Edvard Li Qrin (ing. Edward Lee Greene, 20 avqust 1843 – 10 noyabr 1915, Vaşinqton) — ABŞ botaniki, sistematiki.
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ing. Edward Lee Greene | |
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Elm sahəsi | Botanika |
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Tədqiqatçı, botanika taksonlarını təsnif edən. Beynəlxalq Botaniki Adlandırma Kodeksində bu ad qısaldılmış şəkildə belə göstərilir: «Greene». Bu cür taksonlar IPNI saytında Şəxsi səhifə IPNI saytında |
- "Illustrations of West American oaks" illüstrasiyaçı А. Келлог San Francisco, 1889
- "Flora Franciscana. An attempt to classify and describe the vascular plants of middle California" San Francisco, Cubery&Co., 1891 [1]
- "Manual of the Botany of the Region of San Francisco Bay" San Francisco, Cubery&Co., 1894
- "Plantae Bakerianae", 1901
- "Pittonia: a series of papers relating to botany and botanists" (5 hissədə) Berkeley, Doxey&Co. 1887–1905
- "Leaflets of botanical observation and criticism" (2 hissədə) Washington, D.C., 1903–1912
- vol.1 (1903–1906)
- vol.2 (1910–1912)
- "Landmarks of botanical history: a study of certain epochs in the development of the science of botany" (в двух частях)
- Part I. — Prior to 1562 A. D. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian institution, 1909 [4]
- "Carolvs Linnaevs" Philadelphia, Christopher Sower company, 1912
- Willis Linn Jepson Edward Lee Greene the Individual The University of Notre Dame/American Midland Naturalist, Vol. 30, No. 1 (Jul., 1943), pp. 3–5
- http://boards.ancestry.com/surnames.greene/1643/mb.ashx.
- Edward Lee Greene // SNAC (ing.). 2010.
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Edvard Li Qrin ing Edward Lee Greene 20 avqust 1843 10 noyabr 1915 Vasinqton ABS botaniki sistematiki Edvard Li Qrining Edward Lee GreeneDogum tarixi 20 avqust 1843Vefat tarixi 10 noyabr 1915 72 yasinda Vefat yeri Vasinqton ABSVetendasligi ABSElm sahesi BotanikaIs yerleri Berkli Kaliforniya Universiteti Smitsonian Institutu Vikianbarda elaqeli mediafayllarCanli tebietin sistematikiTedqiqatci botanika taksonlarini tesnif eden Beynelxalq Botaniki Adlandirma Kodeksinde bu ad qisaldilmis sekilde bele gosterilir Greene Bu cur taksonlar IPNI saytinda Sexsi sehife IPNI saytindaIsleri Illustrations of West American oaks illustrasiyaci A Kellog San Francisco 1889 Flora Franciscana An attempt to classify and describe the vascular plants of middle California San Francisco Cubery amp Co 1891 1 Manual of the Botany of the Region of San Francisco Bay San Francisco Cubery amp Co 1894 Plantae Bakerianae 1901 Pittonia a series of papers relating to botany and botanists 5 hissede Berkeley Doxey amp Co 1887 1905 v 1 1887 1889 v 2 1889 1892 v 3 1896 1898 v 4 1899 1901 2 v 5 1802 1905 3 Leaflets of botanical observation and criticism 2 hissede Washington D C 1903 1912 vol 1 1903 1906 vol 2 1910 1912 Landmarks of botanical history a study of certain epochs in the development of the science of botany v dvuh chastyah Part I Prior to 1562 A D Washington D C Smithsonian institution 1909 4 Carolvs Linnaevs Philadelphia Christopher Sower company 1912EdebiyyatWillis Linn Jepson Edward Lee Greene the Individual The University of Notre Dame American Midland Naturalist Vol 30 No 1 Jul 1943 pp 3 5Istinadlarhttp boards ancestry com surnames greene 1643 mb ashx Edward Lee Greene SNAC ing 2010 Elm xadimi ile elaqedar bu meqale qaralama halindadir Meqaleni redakte ederek Vikipediyani zenginlesdirin