Hörümçək-adam: Evə qayıdış (film, 2017) - Rejissoru Con Uotts olan, Hörümçək-adam rolunu Tom Hollandın canlandırdığı, ABŞ istehsalı on altıncı Marvel Kinematoqrafiya Kainatı super qəhrəmən filmidir.
Hörümçək-adam: Evə qayıdış | |
ing. Spider-Man: Homecoming yap. スパイダーマン:ホームカミング | |
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Janr | superqəhrəman filmi, döyüş filmi |
Prodüserlər | |
İcraçı prodüserlər | Sten Li |
Ssenari müəllifləri |
Baş rollarda |
Bəstəkar |
Montajçı | Den Lebental[d] |
İstehsalçılar | Marvel Studios, Columbia Pictures |
Distribütor | Sony Pictures, InterCom[d], Netflix |
İlk baxış tarixi | 7 iyul 2017 |
Müddət | 133 dəq. |
Büdcə | 175.000.000 $ |
Gəlir | 880.166.924 $, 334.201.140 $ |
Ölkə | |
Dil | ingilis dili |
Rəng | rəngli |
Çəkiliş yeri | Nyu-York, Astoriya, Manhetten |
IMDb | ID2250912 |
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Qisasçılar ilə yaşadığı macəranın həyacanına qapılan gənc Piter Parker özünü isbat etmək istəyi ilə yaşayan bir cavandır. Ancaq yaşına görə böyük olan bir çox fərqli məsuliyəti var. May xalası ilə yaşayan gənc Piter bir yandan da ona göz qulaq olan Toni Stark (Iron Man) ilə dostluğunu möhkəmləndirmişdi. Məktəb həyatına öyrəşməyə və adi bir gənc kimi yaşamağa çalışan Piterin ağlında isə cinayətkarlarla mübarizə aparmaq və dünyanı daha təhlükəsiz bir hala gətirmək var idi. Vulture yeni bir düşməni olaraq meydana çıxanda isə Piterin özünü göstərmək fürsəti yaranacaq, ancaq ən dəyərli gördüyü həkəs təhdid altında olacaqdı.
- Spider-Man's Next Solo Film Officially Receives Its Title (ing.): Get ready for Spidey to swing back into theaters July 7, 2017!. // marvel.com 2016.
- Strom M. SDCC 2016: 'Spider-Man: Homecoming' Introduces Its Villain (ing.): Catch a glimpse of concept art for Spidey's next big screen nemesis!. // marvel.com 2016.
- Mike Fleming Jr. ‘Spider-Man’ And ‘Vacation’ Tales From Writer-Helmers John Francis Daley & Jonathan Goldstein (ing.). // Deadline Hollywood 2015.
- Sony Pictures and Marvel Studios Find Their 'Spider-Man' Star and Director (ing.): Tom Holland Cast as the Web-Slinger, Jon Watts to Direct the Next Spider-Man Adventure,. // marvel.com 2015.
- https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2250912/fullcredits.
- Mike Fleming Jr. Zendaya Lands A Lead In Spider-Man Reboot At Sony And Marvel Studios (ing.). // Deadline Hollywood 2016.
- Mike Fleming Jr. ‘Grand Budapest Hotel’s Tony Revolori Joins ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ (ing.). // Deadline Hollywood 2016.
- Geier T. ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ Casts Laura Harrier From ‘One Life to Live’ (Exclusive) (ing.). // TheWrap 2016.
- Cavanaugh P. Robert Downey Jr. Joins the Cast of Marvel's 'Spider-Man: Homecoming' (ing.): The Marvel Cinematic Universe veteran joins Spidey's solo film, swinging into theaters July 7, 2017!. // marvel.com 2016.
- Hipes P. Michael Keaton Joins ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ After All – Is He The Vulture?; ‘Thor: Ragnarok’ Beefs Up Cast (ing.). // Deadline Hollywood 2016.
- Daniell M. Marvel’s Kevin Feige on 'Doctor Strange', replacing Downey and the blueprint for the MCU (ing.). // Toronto Sun 2016. ISSN 0837-3175
- Mike Fleming Jr. Donald Glover Joins ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ (ing.). // Deadline Hollywood 2016.
- Mike Fleming Jr. ‘Silicon Valley’s Martin Starr Joins ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ (ing.). // Deadline Hollywood 2016.
- Mike Fleming Jr. Tyne Daly On The Case For ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ (ing.). // Deadline Hollywood 2016.
- Lincoln R. A. ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ Adds Garcelle Beauvais & Tiffany Espensen; Q’orianka Kilcher Joins ‘Hostiles’ (ing.). // Deadline Hollywood 2016.
- Kroll J. Jon Favreau to Reprise ‘Iron Man’ Role in ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ (EXCLUSIVE) (ing.). // Variety New York, Los Angeles, CA: Variety Media, Penske Media Corp., 2016. ISSN 0042-2738
- Tsirbas C. Stan Lee Reveals Next Three Marvel Cameos (ing.). // Comic Book Resources 2016.
- Ehrbar N. New "Spider-Man: Homecoming" trailer teases Iron Man, Captain America (ing.). // CBS News CBS Broadcast Center: 2017.
- Česko-Slovenská filmová databáze (çeş.). 2001.
- Elderkin B. Michael Giacchino Confirms He's Scoring Spider-Man: Homecoming (ing.). // io9 2016.
- Sony Pictures Entertainment Brings Marvel Studios Into The Amazing World Of Spider-Man (ing.): New Spider-Man Will Appear First in an Upcoming Marvel Film Within Marvel's Cinematic Universe. // marvel.com 2015.
- http://nmhh.hu/dokumentum/198182/terjesztett_filmalkotasok_art_filmek_nyilvantartasa.xlsx.
- Ford R. Jumanji' Release Date Pushed, 'Spider-Man' Shifts (ing.). // The Hollywood Reporter / J. Min LA: Penske Media Corporation, 2016. ISSN 0018-3660
- http://www.boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=spiderman2017.htm.
- http://www.bbfc.co.uk/releases/spider-man-homecoming-2017.
- http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/spider-man-homecoming-how-sony-learned-cede-control-marvel-1015408.
- Box Office Mojo (ing.). 1999.
- Box Office Mojo (ing.). 1999.
- Burlingame R. Spider-Man: Homecoming - Cast Wraps Filming In Atlanta (ing.). // ComicBook 2016.
- Bord C. ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ is filming in NYC next week (ing.). // onlocationvacations.com 2016.
- Bord C. More ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ filming locations in NYC this weekend (ing.). // onlocationvacations.com 2016.
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Horumcek adam Eve qayidis film 2017 Rejissoru Con Uotts olan Horumcek adam rolunu Tom Hollandin canlandirdigi ABS istehsali on altinci Marvel Kinematoqrafiya Kainati super qehremen filmidir Horumcek adam Eve qayidising Spider Man Homecoming yap スパイダーマン ホームカミングJanr superqehreman filmi doyus filmiProduserler Kevin FayqiEmi PaskalIcraci produserler Sten LiSsenari muellifleri Con Frensis Deyli d Bas rollarda Tom HollandMarisa Tomey d Zendaya Toni Revolori d Robert DauniMaykl Kiton Donald GloverMartin Starr d Tayn Deyli d Qarsel Bove d Con Favro d Sten LiKris EvansQvinet PeltrouKennet Coi d Bestekar Maykl Cakkino d Montajci Den Lebental d Istehsalcilar Marvel Studios Columbia PicturesDistributor Sony Pictures InterCom d NetflixIlk baxis tarixi 7 iyul 2017Muddet 133 deq Budce 175 000 000 Gelir 880 166 924 334 201 140 Olke ABSDil ingilis diliReng rengliCekilis yeri Nyu York Astoriya ManhettenIMDb ID2250912 Vikianbarda elaqeli mediafayllarMezmunQisascilar ile yasadigi maceranin heyacanina qapilan genc Piter Parker ozunu isbat etmek isteyi ile yasayan bir cavandir Ancaq yasina gore boyuk olan bir cox ferqli mesuliyeti var May xalasi ile yasayan genc Piter bir yandan da ona goz qulaq olan Toni Stark Iron Man ile dostlugunu mohkemlendirmisdi Mekteb heyatina oyresmeye ve adi bir genc kimi yasamaga calisan Piterin aglinda ise cinayetkarlarla mubarize aparmaq ve dunyani daha tehlukesiz bir hala getirmek var idi Vulture yeni bir dusmeni olaraq meydana cixanda ise Piterin ozunu gostermek furseti yaranacaq ancaq en deyerli gorduyu hekes tehdid altinda olacaqdi IstinadlarSpider Man s Next Solo Film Officially Receives Its Title ing Get ready for Spidey to swing back into theaters July 7 2017 marvel com2016 Strom M SDCC 2016 Spider Man Homecoming Introduces Its Villain ing Catch a glimpse of concept art for Spidey s next big screen nemesis marvel com2016 Mike Fleming Jr Spider Man And Vacation Tales From Writer Helmers John Francis Daley amp Jonathan Goldstein ing Deadline Hollywood2015 Sony Pictures and Marvel Studios Find Their Spider Man Star and Director ing Tom Holland Cast as the Web Slinger Jon Watts to Direct the Next Spider Man Adventure marvel com2015 https www imdb com title tt2250912 fullcredits Mike Fleming Jr Zendaya Lands A Lead In Spider Man Reboot At Sony And Marvel Studios ing Deadline Hollywood2016 Mike Fleming Jr Grand Budapest Hotel s Tony Revolori Joins Spider Man Homecoming ing Deadline Hollywood2016 Geier T Spider Man Homecoming Casts Laura Harrier From One Life to Live Exclusive ing TheWrap2016 Cavanaugh P Robert Downey Jr Joins the Cast of Marvel s Spider Man Homecoming ing The Marvel Cinematic Universe veteran joins Spidey s solo film swinging into theaters July 7 2017 marvel com2016 Hipes P Michael Keaton Joins Spider Man Homecoming After All Is He The Vulture Thor Ragnarok Beefs Up Cast ing Deadline Hollywood2016 Daniell M Marvel s Kevin Feige on Doctor Strange replacing Downey and the blueprint for the MCU ing Toronto Sun2016 ISSN 0837 3175 Mike Fleming Jr Donald Glover Joins Spider Man Homecoming ing Deadline Hollywood2016 Mike Fleming Jr Silicon Valley s Martin Starr Joins Spider Man Homecoming ing Deadline Hollywood2016 Mike Fleming Jr Tyne Daly On The Case For Spider Man Homecoming ing Deadline Hollywood2016 Lincoln R A Spider Man Homecoming Adds Garcelle Beauvais amp Tiffany Espensen Q orianka Kilcher Joins Hostiles ing Deadline Hollywood2016 Kroll J Jon Favreau to Reprise Iron Man Role in Spider Man Homecoming EXCLUSIVE ing VarietyNew York Los Angeles CA Variety Media Penske Media Corp 2016 ISSN 0042 2738 Tsirbas C Stan Lee Reveals Next Three Marvel Cameos ing Comic Book Resources2016 Ehrbar N New Spider Man Homecoming trailer teases Iron Man Captain America ing CBS NewsCBS Broadcast Center 2017 Cesko Slovenska filmova databaze ces 2001 Elderkin B Michael Giacchino Confirms He s Scoring Spider Man Homecoming ing io92016 Sony Pictures Entertainment Brings Marvel Studios Into The Amazing World Of Spider Man ing New Spider Man Will Appear First in an Upcoming Marvel Film Within Marvel s Cinematic Universe marvel com2015 http nmhh hu dokumentum 198182 terjesztett filmalkotasok art filmek nyilvantartasa xlsx Ford R Jumanji Release Date Pushed Spider Man Shifts ing The Hollywood Reporter J Min LA Penske Media Corporation 2016 ISSN 0018 3660 http www boxofficemojo com movies id spiderman2017 htm http www bbfc co uk releases spider man homecoming 2017 http www hollywoodreporter com heat vision spider man homecoming how sony learned cede control marvel 1015408 Box Office Mojo ing 1999 Box Office Mojo ing 1999 Burlingame R Spider Man Homecoming Cast Wraps Filming In Atlanta ing ComicBook2016 Bord C Spider Man Homecoming is filming in NYC next week ing onlocationvacations com2016 Bord C More Spider Man Homecoming filming locations in NYC this weekend ing onlocationvacations com2016