII Exeter Viking Society for Northern Research University College London 2001 ISBN 978 0 90352 148 2 Pixton P B Reich Jeep J M redaktor Medieval Germany An Encyclopedia New York Garland 2001 727 728 ISBN 978 0 82407 644 3 Poole R L Two Unpublished Letters of Hadrian IV 1155 The English Historical Review 17 1902 704 706 doi 10 1093 ehr XVII LXVIII 704 OCLC 754650998 2022 04 27 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2022 04 27 Poole R L Poole A L redaktor Studies in Chronology and History 2nd Oxford Clarendon 1969 OCLC 469762970 Powell J M redaktorThe Deeds of Pope Innocent III Washington DC Catholic University of America Press March 2004 ISBN 978 0 81321 488 7 Reynolds P L How Marriage Became One of the Sacraments The Sacramental Theology of Marriage from its Medieval Origins to the Council of Trent Cambridge Studies in Law and Christianity Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2016 ISBN 978 1 10714 615 0 Richter M The First Century of Anglo Irish Relations History 59 195 1974 195 210 doi 10 1111 j 1468 229X 1974 tb02214 x OCLC 1058045311 Robinson I S The Papacy 1073 1198 Continuity and Innovation Cambridge Medieval Textbooks repr Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1996 ISBN 978 0 52131 922 5 Robinson I S The Papacy 1122 1198 Luscombe D Riley Smith J redaktorlar The New Cambridge Medieval History 4 1024 1198 II Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2004 317 383 ISBN 978 0 52141 411 1 Rotondo McCord J Feudalism Jeep J M redaktor Medieval Germany An Encyclopedia New York Garland 2001 283 284 ISBN 978 0 82407 644 3 Round J H The Commune of London And Other Studies London Archibald Constable 1899 OCLC 226653845 J G Rowe Hadrian IV the Byzantine empire and the Latin oricnt in Essay in medieval historypmenud lo Bertie Wilkinson ed T A Sandquist and M R Powickc T oronto 1969 pp 9 12 Schaff P History of the Christian Church Volume V The Middle Ages AD 1049 1294 repr Grand Rapids Michigan Eerdmans 1994 ISBN 978 1 61025 044 3 Sheehy M P The Bull Laudabiliter A Problem in Medieval Diplomatique and History Journal of the Galway Archaeological and Historical Society 1961 45 70 OCLC 646197004 e Singleton F A Short History of Finland Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1998 ISBN 978 0 52164 701 4 Sjavik J Historical Dictionary of Norway Historical Dictionaries of Europe 62 Plymouth Scarecrow Press 2008 ISBN 978 0 81086 408 5 Smith D J The Abbot Crusader Nicholas Breakspear in Catalonia Bolton B Duggan A redaktorlar Adrian IV the English Pope 1154 1159 Studies and Texts Aldershot Ashgate 2003 29 39 ISBN 978 0 75460 708 3 Strickland M Henry the Young King 1155 1183 New Haven Yale University Press 13 September 2016 ISBN 978 0 30021 955 5 Stubbs W Seventeen Lectures on the Study of Medieval and Modern History and Kindred Subjects Oxford Clarendon Press 1887 OCLC 893023936 Tabacco G Northern and Central Italy in the Twelfth Century Luscombe D Riley Smith J redaktorlar The New Cambridge Medieval History 4 1024 1198 II Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2004 422 441 ISBN 978 0 52141 411 1 Treadgold W T A History of the Byzantine State and Society Stanford California Stanford University Press 1997 ISBN 978 0 80472 630 6 Twyman S E Summus Pontifex The Ritual and Ceremonial of the Papal Court Bolton B Duggan A redaktorlar Adrian IV the English Pope 1154 1159 Studies and Texts Aldershot Ashgate 2003 49 74 ISBN 978 0 75460 708 3 Tyerman C The Invention of the Crusades New York Macmillan International 1998 ISBN 978 1 34926 541 1 Ullmann W The Pontificate of Adrian IV Cambridge Historical Journal 11 3 1955 233 252 doi 10 1017 S147469130000305X OCLC 72660714 Ullmann W A Short History of the Papacy in the Middle Age 2nd London Routledge 2003 ISBN 978 0 41530 227 2 Vasiliev A A History of the Byzantine Empire 324 1453 II repr Madison Wisconsin University of Wisconsin Press 1973 OCLC 470963340 Whalen B E The Medieval Papacy European History in Perspective New York Macmillan International 2014 ISBN 978 1 13737 478 3 Wickham C Medieval Rome Stability and Crisis of a City 900 1150 Oxford Oxford University Press 2015 ISBN 978 0 19968 496 0 Wieruszowski H The Norman Kingdom of Sicily and the Crusades Setton K M Wolff R L Hazard H W redaktorlar The Later Crusades 1189 1311 A History of the Crusades II repr Madison University of Wisconsin Press 1969 2 43 OCLC 929432181 Zinn G A Regular Canons Kibler W W redaktor Medieval France An Encyclopedia New York Garland 1995 1481 1482 ISBN 978 0 82404 444 2 Xarici kecidlerVikianbarda IV Adrian ile elaqeli mediafayllar var Enciclopedia dei Papi Italian