Respublikaçılıq (lat. res publica; res – iş, publicus – ictimai, ümumxalq) və ya cümhuriyyətçilik (cümhuriyyət sözündən; ərəb. جمهورية, cümhuriyyə; cümhur – ictimai) — müstəqil özünüidarə anlayışı ətrafında formalaşmış, sadəcə çoxluğun yox, eyni zamanda azlığın suverenliyini, yəni vətəndaşların bərabərhüquqluluğunu vurğulayan, respublikaçı konstitusiyalı sistem və respublikaların əsasını təşkil edən ideologiya. İdeologiyanın xüsusiyyətlərindən biri də referendumdur.
Azərbaycan Xalq Cümhuriyyətinin əsası cümhuriyyətçilik ənənəsi ilə bağlıdır.Azərbaycan Konstitusiyasının "Xalqın suverenliyi" başlıqlı ikinci maddəsində qeyd olunub:
![]() | I. Sərbəst və müstəqil öz müqəddəratını həll etmək və öz idarəetmə formasını müəyyən etmək Azərbaycan xalqının suveren hüququdur. II. Azərbaycan xalqı öz suveren hüququnu bilavasitə ümumxalq səsverməsi – referendum və ümumi, bərabər və birbaşa seçki hüququ əsasında sərbəst, gizli və şəxsi səsvermə yolu ilə seçilmiş nümayəndələri vasitəsi ilə həyata keçirir. | ![]() |
Respublikaçı Alternativ Partiyasının (REAL) rəsmi ideologiyası cümhuriyyətçilikdir.
- "RESPÚBLİKA". (az.). Obastan. June 25, 2020 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: 22 iyun 2020.
- Həbibbəyli, İsa. "Müstəqil dövlətçiliyin dərki və təntənəsi". Azərbaycan (az.) (№8). 5 fevral 2020. səh. 1–2. May 27, 2022 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: 22 iyun 2020 – Azərbaycan Respublikası Prezidentinin İşlər İdarəsinin Prezident Kitabxanası vasitəsilə. (#redundant_parameters)
- "AZƏRBAYCAN RESPUBLİKASININ KONSTİTUSİYASI". (az.). Azərbaycan Respublikası Ədliyyə Nazirliyinin Qanunvericilik baş idarəsi. 26 sentyabr 2016. May 29, 2020 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: 22 iyun 2020.
- . (az.). Respublikaçı Alternativ Partiyası. 5 fevral 2020. June 23, 2020 tarixində orijinalından arxivləşdirilib. İstifadə tarixi: 22 iyun 2020.
- Becker, Peter, Jürgen Heideking and James A. Henretta, eds. Republicanism and Liberalism in America and the German States, 1750–1850. Cambridge University Press. 2002.
- Everdell, William R., "From State to Free-State: The Meaning of the word Republic from Jean Bodin to John Adams" 7th International Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies conference, Budapest, 7/31/87; VALLEY FORGE JOURNAL (June, 1991);
- Pocock, J. G. A. The Machiavellian Moment (1975), (a highly influential study).
- Pocock, J. G. A. "The Machiavellian Moment Revisited: a Study in History and Ideology.: Journal of Modern History 1981 53(1): 49–72. ISSN 0022-2801 Fulltext: in Jstor. Summary of Pocock's influential ideas that traces the Machiavellian belief in and emphasis upon Greco-Roman ideals of unspecialized civic virtue and liberty from 15th century Florence through 17th century England and Scotland to 18th century America. Pocock argues that thinkers who shared these ideals tended to believe that the function of property was to maintain an individual's independence as a precondition of his virtue. Therefore they were disposed to attack the new commercial and financial regime that was beginning to develop.
- Pettit, Philip. Republicanism: A Theory of Freedom and Government Oxford U. P., 1997, ISBN .
- Snyder, R. Claire. Citizen-Soldiers and Manly Warriors: Military Service and Gender in the Civic Republican Tradition (1999) ISBN online review.
- Viroli, Maurizio. Republicanism (2002), New York, Hill and Wang.
- Berenson, Edward, et al. eds. The French Republic: History, Values, Debates (2011) essays by 38 scholars from France, Britain and US covering topics since the 1790s
- Bock, Gisela; Skinner, Quentin; and Viroli, Maurizio, ed. Machiavelli and Republicanism. Cambridge U. Press, 1990. 316 pp.
- Brugger, Bill. Republican Theory in Political Thought: Virtuous or Virtual? St. Martin's Press, 1999.
- Castiglione, Dario. "Republicanism and its Legacy," European Journal of Political Theory (2005) v 4 #4 pp. 453–65. online version.
- , The End of Kings: A History of Republics and Republicans, NY: The Free Press, 1983; 2nd ed., Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000 (condensed at
- Fink, Zera. The Classical Republicans: An Essay in the Recovery of a Pattern of Thought in Seventeenth-Century England. Northwestern University Press, 1962.
- Foote, Geoffrey. The Republican Transformation of Modern British Politics Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.
- Martin van Gelderen & , eds., Republicanism: A Shared European Heritage, v 1: Republicanism and Constitutionalism in Early Modern Europe; vol 2: The Value of Republicanism in Early Modern Europe Cambridge U. P., 2002.
- Haakonssen, Knud. "Republicanism." A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy. Robert E. Goodin and Philip Pettit. eds. Blackwell, 1995.
- Kramnick, Isaac. Republicanism and Bourgeois Radicalism: Political Ideology in Late Eighteenth-Century England and America. Cornell University Press, 1990.
- Mark McKenna, The Traditions of Australian Republicanism (1996)
- Maynor, John W. Republicanism in the Modern World. Cambridge: Polity, 2003.
- Moggach, Douglas. "Republican Rigorism and Emancipation in Bruno Bauer", The New Hegelians, edited by , Cambridge University Press, 2006. (Looks at German Republicanism with contrasts and criticisms of Quentin Skinner and Philip Pettit).
- Robbins, Caroline. The Eighteenth-Century Commonwealthman: Studies in the Transmission, Development, and Circumstance of English Liberal Thought from the Restoration of Charles II until the War with the Thirteen Colonies (1959, 2004). table of contents online.
- Appleby, Joyce Liberalism and Republicanism in the Historical Imagination. 1992.
- Bailyn, Bernard. The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution. Harvard University Press, 1967.
- Banning, Lance. The Jeffersonian Persuasion: Evolution of a Party Ideology. 1980.
- Colbourn, Trevor. The Lamp of Experience: Whig History and the Intellectual Origins of the American Revolution. 1965. online version
- Everdell, William R., The End of Kings: A History of Republics and Republicans, NY: The Free Press, 1983; 2nd ed., Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000.
- Kerber, Linda K. Intellectual History of Women: Essays by Linda K. Kerber. 1997.
- Kerber, Linda K. Women of the Republic: Intellect and Ideology in Revolutionary America. 1997.
- Klein, Milton, et al., eds., The Republican Synthesis Revisited Essays in Honor of George A. Billias. 1992.
- Kloopenberg, James T. The Virtues of Liberalism. 1998.
- Norton, Mary Beth. Liberty's Daughters: The Revolutionary Experience of American Women, 1750–1800. 1996.
- Greene, Jack, and J. R. Pole, eds. Companion to the American Revolution. 2004. (many articles look at republicanism, esp. Shalhope, Robert E. Republicanism" pp 668–73).
- Rodgers, Daniel T. "Republicanism: the Career of a Concept", Journal of American History. 1992. in JSTOR.
- Shalhope, Robert E. "Toward a Republican Synthesis: The Emergence of an Understanding of Republicanism in American Historiography", William and Mary Quarterly, 29 (Jan. 1972), 49–80 in JSTOR, (an influential article).
- Shalhope, Robert E. "Republicanism and Early American Historiography", William and Mary Quarterly, 39 (Apr. 1982), 334–56 in JSTOR.
- Vetterli, Richard and Bryner, Gary, "Public Virtue and the Roots of American Government", BYU Studies Quarterly, Vol. 27., No. 3, July 1987.
- Volk, Kyle G. Moral Minorities and the Making of American Democracy. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014.
- Wood, Gordon S. The Creation of the American Republic 1776–1787. 1969.
- Wood, Gordon S. The Radicalism of the American Revolution. 1993.
Xarici keçidlər

- Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry
- Emergence of the Roman Republic:
- by Plutarch, particularly:
Yunan Roma Müqayisə G L Numa Pompili D G L D G L Solon D G L P D G L D G L
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Respublikaciliq lat res publica res is publicus ictimai umumxalq ve ya cumhuriyyetcilik cumhuriyyet sozunden ereb جمهورية cumhuriyye cumhur ictimai musteqil ozunuidare anlayisi etrafinda formalasmis sadece coxlugun yox eyni zamanda azligin suverenliyini yeni vetendaslarin beraberhuquqlulugunu vurgulayan respublikaci konstitusiyali sistem ve respublikalarin esasini teskil eden ideologiya Ideologiyanin xususiyyetlerinden biri de referendumdur AzerbaycandaAzerbaycan Xalq Cumhuriyyetinin esasi cumhuriyyetcilik enenesi ile baglidir Azerbaycan Konstitusiyasinin Xalqin suverenliyi basliqli ikinci maddesinde qeyd olunub I Serbest ve musteqil oz muqedderatini hell etmek ve oz idareetme formasini mueyyen etmek Azerbaycan xalqinin suveren huququdur II Azerbaycan xalqi oz suveren huququnu bilavasite umumxalq sesvermesi referendum ve umumi beraber ve birbasa secki huququ esasinda serbest gizli ve sexsi sesverme yolu ile secilmis numayendeleri vasitesi ile heyata kecirir Respublikaci Alternativ Partiyasinin REAL resmi ideologiyasi cumhuriyyetcilikdir Istinadlar RESPUBLIKA obastan com az Obastan June 25 2020 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 22 iyun 2020 Hebibbeyli Isa Musteqil dovletciliyin derki ve tentenesi Azerbaycan az 8 5 fevral 2020 seh 1 2 May 27 2022 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 22 iyun 2020 Azerbaycan Respublikasi Prezidentinin Isler Idaresinin Prezident Kitabxanasi vasitesile redundant parameters AZERBAYCAN RESPUBLIKASININ KONSTITUSIYASI e qanun az az Azerbaycan Respublikasi Edliyye Nazirliyinin Qanunvericilik bas idaresi 26 sentyabr 2016 May 29 2020 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 22 iyun 2020 realpartiya org az Respublikaci Alternativ Partiyasi 5 fevral 2020 June 23 2020 tarixinde orijinalindan arxivlesdirilib Istifade tarixi 22 iyun 2020 Edebiyyat Umumi Becker Peter Jurgen Heideking and James A Henretta eds Republicanism and Liberalism in America and the German States 1750 1850 Cambridge University Press 2002 Everdell William R From State to Free State The Meaning of the word Republic from Jean Bodin to John Adams 7th International Society for Eighteenth Century Studies conference Budapest 7 31 87 VALLEY FORGE JOURNAL June 1991 http dhm pdp6 org archives wre republics html Pocock J G A The Machiavellian Moment 1975 a highly influential study Pocock J G A The Machiavellian Moment Revisited a Study in History and Ideology Journal of Modern History 1981 53 1 49 72 ISSN 0022 2801 Fulltext in Jstor Summary of Pocock s influential ideas that traces the Machiavellian belief in and emphasis upon Greco Roman ideals of unspecialized civic virtue and liberty from 15th century Florence through 17th century England and Scotland to 18th century America Pocock argues that thinkers who shared these ideals tended to believe that the function of property was to maintain an individual s independence as a precondition of his virtue Therefore they were disposed to attack the new commercial and financial regime that was beginning to develop Pettit Philip Republicanism A Theory of Freedom and Government Oxford U P 1997 ISBN 0 19 829083 7 Snyder R Claire Citizen Soldiers and Manly Warriors Military Service and Gender in the Civic Republican Tradition 1999 ISBN 978 0 8476 9444 0 online review Viroli Maurizio Republicanism 2002 New York Hill and Wang Avropa Berenson Edward et al eds The French Republic History Values Debates 2011 essays by 38 scholars from France Britain and US covering topics since the 1790s Bock Gisela Skinner Quentin and Viroli Maurizio ed Machiavelli and Republicanism Cambridge U Press 1990 316 pp Brugger Bill Republican Theory in Political Thought Virtuous or Virtual St Martin s Press 1999 Castiglione Dario Republicanism and its Legacy European Journal of Political Theory 2005 v 4 4 pp 453 65 online version The End of Kings A History of Republics and Republicans NY The Free Press 1983 2nd ed Chicago University of Chicago Press 2000 condensed at http dhm pdp6 org archives wre republics html Fink Zera The Classical Republicans An Essay in the Recovery of a Pattern of Thought in Seventeenth Century England Northwestern University Press 1962 Foote Geoffrey The Republican Transformation of Modern British Politics Palgrave Macmillan 2006 Martin van Gelderen amp eds Republicanism A Shared European Heritage v 1 Republicanism and Constitutionalism in Early Modern Europe vol 2 The Value of Republicanism in Early Modern Europe Cambridge U P 2002 Haakonssen Knud Republicanism A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy Robert E Goodin and Philip Pettit eds Blackwell 1995 Kramnick Isaac Republicanism and Bourgeois Radicalism Political Ideology in Late Eighteenth Century England and America Cornell University Press 1990 Mark McKenna The Traditions of Australian Republicanism 1996 Maynor John W Republicanism in the Modern World Cambridge Polity 2003 Moggach Douglas Republican Rigorism and Emancipation in Bruno Bauer The New Hegelians edited by Cambridge University Press 2006 Looks at German Republicanism with contrasts and criticisms of Quentin Skinner and Philip Pettit Robbins Caroline The Eighteenth Century Commonwealthman Studies in the Transmission Development and Circumstance of English Liberal Thought from the Restoration of Charles II until the War with the Thirteen Colonies 1959 2004 table of contents online ABS Appleby Joyce Liberalism and Republicanism in the Historical Imagination 1992 Bailyn Bernard The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution Harvard University Press 1967 Banning Lance The Jeffersonian Persuasion Evolution of a Party Ideology 1980 Colbourn Trevor The Lamp of Experience Whig History and the Intellectual Origins of the American Revolution 1965 online version Everdell William R The End of Kings A History of Republics and Republicans NY The Free Press 1983 2nd ed Chicago University of Chicago Press 2000 Kerber Linda K Intellectual History of Women Essays by Linda K Kerber 1997 Kerber Linda K Women of the Republic Intellect and Ideology in Revolutionary America 1997 Klein Milton et al eds The Republican Synthesis Revisited Essays in Honor of George A Billias 1992 Kloopenberg James T The Virtues of Liberalism 1998 Norton Mary Beth Liberty s Daughters The Revolutionary Experience of American Women 1750 1800 1996 Greene Jack and J R Pole eds Companion to the American Revolution 2004 many articles look at republicanism esp Shalhope Robert E Republicanism pp 668 73 Rodgers Daniel T Republicanism the Career of a Concept Journal of American History 1992 in JSTOR Shalhope Robert E Toward a Republican Synthesis The Emergence of an Understanding of Republicanism in American Historiography William and Mary Quarterly 29 Jan 1972 49 80 in JSTOR an influential article Shalhope Robert E Republicanism and Early American Historiography William and Mary Quarterly 39 Apr 1982 334 56 in JSTOR Vetterli Richard and Bryner Gary Public Virtue and the Roots of American Government BYU Studies Quarterly Vol 27 No 3 July 1987 Volk Kyle G Moral Minorities and the Making of American Democracy New York Oxford University Press 2014 Wood Gordon S The Creation of the American Republic 1776 1787 1969 Wood Gordon S The Radicalism of the American Revolution 1993 Xarici kecidlerVikianbarda Respublikaciliq ile elaqeli mediafayllar var Liberalizm portaliStanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry Emergence of the Roman Republic by Plutarch particularly From the translation in 4 volumes available at Plutarch s Lives Volume I of 4 More particularly following Lives and Comparisons D is Dryden translation G is Gutenberg P is L is Yunan Roma MuqayiseG L Numa Pompili D G L D G LSolon D G L P D G L D G L dd dd