Selaginella (lat. Selaginella) — bitkilər aləminin dəstəsinin fəsiləsinə aid bitki cinsi.
Selaginella | ||||||||||||
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Elmi təsnifat | ||||||||||||
Domen: Klad: Ranqsız: Aləm: Klad: Klad: Klad: Klad: Şöbə: Sinif: Dəstə: Fəsilə: Cins: Selaginella | ||||||||||||
Beynəlxalq elmi adı | ||||||||||||
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- Pteridophyte Phylogeny Group, Rouhan G. A community-derived classification for extant lycophytes and ferns (ing.). // Journal of Systematics and Evolution Wiley-Blackwell, 2016. Vol. 54, Iss. 6. P. 563–603. ISSN 1674-4918; 1759-6831 doi:10.1111/JSE.12229
- Appendix III: Conserved, protected, and rejected names of genera and subdivisions of genera. // International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Shenzhen Code) / red. N. J. Turland, J. H. Wiersema, F. Barrie, V. Qreuter, D. L. Hawksworth, P. S. Herendeen, S. Knapp, W. Kusber, D. Z. Li, K. Marhold və b. 2018.
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Selaginella lat Selaginella bitkiler aleminin destesinin fesilesine aid bitki cinsi SelaginellaElmi tesnifatDomen EukariotlarKlad DiaphoretickesRanqsiz ArxeplastidlerAlem BitkilerKlad StreptofitlerKlad EmbryophytesKlad Klad Sobe PlaunofitlerSinif PlaunopsidlerDeste Fesile Cins SelaginellaBeynelxalq elmi adiSelaginella P Beauv 1804Sekil axtarisiITIS 17064NCBI 3246EOL 38351FW NovleriSelaginella apodaIstinadlarPteridophyte Phylogeny Group Rouhan G A community derived classification for extant lycophytes and ferns ing Journal of Systematics and EvolutionWiley Blackwell 2016 Vol 54 Iss 6 P 563 603 ISSN 1674 4918 1759 6831 doi 10 1111 JSE 12229 Appendix III Conserved protected and rejected names of genera and subdivisions of genera International Code of Nomenclature for algae fungi and plants Shenzhen Code red N J Turland J H Wiersema F Barrie V Qreuter D L Hawksworth P S Herendeen S Knapp W Kusber D Z Li K Marhold ve b 2018 ISBN 978 3 946583 16 5Hemcinin bax