Xristian dünyası — , xristianların çoxluq təşkil etdiyi ölkələrə və xristianlığın üstünlük təşkil etdiyi, mədəni və ya tarixən iç-içə olduğu ölkələrə aid edilən tarixi termin.

Roma imperiyasının son dövrlərində xristianlığın Levantdan Avropaya və Şimali Afrikaya yayılmasından sonra xristian dünyası bölünmüşdür. Nəticə etibarilə xristianlığın daxilində Roma və Konstantinopol şəhərləri ətrafında mərkəzləşmiş, öz inancları və əməlləri olan sektalar yaranmışdır. XI–XIII əsrlərdə Qərb dünyasının mərkəzi roluna yüksəlmişdir.
- "Global Christianity – A Report on the Size and Distribution of the World's Christian Population" (PDF). Pew Research Center. 2021-02-01 tarixində (PDF). İstifadə tarixi: 2023-01-04.
- Hall, Douglas John. The End of Christendom and the Future of Christianity. Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock Publishers. 2002. səh. ix. ISBN . İstifadə tarixi: 28 January 2018.
"Christendom" [...] means literally the dominion or sovereignty of the Christian religion.
- See Merriam-Webster.com : dictionary, "Christendom" 2017-09-18 at the Wayback Machine
- Chazan, Robert. The Jews of Medieval Western Christendom: 1000-1500. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2006. səh. xi. ISBN . İstifadə tarixi: 26 January 2018.
- Encarta-encyclopedie Winkler Prins (1993–2002) s.v. "christendom. § 1.3 Scheidingen". Microsoft Corporation/Het Spectrum.
- Chazan, p. 5.
Əlavə ədəbiyyat
- Woods, Thomas Jr. How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization. Regnery Publishing, Inc. 2005. ISBN .
- Cameron, Averil. The Byzantines. Oxford: Blackwell. 2006. ISBN .
- Browning, Robert. The Byzantine Empire. Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press. 1992. ISBN .
- The Return of Christendom. Macmillan. 1922.
- Andrew Dickson White. A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom. D. Appleton. 1897.
- F. G. Cole. Mother of All Churches: A Brief and Comprehensive Handbook of the Holy Eastern Orthodox Church. Skeffington. 1908.
- Hull, Moses. Encyclopedia of Biblical Spiritualism; Or, A Concordance to the Principal Passages of the Old and New Testament Scriptures Which Prove or Imply Spiritualism; Together with a Brief History of the Origin of Many of the Important Books of the Bible. Chicago: M. Hull, 1895. (ed., reprint version is available)
- Bosanquet, Bernard. The Civilization of Christendom, And Other Studies. London: S. Sonnenschein, 1893.
- The History of Teachings of the Early Church, as a Basis for the Re-union of Christendom: Lectures. E. & J. B. Young. 1893.
- John Hodson Egar. Christendom; ecclesiastical and political, from Constantine to the Reformation. J. Pott. 1887.
- The Churches of Christendom. Macniven and Wallace. 1884.
- Charles, Elizabeth. Sketches of the women of Christendom, by the author of 'Chronicles of the Schönberg-Cotta family'. 1880.
- Naville, Ernest. The Christ: Seven lectures. T. & T. Clark. 1880.
- George William Cox. Latin and Teutonic Christendom: An Historical Sketch. Longmans, Green & Company. 1870.
- Girdlestone, Charles. Christendom, sketched from history in the light of holy Scripture. Published for the Author by Sampson Low, Son, & Marston. 1870.
- John Radford Thomson. Symbols of Christendom: an elementary text-book. 1867.
- Thomas William Allies. The formation of Christendom. Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, and Green. 1865.
- Stearns, George. The mistake of Christendom; or, Jesus and His Gospel before Paul and Christianity. B. Marsh. 1857.
- Johnson, Richard. The Renowned History of the Seven Champions of Christendom: St. George of England, St. Denis of France, St. James of Spain, St. Anthony of Italy, St. Andrew of Scotland, St. Patrick of Ireland, and St. David of Wales, and Their Sons. W. Baynes. 1824.
- Bainton, Roland H. (1966). Christendom: a Short History of Christianity and Its Impact on Western Civilization, in series, Harper Colophon Books. New York: Harper & Row. 2 vol., ill.
- Molland, Einar (1959) Christendom: the Christian churches, their doctrines, constitutional forms and ways of worship. London: A. & R. Mowbray & Co. (first published in Norwegian in 1953 as Konfesjonskunnskap).
- Whalen, Brett Edward (2009). Dominion of God: Christendom and Apocalypse in the Middle Ages. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
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Xristian dunyasi xristianlarin coxluq teskil etdiyi olkelere ve xristianligin ustunluk teskil etdiyi medeni ve ya tarixen ic ice oldugu olkelere aid edilen tarixi termin 2014 cu ilin melumatlarina gore olkeler uzre xristian ehalinin faizi Roma imperiyasinin son dovrlerinde xristianligin Levantdan Avropaya ve Simali Afrikaya yayilmasindan sonra xristian dunyasi bolunmusdur Netice etibarile xristianligin daxilinde Roma ve Konstantinopol seherleri etrafinda merkezlesmis oz inanclari ve emelleri olan sektalar yaranmisdir XI XIII esrlerde Qerb dunyasinin merkezi roluna yukselmisdir Istinadlar Global Christianity A Report on the Size and Distribution of the World s Christian Population PDF Pew Research Center 2021 02 01 tarixinde PDF Istifade tarixi 2023 01 04 Hall Douglas John The End of Christendom and the Future of Christianity Eugene Oregon Wipf and Stock Publishers 2002 seh ix ISBN 9781579109844 Istifade tarixi 28 January 2018 Christendom means literally the dominion or sovereignty of the Christian religion See Merriam Webster com dictionary Christendom 2017 09 18 at the Wayback Machine Chazan Robert The Jews of Medieval Western Christendom 1000 1500 Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2006 seh xi ISBN 9780521616645 Istifade tarixi 26 January 2018 Encarta encyclopedie Winkler Prins 1993 2002 s v christendom 1 3 Scheidingen Microsoft Corporation Het Spectrum Chazan p 5 Elave edebiyyatWoods Thomas Jr How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization Regnery Publishing Inc 2005 ISBN 0 89526 038 7 Cameron Averil The Byzantines Oxford Blackwell 2006 ISBN 978 1 4051 9833 2 Browning Robert The Byzantine Empire Washington DC The Catholic University of America Press 1992 ISBN 978 0 8132 0754 4 The Return of Christendom Macmillan 1922 Andrew Dickson White A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom D Appleton 1897 F G Cole Mother of All Churches A Brief and Comprehensive Handbook of the Holy Eastern Orthodox Church Skeffington 1908 Hull Moses Encyclopedia of Biblical Spiritualism Or A Concordance to the Principal Passages of the Old and New Testament Scriptures Which Prove or Imply Spiritualism Together with a Brief History of the Origin of Many of the Important Books of the Bible Chicago M Hull 1895 ed reprint version is available Bosanquet Bernard The Civilization of Christendom And Other Studies London S Sonnenschein 1893 The History of Teachings of the Early Church as a Basis for the Re union of Christendom Lectures E amp J B Young 1893 John Hodson Egar Christendom ecclesiastical and political from Constantine to the Reformation J Pott 1887 The Churches of Christendom Macniven and Wallace 1884 Charles Elizabeth Sketches of the women of Christendom by the author of Chronicles of the Schonberg Cotta family 1880 Naville Ernest The Christ Seven lectures T amp T Clark 1880 George William Cox Latin and Teutonic Christendom An Historical Sketch Longmans Green amp Company 1870 Girdlestone Charles Christendom sketched from history in the light of holy Scripture Published for the Author by Sampson Low Son amp Marston 1870 John Radford Thomson Symbols of Christendom an elementary text book 1867 Thomas William Allies The formation of Christendom Longman Green Longman Roberts and Green 1865 Stearns George The mistake of Christendom or Jesus and His Gospel before Paul and Christianity B Marsh 1857 Johnson Richard The Renowned History of the Seven Champions of Christendom St George of England St Denis of France St James of Spain St Anthony of Italy St Andrew of Scotland St Patrick of Ireland and St David of Wales and Their Sons W Baynes 1824 Bainton Roland H 1966 Christendom a Short History of Christianity and Its Impact on Western Civilization in series Harper Colophon Books New York Harper amp Row 2 vol ill Molland Einar 1959 Christendom the Christian churches their doctrines constitutional forms and ways of worship London A amp R Mowbray amp Co first published in Norwegian in 1953 as Konfesjonskunnskap Whalen Brett Edward 2009 Dominion of God Christendom and Apocalypse in the Middle Ages Cambridge Mass Harvard University Press