Yepiskop (yun. ἐπίσκοπος — "nəzarətçi") — Müasir xristian kilsələrində ali, üçüncü dərəcə ruhani rütbəsi, eyni zamanda arxierey də adlanır.

- Ignatius of Antioch, Epistles of to the Ephesians, Magnesians, Trallesians, and Smyrnans, Lightfoot, trans., Harmer, ed. (Kessinger, 1891/2003).
- Mathews, James, Set Apart To Serve: The Role of the Episcopacy in the Wesleyan Tradition (Nashville: Abingdon, 1985).
- Moede, Gerald, The Office of Bishop in Methodism: Its History and Development (Nashville: Abingdon, 1965).
- Епископ 2002-03-22 at the Wayback Machine
- Служение церковного управления — епископство: Настольная книга священнослужителя. Т. 4.М.: Изд-во Московской патриархии, 2001
- Глава "Епископы" Том IV. "История церкви в период Вселенских соборов" // В. В. Болотов. Лекции по истории Древней Церкви.

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Yepiskop yun ἐpiskopos nezaretci Muasir xristian kilselerinde ali ucuncu derece ruhani rutbesi eyni zamanda arxierey de adlanir Yoxan Otto fon Hemmingen katolik yepiskopuMenbeIgnatius of Antioch Epistles of to the Ephesians Magnesians Trallesians and Smyrnans Lightfoot trans Harmer ed Kessinger 1891 2003 ISBN 0 7661 6498 5 Mathews James Set Apart To Serve The Role of the Episcopacy in the Wesleyan Tradition Nashville Abingdon 1985 Moede Gerald The Office of Bishop in Methodism Its History and Development Nashville Abingdon 1965 Episkop 2002 03 22 at the Wayback Machine Sluzhenie cerkovnogo upravleniya episkopstvo Nastolnaya kniga svyashennosluzhitelya T 4 M Izd vo Moskovskoj patriarhii 2001 Glava Episkopy Tom IV Istoriya cerkvi v period Vselenskih soborov V V Bolotov Lekcii po istorii Drevnej Cerkvi Vikianbarda Yepiskop ile elaqeli mediafayllar var Din ile elaqedar bu meqale qaralama halindadir Meqaleni redakte ederek Vikipediyani zenginlesdirin