Qurbanvermə və ya qurbankəsmə — və ya olaraq bir ilaha maddi varlıqların, heyvanların və ya insanların canlarının təqdim edilməsi. Ritual haqqında dəlillər ən azı qədim ibranilər və yunanlardan bəri müşahidə edilmişdir. Güman edilir ki, bu, onlardan da ondan əvvəl də mövcud olmuşdur. Ritual insan qurbanları haqqında dəlillər, həmçinin Avropa sivilizasiyalarında olduğu kimi, ən azı Kolumbdan əvvəlki Mezoamerikan sivilizasiyalarında da mövcud idi. İndiki dövrdə bir çox dinlər tərəfindən subyektin insan olmadığı müxtəlif ritual qurbanlar tətbiq olunur.

Qurbanvermə, xüsusən də qan qurbanı demək olar ki, bütün dünyada sırf kişi ayinidir və kişiləri bir-birinə bağlamağa xidmət edir: "bu, doğuşun "təbii" qan tökülməsindən yuxarı və kənara çıxan qohumluq əlaqələri yaradır". Digər məqamlar arasında qurbanlıq qan və məhsuldarlıqla bağlı qan var.
- "Bildilçin - Azərbaycan Dilinin Lüğətləri". Bildilçin. 2024-03-21 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: 2024-04-17.
- "Sacrifice Definition & Meaning". Dictionary.com. 16 August 2019 tarixində . İstifadə tarixi: 2022-05-13.
- Cowdell; Fleming, Chris; Hodge, Joel, redaktorlar Violence, Desire, and the Sacred. 2: René Girard and Sacrifice in Life, Love and Literature. Bloomsbury Publishing. 2014. ISBN . İstifadə tarixi: 2016-06-01.
- Dresen, 1993
- Jay, 1992
- Korte, Anne-Marie. Bekkenkamp, Jonneke; de Haardt, Maaike (redaktorlar ). Significance Obscured: Rachel's Theft of the Teraphim Divinity and Corporeality in Gen.31 32 [Translation: Mischa F.C. Hoyinck]. Leuven: Peeters. 1998. 157–182. Korte summarizes Jay at length and refers to Dresden.
Əlavə ədəbiyyat
- Dresen, Grietje. "Heilig bloed, ontheiligend bloed: Over het ritueel van de kerkgang en het offer in de katholieke traditie". Tijdschrift voor Vrouwenstudies. 14. 1993: 25–41.
- Aldrete, Gregory S. (2014). "Hammers, Axes, Bulls, and Blood: Some Practical Aspects of Roman Animal Sacrifice." Journal of Roman Studies 104:28–50.
- Bataille, Georges. (1989). Theory of Religion. New York: Zone Books.
- Bloch, Maurice. (1992). Prey into Hunter: The Politics of Religious Experience. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Univ. Press.
- Bubbio, Paolo Diego. (2014). Sacrifice in the Post-Kantian Tradition: Perspectivism, Intersubjectivity, and Recognition. SUNY Press.
- Burkert, Walter. (1983). Homo Necans: The Anthropology of Ancient Greek Sacrificial Ritual and Myth. Translated by P. Bing. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press.
- Burkert, Walter, Marcel Sigrist, Harco Willems, et al. (2007). "Sacrifice, Offerings, and Votives." In Religions of the Ancient World: A Guide. Edited by S. I. Johnston, 325–349. Cambridge, MA: Belknap.
- Carter, Jeffrey. (2003). Understanding Religious Sacrifice: A Reader. London: Continuum.
- Davies, Nigel. (1981). Human Sacrifice: In History and Today. London: Macmillan.
- Faraone, Christopher A., and F. S. Naiden, eds. (2012). Greek and Roman Animal Sacrifice: Ancient Victims, Modern Observers. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Univ. Press.
- Feeney, Denis. (2004). "Interpreting Sacrificial Ritual in Roman Poetry: Disciplines and their Models." In Rituals in Ink: A Conference on Religion and Literary Production in Ancient Rome Held at Stanford University in February 2002. Edited by Alessandro Barchiesi, Jörg Rüpke, and Susan Stephens, 1–21. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner.
- Heinsohn, Gunnar. (1992). "The Rise of Blood Sacrifice and Priest-Kingship in Mesopotamia: A 'cosmic decree'?" Religion 22 (2): 109.
- Hubert, Henri, and Marcel Mauss. (1964). Sacrifice: Its Nature and Function. Translated by W. Hall. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press.
- Jay, Nancy. (1992). Throughout All Your Generations Forever: Sacrifice, Religion, and Paternity. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press.
- Jensen, Adolf E. (1963). Myth and Cult Among Primitive Peoples. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press.
- Kunst, Jennifer W., and Zsuzsanna Várhelyi, eds. (2011). Ancient Mediterranean Sacrifice. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press.
- McClymond, Kathryn. (2008). Beyond Sacred Violence: A Comparative Study of Sacrifice. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Univ. Press.
- Mylonopoulos, Joannis. (2013). "Gory Details? The Iconography of Human Sacrifice in Greek Art." In Sacrifices humains. Perspectives croissées et répresentations. Edited by Pierre Bonnechere and Gagné Renaud, 61–85. Liège, Belgium: Presses universitaires de Liège.
- Watson, Simon R. "God in Creation: A Consideration of Natural Selection as the Sacrificial Means of a Free Creation". Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses. 48 (2). 2019: 216–236. doi:10.1177/0008429819830356.
Xarici keçidlər

- "In India, Case Links Mysticism, Murder" by John Lancaster
- Ancient texts on sacrifice Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database
- Sacrifice definition from the Bible Dictionary
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Qurban bura istiqametlendirir Diger istifade formalari ucun Qurban deqiqlesdirme sehifesine baxin Qurbanliq bura istiqametlendirilir Islamda qurban ve ya Qurban bayrami sehifelerini axtarir ola bilersiniz Qurbanverme ve ya qurbankesme ve ya olaraq bir ilaha maddi varliqlarin heyvanlarin ve ya insanlarin canlarinin teqdim edilmesi Ritual haqqinda deliller en azi qedim ibraniler ve yunanlardan beri musahide edilmisdir Guman edilir ki bu onlardan da ondan evvel de movcud olmusdur Ritual insan qurbanlari haqqinda deliller hemcinin Avropa sivilizasiyalarinda oldugu kimi en azi Kolumbdan evvelki Mezoamerikan sivilizasiyalarinda da movcud idi Indiki dovrde bir cox dinler terefinden subyektin insan olmadigi muxtelif ritual qurbanlar tetbiq olunur Mark Avreli ve imperator ailesinin uzvleri german tayfalarina qarsi ugurlarina gore minnetdarliq ucun qurban verirler Qurbanverme xususen de qan qurbani demek olar ki butun dunyada sirf kisi ayinidir ve kisileri bir birine baglamaga xidmet edir bu dogusun tebii qan tokulmesinden yuxari ve kenara cixan qohumluq elaqeleri yaradir Diger meqamlar arasinda qurbanliq qan ve mehsuldarliqla bagli qan var MenbeIstinadlar Bildilcin Azerbaycan Dilinin Lugetleri Bildilcin 2024 03 21 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2024 04 17 Sacrifice Definition amp Meaning Dictionary com 16 August 2019 tarixinde Istifade tarixi 2022 05 13 Cowdell Fleming Chris Hodge Joel redaktorlar Violence Desire and the Sacred 2 Rene Girard and Sacrifice in Life Love and Literature Bloomsbury Publishing 2014 ISBN 9781623562557 Istifade tarixi 2016 06 01 Dresen 1993 Jay 1992 Edebiyyat Korte Anne Marie Bekkenkamp Jonneke de Haardt Maaike redaktorlar Significance Obscured Rachel s Theft of the Teraphim Divinity and Corporeality in Gen 31 32 Translation Mischa F C Hoyinck Leuven Peeters 1998 157 182 Korte summarizes Jay at length and refers to Dresden Elave edebiyyatDresen Grietje Heilig bloed ontheiligend bloed Over het ritueel van de kerkgang en het offer in de katholieke traditie Tijdschrift voor Vrouwenstudies 14 1993 25 41 Aldrete Gregory S 2014 Hammers Axes Bulls and Blood Some Practical Aspects of Roman Animal Sacrifice Journal of Roman Studies 104 28 50 Bataille Georges 1989 Theory of Religion New York Zone Books Bloch Maurice 1992 Prey into Hunter The Politics of Religious Experience Cambridge UK Cambridge Univ Press Bubbio Paolo Diego 2014 Sacrifice in the Post Kantian Tradition Perspectivism Intersubjectivity and Recognition SUNY Press Burkert Walter 1983 Homo Necans The Anthropology of Ancient Greek Sacrificial Ritual and Myth Translated by P Bing Berkeley Univ of California Press Burkert Walter Marcel Sigrist Harco Willems et al 2007 Sacrifice Offerings and Votives In Religions of the Ancient World A Guide Edited by S I Johnston 325 349 Cambridge MA Belknap Carter Jeffrey 2003 Understanding Religious Sacrifice A Reader London Continuum Davies Nigel 1981 Human Sacrifice In History and Today London Macmillan Faraone Christopher A and F S Naiden eds 2012 Greek and Roman Animal Sacrifice Ancient Victims Modern Observers Cambridge UK Cambridge Univ Press Feeney Denis 2004 Interpreting Sacrificial Ritual in Roman Poetry Disciplines and their Models In Rituals in Ink A Conference on Religion and Literary Production in Ancient Rome Held at Stanford University in February 2002 Edited by Alessandro Barchiesi Jorg Rupke and Susan Stephens 1 21 Stuttgart Franz Steiner Heinsohn Gunnar 1992 The Rise of Blood Sacrifice and Priest Kingship in Mesopotamia A cosmic decree Religion 22 2 109 Hubert Henri and Marcel Mauss 1964 Sacrifice Its Nature and Function Translated by W Hall Chicago Univ of Chicago Press Jay Nancy 1992 Throughout All Your Generations Forever Sacrifice Religion and Paternity Chicago Univ of Chicago Press Jensen Adolf E 1963 Myth and Cult Among Primitive Peoples Chicago Univ of Chicago Press Kunst Jennifer W and Zsuzsanna Varhelyi eds 2011 Ancient Mediterranean Sacrifice Oxford Oxford Univ Press McClymond Kathryn 2008 Beyond Sacred Violence A Comparative Study of Sacrifice Baltimore Johns Hopkins Univ Press Mylonopoulos Joannis 2013 Gory Details The Iconography of Human Sacrifice in Greek Art In Sacrifices humains Perspectives croissees et representations Edited by Pierre Bonnechere and Gagne Renaud 61 85 Liege Belgium Presses universitaires de Liege Watson Simon R God in Creation A Consideration of Natural Selection as the Sacrificial Means of a Free Creation Studies in Religion Sciences Religieuses 48 2 2019 216 236 doi 10 1177 0008429819830356 Xarici kecidlerVikianbarda Qurbanverme ile elaqeli mediafayllar var In India Case Links Mysticism Murder by John Lancaster Ancient texts on sacrifice Tiresias The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database Sacrifice definition from the Bible Dictionary