El-Paso — Texas ştatında şəhər, ABŞ.
El-Paso | |||||
El Paso | |||||
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Ölkə | |||||
Tarixi və coğrafiyası | |||||
Əsası qoyulub | 1680 | ||||
Sahəsi |
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Mərkəzin hündürlüyü | 1.140 ± 1 m | ||||
Saat qurşağı |
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Əhalisi | |||||
Əhalisi |
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Rəqəmsal identifikatorlar | |||||
Telefon kodu | +1 915 | ||||
Poçt indeksi | 79901–79999, 88500–88599, 79901, 79904, 79907, 79910, 79914, 79919, 79922, 79926, 79929, 79933, 79935, 79939, 79944, 79945, 79946, 79947, 79940, 79942, 79950, 79952, 79955, 79959, 79965, 79967, 79969, 79971, 79973, 79975, 79978, 79982, 79985, 79988, 79990, 79992, 79993, 79994, 79997, 79998, 88500, 88503, 88506, 88508, 88512, 88515, 88517, 88520, 88524, 88527, 88530, 88533, 88535, 88537, 88538, 88540, 88544, 88549, 88553, 88554, 88556, 88560, 88562, 88564, 88566, 88568, 88570, 88575, 88579, 88581, 88582, 88585, 88591, 88595, 88599 | ||||
Digər | |||||
elpasotexas.gov | |||||
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- Эльпасо (rus.). // Малая советская энциклопедия / под ред. Н. Л. Мещеряков 2 Советская энциклопедия, 1936.
- archINFORM (alm.). 1994.
- United States. Bureau of the Census 2016 U.S. Gazetteer Files (ing.). Washington, D.C.: U.S. Census Bureau, 2016.
- United States. Bureau of the Census 2010 U.S. Gazetteer Files (ing.). Washington, D.C.: U.S. Census Bureau, 2010.
- 2020 United States Census. / red. ABŞ əhalinin siyahıya alınması bürosu
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Bu adin diger istifade formalari ucun bax El Paso El Paso Texas statinda seher ABS El PasoEl PasoBayraq d Gerb31 45 33 sm e 106 29 19 q u Olke ABSTarixi ve cografiyasiEsasi qoyulub 1680Sahesi 667 289006 km 663 698668 km 1 aprel 2010 Merkezin hundurluyu 1 140 1 mSaat qursagi Dag vaxti zonasi d EhalisiEhalisi 678 815 nef 1 aprel 2020 Reqemsal identifikatorlarTelefon kodu 1 915Poct indeksi 79901 79999 88500 88599 79901 79904 79907 79910 79914 79919 79922 79926 79929 79933 79935 79939 79944 79945 79946 79947 79940 79942 79950 79952 79955 79959 79965 79967 79969 79971 79973 79975 79978 79982 79985 79988 79990 79992 79993 79994 79997 79998 88500 88503 88506 88508 88512 88515 88517 88520 88524 88527 88530 88533 88535 88537 88538 88540 88544 88549 88553 88554 88556 88560 88562 88564 88566 88568 88570 88575 88579 88581 88582 88585 88591 88595 88599Digerelpasotexas govXeriteni goster gizle El Paso Vikianbarda elaqeli mediafayllarIstinadlarElpaso rus Malaya sovetskaya enciklopediya pod red N L Mesheryakov 2 Sovetskaya enciklopediya 1936 archINFORM alm 1994 United States Bureau of the Census 2016 U S Gazetteer Files ing Washington D C U S Census Bureau 2016 United States Bureau of the Census 2010 U S Gazetteer Files ing Washington D C U S Census Bureau 2010 2020 United States Census red ABS ehalinin siyahiya alinmasi burosuXarici kecidler