Sputnik (rus. спутник; peyk), əvvəlki adları ilə , RIA Novosti — rus xəbər agentliyi və xidməti. 10 noyabr 2014-cü ildə Rusiya hökumətinə məxsus "" xəbər agentliyi tərəfindən yaradılıb. Baş ofisi Moskvada olan Sputnik Vaşinqton, Qahirə, Pekin, Paris, Berlin, Madrid, Montevideo və Rio-de-Janeyroda regional ofisləri mövcuddur. Sputnik özünü və iqtisadiyyata fokuslanmış və beynəlxalq auditoriyaya yönəlmiş kimi təsvir edir.
Sputnik | |
![]() | |
Ölkə | |
Şüar | Telling the Untold, Говорим то, о чём другие молчат |
Yayım formatı | rəqəmsal radio[d] |
Başlama tarixi | 10 noyabr 2014 |
Koordinatlar | |
Sahibi | Rusiya hökuməti |
Rəhbərlik | Dmitri Kiselyov, Marqarita Simonyan |
Canlı yayım | radiosputnik.ria.ru |
Sayt | sputnikglobe.com |
Sputnik akademiklər və jurnalistlər tərəfindən tez-tez vasitəsi kimi təsvir edilir. 2016-cı ildə The New York Times-dan Neil MakFarquhar yazırdı ki: "Mütəxəssislərin fikrincə, dezinformasiya və ya Rusiya dezinformasiyasının əsas məqsədi hadisələrin rəsmi versiyasını, hətta hadisələrin həqiqi versiyasının olması fikrini də sarsıtmaqdır. Bu bir növ siyasi iflicdir". Rusiya hökuməti bu iddiaları rədd edib. 2019-cu ilin əvvəlində Facebook özünü müstəqil xəbər saytları kimi göstərən, lakin əslində Sputnik əməkdaşlarının nəzarəti altında olan yüzlərlə səhifəni platformasından sildi.
Sputnik ingilis, ispan, polyak və serbcə də daxil olmaqla 31 dildə reportaj və şərhləri əks etdirən xəbər saytlarını idarə edir. Veb saytlarda hər gün 800 saatdan çox materialı yerləşdirilir və onun xəbər xidməti göstərir.
Sputnik 2022-ci ilin fevralında (RT ilə birlikdə) Rusiyanın Ukraynanı işğalından sonra Avropa İttifaqında qadağan edildi. Texnologiya şirkətləri və sosial media xidmətləri Sputniki platformalarından çıxararaq işğala cavab verdi, fransız, alman və yunan kimi bir çox versiya isə fəaliyyətini dayandırdı.
Həmçinin bax
- Romanova, Tatiana; David, Maxine. The Routledge Handbook of EU-Russia Relations: Structures, Actors, Issues (ingilis). Routledge. 25 July 2021. ISBN . 7 April 2023 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: 1 March 2022 – Google Books vasitəsilə.
Because of the centralisation of statue authority and greater state influence over the media in Russia as compared to the EU, it is relatively easy for Moscow to project a coherent and unified interpretation of events. For Russia, an important vehicle is the state-owned Sputnik and associated RIA Novosti media and news outlets, as well as the RT news and internet channel, which, besides the Russian version, is broadcast in English, French, German, Spanish and Arabic.
- Missiroli, Antonio; Andersson, Jan Joel; Gaub, Florence; Popescu, Nicu; Wilkins, John-Joseph. "Strategic Communications from the East". Strategic Communications. 2016: 7–24. 2022-11-21 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: 2023-10-06.
- Pizzi, Michael. "Putin dissolves RIA Novosti news agency". Al Jazeera America. 9 December 2013. 18 October 2017 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: 14 December 2019.
- "Quiénes somos" [Who are we] (ispan). Sputnik Mundo. 15 February 2021. 20 January 2022 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: 20 January 2022.
- . Sputnik News. 20 July 2019 tarixində orijinalından arxivləşdirilib. İstifadə tarixi: 15 May 2020.
- ; Faris, Rob; Roberts, Hal. Epistemic Crisis // Network Propaganda: Manipulation, Disinformation and Radicalization in American Politics. Oxford University Press. October 2018. 358. doi:10.1093/oso/9780190923624.001.0001. ISBN . OCLC 1045162158. 26 January 2021 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: 21 March 2021.
The emphasis on disorientation appears in the literature on modern Russian propaganda, both in inward-focused applications and in its international propaganda outlets, Sputnik and RT (formerly, Russia Today). Here, the purpose is not to convince the audience of any particular truth but instead to make it impossible for people in the society subject to the propagandist’s intervention to tell truth from non-truth.
- Karlsen, Geir Hågen. Tools of Russian Influence: Information and Propaganda // ; Heier, Tormod (redaktorlar ). Ukraine and Beyond (ingilis). Palgrave Macmillan. 5 August 2016. səh. 199. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-32530-9_9. ISBN . 7 April 2023 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: 28 February 2022 – Google Books vasitəsilə.
The propaganda apparatus proper consists of four means: media, social media, political communication and diplomacy, and covert active measures, all tied together in a coordinated manner. The main international media channel is the RT broadcaster and website, formerly known as Russia Today. It is complemented by Sputnik radio and website, news and video agencies, and the Russia Beyond the Headlines news supplement, making up a news conglomerate operating in almost 40 languages.
- Ižak, Štefan. "(Ab)using the topic of migration by pro-Kremlin propaganda: Case study of Slovakia" (PDF). Journal of Comparative Politics (ingilis). / / . 12 (1). January 2019: 58. ISSN 1338-1385. 1 March 2022 tarixində (PDF). İstifadə tarixi: 28 February 2022.
Almost all important media in Russia are state controlled and used to feed Russian audience with Kremlin propaganda. For international propaganda Kremlin uses agencies like RT and Sputnik. Both are available in many language variations and in many countries (Hansen 2017). Aim of this propaganda is to exploit weak spots and controversial topics (in our case migration to the EU) and use them to harm integrity of the West (Pomerantsev and Weiss 2014).
- Golovchenko, Yevgeniy. "Measuring the scope of pro-Kremlin disinformation on Twitter". Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (ingilis). . 7 (1). 11 December 2020: 1–11. doi:10.1057/s41599-020-00659-9. ISSN 2662-9992.
When it comes to overt reach, the Russian government openly funds English-speaking outlets, such as Sputnik News and RT. These outlets serve as a frequent source of pro-Kremlin disinformation both according to scholars, fact-checkers and Western authorities (BBC, 2019; Elliot, 2019; Thornton, 2015).
- Fletcher, Richard; Cornia, Alessio; ; . "Measuring the reach of "fake news" and online disinformation in Europe" (PDF). Australasian Policing. 10 (2). 1 January 2018. 25 February 2022 tarixində (PDF). İstifadə tarixi: 25 February 2022 – Mediterraneo Cronaca vasitəsilə.
For comparative purposes, we also included two prominent Russian news sites which have featured in European policy discussions around disinformation, namely Russia Today (RT) and Sputnik. These Russian state-backed organisations are clearly different from sites that engage in for-profit fabrication of false news, but both independent fact-checkers and the EU’s European External Action Service East Stratcom Task Force have identified multiple instances where these sites have published disinformation.
- Groll, Elias. "Kremlin's 'Sputnik' Newswire Is the BuzzFeed of Propaganda". . 10 November 2014. 28 January 2015 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: 26 February 2020.
- Nimmo, Ben. . Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA). January 2016. 6 March 2019 tarixində orijinalından arxivləşdirilib. İstifadə tarixi: 14 December 2019.
- "Report: Russia spread fake news and disinformation in Sweden". Sveriges Radio. . 9 January 2017. 12 November 2020 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: 16 August 2022.
- "RT a Sputniku nebyla povolena účast na konferenci o svobodě médií" [RT and Sputnik were not allowed to attend the conference on media freedom]. (çex). 2022-02-28 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: 2022-02-28.
- MacFarquhar, Neil. "A Powerful Russian Weapon: The Spread of False Stories". The New York Times. 28 August 2016. 18 June 2018 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: 14 December 2019.
- O'Sullivan, Donie. "Facebook takes down anti-NATO pages linked to Russian news agency Sputnik". CNN Business. 17 January 2019. 22 May 2020 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: 25 February 2020.
- Godzimirski, Jakub M.; Østevik, Malin. (PDF). 2020-02-25 tarixində orijinalından (PDF) arxivləşdirilib.
- "Russian news agency Sputnik sets up Scottish studio". BBC News. 10 August 2016. 20 October 2019 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: 14 December 2019.
- Hilburn, Matthew. "Russia's New World Broadcast Service is 'Sputnik'". Voice of America News. 10 November 2014. 7 April 2019 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: 14 December 2019.
- Kayali, Laura. "EU to ban Russia's RT, Sputnik media outlets, von der Leyen says". Politico. 27 February 2022. 27 February 2022 tarixində arxivləşdirilib. İstifadə tarixi: 28 February 2022.
Xarici keçidlər
- sputnikglobe.com — Sputnik rəsmi saytı
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Bu adin diger istifade formalari ucun bax Sputnik Sputnik rus sputnik peyk evvelki adlari ile RIA Novosti rus xeber agentliyi ve xidmeti 10 noyabr 2014 cu ilde Rusiya hokumetine mexsus xeber agentliyi terefinden yaradilib Bas ofisi Moskvada olan Sputnik Vasinqton Qahire Pekin Paris Berlin Madrid Montevideo ve Rio de Janeyroda regional ofisleri movcuddur Sputnik ozunu ve iqtisadiyyata fokuslanmis ve beynelxalq auditoriyaya yonelmis kimi tesvir edir SputnikOlke RusiyaSuar Telling the Untold Govorim to o chyom drugie molchatYayim formati reqemsal radio d Baslama tarixi 10 noyabr 2014Koordinatlar 55 44 15 sm e 37 35 25 s u Sahibi Rusiya hokumetiRehberlik Dmitri Kiselyov Marqarita SimonyanCanli yayim radiosputnik ria ruSayt sputnikglobe com Sputnik akademikler ve jurnalistler terefinden tez tez vasitesi kimi tesvir edilir 2016 ci ilde The New York Times dan Neil MakFarquhar yazirdi ki Mutexessislerin fikrince dezinformasiya ve ya Rusiya dezinformasiyasinin esas meqsedi hadiselerin resmi versiyasini hetta hadiselerin heqiqi versiyasinin olmasi fikrini de sarsitmaqdir Bu bir nov siyasi iflicdir Rusiya hokumeti bu iddialari redd edib 2019 cu ilin evvelinde Facebook ozunu musteqil xeber saytlari kimi gosteren lakin eslinde Sputnik emekdaslarinin nezareti altinda olan yuzlerle sehifeni platformasindan sildi Sputnik ingilis ispan polyak ve serbce de daxil olmaqla 31 dilde reportaj ve serhleri eks etdiren xeber saytlarini idare edir Veb saytlarda her gun 800 saatdan cox materiali yerlesdirilir ve onun xeber xidmeti gosterir Sputnik 2022 ci ilin fevralinda RT ile birlikde Rusiyanin Ukraynani isgalindan sonra Avropa Ittifaqinda qadagan edildi Texnologiya sirketleri ve sosial media xidmetleri Sputniki platformalarindan cixararaq isgala cavab verdi fransiz alman ve yunan kimi bir cox versiya ise fealiyyetini dayandirdi Hemcinin baxIstinadlarRomanova Tatiana David Maxine The Routledge Handbook of EU Russia Relations Structures Actors Issues ingilis Routledge 25 July 2021 ISBN 978 1 351 00624 8 7 April 2023 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 1 March 2022 Google Books vasitesile Because of the centralisation of statue authority and greater state influence over the media in Russia as compared to the EU it is relatively easy for Moscow to project a coherent and unified interpretation of events For Russia an important vehicle is the state owned Sputnik and associated RIA Novosti media and news outlets as well as the RT news and internet channel which besides the Russian version is broadcast in English French German Spanish and Arabic Missiroli Antonio Andersson Jan Joel Gaub Florence Popescu Nicu Wilkins John Joseph Strategic Communications from the East Strategic Communications 2016 7 24 2022 11 21 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2023 10 06 Pizzi Michael Putin dissolves RIA Novosti news agency Al Jazeera America 9 December 2013 18 October 2017 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 14 December 2019 Quienes somos Who are we ispan Sputnik Mundo 15 February 2021 20 January 2022 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 20 January 2022 Sputnik News 20 July 2019 tarixinde orijinalindan arxivlesdirilib Istifade tarixi 15 May 2020 Faris Rob Roberts Hal Epistemic Crisis Network Propaganda Manipulation Disinformation and Radicalization in American Politics Oxford University Press October 2018 358 doi 10 1093 oso 9780190923624 001 0001 ISBN 978 0 19 092362 4 OCLC 1045162158 26 January 2021 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 21 March 2021 The emphasis on disorientation appears in the literature on modern Russian propaganda both in inward focused applications and in its international propaganda outlets Sputnik and RT formerly Russia Today Here the purpose is not to convince the audience of any particular truth but instead to make it impossible for people in the society subject to the propagandist s intervention to tell truth from non truth Karlsen Geir Hagen Tools of Russian Influence Information and Propaganda Heier Tormod redaktorlar Ukraine and Beyond ingilis Palgrave Macmillan 5 August 2016 seh 199 doi 10 1007 978 3 319 32530 9 9 ISBN 978 3 319 32530 9 7 April 2023 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 28 February 2022 Google Books vasitesile The propaganda apparatus proper consists of four means media social media political communication and diplomacy and covert active measures all tied together in a coordinated manner The main international media channel is the RT broadcaster and website formerly known as Russia Today It is complemented by Sputnik radio and website news and video agencies and the Russia Beyond the Headlines news supplement making up a news conglomerate operating in almost 40 languages Izak Stefan Ab using the topic of migration by pro Kremlin propaganda Case study of Slovakia PDF Journal of Comparative Politics ingilis 12 1 January 2019 58 ISSN 1338 1385 1 March 2022 tarixinde PDF Istifade tarixi 28 February 2022 Almost all important media in Russia are state controlled and used to feed Russian audience with Kremlin propaganda For international propaganda Kremlin uses agencies like RT and Sputnik Both are available in many language variations and in many countries Hansen 2017 Aim of this propaganda is to exploit weak spots and controversial topics in our case migration to the EU and use them to harm integrity of the West Pomerantsev and Weiss 2014 Golovchenko Yevgeniy Measuring the scope of pro Kremlin disinformation on Twitter Humanities and Social Sciences Communications ingilis 7 1 11 December 2020 1 11 doi 10 1057 s41599 020 00659 9 ISSN 2662 9992 When it comes to overt reach the Russian government openly funds English speaking outlets such as Sputnik News and RT These outlets serve as a frequent source of pro Kremlin disinformation both according to scholars fact checkers and Western authorities BBC 2019 Elliot 2019 Thornton 2015 Fletcher Richard Cornia Alessio Measuring the reach of fake news and online disinformation in Europe PDF Australasian Policing 10 2 1 January 2018 25 February 2022 tarixinde PDF Istifade tarixi 25 February 2022 Mediterraneo Cronaca vasitesile For comparative purposes we also included two prominent Russian news sites which have featured in European policy discussions around disinformation namely Russia Today RT and Sputnik These Russian state backed organisations are clearly different from sites that engage in for profit fabrication of false news but both independent fact checkers and the EU s European External Action Service East Stratcom Task Force have identified multiple instances where these sites have published disinformation Groll Elias Kremlin s Sputnik Newswire Is the BuzzFeed of Propaganda 10 November 2014 28 January 2015 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 26 February 2020 Nimmo Ben Center for European Policy Analysis CEPA January 2016 6 March 2019 tarixinde orijinalindan arxivlesdirilib Istifade tarixi 14 December 2019 Report Russia spread fake news and disinformation in Sweden Sveriges Radio 9 January 2017 12 November 2020 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 16 August 2022 RT a Sputniku nebyla povolena ucast na konferenci o svobode medii RT and Sputnik were not allowed to attend the conference on media freedom cex 2022 02 28 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2022 02 28 MacFarquhar Neil A Powerful Russian Weapon The Spread of False Stories The New York Times 28 August 2016 18 June 2018 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 14 December 2019 O Sullivan Donie Facebook takes down anti NATO pages linked to Russian news agency Sputnik CNN Business 17 January 2019 22 May 2020 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 25 February 2020 Godzimirski Jakub M Ostevik Malin PDF 2020 02 25 tarixinde orijinalindan PDF arxivlesdirilib Russian news agency Sputnik sets up Scottish studio BBC News 10 August 2016 20 October 2019 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 14 December 2019 Hilburn Matthew Russia s New World Broadcast Service is Sputnik Voice of America News 10 November 2014 7 April 2019 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 14 December 2019 Kayali Laura EU to ban Russia s RT Sputnik media outlets von der Leyen says Politico 27 February 2022 27 February 2022 tarixinde arxivlesdirilib Istifade tarixi 28 February 2022 Xarici kecidlersputnikglobe com Sputnik resmi sayti