Gilbert Ryle (1900-1976) müasir İngilis filosofudur. Dil fəlsəfəsi ənənəsi içində iştirak etməklə birlikdə, Aristoteldən təsirlənib, Edmund Husserl və Meinong ilə də maraqlanan Ryleinn ən əhəmiyyətli iki kitabı Zehin Anlayışı və Qərarsızlıqdır.
Gilbert Ryle | |
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Doğum tarixi | 19 avqust 1900[…] |
Doğum yeri |
Vəfat tarixi | 6 oktyabr 1976[…](76 yaşında) |
Vəfat yeri |
Vətəndaşlığı | |
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- 1949, The Concept of Mind, London: Hutchinson. (Zihin Kavramı)
- 1954, Dilemmas, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (İkilemler)
- 1966, Plato's Progress, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Platon'un Gelişimi)
- 1971a, Collected Papers, vol. 1, London: Hutchinson. (Toplu Eserler 1)
- 1971b, Collected Papers, volume 2, London: Hutchinson. (Toplu Eserler 2)
- 1979, On Thinking, ed. K. Kolenda, Oxford: Blackwell. (Düşünme Üzerine)
- 1993, Aspects of Mind, ed. R. Meyer, Oxford: Blackwell. (Zihnin Görünümleri)
- 1929, “Negation”, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, suppl. vol. IX, reprinted in Collected Papers, vol. 2, 1-11.
- 1930, “Are There Propositions”, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, XXX, reprinted in Collected Papers, vol. 2, 12-38.
- 1932, “Systematically Misleading Expressions”, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, vol. XXXII, reprinted in Collected Papers, vol. 2, 39-62.
- 1933a, “Imaginary Objects”, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, suppl. vol. XII, reprinted in Collected Papers, vol. 2, 63-81.
- 1933b, “About”, Analysis, reprinted in Collected Papers, vol. 2, 82-84.
- 1936, “Unverifiability-By-Me”, Analysis, IV, reprinted in Collected Papers, vol. 2, 121-130.
- 1945, “Philosophical Arguments”, Inaugural Lecture as Waynflete Professor of Metaphysical Philosophy, reprinted in Collected Papers, vol. 2, 194-211.
- 1946a, “Knowing How and Knowing That”, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, XLVI. reprinted in Collected Papers, vol. 2, 212-225.
- 1946b, “Why are the Calculuses of Logic and Arithmetic Applicable to Reality?” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, suppl. XX, reprinted in Collected Papers, vol. 2, 226-233.
- 1949, “Discussion of Rudolf Carnap: ‘Meaning and Necessity’”, Philosophy, vol. XXIV, reprinted in Collected Papers, vol. 1, 225-235.
- 1950, “‘If’, ‘So’, and ‘Because’”, in Philosophical Analysis, ed. M. Black, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, reprinted in Collected Papers, vol. 2, 234-249.
- 1951a, “The Verification Principle”, Revue Internationale de Philosophie, V, English translation in Collected Papers, vol. 2, 287-293.
- 1951b, “Thinking and Language”, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, suppl. XXV, reprinted in Collected Papers, vol. 2, 258-271.
- 1953, “Ordinary Language”, Philosophical Review, LXII, reprinted in Collected Papers, vol. 2, 301-318.
- 1957, “Theory of Meaning”, in British Philosophy in Mid-Century, ed. C.A. Mace, London: George Allen & Unwin, reprinted in Collected Papers, vol. 2, 350-372.
- 1962a, “Abstractions”, Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review, 1, reprinted in Collected Papers, vol. 2, 435-445.
- 1962b, “Phenomenology versus ‘The Concept of Mind’”, La Philosophie Analytique, Cahiers de Royaumont Philosophie, IV, English translation in Collected Papers, vol. 1, 179-196.
- 1968, “The Thinking of Thoughts: What is ‘Le Penseur’ Doing?”, University Lectures, The University of Saskatchewan, reprinted in Collected Papers, vol. 2, 480-496.
- 1970, “Autobiographical”, eds. Wood and Pitcher, in Ryle, 1-15.
- 1979a, “Adverbial Verbs and Verbs of Thinking”, in On Thinking, 17-32.
- 1979b, “Thinking and Saying”, in On Thinking, 79-93.
- 1979c, “Negative ‘Actions’”, in On Thinking, 105-119.
- 1993a, “Privacy”, in Aspects of Mind, 184-214.
- 1993b, “Avowals and Communication”, in Aspects of Mind, 215-218.
- Bibliothèque nationale de France BnF identifikatoru (fr.): açıq məlumat platforması. 2011.
- Gilbert Ryle // Encyclopædia Britannica (ing.).
- Deutsche Nationalbibliothek Record #118793845 // Ümumi tənzimləmə nəzarəti (GND) (alm.). 2012—2016.
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Gilbert Ryle 1900 1976 muasir Ingilis filosofudur Dil felsefesi enenesi icinde istirak etmekle birlikde Aristotelden tesirlenib Edmund Husserl ve Meinong ile de maraqlanan Ryleinn en ehemiyyetli iki kitabi Zehin Anlayisi ve Qerarsizliqdir Gilbert RyleDogum tarixi 19 avqust 1900 1900 08 19 Dogum yeri Brayton Brayton ve Houv d Serqi Susseks qrafligi d Birlesmis KralliqVefat tarixi 6 oktyabr 1976 1976 10 06 76 yasinda Vefat yeri Oksford Oksford d Oksfordsir d Ingiltere Birlesmis KralliqVetendasligi Birlesmis Kralliq Vikianbarda elaqeli mediafayllarEserleriKitablari 1949 The Concept of Mind London Hutchinson Zihin Kavrami 1954 Dilemmas Cambridge Cambridge University Press Ikilemler 1966 Plato s Progress Cambridge Cambridge University Press Platon un Gelisimi 1971a Collected Papers vol 1 London Hutchinson Toplu Eserler 1 1971b Collected Papers volume 2 London Hutchinson Toplu Eserler 2 1979 On Thinking ed K Kolenda Oxford Blackwell Dusunme Uzerine 1993 Aspects of Mind ed R Meyer Oxford Blackwell Zihnin Gorunumleri Meqaleleri 1929 Negation Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society suppl vol IX reprinted in Collected Papers vol 2 1 11 1930 Are There Propositions Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society XXX reprinted in Collected Papers vol 2 12 38 1932 Systematically Misleading Expressions Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society vol XXXII reprinted in Collected Papers vol 2 39 62 1933a Imaginary Objects Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society suppl vol XII reprinted in Collected Papers vol 2 63 81 1933b About Analysis reprinted in Collected Papers vol 2 82 84 1936 Unverifiability By Me Analysis IV reprinted in Collected Papers vol 2 121 130 1945 Philosophical Arguments Inaugural Lecture as Waynflete Professor of Metaphysical Philosophy reprinted in Collected Papers vol 2 194 211 1946a Knowing How and Knowing That Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society XLVI reprinted in Collected Papers vol 2 212 225 1946b Why are the Calculuses of Logic and Arithmetic Applicable to Reality Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society suppl XX reprinted in Collected Papers vol 2 226 233 1949 Discussion of Rudolf Carnap Meaning and Necessity Philosophy vol XXIV reprinted in Collected Papers vol 1 225 235 1950 If So and Because in Philosophical Analysis ed M Black Ithaca Cornell University Press reprinted in Collected Papers vol 2 234 249 1951a The Verification Principle Revue Internationale de Philosophie V English translation in Collected Papers vol 2 287 293 1951b Thinking and Language Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society suppl XXV reprinted in Collected Papers vol 2 258 271 1953 Ordinary Language Philosophical Review LXII reprinted in Collected Papers vol 2 301 318 1957 Theory of Meaning in British Philosophy in Mid Century ed C A Mace London George Allen amp Unwin reprinted in Collected Papers vol 2 350 372 1962a Abstractions Dialogue Canadian Philosophical Review 1 reprinted in Collected Papers vol 2 435 445 1962b Phenomenology versus The Concept of Mind La Philosophie Analytique Cahiers de Royaumont Philosophie IV English translation in Collected Papers vol 1 179 196 1968 The Thinking of Thoughts What is Le Penseur Doing University Lectures The University of Saskatchewan reprinted in Collected Papers vol 2 480 496 1970 Autobiographical eds Wood and Pitcher in Ryle 1 15 1979a Adverbial Verbs and Verbs of Thinking in On Thinking 17 32 1979b Thinking and Saying in On Thinking 79 93 1979c Negative Actions in On Thinking 105 119 1993a Privacy in Aspects of Mind 184 214 1993b Avowals and Communication in Aspects of Mind 215 218 IstinadlarBibliotheque nationale de France BnF identifikatoru fr aciq melumat platformasi 2011 Gilbert Ryle Encyclopaedia Britannica ing Deutsche Nationalbibliothek Record 118793845 Umumi tenzimleme nezareti GND alm 2012 2016