Ölümsüzlük ağacı və ya Həyat ağacı (ərəb. شجرة الخلود) — Quranda təsvir edilən həyat motivi ağacı. Hədislərdə və təfsirlərdə də ondan bəhs edilir. Bibliyadan fərqli olaraq, Quranda Ədən bağında yalnız bir ağacdan bəhs edilir, hansı ki, Allah onu Adəm və Həvva üçün qadağan etmişdir; başqa sözlə, Quranda bilik ağacı yoxdur. Bir ilan kimi görünən Şeytan, Adəmə dəfələrlə ağacdan almanı yeməyi əmr etdi və nəticədə Adəmlə Həvva bunu etdilər və bununla da Allaha itaətsizlik etdilər. Hədislərdə ancaq cənnətdəki digər ağaclar haqqında danışılır.

- Brannon Wheeler Prophets in the Quran: An Introduction to the Quran and Muslim Exegesis 0826449565 2002 Page 24 "Abu Hurayrah: The Prophet said: "In Paradise is a tree in the shade of which the stars course 100 years without cutting it: the Tree of Immortality." "
- Oliver Leaman The Qur'an: An Encyclopedia 0415326397, 2006, p.11 "Unlike the biblical account of Eden, the Qur'an mentions only one special tree in Eden, the Tree of Immortality, from which Adam and Eve were prohibited."
- Three Translations of the Koran (Al-Qur'an) Side by Side "Shall I show thee the tree of immortality and power that wasteth not away? S: But the Shaitan made an evil suggestion to him; he said: O Adam! Shall I guide you to the tree of immortality and a kingdom which decays not? "
- Maulana Muhammad Ali Introduction to the Study of the Holy Qur'an 2011 "This in itself gives an indication that it is the well-known tree of evil, for both good and evil are compared to two trees in 14:24, 25 and elsewhere. This is further corroborated by the devil's description of it as “the tree of immortality” (20:120), ..."
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Olumsuzluk agaci ve ya Heyat agaci ereb شجرة الخلود Quranda tesvir edilen heyat motivi agaci Hedislerde ve tefsirlerde de ondan behs edilir Bibliyadan ferqli olaraq Quranda Eden baginda yalniz bir agacdan behs edilir hansi ki Allah onu Adem ve Hevva ucun qadagan etmisdir basqa sozle Quranda bilik agaci yoxdur Bir ilan kimi gorunen Seytan Ademe defelerle agacdan almani yemeyi emr etdi ve neticede Ademle Hevva bunu etdiler ve bununla da Allaha itaetsizlik etdiler Hedislerde ancaq cennetdeki diger agaclar haqqinda danisilir Heyat agaci Seki xan sarayiIstinadlarBrannon Wheeler Prophets in the Quran An Introduction to the Quran and Muslim Exegesis 0826449565 2002 Page 24 Abu Hurayrah The Prophet said In Paradise is a tree in the shade of which the stars course 100 years without cutting it the Tree of Immortality Oliver Leaman The Qur an An Encyclopedia 0415326397 2006 p 11 Unlike the biblical account of Eden the Qur an mentions only one special tree in Eden the Tree of Immortality from which Adam and Eve were prohibited Three Translations of the Koran Al Qur an Side by Side Shall I show thee the tree of immortality and power that wasteth not away S But the Shaitan made an evil suggestion to him he said O Adam Shall I guide you to the tree of immortality and a kingdom which decays not Maulana Muhammad Ali Introduction to the Study of the Holy Qur an 2011 This in itself gives an indication that it is the well known tree of evil for both good and evil are compared to two trees in 14 24 25 and elsewhere This is further corroborated by the devil s description of it as the tree of immortality 20 120