Brenda Şaffer (1965, ABŞ) — Amerikalı-İsrailli professordur. Amerika Elmi Siyasi Assosiasiyasının Xarici Siyasət Bölməsinin keçmiş prezidenti, elmlər doktoru, professor, siyasi xadim.
Brenda Şaffer | |
Doğum tarixi | 1965 |
Doğum yeri | |
Elm sahəsi | politologiya |
Elmi dərəcəsi | |
İş yerləri | |
Təhsili |
Brenda Şaffer 1950-ci ildə Amerika Birləşmiş Ştatlarında anadan olmuşdur. Doktorluq dissertasiyasını Təl-əviv universitetində müdafiə etmiş, bir neçə il həmin universitetdə tədqiqatçı və İsrail dövləti üçün siyasi təhlilçi olaraq çalışmışdır.
Harvard universiteti nəzdindəki Kennedi hökumət məktəbində Xəzər təhsil proqramının araşdırma sədri kimi fəaliyyət göstərib. Hal hazırda siyasi elmlər sahəsi üzrə Haifa universitetində və Azərbaycan Diplomatik Akademiyasında çalışır. Professor Şaffer "Enerji Siyasəti" kitabının müəllifi və beynəlxalq münasibətlərdə enerji və Qafqaz regionunda enerji təhlükəsizliyi üzrə ekspertdir. Dr.Şaffer həmçinin Qafqazda kimlik və mədəniyyət mövzusu üzrə kitab müəllifidir. Hazırda ABŞ-nin Vaçiqton şəhərindəki Corctaun Universitetinin professorudur.
İngilis, türk, rus, Azərbaycan və ivrit dillərini bilir.
- Co-editor of "Beyond the Resource Curse" (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2012).
- Author of "Energy Politics" (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2009).
- Editor of "The Limits of Culture: Islam and Foreign Policy" (MIT Press, 2006).
- Author of "Partners in Need: The Strategic Relationship of Russia and Iran" (the Washington Institute for Near East Policy).
- Author of "Borders and Brethren: Iran and the Challenge of Azerbaijani Identity" (MIT Press, 2002). The book was also published in Turkish (Bilgi University Press, Istanbul, 2008) and in Persian (Ulus Press, Tehran, 2008).
Kitab bölümləri və başqa yazıları
- "Energy Resources in the Eastern Mediterranean: Prospects for energy markets and regional developments" in Michael Leigh (ed.), Eastern Mediterranean Energy: Fuel for conflict or cooperation? (D.C.: German Marshall Fund, 2012).
- "US Policy and the Strategic Caucasus" in Frances Burwell and Svante E. Cornell, eds., The Transatlantic Partnership and Relations with Russia (Washington: Atlantic Council of the United States and Institute for Security and Development Policy, 2012).
- "Ethnic Politics in Iran," in Reuven Pedatzur (editor), Iran and Regional Hegemony (S. Daniel Abraham Strategic Dialogue Center in association with the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 2010).
- "The Islamic Republic of Iran: Is It Really?" in Brenda Shaffer (ed.), The Limits of Culture: Islam and Foreign Policy (Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press, 2006).
- "Iran’s Internal Azerbaijani Challenge: Implications for Policy in the Caucasus," in Moshe Gammer (ed.), The Caucasus (London: Frank Cass, 2004).
- "U.S. Policy in the South Caucasus," in Dov Lynch (ed.) The South Caucasus: a challenge for the EU (Chaillot Paper 65, EU ISS, December 2003).
- "Azerbaijan" in Waisman and Vasserman (ed.), Political Organizations in Central Asia and Azerbaijan: Sources and Documents (London: Frank Cass, 2003).
- "Azerbaycan Cumhuryetinin Kurulusu: Iran’daki Azeriler Uzerinde Etkisi", in Emine Gursoy-Naskali and Erdal Sahin (eds.) Turk Cumhuriyetleri (Amsterdam/Istanbul, SOTA Publications, 2002) (in Turkish).
- "Statement on The Caucasus and Caspian Region: Understanding U.S. Interests and Policy", Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Europe of the Committee on International Relations, House of Representatives, One Hundred Seventh Congress, First Session, October 10, 2001, Serial No. 107–51.
- "U.S. Russian Relations: Implications for the Caspian Region", Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard University, June 2001.
- "Postscript" in David Menashri (ed.), Central Asia Meets the Middle East (London: Frank Cass, 1998).
Seçilmiş məqalələri
Prof. Shaffer's articles have appeared in a number of newspapers and journals, including an article in "Current History" entitled "Is there a Muslim Foreign Policy?" and "Iran at the Nuclear Threshold" (Arms Control Today; November 2003). Her Opinion Editorials have been published in the Wall Street Journal, Boston Globe, the International Herald Tribune, and The Jerusalem Post.
- "Israel: New Natural Gas Producer in the Mediterranean", Energy Policy 38, pp. 5379–5387 (2011)
- "The Foreign Policies of Landlocked States," Post-Soviet Affairs Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 1–37 (July 2011) (Co-Authored with Dr. )
- "Caspian Energy Phase II: Beyond 2005", Energy Policy 38, pp. 7209–7215 (2010)
- "Turkey's Energy Policies in a Tight Global Energy Market", Insight Turkey, issue 2, volume 8 (April–June 2006)
- "From Pipedream to Pipeline: Lessons from the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Pipeline Project", Current History, issue 684, volume 104, pp. 343–347 (October 2005)
- "The Formation of Azerbaijani Collective Identity in Iran", Nationalities Papers, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 449–477 (September 2000)
- "Foreign Policies of the States of the Caucasus: Evolution in the Post-Soviet Period", Uluslararasi Iliskiler International Relations (Ankara) Vol. 7, No. 26, pp. 51–65. Turkish and English. (Summer 2010)
- English Wikipedia community Wikipedia (ing.). 2001.
- "Arxivlənmiş surət". 2012-12-12 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: 2020-06-21.
- (ingilis). University of Haifa. 2013-09-29 tarixində orijinalından arxivləşdirilib. İstifadə tarixi: 2015-10-19..
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Brenda Saffer 1965 ABS Amerikali Israilli professordur Amerika Elmi Siyasi Assosiasiyasinin Xarici Siyaset Bolmesinin kecmis prezidenti elmler doktoru professor siyasi xadim Brenda SafferDogum tarixi 1965Dogum yeri ABSElm sahesi politologiyaElmi derecesi felsefe doktoruIs yerleri Harvard Universiteti Hayfa UniversitetiTehsili Yeruselim Yehudi Universiteti Tel Eviv UniversitetiBioqrafiyasiBrenda Saffer 1950 ci ilde Amerika Birlesmis Statlarinda anadan olmusdur Doktorluq dissertasiyasini Tel eviv universitetinde mudafie etmis bir nece il hemin universitetde tedqiqatci ve Israil dovleti ucun siyasi tehlilci olaraq calismisdir Harvard universiteti nezdindeki Kennedi hokumet mektebinde Xezer tehsil proqraminin arasdirma sedri kimi fealiyyet gosterib Hal hazirda siyasi elmler sahesi uzre Haifa universitetinde ve Azerbaycan Diplomatik Akademiyasinda calisir Professor Saffer Enerji Siyaseti kitabinin muellifi ve beynelxalq munasibetlerde enerji ve Qafqaz regionunda enerji tehlukesizliyi uzre ekspertdir Dr Saffer hemcinin Qafqazda kimlik ve medeniyyet movzusu uzre kitab muellifidir Hazirda ABS nin Vaciqton seherindeki Corctaun Universitetinin professorudur Ingilis turk rus Azerbaycan ve ivrit dillerini bilir EserleriKitablari Co editor of Beyond the Resource Curse University of Pennsylvania Press 2012 Author of Energy Politics University of Pennsylvania Press 2009 Editor of The Limits of Culture Islam and Foreign Policy MIT Press 2006 Author of Partners in Need The Strategic Relationship of Russia and Iran the Washington Institute for Near East Policy Author of Borders and Brethren Iran and the Challenge of Azerbaijani Identity MIT Press 2002 The book was also published in Turkish Bilgi University Press Istanbul 2008 and in Persian Ulus Press Tehran 2008 Kitab bolumleri ve basqa yazilari Energy Resources in the Eastern Mediterranean Prospects for energy markets and regional developments in Michael Leigh ed Eastern Mediterranean Energy Fuel for conflict or cooperation D C German Marshall Fund 2012 US Policy and the Strategic Caucasus in Frances Burwell and Svante E Cornell eds The Transatlantic Partnership and Relations with Russia Washington Atlantic Council of the United States and Institute for Security and Development Policy 2012 Ethnic Politics in Iran in Reuven Pedatzur editor Iran and Regional Hegemony S Daniel Abraham Strategic Dialogue Center in association with the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung 2010 The Islamic Republic of Iran Is It Really in Brenda Shaffer ed The Limits of Culture Islam and Foreign Policy Cambridge MA MIT Press 2006 Iran s Internal Azerbaijani Challenge Implications for Policy in the Caucasus in Moshe Gammer ed The Caucasus London Frank Cass 2004 U S Policy in the South Caucasus in Dov Lynch ed The South Caucasus a challenge for the EU Chaillot Paper 65 EU ISS December 2003 Azerbaijan in Waisman and Vasserman ed Political Organizations in Central Asia and Azerbaijan Sources and Documents London Frank Cass 2003 Azerbaycan Cumhuryetinin Kurulusu Iran daki Azeriler Uzerinde Etkisi in Emine Gursoy Naskali and Erdal Sahin eds Turk Cumhuriyetleri Amsterdam Istanbul SOTA Publications 2002 in Turkish Statement on The Caucasus and Caspian Region Understanding U S Interests and Policy Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Europe of the Committee on International Relations House of Representatives One Hundred Seventh Congress First Session October 10 2001 Serial No 107 51 U S Russian Relations Implications for the Caspian Region Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs Harvard University June 2001 Postscript in David Menashri ed Central Asia Meets the Middle East London Frank Cass 1998 Secilmis meqaleleri Prof Shaffer s articles have appeared in a number of newspapers and journals including an article in Current History entitled Is there a Muslim Foreign Policy and Iran at the Nuclear Threshold Arms Control Today November 2003 Her Opinion Editorials have been published in the Wall Street Journal Boston Globe the International Herald Tribune and The Jerusalem Post Israel New Natural Gas Producer in the Mediterranean Energy Policy 38 pp 5379 5387 2011 The Foreign Policies of Landlocked States Post Soviet Affairs Vol 27 No 3 pp 1 37 July 2011 Co Authored with Dr Caspian Energy Phase II Beyond 2005 Energy Policy 38 pp 7209 7215 2010 Turkey s Energy Policies in a Tight Global Energy Market Insight Turkey issue 2 volume 8 April June 2006 From Pipedream to Pipeline Lessons from the Baku Tbilisi Ceyhan Pipeline Project Current History issue 684 volume 104 pp 343 347 October 2005 The Formation of Azerbaijani Collective Identity in Iran Nationalities Papers Vol 28 No 3 pp 449 477 September 2000 Foreign Policies of the States of the Caucasus Evolution in the Post Soviet Period Uluslararasi Iliskiler International Relations Ankara Vol 7 No 26 pp 51 65 Turkish and English Summer 2010 IstinadlarEnglish Wikipedia community Wikipedia ing 2001 Arxivlenmis suret 2012 12 12 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2020 06 21 ingilis University of Haifa 2013 09 29 tarixinde orijinalindan arxivlesdirilib Istifade tarixi 2015 10 19 Sexs ve ya bioqrafiya haqqinda olan bu meqale qaralama halindadir Meqaleni redakte ederek Vikipediyani zenginlesdirin