Sabbatay Zevi (שַׁבְּתַאי צְבִי Şavtay Tzvi, digər söyləyişləri Sabbatai Ẓevi, Shabbetai Ẓevi, Sabbatai Sevi, və Türkcədə Sabetay Sevi) (1 avqust 1626 -. C 17 sentyabr 1676 Dulkiqno (indiki Ulsin, Monteneqro) — Səfərad və kabbalist idi ki uzun zaman gözlənilən yəhud Məsihi olduğunu iddia etdi. O, yəhudi hərəkatının banisi idi.

Qırx yaşında, Osmanlı Sultan IV Mehmed tərəfindən İslamı qəbul etmək məcburiyyətində qaldı. Onun davamçılarının bəziləridə İslamı qəbul etdi ki təxminən 300 ailə idilər və (ağa Dönmə) kimi tanınırdılar.
- Scholem, op. cit., p. 111, mentions, among other evidence of Sabbatai's early rabbinic training and smicha by Rabbi Joseph Eskapha of his native town of Smyrna: "According to the testimony of Leib b. Ozer, the notary of the notary of the Ashkenazi community of Amesterdam . . . , Sabbatai was eighteen years old when he was ordained a hakham." Scholem also writes, in the previous sentence: "Thomas Coenen, the Protestant minister serving the Dutch congregation in Smyrna, tells us . . . that he received the title hakham, the Sephardi honorific for a rabbi, when still an adolescent."
- Adam Kirsch, "The Other Secret Jews", review of Marc David Baer, The Dönme: Jewish Converts, Muslim Revolutionaries, and Secular Turks, The New Republic, 15 Feb 2010, accessed 20 Feb 2010
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Sabbatay Zevi ש ב ת אי צ ב י Savtay Tzvi diger soyleyisleri Sabbatai Ẓevi Shabbetai Ẓevi Sabbatai Sevi ve Turkcede Sabetay Sevi 1 avqust 1626 C 17 sentyabr 1676 Dulkiqno indiki Ulsin Monteneqro Seferad ve kabbalist idi ki uzun zaman gozlenilen yehud Mesihi oldugunu iddia etdi O yehudi herekatinin banisi idi Sabbatay Zevi 1665 ci ilde Qirx yasinda Osmanli Sultan IV Mehmed terefinden Islami qebul etmek mecburiyyetinde qaldi Onun davamcilarinin bezileride Islami qebul etdi ki texminen 300 aile idiler ve aga Donme kimi taninirdilar IstinadlarScholem op cit p 111 mentions among other evidence of Sabbatai s early rabbinic training and smicha by Rabbi Joseph Eskapha of his native town of Smyrna According to the testimony of Leib b Ozer the notary of the notary of the Ashkenazi community of Amesterdam Sabbatai was eighteen years old when he was ordained a hakham Scholem also writes in the previous sentence Thomas Coenen the Protestant minister serving the Dutch congregation in Smyrna tells us that he received the title hakham the Sephardi honorific for a rabbi when still an adolescent Adam Kirsch The Other Secret Jews review of Marc David Baer The Donme Jewish Converts Muslim Revolutionaries and Secular Turks The New Republic 15 Feb 2010 accessed 20 Feb 2010