Şetland adaları (ing. Shetland; şot.kelt Sealtainn; q.skan. Hjaltland) — Birləşmiş Krallığın şimalında, Orkney və Farer adaları arasında yerləşən, Şotlandiyaya məxsus arxipelaq. Şetland adalarının sahəsi 1,466 km2, sahil xətti 1,500 kilometrdən çox və əhalisi təxminən 22 min nəfərdir. İnzibati mərkəzi Lervik şəhəridir. Adalar Birləşmiş Krallığın ən şimal nöqtəsidir. Şetland Şotlandiyanın 32 qraflığından biridir. Əvvəlcə Norveç müstəmləkəsi olan adalar 12 fevral 1472-ci ildə Şotlandiya tacının nəzarətinə keçmişdir.
Şetland adaları | |
Sealtainn Hjaltland | |
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Ümumi məlumatlar | |
Sahəsi |
Əhalisi |
Yerləşməsi | |
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- https://www.ainmean-aite.scot/placename/zetland/.
- https://www.nature.scot/doc/landscape-character-assessment-shetland-landscape-evolution-and-influences.
- http://statistics.gov.scot/data/population-estimates-current-geographic-boundaries.
Əlavə ədəbiyyat
- Armit, I.; (2003), Towers in the North: The Brochs of Scotland, Stroud, Tempus, ISBN
- Ballin Smith, B. and Banks, I.; (ed. 2002), In the Shadow of the Brochs, the Iron Age in Scotland, Stroud, Tempus, ISBN
- Barrett, James H.; "The Norse in Scotland" in Brink, Stefan, (ed. 2008), The Viking World, Abingdon, Routledge, ISBN
- Clapperton, Chalmers M.; (ed. 1983), Scotland: A New Study, Newton Abbott, David & Charles
- Gillen, Con; (2003), Geology and landscapes of Scotland, Harpenden, Terra Publishing, ISBN
- James Graham-Campbell; (1999), Cultural Atlas of the Viking World, Facts On File, ISBN
- Fleming, Andrew; (2005), St. Kilda and the Wider World: Tales of an Iconic Island, Windgather Press, ISBN
- Gammeltoft, Peder; (2010), "Shetland and Orkney Island-Names – A Dynamic Group 23 iyul 2011 at the Wayback Machine", Northern Lights, Northern Words, Selected Papers from the FRLSU Conference, Kirkwall 2009, edited by Robert McColl Millar
- Hunter, James; (2000), Last of the Free: A History of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland, Edinburgh, Mainstream, ISBN
- Jones, Charles; (ed. 1997), The Edinburgh history of the Scots language, Edinburgh University Press, ISBN
- Keay, J. & Keay, J.; (1994), Collins Encyclopaedia of Scotland, London, HarperCollins, ISBN
- Noble, Gordon; Poller, Tessa & Verrill, Lucy; (2008), Scottish Odysseys: The Archaeology of Islands, Stroud, Tempus, ISBN
- Omand, Donald; (ed. 2003), The Orkney Book, Edinburgh, Birlinn, ISBN
- Nicolson, James R.; (1972), Shetland, Newton Abbott, David & Charles
- Sandnes, Berit; (2003), From Starafjall to Starling Hill: An investigation of the formation and development of Old Norse place-names in Orkney 22 mart 2011 at the Wayback Machine, (pdf), Doctoral Dissertation, NTU Trondheim
- Schei, Liv Kjørsvik; (2006), The Shetland Isles, Grantown-on-Spey, Colin Baxter Photography, ISBN
- Scottish Natural Heritage, (2008), The Story of Hermaness National Nature Reserve, Lerwick
- Shetland Islands Council, (2005), , (pdf), Economic Development Unit, Lerwick, Retrieved 19 March 2011
- Shetland Islands Council, (2010), "Shetland in Statistics 2010", (pdf), Economic Development Unit, Lerwick, Retrieved 6 March 2011
- Thomson, William P. L.; (2008), The New History of Orkney, Edinburgh, Birlinn, ISBN
- Turner, Val; (1998), Ancient Shetland, London, B. T. Batsford/Historic Scotland, ISBN
- Watson, William J.; (1994), The Celtic Place-Names of Scotland, Edinburgh, Birlinn, ISBN , First published 1926.
- . Between Weathers: Travels in 21st Century Shetland. Dingwall, Ross-shire: Sandstone Press. 2008. ISBN . OCLC 220008309.
- Shepherd, Mike (2015). Oil Strike North Sea: A first-hand history of North Sea oil. Luath Press.
- Withrington, Donald J., redaktorShetland and the Outside World, 1469–1969. Aberdeen University Studies Series, no. 15. Oxford, United Kingdom: Published for the University of Aberdeen by Oxford University Press. 1983. ISBN . OCLC 8195814.
Xarici keçidlər

- shetland.gov.uk — Şetland adalarının rəsmi saytı
- Shetland Islands Council
- www.shetland.org
- (PDF file) from Highlands and Islands Enterprise
- Shetlink – Shetland's Online Community
- National Library of Scotland: Scottish Screen Archive (selection of archive films about Shetland)
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Setland adalari ing Shetland sot kelt Sealtainn q skan Hjaltland Birlesmis Kralligin simalinda Orkney ve Farer adalari arasinda yerlesen Sotlandiyaya mexsus arxipelaq Setland adalarinin sahesi 1 466 km2 sahil xetti 1 500 kilometrden cox ve ehalisi texminen 22 min neferdir Inzibati merkezi Lervik seheridir Adalar Birlesmis Kralligin en simal noqtesidir Setland Sotlandiyanin 32 qrafligindan biridir Evvelce Norvec mustemlekesi olan adalar 12 fevral 1472 ci ilde Sotlandiya tacinin nezaretine kecmisdir Setland adalariSealtainn HjaltlandUmumi melumatlarSahesi 1 468 km 2023 Ehalisi 22 920 nef 2019 Yerlesmesi60 21 24 sm e 1 15 38 q u Olke Birlesmis KralliqSetland adalari Vikianbarda elaqeli mediafayllarIstinadlarhttps www ainmean aite scot placename zetland https www nature scot doc landscape character assessment shetland landscape evolution and influences http statistics gov scot data population estimates current geographic boundaries Elave edebiyyatArmit I 2003 Towers in the North The Brochs of Scotland Stroud Tempus ISBN 0 7524 1932 3 Ballin Smith B and Banks I ed 2002 In the Shadow of the Brochs the Iron Age in Scotland Stroud Tempus ISBN 0 7524 2517 X Barrett James H The Norse in Scotland in Brink Stefan ed 2008 The Viking World Abingdon Routledge ISBN 0 415 33315 6 Clapperton Chalmers M ed 1983 Scotland A New Study Newton Abbott David amp Charles Gillen Con 2003 Geology and landscapes of Scotland Harpenden Terra Publishing ISBN 1 903544 09 2 James Graham Campbell 1999 Cultural Atlas of the Viking World Facts On File ISBN 0 8160 3004 9 Fleming Andrew 2005 St Kilda and the Wider World Tales of an Iconic Island Windgather Press ISBN 1 905119 00 3 Gammeltoft Peder 2010 Shetland and Orkney Island Names A Dynamic Group 23 iyul 2011 at the Wayback Machine Northern Lights Northern Words Selected Papers from the FRLSU Conference Kirkwall 2009 edited by Robert McColl Millar Hunter James 2000 Last of the Free A History of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland Edinburgh Mainstream ISBN 1 84018 376 4 Jones Charles ed 1997 The Edinburgh history of the Scots language Edinburgh University Press ISBN 0 7486 0754 4 Keay J amp Keay J 1994 Collins Encyclopaedia of Scotland London HarperCollins ISBN 0 00 255082 2 Noble Gordon Poller Tessa amp Verrill Lucy 2008 Scottish Odysseys The Archaeology of Islands Stroud Tempus ISBN 978 0 7524 4168 9 Omand Donald ed 2003 The Orkney Book Edinburgh Birlinn ISBN 1 84158 254 9 Nicolson James R 1972 Shetland Newton Abbott David amp Charles Sandnes Berit 2003 From Starafjall to Starling Hill An investigation of the formation and development of Old Norse place names in Orkney 22 mart 2011 at the Wayback Machine pdf Doctoral Dissertation NTU Trondheim Schei Liv Kjorsvik 2006 The Shetland Isles Grantown on Spey Colin Baxter Photography ISBN 978 1 84107 330 9 Scottish Natural Heritage 2008 The Story of Hermaness National Nature Reserve Lerwick Shetland Islands Council 2005 pdf Economic Development Unit Lerwick Retrieved 19 March 2011 Shetland Islands Council 2010 Shetland in Statistics 2010 pdf Economic Development Unit Lerwick Retrieved 6 March 2011 Thomson William P L 2008 The New History of Orkney Edinburgh Birlinn ISBN 978 1 84158 696 0 Turner Val 1998 Ancient Shetland London B T Batsford Historic Scotland ISBN 0 7134 8000 9 Watson William J 1994 The Celtic Place Names of Scotland Edinburgh Birlinn ISBN 1 84158 323 5 First published 1926 Between Weathers Travels in 21st Century Shetland Dingwall Ross shire Sandstone Press 2008 ISBN 978 1905207206 OCLC 220008309 Shepherd Mike 2015 Oil Strike North Sea A first hand history of North Sea oil Luath Press Withrington Donald J redaktorShetland and the Outside World 1469 1969 Aberdeen University Studies Series no 15 Oxford United Kingdom Published for the University of Aberdeen by Oxford University Press 1983 ISBN 9780197141076 OCLC 8195814 Xarici kecidlerVikianbarda Setland adalari ile elaqeli mediafayllar var shetland gov uk Setland adalarinin resmi sayti Shetland Islands Council www shetland org PDF file from Highlands and Islands Enterprise Shetlink Shetland s Online Community National Library of Scotland Scottish Screen Archive selection of archive films about Shetland