Azərbaycanlıların Ermənistandan deportasiyası — azərbaycanlıların Ermənistandan məcburi köçürülməsi və etnik təmizləmə.
Arxa plan
Tarixçilərin və tədqiqatçıların fikrinə görə azərbaycanlıların indiki Ermənistandan etnik təmizlənməsi və deportasiyalarının əsas səbəbi regionun və ölkənin milli tərkibinin dəyişdirilməsi idi.
Azərbaycanlıların Ermənistandan (Qərbi Azərbaycandan) deportasiyası və köçürülməsi hələ XVIII əsrdən başlanıb. Qərbi Azərbaycandan azərbaycanlıların, ümumiyyətlə müsəlmanların deportasiyası üç mərhələdə aparılıb:
- Birinci mərhələ 1905–1920-ci illər;
- İkinci mərhələ 1948–1953-ci illər
- Üçüncü mərhələ 1988–1992-ci illər.
Bu proseslər zamanı ermənilər Qərbi Azərbaycanda yaşayan azərbaycanlıların yüzlərlə yaşayış məntəqəsini yerlə-yeksan edib, 30 minə yaxın evi dağıdıb və yandırıb, qoca, uşaq və qadınların da daxil olduğu 140 min insanı vəhşicəsinə qətlə yetirib, 750 mindən artıq azərbaycanlı Qərbi Azərbaycandan didərgin salınıb. Sonuncu deportasiyada 1988-ci ildə isə 220 mindən artıq azərbaycanlı erməni vəhşiliyinə tab gətirə bilmədiyindən doğma yurd-yuvalarını tərk edib. Bundan sonra ermənilər Qərbi Azərbaycandan azərbaycanlıların izini itirmək məqsədilə buradakı qəbiristanlıqları, tarixi mədəni abidələri, dini müəssisələri, məktəb, xəstəxana və digər binaları darmadağın edib. Təkcə 1988-ci ildən sonra Qərbi Azərbaycanda ermənilər azərbaycanlılara məxsus 2000-dən artıq qəbristanlıq dağıdıb. Ermənilər tarixən azərbaycanlılara, türklərə qənim kəsildikləri halda bu faktlar gizlədilib, dünya ictimaiyyəti isə bu məsələlərə diqqətsizlik göstərib.
Azərbaycanlıların Ermənistandan kütləvi deportasiyası əsasən 1948–1953-cü illərdə Stalinin göstərişi ilə həyata keçirilmişdir. Əgər krım tatarlarını çeçenləri və digər xalqları almanlarla əməkdaşlığa görə cəzalandırıb köçürmüşdülərsə, azərbaycanlıların köçürülməsinə yeganə səbəb onların azərbaycanlı olması idi.
Əgər digər repressiyaya məruz qalan xalqlar yaşadıqları bütün torpaqlardan deportasiya olunmuşdularsa, azərbaycanlılar yalnız Ermənistandan köçürüldülər ki, məqsəd Ermənistanın "təmizlənməsi" idi. Ermənistanın bütün toponimini də təmizlənməsi qərara alınmışdı. SSRİ Nazirlər Kobinetinin çoxlu saylda sərəncamları ilə 2 mindən çox ad dəyişdirildi. Lakin Ermənistanın tam təmizlənməsinə sovet dövrü bəs etmədi. Ermənistanın məsul işçilərindən biri olan Manuk Vardanyanın sözlərinə görə ölkədəki bütün türk mənşəlli sözlərin dəyişdirilməsi 2007-ci ildə sona çata bilər.

İyirminci əsrdə əsrlər boyu Ermənistanın şərqində yaşamış azərbaycanlılar, sosial sahədə sıxışdırılaraq və deskriminasiya olunaraq çağırılmamış qonağa çevrildilər. Ermənilər bu insanların hesabına vətənlərinə olan hüququ realizə etmişdilər. 1918–1920 illərdə on minlərlə azərbaycanlı Zəngəzurdan qovuldu. 1940-cı illərdə erməni gəlmələri üçün yer əldə etmək üçün daha on minlərlə azərbaycanlı Azərbaycana deportasiya olundu. 1988–1989-cu illərdə son etnik təmizlənmə vaxtı isə yerdə qalanlar qovuldular.
Fransa, Rumıniya, Azərbaycan, Türkiyə, Ukrayna, İtaliya parlamentariləri tərəfindən imzalanmış Avropa Şurası Parlament Assambleyasının (AŞPA) qərarına əsasən "Böyük Ermənistan yaradılmasına yönəlilmiş azərbaycanlı əhalinin məcburi köçürülməsi, yüz ildən artıq bir dövrü əhatə edir".

Ermənilər deportasiya planını həyata keçirməzdən əvvəl bunun üçün xüsusi siyasət yürüdüb. Azərbaycanlılar isə həmin vaxtlarda ermənilərin bu iyrənc siyasətinin arxasında duran məqsədləri dərk etməyib. Çar Rusiyası tərəfindən İrəvana köçürülən ermənilər əvvəlcə məskunlaşdıqları kənd, rayon, qəsəbə, dağ-dərə, mahal və digər yerlərin adlarını dəyişərək erməniləşdiriblər. Bu ərazidə olan azərbaycanlı adlarını öz adları ilə əvəzləyiblər. O vaxt Qərbi Azərbaycanın-indiki Ermənistanın 34 rayonunun adı dəyişdirilib.
Hazırda Qəmərli-Artaşat, Arpaçay-Axuryan, Kəvər-Kamo, Basarkeçər-Vardenis, Allahverdi-Tumanyan, Aşağı Qaranlıq-Martuni, Qarakilsə-Sisian, Hamamlı-Spitak kimi dəyişdirilərək erməniləşdirilib.
Bundan sonra özlərinə şərait yaradan ermənilər azərbaycanlıları köçürməyə, təzyiqlər göstərməyə başlayıb. Azərbaycan tərəfindən hər il ermənilərin azərbaycanlılara qarşı törətdikləri soyqırım, vəhşiliklər barədə Birləşmiş Millətlər Təşkilatına, YUNESKO-ya, Avropa Şurası, Avropada Təhlükəsizlik və Əməkdaşlıq Təşkilatına və dünya ictimaiyyətinə müraciətlərlər göndərilsə də nəticə hələ ki, yoxdur.
1926 | 1939 | 1959 | 1970 | 1979 | 1989 | |
Azərbaycanlılar (min nəfər) | 83,181 (9,4 %) | 130,896 (10.2 %) | 107,748 (6.1 %) | 148,189 (5.9 %) | 160,841 (5.2 %) | 84,860 (2.5 %) |
Həmçinin bax
Bu məqalədəki istinadlar müvafiq ilə göstərilməlidir. |
- Thomas Ambrosio, "Irredentism", 2023-06-30 at the Wayback Machine, Greenwood Publishing Group, 2001
- C. M. Hann, "Property Relations" Group, "The postsocialist agrarian question: property relations and the rural condition", 2023-06-30 at the Wayback Machine, LIT Verlag Berlin-Hamburg-Münster, 2003
- Karen Dawisha, Bruce Parrott, "Independent Armenia", "Conflict, cleavage, and change in Central Asia and the Caucasus" " 2023-06-30 at the Wayback Machine" " Cambridge University Press", 1997
- Taru Bahl, M.H. Syed, Refugees and displaced persons in Azerbaijan, "Encyclopaedia of the Muslim World",[ölü keçid], Anmol Publications PVT. LTD, 2003
- Фуад Ахундов – Politoloq, Кто виноват в карабахском тупике? – Jurnal "Россия в глобальной политике" (rusca), 2009-04-11 at the Wayback Machine, № 1, Январь – Февраль 2008
- Members of Perlamentary Assembly of Council of Europe, HUSEYNOV, Rafael, Azerbaijan, ALDE;AÇIKGÖZ Ruhi, Turkey, EDG; ÇAVUSOĞLU, Mevlüt, Turkey, EDG; GOULET, Daniel, France, ALDE(Sénateur – Sénat France – Palais du Luxembourg, 15 rue de Vaugirard – 75291 – Paris cedex 06 – Tel: + 33 (0)1 42 34 29 26 – Fax: + 33 (0)1 42 34 40 84 – E-mail:; HAJIYEV, Sabir, Azerbaijan, SOC; IBRAHIMLI, Fazail, Azerbaijan, ALDE; ILASCU, Ilie, Romania, NRI; ILICALI, Mustafa, Turkey, EPP/CD; ĐNCEKARA, Halide, Turkey, EPP/CD; MIRZAZADA, Aydin, Azerbaijan, EDG; PROVERA, Fiorello, Italy, ALDE; RAKHANSKY, Anatoliy, Ukraine, UEL; RIGONI, Andrea, Italy, EPP/CD; SEYIDOV, Samad, Azerbaijan, EDG;TEKELĐOĞLU, Mehmet, Turkey, EPP/CD, "The Armenian policy of ethnic cleansing against Azerbaijanis", 2009-07-30 at the Wayback Machine, Mr. Rafael Huseynov, Parlamentary of PACE, Council of Europe, 2006, səh. 1–2: "Nowadays, this country-invader and the Armenian lobby being its supporter with their prime goal to "create Great Armenia from sea to sea" are a serious threat not only for Azerbaijan but for a number of other countries as well. Having their secret and open activities aimed at the creation of "small Armenia states" in several countries of their compact living by using separatism, ethnic cleansing and terrorism the "Armenianism" can only be stopped by means of common efforts"
- Lowell W. Barrington, "After Independence: Making and Protecting the Nation in Postcolonial & Postcommunist States", USA, University of Michigan Press, 2006, …In late 1988, the entire Azerbaijani population (including Muslim Kurds) — some 167000 people — was kicked out of the Armenian SSR. In the process, dozens of people died due to isolated Armenian attacks and adverse conditions. This population transfer was partially in response to Armenians being forced out of Azerbaijan, but it was also the last phase of the gradual homogenization of the republic under Soviet rule. The population transfer was the latest, and not so "gentle, " episode of ethnic cleansing that increased Armenia’s homogenization from 90 percent to 98 percent. Nationalists, in collaboration with the Armenian state authorities, were responsible for this exodus.
- 2021-02-26 at the Wayback Machine Armenian-Turkish Conflict, Speech given by Dr. Justin McCarthy at the Turkish Grand National Assembly, March 24, 2005: Sitat: The plan of the Armenian Nationalists has not changed in more than 100 years. It is to create an Armenia in Eastern Anatolia and the Southern Caucasus, regardless of the wishes of the people who live there… The map you see is based on the program of the Dashnak Party and the Armenian Republic. It shows what the Armenian Nationalists claim. The population of the new "Armenia" would be less than one-fourth Armenian at best. Could such a state long exist? Yes, it could exist, but only if the Turks were expelled. That was the policy of the Armenian Nationalists in 1915. It would be their policy tomorrow.
- 2011-06-19 at the Wayback Machine Tomas de Vaal. "Qara bağ".
- A.L.P. Burdett, Historical Overview, Armenia: Political And Ethnic Boundaries 1878–1948, 2017-09-17 at the Wayback Machine, A.L.P. Burdett, Cambridge Univercity, 1998.
- в тексте полностью описано
- 2021-02-26 at the Wayback Machine Armenian-Turkish Conflict, Speech given by Dr. Justin McCarthy at the Turkish Grand National Assembly, March 24, 2005: ЦИТАТА: The plan of the Armenian Nationalists has not changed in more than 100 years. It is to create an Armenia in Eastern Anatolia and the Southern Caucasus, regardless of the wishes of the people who live there… The map you see is based on the program of the Dashnak Party and the Armenian Republic. It shows what the Armenian Nationalists claim. The population of the new "Armenia" would be less than one-fourth Armenian at best. Could such a state long exist? Yes, it could exist, but only if the Turks were expelled. That was the policy of the Armenian Nationalists in 1915. It would be their policy tomorrow.
- 2009-07-21 at the Wayback Machine Letter dated 26 May 1988 from the Permanent Representative of the Azerbaijan Republic to the United Nations Office at Geneva addressed to the secretariat of the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities – (Signed): Sima EIVAZOVA – Ambassador – Information on mass deportation of Azerbaijanis from their historical and ethnic lands in the territory of the Armenian SSR between 1948 and 1953
- 2011-06-19 at the Wayback Machine, Tomas de Vaal, "Черный сад". Ermənistan və Azərbaycan sülh və hərb arasında, V fəsil, İrəvan.
- "Arxivlənmiş surət". 2021-07-18 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: 2009-08-03.
- . 2009-06-27 tarixində orijinalından arxivləşdirilib. İstifadə tarixi: 2009-08-03.
- Nikolaĭ Fedorovich Bugaĭ, Askarbi Muaedovich Gonov, "Кавказ, народы в эшелонах: 20–60-е годы" , 2021-07-22 at the Wayback Machine INSAN, 1998, Miçiqan Universiteti
- Nikolaĭ Oganesovich Oganesi︠a︡n, "The Karabakh problem: the thorny road to freedom and independence", Miçiqan Universiteti, 2004
- Svante E. Cornell, The Azeris:a divided nation, "Small nations and great powers: a study of ethnopolitical conflict in the Caucasus, Sitatlar: Page 94: Azeris were actively "advised" or simply forced to leave these areas and in Armenia, the process were completed by 1989. Few outright ethnic pogroms by the Armenian side occured and when it did this was the case in the initial phases of the process of the ethnic cleansing., 2023-06-30 at the Wayback Machine , Routledge, 2001
-,books?id=eDTuxhmqzSkC&pg=PA1&dq=deportation+of+azeris&lr=&ei=RxtcSsuTCp7wyASriv2sDg&hl=ru[ölü keçid] Human Rights Watch/Helsinki (Organization : U.S.), Christopher Panico, Jemera Rone – стр.58
- A.L.P. Burdett, Historical Overview, "Armenia: Political And Ethnic Boundaries 1878–1948", 2017-09-17 at the Wayback Machine, A.L.P. Burdett, Cambridge Univercity, 1998 "…and encouraged 100,000 Armenians to return to the Armenian SSR, but also forced thousands of ethnic Azerbaijanis living in Armenia to move to Azerbaijan and thus make room for the incoming Armenian repatriates. Слово forced.
- Lowell W. Barrington, After Independence: Making and Protecting the Nation in Postcolonial & Postcommunist States., USA, University of Michigan Press, 2006 "…In late 1988, the entire Azerbaijani population (including Muslim Kurds) — some 167000 people — was kicked out of the Armenian SSR. In the process, dozens of people died due to isolated Armenian attacks and adverse conditions. This population transfer was partially in response to Armenians being forced out of Azerbaijan, but it was also the last phase of the gradual homogenization of the republic under Soviet rule. The population transfer was the latest, and not so "gentle, " episode of ethnic cleansing that increased Armenia’s homogenization from 90 percent to 98 percent. Nationalists, in collaboration with the Armenian state authorities, were responsible for this exodus.
- Peter H. Juviler, Bertram Myron Gross, Vladimir Alekseevich Kartashkin, Elena Andreevna Lukasheva, "Human rights for the 21st century, foundations for responsible hope: a U.S. post Soviet dialogue, 1993,
- Stuart J. Kaufman – Professor of Political Science and International Relations, joined the University of Delaware faculty in 2004. He taught at the University of Kentucky from 1990 to 2004. He specializes in ethnic conflict, international security affairs and international relations theory. The winner of a Council on Foreign Relations International Affairs Fellowship for 1998–99, Dr. Kaufman spent 1999 working as Director for Russian, Ukrainian and Eurasian Affairs on the U.S. National Security Council staff. Dr. Kaufman earned his B.A. (1983) from Harvard University, and his M.A. (1985) and Ph.D. (1991) from the University of Michigan. "Modern hatreds: the symbolic politics of ethnic war", 2021-07-22 at the Wayback Machine, США, Cornell University Press, 2001, Səh. 62: "Armenians began driving ethnic Azerbaijanis from their homes, (…The result of rising hostility was the virtual ethnic cleansing of Armenia and Azerbaijan proper in November 1988)
- Council of Europe: Parliamentary Assembly, Council of Europe. Consultative Assembly, 2016-10-17 at the Wayback Machine, 2016-10-17 at the Wayback Machine, Strasburq, Council of Europe, 2005, səh. 299 (…However, anti-Azerbaijani policy was pursued by Armenia through-out the entire twentieth century: The Genocide committee against Azerbaijanis by Armenians in 1918, deportations perpetrated by them in 1948 and 1953, and finally the policy of ethnic cleansing and occupation started in 1988…)
- Members of Perlamentary Assembly of Council of Europe, HUSEYNOV, Rafael, Azerbaijan, ALDE;AÇIKGÖZ Ruhi, Turkey, EDG; ÇAVUSOĞLU, Mevlüt, Turkey, EDG; GOULET, Daniel, France, ALDE(Sénateur – Sénat France – Palais du Luxembourg, 15 rue de Vaugirard – 75291 – Paris cedex 06 – Tel: + 33 (0)1 42 34 29 26 – Fax: + 33 (0)1 42 34 40 84 – E-mail:; HAJIYEV, Sabir, Azerbaijan, SOC; IBRAHIMLI, Fazail, Azerbaijan, ALDE; ILASCU, Ilie, Romania, NRI; ILICALI, Mustafa, Turkey, EPP/CD; ĐNCEKARA, Halide, Turkey, EPP/CD; MIRZAZADA, Aydin, Azerbaijan, EDG; PROVERA, Fiorello, Italy, ALDE; RAKHANSKY, Anatoliy, Ukraine, UEL; RIGONI, Andrea, Italy, EPP/CD; SEYIDOV, Samad, Azerbaijan, EDG;TEKELĐOĞLU, Mehmet, Turkey, EPP/CD, "The Armenian policy of ethnic cleansing against Azerbaijanis", 2009-07-30 at the Wayback Machine, Mr. Rafael Huseynov, Parlamentary of PACE, Strasburq, Council of Europe, 2006, səh. 1–2 (The Armenian policy of ethnic cleansing against Azerbaijanis (Azərbaycanlılara qarşı etnik təmizlənmənin erməni siyasəti), Nowadays, this country-invader and the Armenian lobby being its supporter with their prime goal to "create Great Armenia from sea to sea" are a serious threat not only for Azerbaijan but for a number of other countries as well. Having their secret and open activities aimed at the creation of "small Armenia states" in several countries of their compact living by using separatism, ethnic cleansing and terrorism the "Armenianism" can only be stopped by means of common efforts.
- "Arxivlənmiş surət" (PDF). 2009-07-30 tarixində (PDF). İstifadə tarixi: 2009-07-30.
- azərbaycanlıların sayı, faizlə
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Azerbaycanlilarin Ermenistandan deportasiyasi azerbaycanlilarin Ermenistandan mecburi kocurulmesi ve etnik temizleme Arxa planTarixcilerin ve tedqiqatcilarin fikrine gore azerbaycanlilarin indiki Ermenistandan etnik temizlenmesi ve deportasiyalarinin esas sebebi regionun ve olkenin milli terkibinin deyisdirilmesi idi GedisatAzerbaycanlilarin Ermenistandan Qerbi Azerbaycandan deportasiyasi ve kocurulmesi hele XVIII esrden baslanib Qerbi Azerbaycandan azerbaycanlilarin umumiyyetle muselmanlarin deportasiyasi uc merhelede aparilib Birinci merhele 1905 1920 ci iller Ikinci merhele 1948 1953 ci iller Ucuncu merhele 1988 1992 ci iller Bu prosesler zamani ermeniler Qerbi Azerbaycanda yasayan azerbaycanlilarin yuzlerle yasayis menteqesini yerle yeksan edib 30 mine yaxin evi dagidib ve yandirib qoca usaq ve qadinlarin da daxil oldugu 140 min insani vehsicesine qetle yetirib 750 minden artiq azerbaycanli Qerbi Azerbaycandan didergin salinib Sonuncu deportasiyada 1988 ci ilde ise 220 minden artiq azerbaycanli ermeni vehsiliyine tab getire bilmediyinden dogma yurd yuvalarini terk edib Bundan sonra ermeniler Qerbi Azerbaycandan azerbaycanlilarin izini itirmek meqsedile buradaki qebiristanliqlari tarixi medeni abideleri dini muessiseleri mekteb xestexana ve diger binalari darmadagin edib Tekce 1988 ci ilden sonra Qerbi Azerbaycanda ermeniler azerbaycanlilara mexsus 2000 den artiq qebristanliq dagidib Ermeniler tarixen azerbaycanlilara turklere qenim kesildikleri halda bu faktlar gizledilib dunya ictimaiyyeti ise bu meselelere diqqetsizlik gosterib Azerbaycanlilarin Ermenistandan kutlevi deportasiyasi esasen 1948 1953 cu illerde Stalinin gosterisi ile heyata kecirilmisdir Eger krim tatarlarini cecenleri ve diger xalqlari almanlarla emekdasliga gore cezalandirib kocurmusdulerse azerbaycanlilarin kocurulmesine yegane sebeb onlarin azerbaycanli olmasi idi Eger diger repressiyaya meruz qalan xalqlar yasadiqlari butun torpaqlardan deportasiya olunmusdularsa azerbaycanlilar yalniz Ermenistandan kocurulduler ki meqsed Ermenistanin temizlenmesi idi Ermenistanin butun toponimini de temizlenmesi qerara alinmisdi SSRI Nazirler Kobinetinin coxlu saylda serencamlari ile 2 minden cox ad deyisdirildi Lakin Ermenistanin tam temizlenmesine sovet dovru bes etmedi Ermenistanin mesul iscilerinden biri olan Manuk Vardanyanin sozlerine gore olkedeki butun turk menselli sozlerin deyisdirilmesi 2007 ci ilde sona cata biler Azerbaycan ermeni ve kurd ehalisinin sayinin deyisdirilmesi Iyirminci esrde esrler boyu Ermenistanin serqinde yasamis azerbaycanlilar sosial sahede sixisdirilaraq ve deskriminasiya olunaraq cagirilmamis qonaga cevrildiler Ermeniler bu insanlarin hesabina vetenlerine olan huququ realize etmisdiler 1918 1920 illerde on minlerle azerbaycanli Zengezurdan qovuldu 1940 ci illerde ermeni gelmeleri ucun yer elde etmek ucun daha on minlerle azerbaycanli Azerbaycana deportasiya olundu 1988 1989 cu illerde son etnik temizlenme vaxti ise yerde qalanlar qovuldular Fransa Ruminiya Azerbaycan Turkiye Ukrayna Italiya parlamentarileri terefinden imzalanmis Avropa Surasi Parlament Assambleyasinin ASPA qerarina esasen Boyuk Ermenistan yaradilmasina yonelilmis azerbaycanli ehalinin mecburi kocurulmesi yuz ilden artiq bir dovru ehate edir NeticeIrevan quberniyasinin etnik xeritesi xerite 1902 ci ilde 1886 ci ile aid kameral sayiminin neticeleri esasinda tertib edilib Ermeniler deportasiya planini heyata kecirmezden evvel bunun ucun xususi siyaset yurudub Azerbaycanlilar ise hemin vaxtlarda ermenilerin bu iyrenc siyasetinin arxasinda duran meqsedleri derk etmeyib Car Rusiyasi terefinden Irevana kocurulen ermeniler evvelce meskunlasdiqlari kend rayon qesebe dag dere mahal ve diger yerlerin adlarini deyiserek ermenilesdiribler Bu erazide olan azerbaycanli adlarini oz adlari ile evezleyibler O vaxt Qerbi Azerbaycanin indiki Ermenistanin 34 rayonunun adi deyisdirilib Hazirda Qemerli Artasat Arpacay Axuryan Kever Kamo Basarkecer Vardenis Allahverdi Tumanyan Asagi Qaranliq Martuni Qarakilse Sisian Hamamli Spitak kimi deyisdirilerek ermenilesdirilib Bundan sonra ozlerine serait yaradan ermeniler azerbaycanlilari kocurmeye tezyiqler gostermeye baslayib Azerbaycan terefinden her il ermenilerin azerbaycanlilara qarsi toretdikleri soyqirim vehsilikler barede Birlesmis Milletler Teskilatina YUNESKO ya Avropa Surasi Avropada Tehlukesizlik ve Emekdasliq Teskilatina ve dunya ictimaiyyetine muracietlerler gonderilse de netice hele ki yoxdur 1926 1939 1959 1970 1979 1989Azerbaycanlilar min nefer 83 181 9 4 130 896 10 2 107 748 6 1 148 189 5 9 160 841 5 2 84 860 2 5 Hemcinin baxAzerbaycanlilarin deportasiyasi 1948 1953 Azerbaycanlilarin deportasiyasi 1988 1989 Azerbaycanlilarin ilkin qacqinliq dovru Ermeni ehalisinin tarixi miqrasiyasiMenbeDEPORTACIYa AZERBAJDZhANCEV IZ ARMENII rus Istinadlar Bu meqaledeki istinadlar muvafiq istinad sablonlari ile gosterilmelidir Thomas Ambrosio Irredentism http books google com books id 0hLzXEO fAQC amp hl ru amp source gbs navlinks 2023 06 30 at the Wayback Machine Greenwood Publishing Group 2001 C M Hann Property Relations Group The postsocialist agrarian question property relations and the rural condition http books google com books id UR5lie qPoC amp pg PA236 amp dq deportation of azeris amp lr amp ei 4TFcSuG6GZmIyQS16NW Bw amp hl ru 2023 06 30 at the Wayback Machine LIT Verlag Berlin Hamburg Munster 2003 Karen Dawisha Bruce Parrott Independent Armenia Conflict cleavage and change in Central Asia and the Caucasus http books google com books id XvMfeIVY71sC amp pg PA119 amp dq deportation of azeris amp lr amp ei ESpcSr7FDpnkygTi1Lz8CA amp hl ru 2023 06 30 at the Wayback Machine Cambridge University Press 1997 Taru Bahl M H Syed Refugees and displaced persons in Azerbaijan Encyclopaedia of the Muslim World http books google com books id MJTdr3JI46wC amp pg PA107 amp dq deportation of azeris amp lr amp ei ACxcSryKBaS4yQTg3ZGyBw amp hl ru olu kecid Anmol Publications PVT LTD 2003 Fuad Ahundov Politoloq Kto vinovat v karabahskom tupike Jurnal Rossiya v globalnoj politike rusca http www globalaffairs ru numbers 30 9148 html 2009 04 11 at the Wayback Machine 1 Yanvar Fevral 2008 Members of Perlamentary Assembly of Council of Europe HUSEYNOV Rafael Azerbaijan ALDE ACIKGOZ Ruhi Turkey EDG CAVUSOGLU Mevlut Turkey EDG GOULET Daniel France ALDE Senateur Senat France Palais du Luxembourg 15 rue de Vaugirard 75291 Paris cedex 06 Tel 33 0 1 42 34 29 26 Fax 33 0 1 42 34 40 84 E mail d goulet senat fr HAJIYEV Sabir Azerbaijan SOC IBRAHIMLI Fazail Azerbaijan ALDE ILASCU Ilie Romania NRI ILICALI Mustafa Turkey EPP CD ĐNCEKARA Halide Turkey EPP CD MIRZAZADA Aydin Azerbaijan EDG PROVERA Fiorello Italy ALDE RAKHANSKY Anatoliy Ukraine UEL RIGONI Andrea Italy EPP CD SEYIDOV Samad Azerbaijan EDG TEKELĐOGLU Mehmet Turkey EPP CD The Armenian policy of ethnic cleansing against Azerbaijanis http assembly coe int Documents WorkingDocs Doc06 EDOC10990 pdf 2009 07 30 at the Wayback Machine Mr Rafael Huseynov Parlamentary of PACE Council of Europe 2006 seh 1 2 Nowadays this country invader and the Armenian lobby being its supporter with their prime goal to create Great Armenia from sea to sea are a serious threat not only for Azerbaijan but for a number of other countries as well Having their secret and open activities aimed at the creation of small Armenia states in several countries of their compact living by using separatism ethnic cleansing and terrorism the Armenianism can only be stopped by means of common efforts Lowell W Barrington After Independence Making and Protecting the Nation in Postcolonial amp Postcommunist States USA University of Michigan Press 2006 In late 1988 the entire Azerbaijani population including Muslim Kurds some 167000 people was kicked out of the Armenian SSR In the process dozens of people died due to isolated Armenian attacks and adverse conditions This population transfer was partially in response to Armenians being forced out of Azerbaijan but it was also the last phase of the gradual homogenization of the republic under Soviet rule The population transfer was the latest and not so gentle episode of ethnic cleansing that increased Armenia s homogenization from 90 percent to 98 percent Nationalists in collaboration with the Armenian state authorities were responsible for this exodus http homepages cae wisc edu dwilson Armenia justin html 2021 02 26 at the Wayback Machine Armenian Turkish Conflict Speech given by Dr Justin McCarthy at the Turkish Grand National Assembly March 24 2005 Sitat The plan of the Armenian Nationalists has not changed in more than 100 years It is to create an Armenia in Eastern Anatolia and the Southern Caucasus regardless of the wishes of the people who live there The map you see is based on the program of the Dashnak Party and the Armenian Republic It shows what the Armenian Nationalists claim The population of the new Armenia would be less than one fourth Armenian at best Could such a state long exist Yes it could exist but only if the Turks were expelled That was the policy of the Armenian Nationalists in 1915 It would be their policy tomorrow http news bbc co uk hi russian in depth newsid 4664000 4664621 stm 2011 06 19 at the Wayback Machine Tomas de Vaal Qara bag A L P Burdett Historical Overview Armenia Political And Ethnic Boundaries 1878 1948 http www archiveeditions co uk titledetails asp tid 19 2017 09 17 at the Wayback Machine A L P Burdett Cambridge Univercity 1998 v tekste polnostyu opisano http homepages cae wisc edu dwilson Armenia justin html 2021 02 26 at the Wayback Machine Armenian Turkish Conflict Speech given by Dr Justin McCarthy at the Turkish Grand National Assembly March 24 2005 CITATA The plan of the Armenian Nationalists has not changed in more than 100 years It is to create an Armenia in Eastern Anatolia and the Southern Caucasus regardless of the wishes of the people who live there The map you see is based on the program of the Dashnak Party and the Armenian Republic It shows what the Armenian Nationalists claim The population of the new Armenia would be less than one fourth Armenian at best Could such a state long exist Yes it could exist but only if the Turks were expelled That was the policy of the Armenian Nationalists in 1915 It would be their policy tomorrow http www unhchr ch Huridocda Huridoca nsf TestFrame 1afd81b92edde1bc80256650004effc5 Opendocument 2009 07 21 at the Wayback Machine Letter dated 26 May 1988 from the Permanent Representative of the Azerbaijan Republic to the United Nations Office at Geneva addressed to the secretariat of the Sub Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities Signed Sima EIVAZOVA Ambassador Information on mass deportation of Azerbaijanis from their historical and ethnic lands in the territory of the Armenian SSR between 1948 and 1953 http news bbc co uk hi russian in depth newsid 4664000 4664621 stm 2011 06 19 at the Wayback Machine Tomas de Vaal Chernyj sad Ermenistan ve Azerbaycan sulh ve herb arasinda V fesil Irevan Arxivlenmis suret 2021 07 18 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2009 08 03 2009 06 27 tarixinde orijinalindan arxivlesdirilib Istifade tarixi 2009 08 03 Nikolaĭ Fedorovich Bugaĭ Askarbi Muaedovich Gonov Kavkaz narody v eshelonah 20 60 e gody http books google com books id TGUnAAAAMAAJ amp q D0 B4 D0 B5 D0 BF D0 BE D1 80 D1 82 D0 B0 D1 86 D0 B8 D1 8F D0 B0 D0 B7 D0 B5 D1 80 D0 B1 D0 B0 D0 B9 D0 B4 D0 B6 D0 B0 D0 BD D1 86 D0 B5 D0 B2 amp dq D0 B4 D0 B5 D0 BF D0 BE D1 80 D1 82 D0 B0 D1 86 D0 B8 D1 8F D0 B0 D0 B7 D0 B5 D1 80 D0 B1 D0 B0 D0 B9 D0 B4 D0 B6 D0 B0 D0 BD D1 86 D0 B5 D0 B2 amp ei 5XM7Ss7BF4 wyATJkOy6BQ amp hl ru amp output html amp pgis 1 2021 07 22 at the Wayback Machine INSAN 1998 Miciqan Universiteti Nikolaĭ Oganesovich Oganesi a n The Karabakh problem the thorny road to freedom and independence Miciqan Universiteti 2004 Svante E Cornell The Azeris a divided nation Small nations and great powers a study of ethnopolitical conflict in the Caucasus Sitatlar Page 94 Azeris were actively advised or simply forced to leave these areas and in Armenia the process were completed by 1989 Few outright ethnic pogroms by the Armenian side occured and when it did this was the case in the initial phases of the process of the ethnic cleansing http books google com books hl en amp lr amp id ff2zOZYaZx0C amp oi fnd amp pg PA10 amp dq armenian nationality greater armenia azeris amp ots dPcWal2WkO amp sig ekOlzl2Vyra4dE9w20aNvoePnNs 2023 06 30 at the Wayback Machine Routledge 2001 http books google com books id eDTuxhmqzSkC amp pg PA1 amp dq deportation of azeris amp lr amp ei RxtcSsuTCp7wyASriv2sDg amp hl ru olu kecid Human Rights Watch Helsinki Organization U S Christopher Panico Jemera Rone str 58 A L P Burdett Historical Overview Armenia Political And Ethnic Boundaries 1878 1948 http www archiveeditions co uk titledetails asp tid 19 2017 09 17 at the Wayback Machine A L P Burdett Cambridge Univercity 1998 and encouraged 100 000 Armenians to return to the Armenian SSR but also forced thousands of ethnic Azerbaijanis living in Armenia to move to Azerbaijan and thus make room for the incoming Armenian repatriates Slovo forced Lowell W Barrington After Independence Making and Protecting the Nation in Postcolonial amp Postcommunist States USA University of Michigan Press 2006 In late 1988 the entire Azerbaijani population including Muslim Kurds some 167000 people was kicked out of the Armenian SSR In the process dozens of people died due to isolated Armenian attacks and adverse conditions This population transfer was partially in response to Armenians being forced out of Azerbaijan but it was also the last phase of the gradual homogenization of the republic under Soviet rule The population transfer was the latest and not so gentle episode of ethnic cleansing that increased Armenia s homogenization from 90 percent to 98 percent Nationalists in collaboration with the Armenian state authorities were responsible for this exodus Peter H Juviler Bertram Myron Gross Vladimir Alekseevich Kartashkin Elena Andreevna Lukasheva Human rights for the 21st century foundations for responsible hope a U S post Soviet dialogue 1993 Stuart J Kaufman Professor of Political Science and International Relations joined the University of Delaware faculty in 2004 He taught at the University of Kentucky from 1990 to 2004 He specializes in ethnic conflict international security affairs and international relations theory The winner of a Council on Foreign Relations International Affairs Fellowship for 1998 99 Dr Kaufman spent 1999 working as Director for Russian Ukrainian and Eurasian Affairs on the U S National Security Council staff Dr Kaufman earned his B A 1983 from Harvard University and his M A 1985 and Ph D 1991 from the University of Michigan Modern hatreds the symbolic politics of ethnic war http books google com books id 2Plw98pTk5wC amp pg PA67 amp dq ethnic cleansing against Azerbaijanis amp ei HoE7Sre7G4y2yQSUhry6BQ amp hl ru 2021 07 22 at the Wayback Machine SShA Cornell University Press 2001 Seh 62 Armenians began driving ethnic Azerbaijanis from their homes The result of rising hostility was the virtual ethnic cleansing of Armenia and Azerbaijan proper in November 1988 Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly Council of Europe Consultative Assembly http books google com books id 1hAEKAAcJnQC amp dq ethnic cleansing against Azerbaijanis amp hl ru amp source gbs navlinks s 2016 10 17 at the Wayback Machine http books google com books id 1hAEKAAcJnQC amp dq ethnic cleansing against Azerbaijanis amp hl ru amp source gbs navlinks s 2016 10 17 at the Wayback Machine Strasburq Council of Europe 2005 seh 299 However anti Azerbaijani policy was pursued by Armenia through out the entire twentieth century The Genocide committee against Azerbaijanis by Armenians in 1918 deportations perpetrated by them in 1948 and 1953 and finally the policy of ethnic cleansing and occupation started in 1988 Members of Perlamentary Assembly of Council of Europe HUSEYNOV Rafael Azerbaijan ALDE ACIKGOZ Ruhi Turkey EDG CAVUSOGLU Mevlut Turkey EDG GOULET Daniel France ALDE Senateur Senat France Palais du Luxembourg 15 rue de Vaugirard 75291 Paris cedex 06 Tel 33 0 1 42 34 29 26 Fax 33 0 1 42 34 40 84 E mail d goulet senat fr HAJIYEV Sabir Azerbaijan SOC IBRAHIMLI Fazail Azerbaijan ALDE ILASCU Ilie Romania NRI ILICALI Mustafa Turkey EPP CD ĐNCEKARA Halide Turkey EPP CD MIRZAZADA Aydin Azerbaijan EDG PROVERA Fiorello Italy ALDE RAKHANSKY Anatoliy Ukraine UEL RIGONI Andrea Italy EPP CD SEYIDOV Samad Azerbaijan EDG TEKELĐOGLU Mehmet Turkey EPP CD The Armenian policy of ethnic cleansing against Azerbaijanis http assembly coe int Documents WorkingDocs Doc06 EDOC10990 pdf 2009 07 30 at the Wayback Machine Mr Rafael Huseynov Parlamentary of PACE Strasburq Council of Europe 2006 seh 1 2 The Armenian policy of ethnic cleansing against Azerbaijanis Azerbaycanlilara qarsi etnik temizlenmenin ermeni siyaseti Nowadays this country invader and the Armenian lobby being its supporter with their prime goal to create Great Armenia from sea to sea are a serious threat not only for Azerbaijan but for a number of other countries as well Having their secret and open activities aimed at the creation of small Armenia states in several countries of their compact living by using separatism ethnic cleansing and terrorism the Armenianism can only be stopped by means of common efforts Arxivlenmis suret PDF 2009 07 30 tarixinde PDF Istifade tarixi 2009 07 30 azerbaycanlilarin sayi faizle