Avstromarksizm — XX əsrin əvvəllərində Avstriya Sosial-Demokrat Partiyasında yaranmış cərəyan. Liderləri , Karl Renner, , Fridrix Adler və başqalarıdır. marksizmin bir növ birləşməsi olan avstromarksizm mədəni-milli muxtariyyət nəzəriyyəsini də irəli sürmüşdür.

Bu cərəyan millilik və milliyətçilik nəzəriyyəsi, onu imperiya kontekstində sosializmlə barışdırmaq cəhdinə görə tanınır.
- Австромарксизм // Azərbaycan Sovet Ensiklopediyası: [10 ҹилддә]. I ҹилд: А—Балзак. Бакы: Азәрбајҹан Совет Енсиклопедијасынын Баш Редаксијасы. Баш редактор: Ҹ. Б. Гулијев. 1976. С. 66.
- Bottomore, Tom; Goode, Patrick. Austro-Marxism. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1978. 107–112, 128, 149–150, 156–158, 160–165, 265, 286, 288–289. ISBN . OCLC 3447147.
Əlavə ədəbiyyat
- Bauer, Otto (2000). The Question of Nationalities and Social Democracy. Translated by Joseph O'Donnell, edited by Ephraim J. Nimni. Minneapolis & London: University of Minnesota Press. ISBN . Originally published in German as Die Nationalitätenfrage und die Sozialdemokratie. Vienna: Verlag der Wiener Volksbuchhandlung Ignaz Brand, 1907. 697615971.
- Bottomore, Tom and Goode, Patrick, trans. & eds. (1978). Austro-Marxism. Oxford: Clarendon Press. ISBN .
- Czerwińska-Schupp, Ewa (2017). . Translated by Maciej Żurowski. Leiden & Boston: Brill. ISBN . Originally published in German as Otto Bauer: Studien zur Social-Politischen Philosophie. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2005. ISBN .
- Gruber, Helmut (1991). Red Vienna: Experiment in Working-Class Culture 1919-1934. New York & Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN .
- Krätke, Michael R. (1997). "Otto Bauer (1881-1938): Die Mühen des Dritten Wegs Die Linke [Otto Bauer (1881-1938): The Trouble of the Left's Third Way]". spw – Zeitschrift für sozialistische Politik und Wirtschaft. No. 97: 55–59. Also available in PDF format.
- Leser, Norbert (1968). Zwischen Reformismus und Bolschewismus. Der Austromarxismus als Theorie und Praxis [Between Reformism and Bolshevism: Austromarxism in Theory and Practice]. Vienna; Frankfurt; Zürich: Europa-Verlag. 611302516.
- Loew, Raimund (November–December 1979). The Politics of Austro-Marxism (abunə tələb olunur). New Left Review. No. I/118.
- Máiz, Ramón; Pereira, María (8 June 2020). "Otto Bauer: The Idea of Nation as a Plural Community and the Question of Territorial and Non-Territorial Autonomy". Filozofija i drustvo. Vol. 31, No. 3: 287–300. DOI:10.2298/FID2003287M.
- Nin, Andrés (1935). "Austro-Marxism and the National Question (1935)". Marxists Internet Archive. Retrieved 2021-04-12.
- Otto Bauer - Austromarxismus und Internationale zweieinhalb [Otto Bauer - Austromarxism and the Second-and-a-Half International]. Last accessed 2021-09-02.
- Rabinbach, Anson, ed. (1985). The Austrian Socialist Experiment: Social Democracy and Austromarxism, 1918-1934. Boulder & London: Westview Press. ISBN .
- Julius Deutsch (2017). Antifascism, Sports, Sobriety: Forging a Militant Working-Class Culture. Selected Writings. Edited and translated by Gabriel Kuhn. Oakland, California: PM Press. ISBN .
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Avstromarksizm XX esrin evvellerinde Avstriya Sosial Demokrat Partiyasinda yaranmis cereyan Liderleri Karl Renner Fridrix Adler ve basqalaridir marksizmin bir nov birlesmesi olan avstromarksizm medeni milli muxtariyyet nezeriyyesini de ireli surmusdur Avstromarksist nezeriyyeci 1919 cu il Bu cereyan millilik ve milliyetcilik nezeriyyesi onu imperiya kontekstinde sosializmle barisdirmaq cehdine gore taninir IstinadlarAvstromarksizm Azerbaycan Sovet Ensiklopediyasi 10 ҹilddә I ҹild A Balzak Baky Azәrbaјҹan Sovet Ensiklopediјasynyn Bash Redaksiјasy Bash redaktor Ҹ B Guliјev 1976 S 66 Bottomore Tom Goode Patrick Austro Marxism Oxford Clarendon Press 1978 107 112 128 149 150 156 158 160 165 265 286 288 289 ISBN 978 0 19 827229 8 OCLC 3447147 Elave edebiyyatBauer Otto 2000 The Question of Nationalities and Social Democracy Translated by Joseph O Donnell edited by Ephraim J Nimni Minneapolis amp London University of Minnesota Press ISBN 978 0 8166 3265 7 Originally published in German as Die Nationalitatenfrage und die Sozialdemokratie Vienna Verlag der Wiener Volksbuchhandlung Ignaz Brand 1907 697615971 Bottomore Tom and Goode Patrick trans amp eds 1978 Austro Marxism Oxford Clarendon Press ISBN 978 0 19 827229 8 Czerwinska Schupp Ewa 2017 Translated by Maciej Zurowski Leiden amp Boston Brill ISBN 978 90 04 32583 8 Originally published in German as Otto Bauer Studien zur Social Politischen Philosophie Frankfurt Peter Lang 2005 ISBN 9783631521731 Gruber Helmut 1991 Red Vienna Experiment in Working Class Culture 1919 1934 New York amp Oxford Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 19 506914 3 Kratke Michael R 1997 Otto Bauer 1881 1938 Die Muhen des Dritten Wegs Die Linke Otto Bauer 1881 1938 The Trouble of the Left s Third Way spw Zeitschrift fur sozialistische Politik und Wirtschaft No 97 55 59 Also available in PDF format Leser Norbert 1968 Zwischen Reformismus und Bolschewismus Der Austromarxismus als Theorie und Praxis Between Reformism and Bolshevism Austromarxism in Theory and Practice Vienna Frankfurt Zurich Europa Verlag 611302516 Loew Raimund November December 1979 The Politics of Austro Marxism abune teleb olunur New Left Review No I 118 Maiz Ramon Pereira Maria 8 June 2020 Otto Bauer The Idea of Nation as a Plural Community and the Question of Territorial and Non Territorial Autonomy Filozofija i drustvo Vol 31 No 3 287 300 DOI 10 2298 FID2003287M Nin Andres 1935 Austro Marxism and the National Question 1935 Marxists Internet Archive Retrieved 2021 04 12 Otto Bauer Austromarxismus und Internationale zweieinhalb Otto Bauer Austromarxism and the Second and a Half International Last accessed 2021 09 02 Rabinbach Anson ed 1985 The Austrian Socialist Experiment Social Democracy and Austromarxism 1918 1934 Boulder amp London Westview Press ISBN 978 0 8133 0186 0 Julius Deutsch 2017 Antifascism Sports Sobriety Forging a Militant Working Class Culture Selected Writings Edited and translated by Gabriel Kuhn Oakland California PM Press ISBN 978 1 62963 299 5