Yeni Assuriya çarlığı — qədim Mesopotamiya və Yaxın Şərqdə dövlət. Assuriya çarlığının mövcudluq dövrlərindən biridir, e.ə. 934-cü ildən e.ə. 609-cu ilə qədər davam etmişdir. Bu dövrdə Assuriya regional güc kimi mövqeyini möhkəmləndirdi, sərhədlərinin maksimum genişlənməsinə nail olmuşdur.
Bir çox alim Yeni Assuriya çarlığını bəşər tarixində ilk "əsl" və ya başqa sözlə, "dünya" imperiyası hesab edir. Assuriya mədəniyyəti Əhəmənilər dövlətinə və əhəmiyyətli təsir göstərmişdir.
"ARXEOLOQLAR "ASARHADDONUN VASSAL MÜQAVİLƏSİ"NİN ŞİFRİNİ AÇMIŞLAR". Azərbaycan Dövlət İnformasiya Agentliyi(az.). 10 aprel 2010. 2015-03-25 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: 22 iyun 2022.
"Zamanların mozaikası: hadisələr və şəxsiyyətlər" (az.). İstifadə tarixi: 22 iyun 2022.
Frye, Richard N. "Assyria and Syria: Synonyms". PhD., Harvard University. . 1992. 2014-02-01 tarixində . And the ancient Assyrian empire, was the first real, empire in history. What do I mean, it had many different peoples included in the empire, all speaking Aramaic, and becoming what may be called, "Assyrian citizens." That was the first time in history, that we have this. For example, Elamite musicians, were brought to Nineveh, and they were 'made Assyrians' which means, that Assyria, was more than a small country, it was the empire, the whole Fertile Crescent.
И. М. Дьяконов, В. А. Якобсон, Н. Б. Янковская. Лекция 1. Общие черты второго периода Древней истории. // История Древнего мира / Под редакцией И. М. Дьяконова, В. Д. Нероновой, И. С. Свенцицкой. — Изд. 3-е, испр. и доп. — М.: Главная редакция восточной литературы издательства «Наука», 1989. — Т. 2. Расцвет древних обществ. — 572 с. — 50 000 экз. — .
Hirad Dinavari. "More alike than different". The Iranian. 2012-04-30 tarixində arxivləşdirilib. The cultural give and take influenced the many things some of which are the cuneiform writing and the building of ziggurats which the later Assyrians and the Achaemenid (Hakhamaneshi) Persians inherited. The Assyrians for the most part were responsible for the destruction of the Elamite civilization but the Assyrians influenced the cultures of Media and Ararat (Armenia) and the influence of Elam lived on among the Medes and Persians. The various Iranian speaking peoples who had been coming into what is now Caucasus Iran, Afghanistan and Central Asia since around 4 thousand BCE were heavily influenced by the aboriginal Elamites and the Semitic Babylonians and Assyrians. This difference can be most noticed when one compares other Iranian speaking peoples who lived in Eurasia like the Scything and Sarmatians whose culture was very different with that of Iranian tribes who settled in the Iranian Plateau and became more intertwined with Slavic peoples. So from that far back Iran (the geographic location) has been multi-ethnic.
Əlavə ədəbiyyat
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Yeni Assuriya carligi qedim Mesopotamiya ve Yaxin Serqde dovlet Assuriya carliginin movcudluq dovrlerinden biridir e e 934 cu ilden e e 609 cu ile qeder davam etmisdir Bu dovrde Assuriya regional guc kimi movqeyini mohkemlendirdi serhedlerinin maksimum genislenmesine nail olmusdur IrsiBir cox alim Yeni Assuriya carligini beser tarixinde ilk esl ve ya basqa sozle dunya imperiyasi hesab edir Assuriya medeniyyeti Ehemeniler dovletine ve ehemiyyetli tesir gostermisdir Istinadlar ARXEOLOQLAR ASARHADDONUN VASSAL MUQAVILESI NIN SIFRINI ACMISLAR Azerbaycan Dovlet Informasiya Agentliyi az 10 aprel 2010 2015 03 25 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 22 iyun 2022 Zamanlarin mozaikasi hadiseler ve sexsiyyetler az Istifade tarixi 22 iyun 2022 Frye Richard N Assyria and Syria Synonyms PhD Harvard University 1992 2014 02 01 tarixinde And the ancient Assyrian empire was the first real empire in history What do I mean it had many different peoples included in the empire all speaking Aramaic and becoming what may be called Assyrian citizens That was the first time in history that we have this For example Elamite musicians were brought to Nineveh and they were made Assyrians which means that Assyria was more than a small country it was the empire the whole Fertile Crescent I M Dyakonov V A Yakobson N B Yankovskaya Lekciya 1 Obshie cherty vtorogo perioda Drevnej istorii Istoriya Drevnego mira Pod redakciej I M Dyakonova V D Neronovoj I S Svencickoj Izd 3 e ispr i dop M Glavnaya redakciya vostochnoj literatury izdatelstva Nauka 1989 T 2 Rascvet drevnih obshestv 572 s 50 000 ekz ISBN 5 02 016781 9 Hirad Dinavari More alike than different The Iranian 2012 04 30 tarixinde arxivlesdirilib The cultural give and take influenced the many things some of which are the cuneiform writing and the building of ziggurats which the later Assyrians and the Achaemenid Hakhamaneshi Persians inherited The Assyrians for the most part were responsible for the destruction of the Elamite civilization but the Assyrians influenced the cultures of Media and Ararat Armenia and the influence of Elam lived on among the Medes and Persians The various Iranian speaking peoples who had been coming into what is now Caucasus Iran Afghanistan and Central Asia since around 4 thousand BCE were heavily influenced by the aboriginal Elamites and the Semitic Babylonians and Assyrians This difference can be most noticed when one compares other Iranian speaking peoples who lived in Eurasia like the Scything and Sarmatians whose culture was very different with that of Iranian tribes who settled in the Iranian Plateau and became more intertwined with Slavic peoples So from that far back Iran the geographic location has been multi ethnic Elave edebiyyatAberbach David Major Turning Points in Jewish Intellectual History New York Palgrave MacMillan 2003 ISBN 978 1403917669 2022 04 19 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2022 06 21 Ahmed Sami Said Southern Mesopotamia in the time of Ashurbanipal Berlin Walter de Gruyter 2018 ISBN 978 3111033587 2022 09 20 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2022 06 21 Bagg Ariel Where is the Public A New Look at the Brutality Scenes in Neo Assyrian Royal Inscriptions and Art Battini Laura redaktor Making Pictures of War Realia et Imaginaria in the Iconology of the Ancient Near East Archaeopress Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology Oxford Archaeopress 2016 doi 10 2307 j ctvxrq18w 12 ISBN 978 1784914035 2023 10 08 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2022 06 21 Bagg Ariel Assyrian Technology E Frahm redaktor A Companion to Assyria Hoboken John Wiley amp Sons 2017 ISBN 978 1118325247 2022 09 20 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2022 06 21 Beaulieu Paul Alain Assyria in Late Babylonian Sources E Frahm redaktor A Companion to Assyria Hoboken John Wiley amp Sons 2017 ISBN 978 1118325247 2022 09 20 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2022 06 21 Beaulieu Paul Alain A History of Babylon 2200 BC AD 75 Pondicherry Wiley 2018 ISBN 978 1405188999 2022 09 22 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2022 06 21 Bedford Peter R The Neo Assyrian Empire Morris Ian Scheidel Walter redaktorlar The Dynamics of Ancient Empires State Power from Assyria to Byzantium Oxford Oxford University Press 2009 ISBN 978 0 19 537158 1 Brinkman J A Sennacherib s Babylonian Problem An Interpretation 25 2 1973 89 95 doi 10 2307 1359421 JSTOR 1359421 Chen Fei Study on the Synchronistic King List from Ashur Leiden BRILL 2020 ISBN 978 9004430914 2022 09 20 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2022 06 21 Cogan Mordechai Restoring the Empire Israel Exploration Journal 67 2 2017 151 167 JSTOR 26740626 2022 04 02 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2022 06 21 Dalley Stephanie Assyrian Warfare E Frahm redaktor A Companion to Assyria Hoboken John Wiley amp Sons 2017 ISBN 978 1118325247 2022 09 20 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2022 06 21 Davenport T L Situation and Organisation The Empire Building of Tiglath Pileser III 745 728 BC PDF Tezis University of Sydney 2016 2021 06 06 tarixinde PDF Istifade tarixi 2022 06 21 Dewar Ben The Burning of Captives in the Assyrian Royal Inscriptions and 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London Routledge 2020 137 148 doi 10 4324 9780429434105 15 ISBN 978 0429434105 2022 04 19 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2022 06 21 Filoni Fernando The Church in Iraq Washington D C The Catholic University of America Press 2017 ISBN 978 0813229652 2022 05 10 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2022 06 21 Frahm Eckart Family Matters Psychohistorical Reflections on Sennacherib and His Times Kalimi Isaac Richardson Seth redaktorlar Sennacherib at the Gates of Jerusalem Story History and Historiography Leiden BRILL 2014 ISBN 978 9004265615 2022 09 22 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2022 06 21 Frahm Eckart The Neo Assyrian Period ca 1000 609 BCE E Frahm redaktor A Companion to Assyria Hoboken John Wiley amp Sons 2017 ISBN 978 1118325247 2022 09 20 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2022 06 21 Frahm Eckart Assyria in the Hebrew Bible E Frahm redaktor A Companion to Assyria Hoboken John Wiley amp Sons 2017 ISBN 978 1118325247 2022 09 20 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2022 06 21 Gansell Amy Rebecca In Pursuit of Neo Assyrian Queens An Interdisciplinary Methodology for Researching Ancient Women and Engendering Ancient History Svard Saana Garcia Ventura Agnes redaktorlar Studying Gender in the Ancient Near East University Park Pennsylvania Eisenbrauns 2018 ISBN 978 1575067704 Garfinkle Steven J The Assyrians A New Look at an Ancient Power Rubio Gonzalo Garfinkle Steven J Beckman Gary Snell Daniel C Chavalas Mark W redaktorlar Current Issues and the Study of the Ancient Near East Publications of the Association of Ancient Historians Claremont Regina Books 2007 ISBN 978 1930053465 Grayson A Kirk Assyria Ashur dan II to Ashur Nirari V 934 745 B C Boardman John Edwards I E S Hammond N G L Sollberger E redaktorlar The Cambridge Ancient History Volume 3 Part 1 The Prehistory of the Balkans the Middle East and the Aegean World Tenth to Eighth Centuries BC 2nd Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1982 ISBN 978 1139054287 2021 12 11 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2022 06 21 Grayson A Kirk Assyrian Rulers of the Early 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and the Origins of the New Babylonian Dynasty Revue d assyriologie et d archeologie orientale German 101 1 2007 125 136 doi 10 3917 assy 101 0125 2022 09 22 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2022 06 21 Kalimi Isaac Richardson Seth Sennacherib at the Gates of Jerusalem Story History and Historiography An Introduction Kalimi Isaac Richardson Seth redaktorlar Sennacherib at the Gates of Jerusalem Story History and Historiography Leiden 2014 ISBN 978 9004265615 2022 09 22 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2022 06 21 Kertai David The Queens of the Neo Assyrian Empire Altorientalische Forschungen 40 1 2013 108 124 doi 10 1524 aof 2013 0006 Kessler Karlheinz Royal Roads and other questions of the Neo Assyrian communication system PDF S Parpola R Whiting redaktorlar Assyria 1995 Helsinki Neo Assyrian Text Corpus Project 1997 129 136 2021 12 05 tarixinde PDF Istifade tarixi 2022 06 21 Levin Yigal Nimrod the Mighty King of Kish King of Sumer and Akkad Vetus Testamentum 52 3 2002 350 366 doi 10 1163 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to the End Chicago University of Chicago Press 1927 OCLC 926853184 2016 06 03 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2022 06 21 Luukko Mikko Van Buylaere Greta Languages and Writing Systems in Assyria E Frahm redaktor A Companion to Assyria Hoboken John Wiley amp Sons 2017 ISBN 978 1118325247 2022 09 20 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2022 06 21 MacGinnis John Mobilisation and Militarisation in the Neo Babylonian Empire Studies on War in the Ancient Near East AOAT 372 2010 153 163 2022 01 17 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2022 06 21 Mark Joshua J Ashurbanipal 2009 23 September 2022 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 28 November 2019 Mark Joshua A Ashurnasirpal II 2014 22 April 2022 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 13 January 2022 Mark Joshua A The Greatest Party Ever Thrown Ashurnasirpal II s Kalhu Festival 2020 23 April 2022 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 22 January 2022 Melville Sarah C The Last Campaign the Assyrian Way of War and the Collapse of the Empire Lee Wayne E redaktor Warfare and Culture in World History New York New 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Cambridge University Press 1992 ISBN 978 3111033587 2022 09 22 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2022 06 21 Parker Bradley J The Construction and Performance of Kingship in the Neo Assyrian Empire Journal of Anthropological Research 67 3 2011 357 386 doi 10 3998 jar 0521004 0067 303 JSTOR 41303323 Parpola Simo National and Ethnic Identity in the Neo Assyrian Empire and Assyrian Identity in Post Empire Times PDF Journal of Assyrian Academic Studies 18 2 2004 5 22 2020 11 19 tarixinde PDF Istifade tarixi 2022 06 21 Payne Richard Avoiding Ethnicity Uses of the Ancient Past in Late Sasanian Northern Mesopotamia Pohl Walter Gantner Clemens Payne Richard redaktorlar Visions of Community in the Post Roman World The West Byzantium and the Islamic World 300 1100 Farnham Ashgate Publishing 2012 ISBN 978 1409427094 2022 02 26 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2022 06 21 Radner Karen The Trials of Esarhaddon The Conspiracy of 670 BC ISIMU Revista sobre Oriente Proximo y Egipto en la antiguedad 6 2003 165 183 2020 08 13 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2022 06 21 Radner Karen The King s Road the imperial communication network Assyrian empire builders University College London 2012 2020 08 19 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2022 06 21 Radner Karen Royal marriage alliances and noble hostages Assyrian empire builders 2013 22 September 2022 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 26 November 2019 Radner Karen Ancient Assyria A Very Short Introduction Oxford Oxford University Press 2015 ISBN 978 0 19 871590 0 Radner Karen Royal pen pals the kings of Assyria in correspondence with officials clients and total strangers 8th and 7th centuries BC PDF S Prochazka L Reinfandt S Tost redaktorlar Official Epistolography and the Language s of Power Austrian Academy of Sciences Press 2015 2018 04 23 tarixinde PDF Istifade tarixi 2022 06 21 Radner Karen Revolts in the Assyrian Empire Succession Wars Rebellions Against a False King and Independence Movements Collins John J Manning Joseph Gilbert redaktorlar Revolt and Resistance in the 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Spurrier Tracy L Finding Hama On the Identification of a Forgotten Queen Buried in the Nimrud Tombs Journal of Near Eastern Studies 76 1 2017 149 174 doi 10 1086 690911 2022 06 17 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2022 06 21 Svard Saana Changes in Neo Assyrian Queenship State Archives of Assyria Bulletin XXI 2015 157 171 Taagepera Rein Size and duration of empires Systematics of size PDF ingilis 7 2 1978 111 doi 10 1016 0049 089X 78 90007 8 ISSN 0049 089X 2020 07 07 tarixinde PDF Istifade tarixi 2020 07 07 Teppo Saana Agency and the Neo Assyrian Women of the Palace Studia Orientalia Electronica 101 2007 381 420 2022 04 19 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2022 06 21 Trolle Larsen Mogens The Archaeological Exploration of Assyria E Frahm redaktor A Companion to Assyria Hoboken John Wiley amp Sons 2017 ISBN 978 1118325247 2022 09 20 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2022 06 21 Turchin Peter Adams Jonathan M Hall Thomas D East West Orientation of Historical Empires PDF 12 2 2006 222 223 ISSN 1076 156X 2020 07 07 tarixinde PDF Istifade tarixi 2020 07 07 Watanabe Kazuko Seals of Neo Assyrian Officials Watanabe Kazuko redaktor Priests and Officials in the Ancient Near East Universitatsverlag C Winter 1999 ISBN 3 8253 0533 3 2023 10 08 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2022 06 21 Yamada Shiego The Construction of the Assyrian Empire A Historical Study of the Inscriptions of Shalmanesar III 859 824 B C Relating to His Campaigns to the West Leiden BRILL 2000 ISBN 90 04 11772 5 2022 03 31 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2022 06 21 Yamada Keiko Yamada Shiego Shalmaneser V and His Era Revisited Baruchi Unna Amitai Forti Tova Aḥituv Shmuel Ephʿal Israel Tigay Jeffrey H redaktorlar Now It Happened in Those Days Studies in Biblical Assyrian and Other Ancient Near Eastern Historiography Presented to Mordechai Cogan on His 75th Birthday 2 Winona Lake Indiana Eisenbrauns 2017 ISBN 978 1575067612 2022 02 09 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2022 06 21 Zaia Shana Going Native Samas suma ukin Assyrian King of Babylon IRAQ 81 2019 247 268 doi 10 1017 irq 2019 1 2022 01 22 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2022 06 21 Zawadzki Stefan The Revolt of 746 B C and the Coming of Tiglath pileser III to the Throne PDF State Archives of Assyria Bulletin 8 1994 53 54 2020 07 12 tarixinde PDF Istifade tarixi 2022 06 21