German dilləri – Hind-Avropa dil ailəsinin bir qolu. Aşağıdakı dillər german dillərinə aiddir:
German dilləri | |
— | |
Areal | — |
Təsnifat | |
Kateqoriya | ??? |
Tərkib | |
— | |
Dil qrupunun kodları | |
(ГОСТ 7.75–97) | гем 150 |
(ISO 639-2) | gem |
(ISO 639-5) | gem |

Xarici keçidlər
- Germanic Lexicon Project
- 'Hover & Hear' pronunciations 2016-03-08 at the Wayback Machine of the same Germanic words in dozens of Germanic languages and 'dialects', including English accents, and compare instantaneously side by side
- Bibliographie der Schreibsprachen: Bibliography of medieval written forms of High and Low German and Dutch
- Swadesh lists of Germanic basic vocabulary words (from Wiktionary's Swadesh-list appendix)
- Germanic languages fragments—YouTube (14:06)
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German dilleri Hind Avropa dil ailesinin bir qolu Asagidaki diller german dillerine aiddir Ingilis dili Alman dili Norvec dili Isvec dili Dan dili Island dili Niderland dili Farer diliGerman dilleri Areal TesnifatKateqoriya Hind Avropa dilleriGerman dilleri dd Terkib Dil qrupunun kodlariGOST 7 75 97 gem 150ISO 639 2 gemISO 639 5 gemGerman dillerinin resmi status dasidigi yerler Xarici kecidlerGermanic Lexicon Project Hover amp Hear pronunciations 2016 03 08 at the Wayback Machine of the same Germanic words in dozens of Germanic languages and dialects including English accents and compare instantaneously side by side Bibliographie der Schreibsprachen Bibliography of medieval written forms of High and Low German and Dutch Swadesh lists of Germanic basic vocabulary words from Wiktionary s Swadesh list appendix Germanic languages fragments YouTube 14 06 Dil ile elaqedar bu meqale qaralama halindadir Meqaleni redakte ederek Vikipediyani zenginlesdirin