Ziqmunt Bauman (19 noyabr 1925[…], Poznan – 9 yanvar 2017[…], Lids) — Sosioloq.
Ziqmunt Bauman | |
pol. Zygmunt Bauman | |
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Doğum tarixi | 19 noyabr 1925[…] |
Doğum yeri |
Vəfat tarixi | 9 yanvar 2017[…](91 yaşında) |
Vəfat yeri |
Vətəndaşlığı | |
Əsas maraqları | sosiologiya |
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Varşava dövrü
- 1957: Zagadnienia centralizmu demokratycznego w pracach Lenina [Questions of Democratic Centralism in Lenin's Works]. Warszawa: Książka i Wiedza.
- 1959: Socjalizm brytyjski: Źródła, filozofia, doktryna polityczna [British Socialism: Sources, Philosophy, Political Doctrine]. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe.
- 1960: Klasa, ruch, elita: Studium socjologiczne dziejów angielskiego ruchu robotniczego [Class, Movement, Elite: A Sociological Study on the History of the British Labour Movement]. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe.
- 1960: Z dziejów demokratycznego ideału [From the History of the Democratic Ideal]. Warszawa: Iskry.
- 1960: Kariera: cztery szkice socjologiczne [Career: Four Sociological Sketches]. Warszawa: Iskry.
- 1961: Z zagadnień współczesnej socjologii amerykańskiej [Questions of Modern American Sociology]. Warszawa: Książka i Wiedza.
- 1962 (with Szymon Chodak, Juliusz Strojnowski, Jakub Banaszkiewicz): Systemy partyjne współczesnego kapitalizmu [The Party Systems of Modern Capitalism]. Warsaw: Książka i Wiedza.
- 1962: Spoleczeństwo, w ktorym żyjemy [The Society we inhabit]. Warsaw: Książka i Wiedza.
- 1962: Zarys socjologii. Zagadnienia i pojęcia [Outline of Sociology. Questions and Concepts]. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe.
- 1963: Idee, ideały, ideologie [Ideas, Ideals, Ideologies]. Warszawa: Iskry.
- 1964: Zarys marksistowskiej teorii spoleczeństwa [ An Outline of the Marxist Theory of Society]. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe.
- 1964: Socjologia na co dzień [Everyday Sociology]. Warszawa: Iskry.
- 1965: Wizje ludzkiego świata. Studia nad społeczną genezą i funkcją socjologii [Visions of a Human World: Studies on the genesis of society and the function of sociology]. Warszawa: Książka i Wiedza.
- 1966: Kultura i społeczeństwo. Preliminaria [Culture and Society, Preliminaries]. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe.
- 2016: Szkice z teorii kultury [Essays in cultural theory]. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar.
Lids dövrü
- 1972: Between Class and Elite. The Evolution of the British Labour Movement. A Sociological Study. Manchester: Manchester University Press (Polish original 1960)
- 1973: Culture as Praxis. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
- 1976: Socialism: The Active Utopia. New York: Holmes and Meier Publishers.
- 1976: Towards a Critical Sociology: An Essay on Common-Sense and Emancipation. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
- 1978: Hermeneutics and Social Science: Approaches to Understanding. London: Hutchinson.
- 1982: Memories of Class: The Pre-history and After-life of Class. London/Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
- c1985 Stalin and the peasant revolution: a case study in the dialectics of master and slave. Leeds: University of Leeds Department of Sociology.
- 1987: Legislators and interpreters: On Modernity, Post-Modernity, Intellectuals. Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press.
- 1988: Freedom. Philadelphia: Open University Press.
- 1989: Modernity and the Holocaust. Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press 1989. ISBN 0–8014–2397-X
- 1990: Paradoxes of Assimilation. New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers.
- 1990: Thinking Sociologically. An introduction for Everyone. Cambridge, Mass.: Basil Blackwell.
- 1991: Modernity and Ambivalence. Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press.
- 1992: Intimations of Postmodernity. London, New York: Routhledge.
- 1992: Mortality, Immortality and Other Life Strategies. Cambridge: Polity.
- 1993: Postmodern Ethics. Cambridge, MA: Basil Blackwell. ISBN 0–631–18693-X
- 1994: Dwa szkice o moralności ponowoczesnej [Two sketches on postmodern morality]. Warszawa: IK.
- 1995: Life in Fragments. Essays in Postmodern Morality. Cambridge, MA: Basil Blackwell.
- 1996: Alone Again — Ethics After Certainty. London: Demos. ISBN 1–898309–40-X
- 1997: Postmodernity and its Discontents. New York: New York University Press.
- 1995: Ciało i przemoc w obliczu ponowoczesności [Body and Violence in the Face of Postmodernity]. Toruń: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika.
- 1997: (with Roman Kubicki, Anna Zeidler-Janiszewska) Humanista w ponowoczesnym świecie — rozmowy o sztuce życia, nauce, życiu sztuki i innych sprawach [A Humanist in the Postmodern World — Conversations on the Art of Life, Science, the Life of Art and Other Matters]. Warszawa: Zysk i S-ka. ISBN 83–7150–313-X
- 1998: Work, consumerism and the new poor. Philadelphia: Open University Press.
- 1998: Globalization: The Human Consequences. New York: Columbia University Press.
- 1999: In Search of Politics. Cambridge: Polity.
- 2000: Liquid Modernity. Cambridge: Polity ISBN 0–7456–2409-X
- (2000 [ed. Peter Beylharz üçün]: The Bauman Reader. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. )
- 2001: Community. Seeking Safety in an Insecure World. Cambridge: Polity.
- 2001: The Individualized Society. Cambridge: Polity.
- 2001 (Keyt Tester ilə): Conversations with Zygmunt Bauman. Cambridge: Polity.
- 2001 (Tim May ilə): Thinking Sociologically, 2nd edition. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
- 2002: Society Under Siege. Cambridge: Polity.
- 2003: Liquid Love: On the Frailty of Human Bonds, Cambridge: Polity.
- 2003: City of fears, city of hopes. London: Goldsmith's College.
- 2004: Wasted Lives. Modernity and its Outcasts. Cambridge: Polity.
- 2004: Europe: An Unfinished Adventure. Cambridge: Polity.
- 2004: Identity: Conversations with Benedetto Vecchi. Cambridge: Polity.
- 2005: Liquid Life. Cambridge: Polity.
- 2006: Liquid Fear. Cambridge: Polity.
- 2006: Liquid Times: Living in an Age of Uncertainty. Cambridge: Polity.
- 2006: Moralność w niestabilnym świecie [Morality in an instable World]. Poznań: Księgarnia św. Wojciecha.
- 2007: Consuming Life. Cambridge: Polity.
- 2008: Does Ethics Have a Chance in a World of Consumers? Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
- 2008: The Art of Life. Cambridge: Polity.
- 2009: Living on Borrowed Time: Conversations with Citlali Rovirosa-Madrazo. Cambridge: Polity.
- 2009: (with Roman Kubicki, Anna Zeidler-Janiszewska) Życie w kontekstach. Rozmowy o tym, co za nami i o tym, co przed nami. [Life in contexts. Conversations about what lies behind us and what lies ahead of us.] Warszawa: WAiP.
- 2010: 44 Letters from the Liquid Modern World. Cambridge: Polity.
- 2011: Collateral Damage: Social Inequalities in a Global Age. Cambridge: Polity.
- 2011: Culture in a Liquid Modern World. Cambridge: Polity.
- 2012: This is Not a Diary. Cambridge: Polity.
- 2012: (David Lyon ilə) Liquid Surveillance: A Conversation. Cambridge: Polity.
- 2013: (Leonidas Donskis ilə) Moral Blindness: The Loss of Sensitivity in Liquid Modernity. Cambridge: Polity.
- 2013: (Stanislav Obirek ilə) O bogu i człowieku. Rozmowy. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie.
- translated as Of God and Man. Cambridge: Polity.
- 2013: (Maykl Hviid Yacobsen və Keyt Tester ilə) What use is sociology? Conversations with Michael Hviid Jacobsen and Keith Tester. Cambridge: Polity.
- 2013: Does the Richness of the Few Benefit Us All? Cambridge: Polity. ISBN 978–0745671093
- 2014: (Karlo Bordoni ilə) State of Crisis. Cambridge: Polity.
- 2015: (Reyn Raud ilə) Practices of Selfhood. Cambridge: Polity.
- 2016: (Leonidas Donskis ilə) Liquid Evil. Cambridge: Polity. ISBN 978–1509508129
- 2016: (Ezio Mauro ilə) Babel. Cambridge: Polity. ISBN 978–1509507603
- 2016: Strangers at Our Door. Cambridge: Polity. ISBN 978–1509512171
- 2017: Retrotopia. Cambridge: Polity. ISBN 978–1509515318
- 1995: Richard Kilminster, Ian Varcoe (eds.), Culture, Modernity and Revolution: Essays in Honour of Zygmunt Bauman. London: Routledge;
- 2000: Peter Beilharz, Zygmunt Bauman: Dialectic of Modernity. London: Sage;
- 2000: Dennis Smith, Zygmunt Bauman: Prophet of Postmodernity (Key Contemporary Thinkers). Cambridge: Polity;
- 2004: Keith Tester, The Social Thought of Zygmunt Bauman. Palgrave MacMillan;
- 2005: Tony Blackshaw, Zygmunt Bauman (Key Sociologists). London/New York: Routledge;
- 2006: Keith Tester, Michael Hviid Jacobsen, Bauman Before Postmodernity: Invitation, Conversations and Annotated Bibliography 1953–1989. Aalborg: Aalborg University Press;
- 2007: Keith Tester, Michael Hviid Jacobsen, Sophia Marshman, Bauman Beyond Postmodernity: Conversations, Critiques and Annotated Bibliography 1989–2005. Aalborg: Aalborg University Press;
- 2007: Anthony Elliott (ed.), The Contemporary Bauman. London: Routledge;
- 2008: Michael Hviid Jacobsen, Poul Poder (eds.), The Sociology of Zygmunt Bauman: Challenges and Critique. London: Ashgate; .
- 2008: Mark Davis, Freedom and Consumerism: A Critique of Zygmunt Bauman's Sociology. Aldershot: Ashgate; .
- 2010: Mark Davis, Keith Tester (eds), Bauman's Challenge: Sociological Issues for the 21st Century. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan;
- 2013: Pierre-Antoine Chardel, Zygmunt Bauman. Les illusions perdues de la modernité. Paris: CNRS Editions;
- 2013: Shaun Best, Zygmunt Bauman: Why Good People Do Bad Things. Farnham: Ashgate;
- 2013: Mark Davis (ed.), Liquid Sociology: Metaphor in Zygmunt Bauman's Analysis of Modernity. Farnham: Ashgate;
- 2013: Paulo Fernando da Silva, Conceito de ética na contemporaneidade segundo Bauman. São Paulo: Cultura Acadêmica;
- 2016: Michael Hviid Jacobsen (Ed), "Beyond Bauman: Critical Engagements and Creative Excursions"? London: Routledge; (hardback); 978-1-315-56917-8 (ebook)
- 2016: Tony Blackshaw (Ed)," The New Bauman Reader: Thinking Sociologically in Liquid Modern Times", Manchester: Manchester University Press; (hardback); 978-1-7849-9403-7 (paperback)
- 2017: Ali Rattansi, "Bauman and Contemporary Sociology: A Critical Analysis", Manchester: Manchester University Press (in press, to be published Spring 2017)
- (brit. ing.). The Guardian, 2017. ISSN 1756-3224; 1354-4322
- Zygmunt Bauman // Internet Speculative Fiction Database (ing.). 1995.
- (çin.). 联合早报, 2017.
- https://v2.nl/people/zygmunt-bauman/.
- . scholar.com.pl. 2017-01-04 tarixində orijinalından arxivləşdirilib. İstifadə tarixi: 2017-01-03.
- "Gb1-08.qxd" (PDF). Demos.co.uk. 2021-10-11 tarixində (PDF). İstifadə tarixi: 2017-01-10.
- Paulo Fernando Da Silva. (PDF). Cultureeacademia.com.br. 2016-09-14 tarixində orijinalından (PDF) arxivləşdirilib. İstifadə tarixi: 2017-01-10.
Xarici keçidlər


- Sociologist Zygmunt Bauman dies 2021-04-10 at the Wayback Machine, hotrecentnews.com
- Information resources on life, academic work and intellectual influence of Zygmunt Bauman 2017-01-13 at the Wayback Machine, SocioSite.net
- Regular columns by Zygmunt Bauman 2011-07-30 at the Wayback Machine, social-europe.eu
- Inhumanity is part of human nature 2009-07-03 at the Wayback Machine, salon.eu.sk
- Posts by Zygmunt Bauman, leeds.ac.uk
- Europe of Strangers Transnational Communities Programme Working Paper (PDF) 2021-05-05 at the Wayback Machine, transcomm.ox.ac.uk
- "Does ethics have a chance in a world of consumers?", harvard.edu
- "The Global Factory of Wasted Humans" — filmed conference of Z. Bauman (2003), archivesaudiovisuelles.fr
- , Barcelona Metropolis, 2010 via archive.org
- Bauman interview (2011), vimeo.com
- Video: The Ambiance of Uncertainty — Interview on Reset — Dialogues on Civilizations, resetdoc.org
- Zygmunt Bauman interview: Zygmunt Bauman: "Social media are a trap" 2019-12-24 at the Wayback Machine, elpais.com
- Zygmunt Bauman: Behind the World's 'crisis of humanity', youtube.com (23 July 2016)
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Ziqmunt Bauman 19 noyabr 1925 Poznan 9 yanvar 2017 Lids Sosioloq Ziqmunt Baumanpol Zygmunt BaumanDogum tarixi 19 noyabr 1925 1925 11 19 Dogum yeri Poznan Poznan voyevodlugu d Polsa RespublikasiVefat tarixi 9 yanvar 2017 2017 01 09 91 yasinda Vefat yeri Lids Lids d Qerbi Yorksir d Yorksir ve Hamber d Ingiltere Birlesmis KralliqVetendasligi Polsa Birlesmis KralliqEsas maraqlari sosiologiya Vikianbarda elaqeli mediafayllarBiblioqrafiyasiVarsava dovru 1957 Zagadnienia centralizmu demokratycznego w pracach Lenina Questions of Democratic Centralism in Lenin s Works Warszawa Ksiazka i Wiedza 1959 Socjalizm brytyjski Zrodla filozofia doktryna polityczna British Socialism Sources Philosophy Political Doctrine Warszawa Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe 1960 Klasa ruch elita Studium socjologiczne dziejow angielskiego ruchu robotniczego Class Movement Elite A Sociological Study on the History of the British Labour Movement Warszawa Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe 1960 Z dziejow demokratycznego idealu From the History of the Democratic Ideal Warszawa Iskry 1960 Kariera cztery szkice socjologiczne Career Four Sociological Sketches Warszawa Iskry 1961 Z zagadnien wspolczesnej socjologii amerykanskiej Questions of Modern American Sociology Warszawa Ksiazka i Wiedza 1962 with Szymon Chodak Juliusz Strojnowski Jakub Banaszkiewicz Systemy partyjne wspolczesnego kapitalizmu The Party Systems of Modern Capitalism Warsaw Ksiazka i Wiedza 1962 Spoleczenstwo w ktorym zyjemy The Society we inhabit Warsaw Ksiazka i Wiedza 1962 Zarys socjologii Zagadnienia i pojecia Outline of Sociology Questions and Concepts Warszawa Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe 1963 Idee idealy ideologie Ideas Ideals Ideologies Warszawa Iskry 1964 Zarys marksistowskiej teorii spoleczenstwa An Outline of the Marxist Theory of Society Warszawa Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe 1964 Socjologia na co dzien Everyday Sociology Warszawa Iskry 1965 Wizje ludzkiego swiata Studia nad spoleczna geneza i funkcja socjologii Visions of a Human World Studies on the genesis of society and the function of sociology Warszawa Ksiazka i Wiedza 1966 Kultura i spoleczenstwo Preliminaria Culture and Society Preliminaries Warszawa Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe 2016 Szkice z teorii kultury Essays in cultural theory Warszawa Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar ISBN 978 83 7383 878 9Lids dovru 1972 Between Class and Elite The Evolution of the British Labour Movement A Sociological Study Manchester Manchester University Press ISBN 0 7190 0502 7 Polish original 1960 1973 Culture as Praxis London Routledge amp Kegan Paul ISBN 0 7619 5989 0 1976 Socialism The Active Utopia New York Holmes and Meier Publishers ISBN 0 8419 0240 2 1976 Towards a Critical Sociology An Essay on Common Sense and Emancipation London Routledge amp Kegan Paul ISBN 0 7100 8306 8 1978 Hermeneutics and Social Science Approaches to Understanding London Hutchinson ISBN 0 09 132531 5 1982 Memories of Class The Pre history and After life of Class London Boston Routledge amp Kegan Paul ISBN 0 7100 9196 6 c1985 Stalin and the peasant revolution a case study in the dialectics of master and slave Leeds University of Leeds Department of Sociology ISBN 0 907427 18 9 1987 Legislators and interpreters On Modernity Post Modernity Intellectuals Ithaca N Y Cornell University Press ISBN 0 8014 2104 7 1988 Freedom Philadelphia Open University Press ISBN 0 335 15592 8 1989 Modernity and the Holocaust Ithaca N Y Cornell University Press 1989 ISBN 0 8014 2397 X 1990 Paradoxes of Assimilation New Brunswick Transaction Publishers 1990 Thinking Sociologically An introduction for Everyone Cambridge Mass Basil Blackwell ISBN 0 631 16361 1 1991 Modernity and Ambivalence Ithaca N Y Cornell University Press ISBN 0 8014 2603 0 1992 Intimations of Postmodernity London New York Routhledge ISBN 0 415 06750 2 1992 Mortality Immortality and Other Life Strategies Cambridge Polity ISBN 0 7456 1016 1 1993 Postmodern Ethics Cambridge MA Basil Blackwell ISBN 0 631 18693 X 1994 Dwa szkice o moralnosci ponowoczesnej Two sketches on postmodern morality Warszawa IK 1995 Life in Fragments Essays in Postmodern Morality Cambridge MA Basil Blackwell ISBN 0 631 19267 0 1996 Alone Again Ethics After Certainty London Demos ISBN 1 898309 40 X 1997 Postmodernity and its Discontents New York New York University Press ISBN 0 7456 1791 3 1995 Cialo i przemoc w obliczu ponowoczesnosci Body and Violence in the Face of Postmodernity Torun Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikolaja Kopernika ISBN 83 231 0654 1 1997 with Roman Kubicki Anna Zeidler Janiszewska Humanista w ponowoczesnym swiecie rozmowy o sztuce zycia nauce zyciu sztuki i innych sprawach A Humanist in the Postmodern World Conversations on the Art of Life Science the Life of Art and Other Matters Warszawa Zysk i S ka ISBN 83 7150 313 X 1998 Work consumerism and the new poor Philadelphia Open University Press ISBN 0 335 20155 5 1998 Globalization The Human Consequences New York Columbia University Press ISBN 0 7456 2012 4 1999 In Search of Politics Cambridge Polity ISBN 0 7456 2172 4 2000 Liquid Modernity Cambridge Polity ISBN 0 7456 2409 X 2000 ed Peter Beylharz ucun The Bauman Reader Oxford Blackwell Publishers ISBN 0 631 21492 5 2001 Community Seeking Safety in an Insecure World Cambridge Polity ISBN 0 7456 2634 3 2001 The Individualized Society Cambridge Polity ISBN 0 7456 2506 1 2001 Keyt Tester ile Conversations with Zygmunt Bauman Cambridge Polity ISBN 0 7456 2664 5 2001 Tim May ile Thinking Sociologically 2nd edition Oxford Blackwell Publishers ISBN 0 631 21929 3 2002 Society Under Siege Cambridge Polity ISBN 0 7456 2984 9 2003 Liquid Love On the Frailty of Human Bonds Cambridge Polity ISBN 0 7456 2489 8 2003 City of fears city of hopes London Goldsmith s College ISBN 1 904158 37 4 2004 Wasted Lives Modernity and its Outcasts Cambridge Polity ISBN 0 7456 3164 9 2004 Europe An Unfinished Adventure Cambridge Polity ISBN 0 7456 3403 6 2004 Identity Conversations with Benedetto Vecchi Cambridge Polity ISBN 0 7456 3308 0 2005 Liquid Life Cambridge Polity ISBN 0 7456 3514 8 2006 Liquid Fear Cambridge Polity ISBN 0 7456 3680 2 2006 Liquid Times Living in an Age of Uncertainty Cambridge Polity ISBN 0 7456 3987 9 2006 Moralnosc w niestabilnym swiecie Morality in an instable World Poznan Ksiegarnia sw Wojciecha ISBN 83 7015 863 3 2007 Consuming Life Cambridge Polity ISBN 0 7456 4002 8 2008 Does Ethics Have a Chance in a World of Consumers Cambridge MA Harvard University Press ISBN 0 674 02780 9 2008 The Art of Life Cambridge Polity ISBN 0 7456 4326 4 2009 Living on Borrowed Time Conversations with Citlali Rovirosa Madrazo Cambridge Polity ISBN 978 0 7456 4738 8 2009 with Roman Kubicki Anna Zeidler Janiszewska Zycie w kontekstach Rozmowy o tym co za nami i o tym co przed nami Life in contexts Conversations about what lies behind us and what lies ahead of us Warszawa WAiP ISBN 978 83 61408 77 2 2010 44 Letters from the Liquid Modern World Cambridge Polity ISBN 978 0 7456 5056 2 2011 Collateral Damage Social Inequalities in a Global Age Cambridge Polity ISBN 978 0 7456 5294 8 2011 Culture in a Liquid Modern World Cambridge Polity ISBN 978 0 7456 5355 6 2012 This is Not a Diary Cambridge Polity ISBN 978 0 7456 5570 3 2012 David Lyon ile Liquid Surveillance A Conversation Cambridge Polity ISBN 978 0 7456 6282 4 2013 Leonidas Donskis ile Moral Blindness The Loss of Sensitivity in Liquid Modernity Cambridge Polity ISBN 978 0 7456 6274 9 2013 Stanislav Obirek ile O bogu i czlowieku Rozmowy Krakow Wydawnictwo Literackie ISBN 978 83 08 05089 7 translated as Of God and Man Cambridge Polity ISBN 978 0 7456 9568 6 2013 Maykl Hviid Yacobsen ve Keyt Tester ile What use is sociology Conversations with Michael Hviid Jacobsen and Keith Tester Cambridge Polity ISBN 9780745671246 2013 Does the Richness of the Few Benefit Us All Cambridge Polity ISBN 978 0745671093 2014 Karlo Bordoni ile State of Crisis Cambridge Polity ISBN 978 0 7456 8095 8 2015 Reyn Raud ile Practices of Selfhood Cambridge Polity ISBN 9780745690179 2016 Leonidas Donskis ile Liquid Evil Cambridge Polity ISBN 978 1509508129 2016 Ezio Mauro ile Babel Cambridge Polity ISBN 978 1509507603 2016 Strangers at Our Door Cambridge Polity ISBN 978 1509512171 2017 Retrotopia Cambridge Polity ISBN 978 1509515318Menbeler1995 Richard Kilminster Ian Varcoe eds Culture Modernity and Revolution Essays in Honour of Zygmunt Bauman London Routledge ISBN 0 415 08266 8 2000 Peter Beilharz Zygmunt Bauman Dialectic of Modernity London Sage ISBN 0 7619 6735 4 2000 Dennis Smith Zygmunt Bauman Prophet of Postmodernity Key Contemporary Thinkers Cambridge Polity ISBN 0 7456 1899 5 2004 Keith Tester The Social Thought of Zygmunt Bauman Palgrave MacMillan ISBN 1 4039 1271 8 2005 Tony Blackshaw Zygmunt Bauman Key Sociologists London New York Routledge ISBN 0 415 35504 4 2006 Keith Tester Michael Hviid Jacobsen Bauman Before Postmodernity Invitation Conversations and Annotated Bibliography 1953 1989 Aalborg Aalborg University Press ISBN 87 7307 738 0 2007 Keith Tester Michael Hviid Jacobsen Sophia Marshman Bauman Beyond Postmodernity Conversations Critiques and Annotated Bibliography 1989 2005 Aalborg Aalborg University Press ISBN 87 7307 783 6 2007 Anthony Elliott ed The Contemporary Bauman London Routledge ISBN 0 415 40969 1 2008 Michael Hviid Jacobsen Poul Poder eds The Sociology of Zygmunt Bauman Challenges and Critique London Ashgate ISBN 0 7546 7060 0 2008 Mark Davis Freedom and Consumerism A Critique of Zygmunt Bauman s Sociology Aldershot Ashgate ISBN 978 0 7546 7271 5 2010 Mark Davis Keith Tester eds Bauman s Challenge Sociological Issues for the 21st Century Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan ISBN 978 0 230 22134 5 2013 Pierre Antoine Chardel Zygmunt Bauman Les illusions perdues de la modernite Paris CNRS Editions ISBN 978 2 271 07542 0 2013 Shaun Best Zygmunt Bauman Why Good People Do Bad Things Farnham Ashgate ISBN 978 1 4094 3588 4 2013 Mark Davis ed Liquid Sociology Metaphor in Zygmunt Bauman s Analysis of Modernity Farnham Ashgate ISBN 978 1 4094 3887 8 2013 Paulo Fernando da Silva Conceito de etica na contemporaneidade segundo Bauman Sao Paulo Cultura Academica ISBN 9788579834271 2016 Michael Hviid Jacobsen Ed Beyond Bauman Critical Engagements and Creative Excursions London Routledge ISBN 978 1 4724 7611 1 hardback 978 1 315 56917 8 ebook 2016 Tony Blackshaw Ed The New Bauman Reader Thinking Sociologically in Liquid Modern Times Manchester Manchester University Press ISBN 978 1 5261 0079 5 hardback 978 1 7849 9403 7 paperback 2017 Ali Rattansi Bauman and Contemporary Sociology A Critical Analysis Manchester Manchester University Press in press to be published Spring 2017 Istinadlar brit ing The Guardian 2017 ISSN 1756 3224 1354 4322 Zygmunt Bauman Internet Speculative Fiction Database ing 1995 cin 联合早报 2017 https v2 nl people zygmunt bauman scholar com pl 2017 01 04 tarixinde orijinalindan arxivlesdirilib Istifade tarixi 2017 01 03 Gb1 08 qxd PDF Demos co uk 2021 10 11 tarixinde PDF Istifade tarixi 2017 01 10 Paulo Fernando Da Silva PDF Cultureeacademia com br 2016 09 14 tarixinde orijinalindan PDF arxivlesdirilib Istifade tarixi 2017 01 10 Xarici kecidlerVikianbarda Ziqmunt Bauman ile elaqeli mediafayllar var Vikisitatda Ziqmunt Bauman ile elaqedar sitatlar var Sociologist Zygmunt Bauman dies 2021 04 10 at the Wayback Machine hotrecentnews com Information resources on life academic work and intellectual influence of Zygmunt Bauman 2017 01 13 at the Wayback Machine SocioSite net Regular columns by Zygmunt Bauman 2011 07 30 at the Wayback Machine social europe eu Inhumanity is part of human nature 2009 07 03 at the Wayback Machine salon eu sk Posts by Zygmunt Bauman leeds ac uk Europe of Strangers Transnational Communities Programme Working Paper PDF 2021 05 05 at the Wayback Machine transcomm ox ac uk Does ethics have a chance in a world of consumers harvard edu The Global Factory of Wasted Humans filmed conference of Z Bauman 2003 archivesaudiovisuelles fr Barcelona Metropolis 2010 via archive org Bauman interview 2011 vimeo com Video The Ambiance of Uncertainty Interview on Reset Dialogues on Civilizations resetdoc org Zygmunt Bauman interview Zygmunt Bauman Social media are a trap 2019 12 24 at the Wayback Machine elpais com Zygmunt Bauman Behind the World s crisis of humanity youtube com 23 July 2016