Pre-eyakulyasiya və ya digər adı ilə boşalma öncəsi maye (həmçinin eyakulyasiya mayesi, pre-seminal maye və ya Cowper mayesi kimi də tanınır) — cinsi oyanma zamanı penisin uretrasından çıxan şəffaf, rəngsiz, yapışqanlı maye. Buna xalq arasında həzz suyu, zövq suyu, ləzzət suyu da deyirlər. Tərkibinə görə spermaya oxşayır, lakin fərqli kimyəvi tərkibə malikdir. Pre-eyakulyasiya mayesindəki spermanın varlığı az, yaxud da heç yox dərəcəsindədir. Əvvəlcədən boşalma yağlayıcı maddə və yaxud turşu neytrallaşdırıcısı funksiyasında çıxış edir.
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- Chughtai B, Sawas A, O'Malley RL, Naik RR, Ali Khan S, Pentyala S. "A neglected gland: a review of Cowper's gland". Int. J. Androl. 28 (2). April 2005: 74–7. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2605.2005.00499.x. PMID 15811067.
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- Zukerman Z.; Weiss D.B.; Orvieto R. "Short Communication: Does Preejaculatory Penile Secretion Originating from Cowper's Gland Contain Sperm?". Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics. 20 (4). April 2003: 157–159. doi:10.1023/A:1022933320700. PMC 3455634. PMID 12762415.
- "Researchers find no sperm in pre-ejaculate fluid". Contraceptive Technology Update. 14 (10): 154–156. October 1993. PMID 12286905.
- Masters, W.H. Johnson, V.E. Boston, MA: Little, Brown and Company. 1966. səh. 211.
- Killick SR, Leary C, Trussell J, Guthrie KA. "Sperm content of pre-ejaculatory fluid". Human Fertility. 14 (1). 2011: 48–52. doi:10.3109/14647273.2010.520798. PMC 3564677. PMID 21155689.
- Kovavisarach, E.; Lorthanawanich, S.; Muangsamran, P. "Presence of Sperm in Pre-Ejaculatory Fluid of Healthy Males". J Med Assoc Thai. 99 Suppl 2. 2016: S38–41. ISSN 0125-2208. PMID 27266214.
- Gohara WF. "Rate of decrease of glutamyltransferase and acid phosphatase activities in the human vagina after coitus". Clinical Chemistry. 26 (2). 1 February 1980: 254–7. doi:10.1093/clinchem/26.2.254. PMID 6101549.
- Pudney, J., Oneta, M., Mayer, K., Seage, G., Anderson, D. "Pre-ejaculatory fluid as potential vector for sexual transmission of HIV-1". Lancet. 340 (8833). 1992: 1470. doi:10.1016/0140-6736(92)92659-4. PMID 1360584.
- Ilaria, G., Jacobs, J.L., Polsky, B. və b. "Detection of HIV-1 DNA sequences in pre-ejaculatory fluid". Lancet. 340 (8833). 1992: 1469. doi:10.1016/0140-6736(92)92658-3. PMID 1360583.
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Pre eyakulyasiya ve ya diger adi ile bosalma oncesi maye hemcinin eyakulyasiya mayesi pre seminal maye ve ya Cowper mayesi kimi de taninir cinsi oyanma zamani penisin uretrasindan cixan seffaf rengsiz yapisqanli maye Buna xalq arasinda hezz suyu zovq suyu lezzet suyu da deyirler Terkibine gore spermaya oxsayir lakin ferqli kimyevi terkibe malikdir Pre eyakulyasiya mayesindeki spermanin varligi az yaxud da hec yox derecesindedir Evvelceden bosalma yaglayici madde ve yaxud tursu neytrallasdiricisi funksiyasinda cixis edir Preeyakulyasiya Vikianbarda elaqeli mediafayllarIstinadlarChudnovsky A Niederberger C S Copious Pre Ejaculation Small Glands Major Headaches Journal of Andrology 28 3 2007 374 5 doi 10 2164 jandrol 107 002576 PMID 17251594 Chughtai B Sawas A O Malley RL Naik RR Ali Khan S Pentyala S A neglected gland a review of Cowper s gland Int J Androl 28 2 April 2005 74 7 doi 10 1111 j 1365 2605 2005 00499 x PMID 15811067 Vazquez E Is it safe to suck Posit Aware 8 4 1997 15 PMID 11364482 Zukerman Z Weiss D B Orvieto R Short Communication Does Preejaculatory Penile Secretion Originating from Cowper s Gland Contain Sperm Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics 20 4 April 2003 157 159 doi 10 1023 A 1022933320700 PMC 3455634 PMID 12762415 Researchers find no sperm in pre ejaculate fluid Contraceptive Technology Update 14 10 154 156 October 1993 PMID 12286905 Masters W H Johnson V E Boston MA Little Brown and Company 1966 seh 211 Killick SR Leary C Trussell J Guthrie KA Sperm content of pre ejaculatory fluid Human Fertility 14 1 2011 48 52 doi 10 3109 14647273 2010 520798 PMC 3564677 PMID 21155689 Kovavisarach E Lorthanawanich S Muangsamran P Presence of Sperm in Pre Ejaculatory Fluid of Healthy Males J Med Assoc Thai 99 Suppl 2 2016 S38 41 ISSN 0125 2208 PMID 27266214 Gohara WF Rate of decrease of glutamyltransferase and acid phosphatase activities in the human vagina after coitus Clinical Chemistry 26 2 1 February 1980 254 7 doi 10 1093 clinchem 26 2 254 PMID 6101549 Pudney J Oneta M Mayer K Seage G Anderson D Pre ejaculatory fluid as potential vector for sexual transmission of HIV 1 Lancet 340 8833 1992 1470 doi 10 1016 0140 6736 92 92659 4 PMID 1360584 Ilaria G Jacobs J L Polsky B ve b Detection of HIV 1 DNA sequences in pre ejaculatory fluid Lancet 340 8833 1992 1469 doi 10 1016 0140 6736 92 92658 3 PMID 1360583