Süni ümumi intellekt (SÜİ) — hipotetik növü. Reallaşdırıldığı təqdirdə, SÜİ insanların və ya heyvanların yerinə yetirə biləcəyi hər hansı bir intellektual tapşırığı yerinə yetirməyi öyrənə bilər. Alternativ olaraq, SÜİ iqtisadi cəhətdən dəyərli işlərin əksəriyyətində insan imkanlarını üstələyən avtonom sistem kimi müəyyən edilmişdir. SÜİ yaratmaq bəzi süni intellekt tədqiqatlarının və OpenAI,DeepMind və Anthropic kimi şirkətlərin əsas məqsədidir. SÜİ elmi fantastika və futurologiya tədqiqatlarının ümumi mövzusudur.
SÜİ-nin inkişafı üçün vaxt qrafiki tədqiqatçılar və ekspertlər arasında davamlı müzakirə mövzusu olaraq qalır. Bəziləri bunun illər və ya onilliklər ərzində mümkün ola biləcəyini iddia edir; başqaları bunun bir əsr və ya daha çox çəkə biləcəyini iddia edir; azlıq bir qisim isə buna heç vaxt nail oluna bilməyəcəyinə inanır. SÜİ-nin dəqiq tərifi və GPT-4 kimi müasir böyük dil modellərinin (LLM) SÜİ-nin erkən, lakin natamam formaları olub-olmaması ilə bağlı mübahisələr yaranmışdır.
SÜİ-nin bəşəriyyət üçün təhlükə yaratma potensialı da mübahisə mövzusudur. Məsələn, OpenAI buna kimi yanaşır, digərləri isə SÜİ-nin inkişafını riskdən çox uzaq hesab edir.
2020-ci ildə keçirilən sorğu zamanı 37 ölkəyə yayılmış 72 aktiv SÜİ TƏ-İN layihəsi aşkar edildi.
SÜİ həmçinin güclü Sİ, tam Sİ, insan səviyyəli Sİ və ya ümumi ağıllı hərəkət kimi tanınır. Bununla belə, bəzi akademik mənbələr həssaslıq və ya şüurla qarşılaşan kompüter proqramları üçün "güclü Sİ" terminini özündə saxlayır. Bunun əksinə olaraq, zəif Sİ (və ya dar Sİ) müəyyən bir problemi həll edə bilər, lakin ümumi idrak qabiliyyətlərindən məhrumdur. Bəzi akademik mənbələr nə şüur hissi keçirməyən, nə də insanlarla eyni mənada ağıl sahibi olmayan hər hansı proqramlara daha geniş şəkildə istinad etmək üçün "zəif Sİ"dən istifadə edir.
Əlaqədar anlayışlara süni və transformativ süni intellekt daxildir. Süni superintellekt insanlardan daha çox intellektli olan hipotetik SÜİ növüdür. Transformativ Sİ anlayışı, məsələn, kənd təsərrüfatı inqilabına bənzər, cəmiyyətə böyük təsir göstərən Sİ ilə əlaqədardır.
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Əlavə ədəbiyyat
, "Ready for Robots? How to Think about the Future of AI", Foreign Affairs, vol. 98, no. 4 (July/August 2019), pp. 192–98. , historian of computing, writes (in what might be called "Dyson's Law") that "Any system simple enough to be understandable will not be complicated enough to behave intelligently, while any system complicated enough to behave intelligently will be too complicated to understand." (p. 197.) Computer scientist writes: "Current AI machine-learning are, at their core, dead simple stupid. They work, but they work by brute force." (p. 198.)
, "Our Digital Doubles: AI will serve our species, not control it", , vol. 319, no. 3 (September 2018), pp. 88–93. "AIs are like and will remain so for the foreseeable future.... AIs lack and can easily make errors that a human never would... They are also liable to take our instructions too literally, giving us precisely what we asked for instead of what we actually wanted." (p. 93.)
, "The Fate of Free Will" (review of , Free Agents: How Evolution Gave Us Free Will, Princeton University Press, 2023, 333 pp.), , vol. LXXI, no. 1 (18 January 2024), pp. 27–28, 30. " is what distinguishes us from machines. For biological creatures, and come from acting in the world and experiencing the consequences. – disembodied, strangers to blood, sweat, and tears – have no occasion for that." (p. 30.)
, "A Murder Mystery Puzzle: The literary puzzle , which has stumped humans for decades, reveals the limitations of natural-language-processing algorithms", , vol. 329, no. 4 (November 2023), pp. 81–82. "This murder mystery competition has revealed that although NLP () models are capable of incredible feats, their abilities are very much limited by the amount of they receive. This [...] could cause [difficulties] for researchers who hope to use them to do things such as analyze . In some cases, there are few historical records on long-gone to serve as for such a purpose." (p. 82.)
, "Your Lying Eyes: People now use A.I. to generate fake videos indistinguishable from real ones. How much does it matter?", , 20 November 2023, pp. 54–59. "If by '' we mean realistic videos produced using that actually deceive people, then they barely exist. The fakes aren't deep, and the deeps aren't fake. [...] A.I.-generated videos are not, in general, operating in our media as counterfeited evidence. Their role better resembles that of , especially smutty ones." (p. 59.)
, "Am I Human?: Researchers need new ways to distinguish artificial intelligence from the natural kind", , vol. 316, no. 3 (March 2017), pp. 61–63. Marcus points out a so far insuperable stumbling block to artificial intelligence: an incapacity for reliable . "[V]irtually every sentence [that people generate] is , often in multiple ways. Our brain is so good at comprehending that we do not usually notice." A prominent example is the "pronoun disambiguation problem" ("PDP"): a machine has no way of determining to whom or what a in a sentence—such as "he", "she" or "it"—refers.
, "Artificial Confidence: Even the newest, buzziest systems of artificial general intelligence are stymmied by the same old problems", , vol. 327, no. 4 (October 2022), pp. 42–45.
, "In Front of Their Faces: Does facial-recognition technology lead police to ignore contradictory evidence?", , 20 November 2023, pp. 20–26.
, "AI's IQ: ChatGPT aced a [standard intelligence] test but showed that cannot be measured by IQ alone", , vol. 329, no. 1 (July/August 2023), p. 7. "Despite its high IQ, ChatGPT fails at tasks that require real humanlike reasoning or an understanding of the physical and social world.... ChatGPT seemed unable to reason logically and tried to rely on its vast database of... facts derived from online texts."
Suni umumi intellekt SUI hipotetik novu Reallasdirildigi teqdirde SUI insanlarin ve ya heyvanlarin yerine yetire bileceyi her hansi bir intellektual tapsirigi yerine yetirmeyi oyrene biler Alternativ olaraq SUI iqtisadi cehetden deyerli islerin ekseriyyetinde insan imkanlarini usteleyen avtonom sistem kimi mueyyen edilmisdir SUI yaratmaq bezi suni intellekt tedqiqatlarinin ve OpenAI DeepMind ve Anthropic kimi sirketlerin esas meqsedidir SUI elmi fantastika ve futurologiya tedqiqatlarinin umumi movzusudur SUI nin inkisafi ucun vaxt qrafiki tedqiqatcilar ve ekspertler arasinda davamli muzakire movzusu olaraq qalir Bezileri bunun iller ve ya onillikler erzinde mumkun ola bileceyini iddia edir basqalari bunun bir esr ve ya daha cox ceke bileceyini iddia edir azliq bir qisim ise buna hec vaxt nail oluna bilmeyeceyine inanir SUI nin deqiq terifi ve GPT 4 kimi muasir boyuk dil modellerinin LLM SUI nin erken lakin natamam formalari olub olmamasi ile bagli mubahiseler yaranmisdir SUI nin beseriyyet ucun tehluke yaratma potensiali da mubahise movzusudur Meselen OpenAI buna kimi yanasir digerleri ise SUI nin inkisafini riskden cox uzaq hesab edir 2020 ci ilde kecirilen sorgu zamani 37 olkeye yayilmis 72 aktiv SUI TE IN layihesi askar edildi TerminologiyaSUI hemcinin guclu SI tam SI insan seviyyeli SI ve ya umumi agilli hereket kimi taninir Bununla bele bezi akademik menbeler hessasliq ve ya suurla qarsilasan komputer proqramlari ucun guclu SI terminini ozunde saxlayir Bunun eksine olaraq zeif SI ve ya dar SI mueyyen bir problemi hell ede biler lakin umumi idrak qabiliyyetlerinden mehrumdur Bezi akademik menbeler ne suur hissi kecirmeyen ne de insanlarla eyni menada agil sahibi olmayan her hansi proqramlara daha genis sekilde istinad etmek ucun zeif SI den istifade edir Elaqedar anlayislara suni ve transformativ suni intellekt daxildir Suni superintellekt insanlardan daha cox intellektli olan hipotetik SUI novudur Transformativ SI anlayisi meselen kend teserrufati inqilabina benzer cemiyyete boyuk tesir gosteren SI ile elaqedardir IstinadlarMorozov Evgeny The True Threat of Artificial Intelligence The New York Times June 30 2023 June 30 2023 tarixinde arxivlesdirilib Istifade tarixi June 30 2023 Hodson Hal DeepMind and Google the battle to control artificial intelligence 1 March 2019 7 July 2020 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 7 July 2020 AGI stands for Artificial General Intelligence a hypothetical computer program Shevlin Henry Vold Karina Crosby Matthew Halina Marta The limits of machine intelligence Despite progress in machine intelligence artificial general intelligence is still a major challenge EMBO Reports ingilis 20 10 2019 10 04 e49177 doi 10 15252 embr 201949177 ISSN 1469 221X PMC 6776890 PMID 31531926 Sullivan Mark Why everyone seems to disagree on how to define Artificial General Intelligence Fast Company 18 October 2023 18 January 2024 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 24 January 2024 OpenAI Charter openai com ingilis 2023 07 14 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2023 04 06 AI timelines What do experts in artificial intelligence expect for the future Our World in Data 2023 04 04 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2023 04 06 Microsoft Researchers Claim GPT 4 Is Showing Sparks of AGI Futurism 2023 11 22 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2023 12 13 Impressed by artificial intelligence Experts say AGI is coming next and it has existential risks ABC News ingilis 2023 03 23 2023 04 05 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2023 04 06 Artificial general intelligence Are we close and does it even make sense to try MIT Technology Review ingilis 2021 09 29 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2023 04 06 Baum Seth A Survey of Artificial General Intelligence Projects for Ethics Risk and Policy PDF Global Catastrophic Risk Institute Working Paper 20 14 November 2021 tarixinde PDF Istifade tarixi 13 January 2022 Kurzweil 2005 seh 260 Kurzweil Ray Forbes 5 August 2005a 2005 08 14 tarixinde orijinalindan arxivlesdirilib Kurzweil describes strong AI as machine intelligence with the full range of human intelligence The Age of Artificial Intelligence George John at TEDxLondonBusinessSchool 2013 26 February 2014 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 22 February 2014 Newell Simon 1976 This is the term they use for human level intelligence in the physical symbol system hypothesis 25 September 2009 tarixinde orijinalindan arxivlesdirilib Istifade tarixi 8 October 2007 What is artificial superintelligence ASI Definition from TechTarget Enterprise AI ingilis 2023 12 14 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2023 10 08 Artificial intelligence is transforming our world it is on all of us to make sure that it goes well Our World in Data 2023 11 04 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2023 10 08 Edebiyyat UNESCO Science Report the Race Against Time for Smarter Development Paris UNESCO 11 June 2021 ISBN 978 92 3 100450 6 18 June 2022 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 22 September 2021 Impossible Minds World Scientific Publishing Company 1996 ISBN 978 1 86094 036 1 Azevedo FA Carvalho LR Grinberg LT Farfel J ve b Equal numbers of neuronal and nonneuronal cells make the human brain an isometrically scaled up primate brain The Journal of Comparative Neurology 513 5 April 2009 532 541 doi 10 1002 cne 21974 PMID 19226510 18 February 2021 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 4 September 2013 Berglas Anthony Artificial Intelligence will Kill our Grandchildren 2008 23 July 2014 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 31 August 2012 The Conscious Mind Oxford University Press 1996 Clocksin William Artificial intelligence and the future 361 1809 August 2003 1721 1748 Bibcode 2003RSPTA 361 1721C doi 10 1098 rsta 2003 1232 PMID 12952683 Darrach Brad Meet Shakey the First Electronic Person 20 November 1970 58 68 Drachman D Do we have brain to spare Neurology 64 12 2005 2004 2005 doi 10 1212 01 WNL 0000166914 38327 BB PMID 15985565 The Fifth Generation Artificial Intelligence and Japan s Computer Challenge to the World Michael Joseph 1983 ISBN 978 0 7181 2401 4 Gelernter David Dream logic the Internet and Artificial Thought 2010 26 July 2010 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 25 July 2010 Goertzel Ben Pennachin Cassio redaktorlar Artificial General Intelligence PDF Springer 2006 ISBN 978 3 540 23733 4 20 March 2013 tarixinde PDF Human level artificial general intelligence and the possibility of a technological singularity a reaction to Ray Kurzweil s The Singularity Is Near and McDermott s critique of Kurzweil Artificial Intelligence 171 18 Special Review Issue Dec 2007 1161 1173 doi 10 1016 j artint 2007 10 011 7 January 2016 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 1 April 2009 Gubrud Mark Nanotechnology and International Security Fifth Foresight Conference on Molecular Nanotechnology November 1997 29 May 2011 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 7 May 2011 Halal William E TechCast Article Series The Automation of Thought PDF 6 June 2013 tarixinde PDF Holte R C Choueiry B Y Abstraction and reformulation in artificial intelligence 358 1435 2003 1197 1204 doi 10 1098 rstb 2003 1317 PMC 1693218 PMID 12903653 Howe J Artificial Intelligence at Edinburgh University a Perspective November 1994 17 August 2007 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 30 August 2007 Johnson Mark The body in the mind Chicago 1987 ISBN 978 0 226 40317 5 Viking Press 2005 Artificial Intelligence A General Survey Artificial Intelligence a paper symposium Science Research Council 1973 Luger George Stubblefield William Artificial Intelligence Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving 5th The Benjamin Cummings Publishing Company Inc 2004 seh 720 ISBN 978 0 8053 4780 7 From here to human level AI Artificial Intelligence 171 18 Oct 2007 1174 1182 doi 10 1016 j artint 2007 10 009 1976 3 March 2016 tarixinde orijinalindan arxivlesdirilib Istifade tarixi 29 September 2007 Mind Children Harvard University Press 1988 Moravec Hans Journal of Evolution and Technology 1 1998 15 June 2006 tarixinde orijinalindan arxivlesdirilib Istifade tarixi 23 June 2006 Nagel What Is it Like to Be a Bat PDF Philosophical Review 83 4 1974 435 50 doi 10 2307 2183914 JSTOR 2183914 16 October 2011 tarixinde PDF Istifade tarixi 7 November 2009 GPS A Program that Simulates Human Thought Feigenbaum E A Feldman J redaktorlar Computers and Thought New York McGraw Hill 1963 Computer Science as Empirical Inquiry Symbols and Search Communications of the ACM 19 3 1976 113 126 doi 10 1145 360018 360022 Artificial Intelligence A New Synthesis Morgan Kaufmann Publishers 1998 ISBN 978 1 55860 467 4 Developments in Artificial Intelligence Funding a Revolution Government Support for Computing Research National Academy Press 1999 12 January 2008 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 29 September 2007 The Nature of Self Improving Artificial Intelligence presented and distributed at the 2007 Singularity Summit San Francisco California 2008 Mackworth Alan Goebel Randy Computational Intelligence A Logical Approach New York Oxford University Press 1998 25 July 2009 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 6 December 2007 Sandberg Anders Bostrom Nick Whole Brain Emulation A Roadmap PDF Technical Report 2008 3 Future of Humanity Institute Oxford University 2008 25 March 2020 tarixinde PDF Istifade tarixi 5 April 2009 Minds Brains and Programs PDF Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 3 1980 417 457 doi 10 1017 S0140525X00005756 17 March 2019 tarixinde PDF Istifade tarixi 3 September 2020 The Shape of Automation for Men and Management New York Harper amp Row 1965 Sutherland J G Holographic Model of Memory Learning and Expression International Journal of Neural Systems 1 3 1990 256 267 de Vega Manuel Glenberg Arthur Graesser Arthur redaktorlar Symbols and Embodiment Debates on meaning and cognition Oxford University Press 2008 ISBN 978 0 19 921727 4 Wang Pei Introduction Aspects of Artificial General Intelligence Advances in Artificial General Intelligence Concepts Architectures and Algorithms Proceedings of the AGI Workshop 2006 IOS Press 2007 1 16 ISBN 978 1 58603 758 1 18 February 2021 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 13 December 2020 Williams R W Herrup K The control of neuron number Annual Review of Neuroscience 11 1988 423 453 doi 10 1146 annurev ne 11 030188 002231 PMID 3284447 PDF Annual Review of Psychology Springer 49 2006 585 612 doi 10 1146 annurev psych 49 1 585 ISBN 978 3 540 23733 4 PMID 9496632 11 April 2009 tarixinde orijinalindan PDF arxivlesdirilib Artificial Intelligence as a Positive and Negative Factor in Global Risk Global Catastrophic Risks 2008 Bibcode 2008gcr book 303Y doi 10 1093 oso 9780198570509 003 0021 ISBN 9780198570509 Zucker Jean Daniel A grounded theory of abstraction in artificial intelligence 358 1435 July 2003 1293 1309 doi 10 1098 rstb 2003 1308 PMC 1693211 PMID 12903672 Elave edebiyyat Ready for Robots How to Think about the Future of AI Foreign Affairs vol 98 no 4 July August 2019 pp 192 98 historian of computing writes in what might be called Dyson s Law that Any system simple enough to be understandable will not be complicated enough to behave intelligently while any system complicated enough to behave intelligently will be too complicated to understand p 197 Computer scientist writes Current AI machine learning are at their core dead simple stupid They work but they work by brute force p 198 Our Digital Doubles AI will serve our species not control it vol 319 no 3 September 2018 pp 88 93 AIs are like and will remain so for the foreseeable future AIs lack and can easily make errors that a human never would They are also liable to take our instructions too literally giving us precisely what we asked for instead of what we actually wanted p 93 The Fate of Free Will review of Free Agents How Evolution Gave Us Free Will Princeton University Press 2023 333 pp vol LXXI no 1 18 January 2024 pp 27 28 30 is what distinguishes us from machines For biological creatures and come from acting in the world and experiencing the consequences disembodied strangers to blood sweat and tears have no occasion for that p 30 A Murder Mystery Puzzle The literary puzzle which has stumped humans for decades reveals the limitations of natural language processing algorithms vol 329 no 4 November 2023 pp 81 82 This murder mystery competition has revealed that although NLP models are capable of incredible feats their abilities are very much limited by the amount of they receive This could cause difficulties for researchers who hope to use them to do things such as analyze In some cases there are few historical records on long gone to serve as for such a purpose p 82 Your Lying Eyes People now use A I to generate fake videos indistinguishable from real ones How much does it matter 20 November 2023 pp 54 59 If by we mean realistic videos produced using that actually deceive people then they barely exist The fakes aren t deep and the deeps aren t fake A I generated videos are not in general operating in our media as counterfeited evidence Their role better resembles that of especially smutty ones p 59 Am I Human Researchers need new ways to distinguish artificial intelligence from the natural kind vol 316 no 3 March 2017 pp 61 63 Marcus points out a so far insuperable stumbling block to artificial intelligence an incapacity for reliable V irtually every sentence that people generate is often in multiple ways Our brain is so good at comprehending that we do not usually notice A prominent example is the pronoun disambiguation problem PDP a machine has no way of determining to whom or what a in a sentence such as he she or it refers Artificial Confidence Even the newest buzziest systems of artificial general intelligence are stymmied by the same old problems vol 327 no 4 October 2022 pp 42 45 In Front of Their Faces Does facial recognition technology lead police to ignore contradictory evidence 20 November 2023 pp 20 26 AI s IQ ChatGPT aced a standard intelligence test but showed that cannot be measured by IQ alone vol 329 no 1 July August 2023 p 7 Despite its high IQ ChatGPT fails at tasks that require real humanlike reasoning or an understanding of the physical and social world ChatGPT seemed unable to reason logically and tried to rely on its vast database of facts derived from online texts Xarici kecidlerPey Vanq terefinden idare olunan SUI portali